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Can't eat, can't sleep

littleTown1503 October 9th, 2016

My partner and best friend of almost 6 years told me yesterday that he wants to break up as we have lost our 'spark'. I didn't think we had a problem, I mean the reality is that most relationships don't stay on the honeymoon period forever, right? We never argue and we are the bestest of friends, always laughing and joking, and caring for each other. I just guess for him it's not new and exciting anymore, and we are no longer in the phase were we can't keep our hands of each other like we did when we first met. We now have to move out of our rented home, and I have to move back in with my mother at 28 years of age, and it's all just soul destroying. I can't eat, I can't sleep, and I just can't think about anything else but WHY is he doing this to us!! I know he loves and cares about me, and I know this break up is hard for him, so why is he throwing this away. I have always allowed my life to revolve around him, I bend over backwards to please him and support him with anything. I just feel like he is making a huge mistake but he won't listen.

Saddad2be October 9th, 2016

@littleTown1503 I'm so sorry for you. It's hard leaving a relationship especially when it's about the only one you've had as an adult.

It sounds like you need this tho. You need to be bending over backwards for your own happiness. This is going to be a challenging time for you. Take time to really focus on you. Refind yourself cause the last single you that you knew is long gone. You've grown smarter, stronger, and wiser than you were the last time you were on your own. Take some time to find her and love her.

Dicelate October 9th, 2016

@littleTown1503 I can relate. My girlfriend of 15 months just broke up with me last night. She told me last Monday that she just didn't think that we would last, but she still loved me. I don't know why she did this, and I can't sleep either. I tried to convince her to stay multiple times. She said it was best for her. And I truly thought we had a future together. If you need to talk about this with someone that's going through the same thing: I'm here for you, because I'm depressed too.

littleTown1503 OP October 9th, 2016

@Dicelate I'm sorry to hear that your going through something similar. It's hard. Today I spent the day with friends and my mum and it did make me feel a little bit better. It's so nice to receive such supportive messages from people on 7cups. It really helps to know I'm not going through this on my own :)

Jeta41 October 14th, 2016

@littleTown1503 I'm in the same boat. We tried living together for a while after the break up because we are best friends, but I can't look at him without crying because I thought he was my person I would be with when im 80. Its been two months, he's moved out, and I'm still a wreck. I cry every other day and still text him begging him to stop and come back. He won't. And every time he doesn't it just reopens the wound. I know he cares because he texts to check on me and says "maybe when we are 30 we can try again" (we are both 24). If he still cares and thinks we could still have a future then why would he do this? It just feels like I've been punched in the stomach and got the wind out of me.

Elixxir October 9th, 2016


This sounds so difficult. I'm so sorry dear.

ShadesBluer October 9th, 2016


It might not seem like it now, but it's a good thing that you'll be with your mom during this painful time. Being around the people in your life who love you and want to help you get better is absolutely essential to getting through something this devastating. It's natural after having been through so much with him that you hold onto the hope that he'll change his mind, that things can go back to the way they used to be. And it's also natural to feel frustrated and hurt when that person continues to disappoint you by not fighting for your relationship.

I wish there was a magic pill that a doctor could give you to make all the pain you're feeling go away, to fix your broken heart so you can live your life again. But unfortunately the only thing in all the world that can do that is time. For right now, take it one day at a time. Do everything you can to make yourself comfortable. Eat your favorite foods, watch reruns of your favorite tv shows, listen to music that you enjoy- even if it's sad. And when you're ready, surround yourself with the people who love you and let them care for you, let them show you how much they love you. Don't be afraid to ask them to watch those reruns with you. They'll want to spend time with you. And eventually, your appetite will slowly come back and you'll begin sleeping again. You'll get through this. As cliche as it might be, it really will get better with time.

Aliceinlalaland October 9th, 2016

Good advice from @ShadesBluer, I think you do need to take time out to grieve for lost relationships, the time will come for going out with friends again but there's no need to rush it, take a couple of weeks to yourself and then slowly when your feeling a little stronger start having a little more social contact with people! Your going through a hard time, and recovery probably seems a long way off at the moment but you will get there in the end, just take baby steps and look after yourself!