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Book, movie - The Firm, by John Grisham

ReadBooks7 February 28th, 2023


The Firm

by John Grisham

Would anyone be interested in picking a book, movie, or show to read or watch and then discussing themes, plot elements, characters, etc., here? I don't have a lot of free time but when I do, and to keep my brain distracted, I read and watch psychological thrillers and/or dramas. It'd be great to have discussion with people who are interested πŸ’š

SolitaryBird March 3rd, 2023


I have the book and can't wait to start reading it! I hope you are feeling a little better. Hang in there!

ReadBooks7 OP March 3rd, 2023

@SolitaryBird that's great, thank you! I cannot locate my copy, which I think is funny, so I might have to purchase it online as an e-book. I will do so in the next day if I cannot find mine. I read it a long time ago but I love re-reading books that I really like, especially to discuss them.

Thank you for your kindness. Today is a bit better. 😊

SolitaryBird March 3rd, 2023


Oh, I hope you can find your copy. I, too, love to re-read books that I really like. And I think reading and discussing books is a nourishing activity. I am glad it is a bit better today. 😊

ReadBooks7 OP March 3rd, 2023

@SolitaryBird thank you 😊😊😊

DonaldK March 3rd, 2023

@Help127 greetings I'm new to this community because I was looking for a place Direct meant this movie to everyone. Then I found your post. If you're looking for a good movie I would recommend the whale with Brendan Fraser. I watched it yesterday and I am so overwhelmed with AWH and wonder for the film so far he won the screen actors Guild award for it.

I don't know if it's your type of movie but I have to recommend it. There are so many lessons in it that I don't know where to begin. But because you haven't seen it I don't wanna give it away I want to write about it but I don't want to spoil it for you please send me a chat if you decide to watch it.

Do anyone else that might be reading this if you think I could write a review on it either here or somewhere please point me in the right direction. It would be good for members and listeners a like to hear my review on it it will be unbiased I promise. I love to watch movies so and TV shows. I especially like medical drama.

Have a good night everyone if you need help in this for him please let me know.
ReadBooks7 OP March 3rd, 2023

@DonaldK thank you so much! I was wondering about that movie, as I saw an article about it recently. I will let you know if I watch it. I am tagging @MistyMagic in this post as they might be able to tell you if there is a specific place for movie reviews. I spend more time in the sharing circle as compared to the forums, so I am not sure.

Thank you again!

MistyMagic March 5th, 2023

@DonaldK @Help127 Thanks for the tag.

I would suggest just starting a thread in the Movies & TV topic and go from there.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

ReadBooks7 OP March 15th, 2023

@DonaldK did you write a review for the movie? You're welcome to write one here also if you like. I like to read reviews and am definitely interested in reading this one if you write it or already wrote it πŸ™‚

DonaldK March 15th, 2023

@Help127 not really but I can write one if you would like me too. What is the first book of the book club?

ReadBooks7 OP March 17th, 2023

@DonaldK I was referring to The Whale and if you still would like to write a review of it here, or if you wrote one somewhere else. I see that the best actor Oscar went to the movie's star, so I imagine the movie is excellent.

We are currently reading The Firm by John Grisham and then will be watching the movie, once we all complete and discuss the book, but I think we are a bit of a ways away from that right now, as most are still fairly early in the book.

Thank you!

DonaldK March 18th, 2023

@Help127 I watched the firm along time ago but I haven't read the book I would like to I am no problem getting the Kindle version. Also what is the timeline for the book I would like to be involved please but sometimes I can be a slow Reader because I have too much going on but I will do my best❀️

ReadBooks7 OP March 18th, 2023

@DonaldK I am glad you want to participate!! There is no timeline per se. I think we are all right now just communicating how far along we have gotten and discussing it in very general terms so as not to spoil anything for those who are not as far along yet. I am a quick reader and usually read for at least an hour a morning (outside of work) so I am already at Chapter 26, but others are still within the first five to ten chapters. So you are more than welcome to begin and go at your own pace. We will wait until everyone who has joined so far is caught up before any specific discussion, and we can continue to communicate where we are to guide our discussions.😊

Thank you!

ReadBooks7 OP March 4th, 2023

Hi everyone! I am going to tag everyone that I know for sure is interested in reading our first book selection and then watching the movie follow-up, but everyone is welcome!

We have chosen The Firm by John Grisham as the first book. I got my e-copy today and will likely begin reading it within the next couple of days.

@SolitaryBird @Adeline12345 @adventurousBranch3786 @winniethepooh7256 and anyone else who joins, I look forward to seeing what you think of the book and discussing it further!

I will check back in a few days to see how far along we all are.

Thank you! Happy reading!😊

adventurousBranch3786 March 4th, 2023

@Help127 I got my copy of The Firm today.

ReadBooks7 OP March 4th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 excellent!!😊

DonaldK March 18th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I got my Kindle version today and also the audiobook. @Help127 I understand about being a fast reader I am as long as my technology works the way it's supposed to. Adventurous I'm glad you're part of this group as well. As far as the whale would you like it in Google Docs format I can work on it over the weekend? Also I can also share some of my poetry if that is allowed in the hobby zone just like dark Rose did.

