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⭐Self Love Day- Name One Thing You Love About Yourself! ⭐

NewRomantic677 February 13th, 2016

Hello lovely human beings reading this in honor of self love day, which is on the 13th of February (one day before Valentines day, who wouldve guessed?) We're all gonna take turns posting about one thing we love about ourselves! It could be your wacky sense of humor, your strength, your smile, even something tiny like the way you skip to class in the morning. (Seriously, name any one thing you love about yourself ) I know for a few this may be harder but hey guys, you're all awesome. Happy Self Love Day 2016, I hope you guys are able to share what you find awesome about yourselves, cause trust me you're all beyond fantastic in your own ways :)

**throws confetti and leaves**

Cheshire94 February 13th, 2016


I love that I am an aware human being who tries to see beyond my own troubles to help others. I love having an old soul.

NewRomantic677 OP February 13th, 2016

@Cheshire94 you know what they say, old is gold- and sometimes I can't help but agree with that thanks for sharing this, it's a beautiful thing to love about yourself

arisdiary February 15th, 2016

I love how weird and awkward I am💗😄

February 13th, 2016

I love your awesome colors, very eye-popping. :)

I don't think I'm confident enough to say I *love* anything about me, but I certainly love who I'm trying to be, and I think it's great I'm trying to improve myself.

NewRomantic677 OP February 13th, 2016

@guidingMusic that's always a very good place to start! I agree, sometimes I'm not even confident enough to say I love anyone else, let alone ~love~ myself, sometimes it's just a tough thing to say. I must compliment you on looking forwards positively at your goals, I'm sure you will get there

and thanks for complimenting my colours :p

PinkDahlia22 February 13th, 2016

Okay..... so as you know this is extremely hard for me but...... i love the fact that i zam able to sing and play instruments because i can use this as a coping method and a way to express myself.

Took me foreve to think eno <3 need to catch up! <3 @NewRomantic677

NewRomantic677 OP February 13th, 2016

@JoyIntoDarkness I can completely relate as someone who's always written songs and played the piano as a way to express herself! I'm so happy you were able to post this, in the spirit of the day I'm proud of you for getting a little out of your comfort zone and showing yourself a little love also yeah, I've been wayy to busy, we need to catch up! :D

PinkDahlia22 February 13th, 2016


Thankyou! <3 We should write a song togeth like omg it would be AMAZING!!!!!!! <3 Love you so much <3

ukulelelove123 February 13th, 2016

I love my sarcasm

NewRomantic677 OP February 13th, 2016

@ukulelelove123 I actually really love my sarcasm too, its an essential part of my humour -high fives-

Celaeno February 13th, 2016

I love myself for being septic and scared for even stating that I may like Celaeno - the imperfect human, but still doing it. I am not giving up with growing every day to become a bit better, a bit kinder, also towards myself. I'm learning how to manage my fears and take risks to have a life I deserve.

I love myself, because for the decades I thought it will never be possible. And I'm forever grateful for my persistence to which I owe every passing day.

Happy Self-Love Day, lovelies! ❤️

fairmindedEnt February 13th, 2016

I love that I'm strong, that even though I struggle I can still stand on my own two feet. I love that even though I'm hesitant sometimes, I'm only looking out for myself and that's okay. I'm organized, and everything has its place. When something looks just right it feels right for it to be there. I'm beautiful, even if I may not fit conventional norms of beauty. Sometimes I'll catch myself in the mirror and think that. I love that even though I'm going through a break up (since December) with the guy I'm still in love with and I thought I would be with for the next 5 years that I am still living my life and doing and trying new things that I never would have done. I love that I can list things that I love about myself. And I love that I'm still here and standing.

allisath February 13th, 2016

I might not be the best person in the world, but I am very empathetic and a great friend.

