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New to the Relationship Stress Community? Introduce yourself here!! ❤️

ASilentObserver August 1st, 2018

Greetings from the Relationship Stress Community!!

Are you new to the Relationship Stress Community? Tell us some things about yourself and get to know others that joined the community this month!
Question prompts:

What brings you to the Relationship Stress community?

What is one thing you love most about yourself (or, perhaps, your loved ones)?

Benefits of being a member of the Relationship Stress Community:

Give and receive support from others who are in relationships.

Share your relationship journey (memories, struggles, challenges) in relevant topics comfortably.

Participate in community activities and events (eg. Check-ins, Icebreakers, Forum Discussions)

Plus, members who participate regularly could become part of the Relationship Stress team, as well!

Here are some quick links for you to check out:

our taglist! Join in to get updates on discussions and events.

check out this post for updates on weekly discussions!

check out our newest check-in here!

check this post with more information on how to navigate the community.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact KatePersephone (teens and adults) or reply on this thread!

Do not be a lurker! Join us and introduce yourself here!!

tagging our newest subcribers: @determinedDrum4627Ayu @modestWriter18 @pretendflyer @Danyaabbasi @hardworkingPond3054 @SageTurtle @Promivala614 @softTree9053 @CafeGirl42 @problematiclife27 @orangeCup3761 @BrazenBrunette @christylucia96 @SerenNova @rationalApple816 @KiyKiy16 @navyLemon4199 @HurrMan @imaginativeJet6179 @lilacperfume124 @Planticorn7 @FindingMyVoice2 @LostInGame @Bibbbbu

[a brown and white bear dancing together while holding hands]

Are you new to the Relationship Stress community? Introduce yourself here!

Do you want to be the first to get updates on discussions and events? Consider joining the taglist!

Do you want to be updated on the weekly discussions in the Relationship Support Room? Subscribe to this thread!

Do you want to help out in the Relationship Stress Community? Consider becoming a forum supporter or a room supporter!

Edited by KatePersephone on 30.09.24

MithLycos November 20th, 2020

Hey. I'm MithLycos.

I joined this group because I need help trying to keep my relationship alive while I'm trying to rebuild my life essentially from scratch. I just wanted some support.

I was manipulated for a large majority of my life by my family to the point where I stopped forming my own opinions because I believed that they didn't matter. Now that I'm trying to be an independant adult, I don't know where to start. I know I CAN be the person I want to be. I know that that person is the one my boyfriend fell in love with. But trying to stay on the right track without falling back into doing defensive meneuvers that have been branded into my head is hard. And it's not fair to him to wait for me to be the woman he fell in love with, without all the mental damage/baggage.

Jeanpoole507 November 20th, 2020


Hi, I can relate to your experience of not being able to form your own opinions due to familial manipulation. I grew up in a "tiger parenting" household and with that parenting style came lack of socialization and social exposure. I didn't feel the need to argue with my parents as I felt that whatever I said would never be right. I understand that you don't want to have the emotional/mental baggage or your boyfriend. But I'm sure that if your boyfriend loves you, then he doesn't mind that baggage. He will be there for you in all aspects of life. Both of you should support each other. I'm here if you need a friend or someone to talk to :)

Lace7777 November 21st, 2020

Hello my name is Lace. I am an ER Nurse that is struggling with all the death and devastation that I am seeing daily. I have anxiety, depression, insomnia and loneliness with no support. I work with a smile and compassion then come home curl up in a ball and cry like baby. I am at a loss for all the love I use to have for life. 😔

MihaiRO November 22nd, 2020

My name is Mihai and I am dependent on my wife, dependent on her to have sex with other men.
it's the greatest joy of my life, that's what I like the most, to know that she sleeps with other men,

Reemoop November 24th, 2020

Hi I'm gia and I've been going through a really rough breakup. Well it's complicated, I broke up with him back in June but it was supposed to be temporary because I recognized we had communication issues and felt we needed to grow and mature a bit more so that when we eventually got back together in the future it wouldn't be an issue anymore. But we mutually agreed and understood that the break up was temporary until we can improve upon our own issues and we agreed that we wouldn't be intimate with other people while we were working on ourselves. During the duration of this break up we remained very close friends and talked everyday still but then he moved away to college and we got into a fight because he told me he would let this girl be intimate with him and kept telling me about checking out other girls. I brought up eventually that I was hurt by this and that we said we wouldn't be intimate with others but he told me we're just friends and he can do what he wants. Long story short, we had a major fallout and haven't talked for a few months and I've been so hurt over not having him in my life because we didn't break up because we didn't love each other, we both still loved each other and that's why it hurt me to hear him talk about those girls to me. I'm sad because I never stopped loving him and never expected this to happen and it's hard to not talk to him like I used to. Sorry for the long paragraph.

jojodances November 25th, 2020

My boyfriend (1 yr 8 mo) broke up with me. I loved him more than I loved any other boyfriend. He's the only guy I ever brought to meet my dad/family. Then one day he just ended. I was devastated and heartbroken and I don't know how to move on. It's been 4 months now and I think my friends are just tired of hearing about it. "You just have to learn to be happy being single." Single yes, but alone no. Being in this pandemic makes me feel all the more alone. I'm glad I have this community where I can vent my feelings.

