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What Valentine's Day means to me now

AbbyHarris1976 February 14th, 2020

First off, I would like to wish everyone a ...

heartheartHAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! heartheart

This is for everyone here at 7 Cups, whether they are single, married, in a relationship, not in that kind of relationship, etc. The thing is, in my life now, this IS what my Valentine's Day is about ... doing what I can to spread some love and good cheer for everyone reading this, because for one thing ... I dunno about you, but it's cold here and it was a busy (and frustrating) workday and I'm just glad to have the weekend off! laugh

So for me, maybe Valentine's Day is about counting and being thankful for my blessings, and the friends that I have. blush

Furthermore, it's about respect ... respecting others AND respecting yourself. yes It's very difficult to find someone who will love you, the way you need to be loved, truly - unless you respect yourself as well. heart

I'm going to tag a few others to get this started smiley @Daisy7cups @LavenderSubmarine

Anyone else who wants to reply can so so, also! smiley

Image result for cappuccino heart image

gahnsuksah February 15th, 2020

To married listeners: Better not forget it!

Goldcherry2113 February 15th, 2020

To me it's just another day, But I do like seeing the decor and such. Seeing people happy and in love!

AveryLove February 15th, 2020

@AbbyHarris1976 love this post! (im late though)

to me valentines day is basically a day where you share love, and to me it doesnt matter if you share love with your family, friends, strangers, pet whatever. i was involved in a valentines day project in my school yesterday where others could buy a rose for their crush or friend and i shared them anonymously with the chosen one and it was so sweet to see how happy they were to recieve a flower. Afterwards, i volunteered for spending some time with kids in my school whose parents are working and therefore can not go home until evening and spread some love there!

parisayano February 15th, 2020


Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

For me valentine's passes by like every other day, we don't really celebrate it. But this year has been different, valentine's day sent shocked waves to me because I know it's a day about love but it wasn't like that. It's something that left me and my family in fear. I'm very unfortunate for that to happened but no one didn't know, no one could know. But I look forward to hearing other's lovely stories about their day

Daisy7cups February 15th, 2020


Initially wishing you a very happy Valentine's Day 💞🤗.

Thank you for the thoughtful post and for tagging me as well. I loved what you wrote about Valentine's Day and that holds true for me as well. Yesterday was initially a normal day for me, but I tried to help others if they needed help and I wished and greeted some people as well.

today I was travelling back home and then in the station I helped one old lady to fill the forms as she was unable to read the small fonts in the forms. And thus, I just tried to help her and she smiled and thanked me as well, that just made me feel so happy and good 😀. So for me Valentine's Day is a day to spend with our loved ones, and to wish our beloved people, it need not be only contained within the romantic feelings, but can be wished to our friends. And so Valentine's Day for me is like a day among the other days of a year, when I try to express my love, gratitude and care for others 😀, as that is the best way to spread love, happiness and belongingness.

Thanks for being awesome friend of mine, coffee lovers united through 7cups. Sharing ☕ with you, have a great day ahead, hugs

tluper6491 February 15th, 2020

It's an annual reminder that I'm an unlovable failure who will be alone forever.

LexIris February 16th, 2020


No, you're not. Honestly, I thought the same thing for many years but, as cliché as this might sound, love will come when you literally expect it the least. Like it'll be the last thing on your mind and it'll just pop outta nowhere like a jack in the box! But seriously though, you aren't an unlovable failure. You're the most lovable person ever. If you need a daily reminder of that, I'll gladly do so :D

Jaeteuk February 15th, 2020

Valentine's Day, is just like any other day to me. I used to like seeing other couples celebrate it, giving each other surprises, sharing the love and hugging each other. For the past 6 years, this special day, it has made me more depressed and frustrated to see happy couples together while I'm single. Sure, I'm happy for them, but I'm sad to see them happy~

LexIris February 16th, 2020


For me, Valentine's Day is like any other day. It's only extra special if you have a special someone because you have an excuse to shower them with a lot of love! :D

I believe love shouldn't only be shown a lot in one day. So I don't really like the spirit of Valentine's but I'm not complaining because all that candy and chocolate is gonna be on sale the next day so that's something I look towards :D

hrichardson8 February 21st, 2020

For my wife and me, Valentine's Day is just another day. We decided a long time ago that we would rather treat each other in ways that demonstrate our love for each other every day rather than just one day per year -- demeaning the other 364.25 days.

A local haunted attraction stages a "My Bloody Valentine" event during the week of, and Hooters promotes their "Shred Your Ex" deal on the day. So for Valentine's Day last year, instead of exchanging flowers and chocolates and a ridiculously expensive dinner bill, we ate hot wings, drank some beer, and asked some strangers to scare the ever-loving shit out of us. Unfortunately this year, we couldn't afford to do the same thing again, but personally we enjoyed this experience and plan to make it happen as often as we can.

lifeisbeautiful37 January 27th, 2021

My parents always gave each other and me cards and candy on Valentine’s Day and sometimes my dad would give my mom (inexpensive but nice) jewelry or flowers. Simple gestures:) So I have my husband cards the first few years but then stopped because I would find them in random places. He didn’t save them or treasure them. He just doesn’t appreciate cards really so I stopped doing that. I don’t really remember what we’ve done over the last 15 1/2 years—nothing that sticks out. Nice dinner at home, or go to a restaurant the week of Valentine’s Day, go to a movie, go to our church’s temple. That’s about it. Nothing stands out.