ReadBooks7 OP March 18th, 2023

@DonaldK Google docs works just fine, and I love poetry as well. Thank you!!

adventurousBranch3786 March 19th, 2023

@DonaldK. Nice that you will be reading the book too. I can read your poems in hobby zone but I’m a bit behind on computer things and not sure I know how to read in google docs. I hope that you’ll be enjoying the book.

ChaoticListener March 4th, 2023


I'm interested! Please keep me updated βœ¨πŸ—¨οΈπŸŽŸοΈπŸ“š I was just missing talking about the latest media with people.

ReadBooks7 OP March 4th, 2023

@ChaoticListener welcome! We are going to read The Firm by John Grisham first and then follow-up with watching the movie. I think most people will start reading in the next couple of days, so I will check back in a few days to see where everyone is😊

BookishWendy March 4th, 2023

I love the idea!!!

ReadBooks7 OP March 5th, 2023

@BookishWendy thank you! If you would like, please join us in reading our first selection, The Firm by John Grisham.

Creamyyy March 5th, 2023

Awesome idea.

ReadBooks7 OP March 5th, 2023

@Creamyyy thank you! I hope you will join us for our first bookπŸ™‚

ReadBooks7 OP March 8th, 2023

Hi everyone! Just checking in to see how you all are liking the book so far. I am on Chapter 5. I don't want to mention plot yet in case not everyone has started or gotten far yet. I hope you're all enjoying!

adventurousBranch3786 March 9th, 2023

@Help127. I am up to chapter 5. The book helped a lot while waiting for an appointment!

ReadBooks7 OP March 9th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I'm so glad! I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am.

ReadBooks7 OP March 10th, 2023

Happy Friday and weekend to everyone! I'm up to Chapter 13. I tend to read quickly and a decent amount in one sitting. I want to make sure everyone has a chance to get well into the book before we discuss plot. However, I think it's okay to ask: What do you think of the book so far? Are you enjoying it? Did the story grab you right away, or is it taking some time to get into?

SolitaryBird March 10th, 2023


Happy Friday and weekend to you too! I am on chapter 4 - this weekend I will try to read as many pages as I can. I am enjoying the book. The story is fast-paced and interesting.

ReadBooks7 OP March 10th, 2023

@SolitaryBird I am really glad you are enjoying it! There is no pressure to read a certain amount in a specified time. I tend to read fast and I usually read in the middle of the night while fighting insomnia and trying to get back to sleep (meaning I read quite a bit😊). It is a fast-paced story and I like that it grabbed my attention right away and has not let go. The author has so much talent!

adventurousBranch3786 March 10th, 2023

@Help127. Hi I am up to chapter 7. It is taking me some time to get into it but it is often like that for me. I keep reading this weekend!

ReadBooks7 OP March 10th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I look forward to seeing what you think as you get further into it! 😊

phoenix1865 March 10th, 2023

@Help127 I think it's a cool idea!

ReadBooks7 OP March 11th, 2023

@phoenix1865 if you would like to join us, we have already begun reading The Firm by John Grisham. I think most people are only a few chapters in, so there is plenty of time. Thank you!

ReadBooks7 OP March 12th, 2023

Hi everyone! I'm currently up to Chapter 19 in the book. Just checking in to see how you are liking it. Is anything in particular standing out to you? Is there a specific character you like, identify with, or strongly dislike?

adventurousBranch3786 March 12th, 2023

@Help127. I am up to chapter 9. I am starting to get curious to see what will happen next. That is one of the things I like about thrillers. I don’t relate to any character yet. I was never a person who longed for being rich and working 100 hour weeks!

ReadBooks7 OP March 12th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I am the same. I have never wanted to work a huge number of hours or have excessive amounts of money, so I am finding it difficult to relate to the characters as well with regard to that topic. The plot is definitely pretty fast-paced and interesting! I find it hard to put down because I want to know what will happen next.

adventurousBranch3786 March 14th, 2023

@Help127. I did find something to identify wit Mitch finally . I can relate to his troubled family background I can also relate to getting through school despite that. Definitely not the desire for status and wealth though!

ReadBooks7 OP March 14th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I find that Mitch and Abby are pretty likeable characters, in general, but maybe not as relatable. I can definitely understand being able to relate to a troubled background; mine is not troubled in the same way, but I relate to difficult family dynamics.

I am wondering now if it is less about the acquisition of wealth for Mitch, and more about being financially comfortable. I think perhaps he originally just wanted to be financially comfortable, based on his lifelong struggles, but that the offering of excess by the firm maybe went to his head a bit, and he started to become too concerned with wealth. He would have been quite comfortable and definitely financially in great shape accepting another job offer from a bigger firm in another city. It seems that his wanting more contributes a bit to the situation he finds himself in. It is debatable how much blame is on him, if any, though, regarding that situation. It is not his fault what others have done, and I am not sure if he can really be blamed for wanting to make as much money as possible. So maybe blame is not the right word, but contributing factor.

I hope you are enjoying the book! I am definitely enjoying discussing it 😊

adventurousBranch3786 March 14th, 2023

@Help127. Yes I am enjoying reading and discussing it. I’m glad to learn about this author, he has a lot of books to read!