Let it Go!
Breakups can often leave us with heavy, painful feelings, and with a desire to change in order to move forward after the end of the relationship. Moving forward involves identifying the painful emotions or thoughts and labeling what we prefer to feel or think. In this exercise, try to list 2-3 feelings or thoughts that you can change or let go of in your personal life, then try to list 2-3 feelings or thoughts that you would want to have instead.
Sample Response:
1. I want to let go of the hurt, resentment and sadness that I currently feel from my recent breakup
2. I want to experience peace, happiness and self-love.
i want to let go of the pain, the feeling of worthlessness and I want to let go of the past.
i just want to find happiness and be loved the way that i love.
I want to let go of the pain, the feeling of worthlessness and the past.
I just want to find peace and be loved the way that I love.
I want to let go of pain
Feeling of being unworth
1. I want to let go of the hurtful feelings and pain of separation.
2. I would like to work on myself and take care of myself in the process of healing.
1) I want to let go of the hurt, of feelings of unworthiness
2) I want to experience freedom and detachment. I want to break free from the need to be with someone at all costs
I want to love myself first instead of searching for love from others
I want to find my true self and happiness
I want to live without regret
- I want to let go of guilt and walking on eggshells.
- I want to gain confidence and security in myself and find a partner who understands me.
I want to let go of the need to have a closure, and move on with the life accepting the truth.
I want to let go of loving people unconditionally, in order to treat myself the respect that I deserve.
I want to let go of the feeling of guilt that I could have behaved differently, and accepting that I had made the best decisions given the knowledge and resources I had that time.
I want to let go of any grudges or hatred I have for the person or the relationship, and want to embrace the moments that we had shared together that has made my life more beautiful at some point of time, and carry forward the same love & tenderness in future :)
I want to let go of my need for more answers, the belief that things can be fixed given enough time, and the sadness I feel when I think about them.
I want to feel peace, self-love, and joy.
i want to let go of ruminating about my ex, of the need for my ex’s appreciation and the need to help him
i want to be grateful for everything we shared together, accept that it’s over, move on and open up for other positive things