Hope December 12th, 2020


Question: What is your most used emoji?

SocialLeper December 13th, 2020

I use the eyes emoji the most.

Belkanoir December 22nd, 2020

Hello, I am joining this group because I am facing some challenges in my marriage. I am very much alone, I dont have friends, my family is of no support. I really need others to talk to.

Lussier December 30th, 2020

Here to lend an ear or two if you fancy @Belkanoir

fearlessWriter78 December 30th, 2020

Hi there, just wondering if there's a post already about how to cope with being in a long distance relationship? My partner is going to be going off to school and then his work is going to take him on the road with no time back home for long time.

ErraticThoughtsBlueVibes December 31st, 2020


i'm 32 and probably shouldn't be on here.

i have two kids who are currently residing with my ex husband temporarily

i'm in a relationship with a 26 year old combat veteran with ptsd and a tbi

i have a dog who sometimes is the only thing keeping me going

i'm currently taking classes to eventually lead into a physical therapy degree even though i'm already old, so my confidence there has dwindled. I have many years to go.

and yea

undiagnosed depression and anxiety. probably other things, probably not. who knows.

Ports January 20th, 2021

Hi! My name is Nicole and I am here looking for people to connect with. I have no friends in my life for one reason or another and need people to talk to. I am married coming up on our first year and have a 17 month year old. I also work from home. I just started knitting as a hobby and other than that in my free time I clean the house (how fun lol).

Angelica1014 January 31st, 2021

Hello, I’m new here. I’m Angelica. I would love to be apart of this for my own personal use.

pioneeringSkies8568 January 31st, 2021

Hi, i'm also new here, first time to try to join this type of community as well, it's the first time i won't be keeping all my problems to myself

lovehummingbirdsCindy February 1st, 2021

Hi I'm Cindy and look forward to meeting new people in my life.

DepressedLlama017 February 2nd, 2021

Hi. I’m new here and I’ve just been going through some stuff with my guy best friend and I hope to get lots of good advice that can help me

intuitiveChestnut6652 February 18th, 2021

Hi Group Mates,

Hope you all having a good time here.

I joined this group today because I think relationship and friendship support group might be a new learning experience for me by coming across people from all walks of life.

I personally believe in the philosophy of personal growth and improvement and joining this group here is part of the learning process for me.smiley

Good Luck to you all yes

Fenyx3169 February 22nd, 2021

Hi everyone! I'm new here (just joined a few hours ago). I'd love friends, and just people to talk to when I need them.

elfling519 February 22nd, 2021

Hello! Newbie here looking to work on my own issues of trust while in a rapidly declining relationship. I have experianced a large amount of abuse and trauma in my life and I know that it causes trust and communication problems for me. I am currently in a relationship with a man who thrives on confrontation. He believes it's a great way to get to the point of a problem, but I do not like confrontation at all. I want to work on my own mental wellbeing in order to either work through our issues or to decide if we are better off apart. I look forward to getting to know everyone!

CheeryMango February 25th, 2021

Welcome to the Relationship & Friendship Subcommunity!





















Question: What's your favorite color and why?

Click HERE to join our subcommunity taglist

conscientiousGrapefruit7899 February 25th, 2021

hi, i am currently dealing with insecurity and anxiety about my open marriage. we have recently began couples' counseling while my wife decides if she wants to stay together. For the most part we have a good relationship. And I don't really have a problem with her seeing people. Jealousy pops up from time to time, but over the last (almost) two years i have gotten a bit better at managing it. My issues are with attachment, codependency, and boundaries. Which i have begun working on. Lots and lots of reading. On a day to day basis my real struggle is feeling like the relationship is not fully being supported. She will ignore most of my messages. Conversations, or intimate times or typically initiated by me. She will even go days without even saying i love you, even in response. she spends a lot of time online with friends and suitors, which is fine, if our relationship was getting similar care. i have asked what she wants our marriage to look like in this new landscape of polyamory, since relationship styles can vary wildly, but she says she doesn't know, and it makes it difficult to get my bearings sometimes. i can accept almost anything, as long as i know what it is and what the parameters are. like i said, mostly a good relationship, we just have a lot of bugs to work out, and i have to find my inner security since i don't know if i'm going to find that anywhere else. there is probably way more to this, but this is the gist of it.

Frd1031 March 5th, 2021

Hi, I am Dorothy.

Although I have not confirmed it, I feel like I get social anxiety. That makes it hard for me to meet friends because I feel anxious and overwhelmed whenever I share a normal conversation with someone.

I always overthinks everything. My mind is filled up with ' What ifs'. I just keep on replaying every conversation and thinking of the worst case. What if my friend actually hates me? What if she thinks I am weird?

I often feel left out. Seeing me two friends hanging out without me, I feel anxious and depressed. I feel like I cannot really maintain a friendship.