AriesOx1 February 13th, 2016

I open mind! laugh

I appreciate other's point of view because I understand that I don't have all of the answers, that I'm not all knowing. I love learning new things. I like to hear everyone's opinions. I love to read new facts and findings. I am receptive to new ideas! You just never know, new ideas CAN change your life for the better. Whoo Hoo!!

ProximaCentauri February 13th, 2016

I don't think I've ever in my life said or thought that I love anything about myself, but I enjoy my imagination and I'm a bit proud that I study astronomy and physics in my free time. :P

I suppose you could say that I "love" the fact that I'm trying to learn how to love myself and others!

CalmingStar February 13th, 2016

I love my intelligence.

Math and Science intelligence that is. I'm not as good in English or History. Even though I do have honors and get straight A's. The one thing I always remember when I don't do that well in something, is that I had a college math class as a freshman in high school. It always lifts me up! I also feel fabulous about my work on here, but who doesn't?

I love this thread. Everyone is using colors! laugh

Brianna123 February 13th, 2016

1 thing I love about myself is.. The fact Im trying my best to do better

dreamergirl23 February 13th, 2016

I love my drawing and singing skills!

JuniperJuice February 13th, 2016

I ❤️ my open minded-ness

Turquoisedreamer February 13th, 2016

What do I love about myself? Hmmmm...I have absolutely no idea. It's not exactly a question I get much.

No, wait, I do have something. I love my creativity. I love to sit down and just do something artistic - painting ceramics, drawing, even writing. Doesn't matter what it is; I'll probably enjoy it ;)

tealCranberry1996 February 13th, 2016

I like my creativity. I can't talk about my problems but I can use the pain to fuel a fantasy by writing a story or drawing a picture

Saintlouis89 February 13th, 2016

I love how I'm always nice to others

04yellowboat19 February 13th, 2016

I love that I can do so many things - I'm a runner, a musician, a writer, and more. I love having so many passions - I always have something to make me happy.

smallPandaxX February 13th, 2016

I love that I'm able to have so many emotions. Most of the time it seems like a curse to me, but if I think about it, it makes me human and alive. It's good to be able to feel love, but also to feel pain.

calmHeart11 February 13th, 2016

I love the ability to write.

The ability to throw thorth all my creativity onto a page. The ability to be so absorbed in creating a scene, a character and a whole new world. That I am able to forget everything else

anxiousweirdo February 13th, 2016

Right now, I don't feel too bad. Praise be to God.

generousMaple1011 February 14th, 2016

One thing I love about myself is my green eyes 👀 #selflove #iloveme

Sazlinasaji February 14th, 2016

I love my body cause it here to support my soul and the combination of two makes me grateful to have a really great support system.

Pleiades20 February 13th, 2017


That's such a great way to think about your body--not just how it looks or feels but how it works to keep you going and support your mind, heart, and soul!

Nursehannah93 February 15th, 2016

One thing I love about myself is my compassion and ability to help and care for others

Emily24 February 15th, 2016

One thing I love about myself is my ability to get through any situation. I'll never give up.

Disneykstew February 15th, 2016

Right now! I want to be a book worm! I want to read as many as books and perform tests in an awesome way and want to get scholarships!

Why do I love about myself then?

I love the sudden excitement of me which is energizing my body bit by bit which shows my enthusiasm on my face and I feel like I can achieve anything I want! ---also this is what I don't feel usually!

brightBunny5510 February 15th, 2016

Thrive for perfection.

AChildAtHeart February 15th, 2016

I'm so proud that I beat depression :)

ukulelelove123 February 18th, 2016

I like my ability to be there for my friends when they need me

communicativeWatermelon644 February 18th, 2016

I cant find anything i like about myself

communicativeWatermelon644 February 18th, 2016

How can i stop hating myself

dreamergirl23 March 21st, 2016

@communicativeWatermelon644 try to see the good things in you! 😊I know you can do it!

Humphreysmum February 23rd, 2016

I can put myself in another's shoes and forgive them for any wrongdoings

Chrisramon March 21st, 2016

@Humphreysmum that's awesome!