That's why I come here to seek help. I do hope I will run into some really compassionate listeners who will help me out. I am really glad to find this site, and I do hope I can actually meet some new friends, thank you for reading all this.

Sidow April 11th, 2021

Hi im Sedow I'm new to this and not sure where to begin im just looking for a place to see if it helps me deal with some of my problems

strongJello March 7th, 2021

Hi, I’m just trying to get my head around where to fond the right place on here to ask relationship advice. Can I ask on this thread?

CheeryMango March 8th, 2021


Hello Jello. We're unable to offer you any advice on your current situations because it may do you more harm than good. But we do have listeners who would be happy to listen to you. You can connect with a listener HERE

CheeryMango March 8th, 2021

Welcome to the Relationshiip & Friendship subcommunity!



To be added to our subcommunity taglist, click HERE

Check in with us HERE

richbich March 12th, 2021

Hello, I’ve been pretty well off for some years but it seems like my depression is coming back with certain relationships I tend to get in, I hope to find the path to happiness in this group

ConnorS02 March 13th, 2021

Hey, I'm new here and, well I don't really know how to specify what I'm looking for help with, but I know I need some. I hope I can meet some pretty cool people here

CheeryMango March 16th, 2021

Welcome to the Relationship & Friendship Subcommunity!


To be added to our subcommunity taglist, click HERE

Check in with us HERE

may66 March 26th, 2021

hello, joined march 25th. had some shoulder surgerys march 1st on my dominant arm so am typing with only the left hand. it is labourious and awkward to say the least. my right arm is immobolized and will be for at least 3 more weeks.

since having surgery i have realized just how isolated i am, can not drive, my son is doing his best to help me and my husband has basicly ghosted me. my marriage is a sick joke and i am stranded out in the boonies with my autistic son. he can help with a lot of things in the house but, not everything, and he doesnt drive.

i have one dear friend who took me for my surgery after i realized my husband would be too drunk to rely on. she can help me once a week to get groceries as she lives an hour away and works full time.

have been slowly losing mymind since the surgery and my loss of driving. i dont want to get swallowed up in the chasm of despair i am circling around if only because of my son.

okay, im hurting now, this took so long to type and my wrist is achy!

KatLis123 April 1st, 2021

Hi I am glowing but you can call me Kat

I am 30 married and have 2 year old boy. Soon moving to a new bigger place and we hope it all goes well.

I have been with 7 cups since 2017 now and I really enjoy being here and helping people get back on their feet.

enthusiasticTortoise6681 April 5th, 2021

Hey, im Julie.

Ive always struggled with mental illness.

Which complicates abandonment, disapointment, abuse issues.

I am in a complicated relationship, and need advice, listening, ya, anybody who can relate, awsome, but i need to learn how to fix this love, before i loose it

Thanks <3

enthusiasticTortoise6681 April 5th, 2021

Hey, Can I just go by J?

Not worried about privacy, just kinda sick of thinking about me, typing my name over and over isnt helping.

Im am so conflicted, insecurity is making me crazy. I have deep rejection issues.

and have recently reconnected with a man i never stopped loving. We lived together five years- two houses and three cats ago- then we were seporated 5 years.

This relationship is SO important to me.

Its also complicated. I'll love this man for the rest of my life.

Jealsousy makes me furious with him, insecurity fuels the fire. I need to get a grip on whats wrong, whats real, and where to place my trust. An insecure re union..

mimiko April 5th, 2021

Hi. I'm new here in this community. I'm old at seven cups but I only come here when I'm not that well, anyways I never considered having more support with communities, specially because I always felt a lttle bit of anxiety towards forums haha. I'm not used to this format and I'm affraid I can ruin my participation with the rules and all that. Yes, I'm an anxious person and althought I don't think I have social anxiety there are certain social situations that burst my anxiety. How ever I'm not here for that, not mainly. I'm here because I have noticed I have many issues dealing with breakups and accepting the natural flow of things in my relationships. I tend to diminish someone when I don't feel accepted by other, wheter is them or me, and I would like to learn and improve this aspecto of my life to have richer and more fullfilling relationships.

Pandora3796 April 11th, 2021

Hi everyone! I'm Pandora I'm here because I think in bad with relationships and friendships, 'cause I ghosting a lot with other people and I want to change and be a better person :)

tealApple7629 April 21st, 2021

Hi. I'm new. Lately my fiance and I been arguing a lot. It seems to always be about the stupid things. We are doing couples therapy as well. I'm just trying to find someone who I can talk to and maybe get some advice from

enthusiasticTortoise6681 May 3rd, 2021

Hey, and Thank You for sending a reminder for introduction.

I am in a relationship with a man I love,and admire.We have been together 10 years, minus a few years in the middle, because of issues. Its the issues that have brought me here, for greater understanding.

I appreciate this online community, hoping for goals attained, learning, grounding, good stuff.

thegirlnatureforgot625 May 11th, 2021

Hi I’m new here! Trying to work through a stressful friend break while also learning to make new friends again