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Kindness Crusaders of 7 Cups!

December 5th, 2023


Kindness Crusader Nomination Form

Any mentor / mega member or moderator of the community may nominate any member or listener using this nomination form. A member or listener who receives nominations by 3 or more will be awarded the Kindness Crusader badge and will be celebrated in this forum thread.

If you are a mentor or a moderator [former or present], please feel free to use this form to nominate anyone in the community whom you see being consistently kind to others in their community presence. You may use this form any number of times any time to nominate the kind members and listeners of 7 Cups!

Baron of Big-Hearts [for receiving 100 positive text reviews from members] may also nominate using the nomination form!


Time to come together and spread the message of kindness at 7 Cups!

Want to join the Kindness Project (KP) team? Read the info about it here!

ninguid December 19th, 2023

This is a beautiful thing~

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 29th, 2023

@ninguid I know right?! 🥰

CalmRosebud December 29th, 2023


You are Beautiful, because Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.

YourCaringConfidant December 22nd, 2023



Congratulations on recently becoming the newest kindness crusader! The amazing @Jenna @AnnaSilverberg  @Kristynsmama all took the time to send you sweet appreciations to make you smile and to give you all the recognition that you deserve! Happy reading, Dream. 


[Click here to view image larger.]

Well done, Dream. Thanks for being the amazing, sweet, and kind person you are. Whatever you are doing, keep on doing it because you stand out. I hope you have a very happy holidays and congratulations once again. 

YourCaringConfidant December 22nd, 2023

Hey everyone. Today is such a beautiful day and it's all because we have another kindness crusader! For those of you who know, one must receive 3 nominations in order to receive the title of kindness crusader. It is with much joy that I announce our newest one.

Before I disclose her name, this person you may have seen around in one of the academy program communities, in the forums, or in the rooms. But one thing for sure is no matter where you see her, you see her spreading kindness. Always. 

🐎💗💙  @Kristynsmama  🐎💗💙


Big congratulations on earning the kindness crusaders badge. And while I know new badges may be exciting, more exciting are the beautiful notes of appreciations @Heathermarie95 @Averyjr23 and @YourCaringConfidant left for you. I hope you have a very sweet read.




HealingTalk December 22nd, 2023


How well deserved!

Kristy is pure goodness. She is so loving, genuine, and very generous with her time when supporting others.

A true fountain of love, support and compassion.

Kristy has become the pillar of support at the Grief & Loss Community since becoming Forum Supporter just a month ago, that feels like years to me. 

She has so much initiative and love for the Community! Posting regularly very inspirational and engaging threads. "Engaging" is something tricky in Grief & Loss, where the exact tone in the middle of the uplifting-to-sad scale is very difficult to find. But the exact right tone comes natural to Kristy, with a voice that comes from a 100% genuine personality. 

Her open heart and candor inspire total trust. She reaches the hearts of people with much compassion, and invites them to open up in a way I have rarely seen. Her consoling words flow from her openly shared lived experiences, which gives much weight to those words.

Kristy is an inspiration for all members of the Grief & Loss community,  to be open about grief, to share their feelings, and lovingly support each other.

Since becoming Forum Supporter only one month and a week ago, Kristy has greatly enlivened the Grief & Loss forum, and transformed it into a true, genuine and very supportive Community.

A great achievement from an impressive leader. 

All my gratitude to you, Kristy, in my name and that of the whole Grief & Loss Community! 

Congratulations on this super-well-deserved recognition!


Kristynsmama December 22nd, 2023


This literally brought tears to my ears.  Grief & loss is very near and dear to my heart and I’m grateful that I have brought life to the grief & loss forums.  Thank you for taking the time to write such beautiful words for me.

HealingTalk December 22nd, 2023


Hi, Kristy!

I have not enough words to express all my gratitude to you, all I owe you personally, particularly in this very important month for Grief, during which I was totally taken and exhausted by other things, and you took the initiative and made this Community grow, improve, and become so supportive at this critical time of the year.

Not enough words either to express all that the Community owes you, so much dedication to create engaging spaces where people could share and find solace and consolation from their grief. All your compassionate and thoughtful answers that brought so much light to their hearts.

Not enough words, but all my love, and the love of many, many more!

HealingTalk December 22nd, 2023


Thank you, Desiree, for this beautiful and fun illustration of our loved "cowgirl" Kristy, and for the delicate cards that follow.

Also for your heartfelt words in your nomination, which I endorse 100%.

Kristynsmama December 22nd, 2023


i love this!  I’m definitely a cowgirl!  Lol. And this graphic is perfect!

thank you for all the kind words everyone!

December 23rd, 2023

Hey hey everyone! 🩷

The kindness never stops spreading for @Fristo 😀

Fristo, you have another nomination/appreciation note from @Benittaj

Here it goes:

Benittaj, thanks for sending in the nomination!

Fristo, you're simply awesome! Keep being the positivity/kindness star on 7 Cups!
YourCaringConfidant December 23rd, 2023


I know you have already been badged as a kindness crusader, but I have good news. Nominations continue to flow in and you've unexpectedly received another. The following appreciation is from @Kristynsmama and is dedicated specially for you. ♡ 


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 29th, 2023


Awww thank youu for thinking of me, Kristyy, it means a lot to me. Always a pleasure to see you around as well, whether in the rooms or forumland, you're such a cheerful, kind and supportive presence and Heyyy, I love working in PAT with you too, you're a wonderful smile spreader and I'm soooo very grateful for you too. Keep being awesome sauze!💗


Desireeeee, omigooodnesss, this is such a cuteeee post. I love how you make everything extraaa special with all the colors, cheers and love. Appreciate you loooootssss, awesome friend-o, thank youuu for this special surprise, saving it haha!🤗💗

YourCaringConfidant December 23rd, 2023

Good news everyone! @SleepyPersonForever has received 3 nominations and has earned themself a brand new badge and the title of kindness crusader. Yayyyy! 

Sleepy, your nominators are @Fristo @Suryansh @Wishuponastar968 and here is what beautiful words they had to say for you...


[Click here to view image larger.]

@Fristo says: "Sleepy is very kind, asks very good icebreakers in the positivity corner room. They are welcoming and kind to all in the room. I was so happy by the happiness and sweetness they inspired in the room."

@Wishuponastar968 says: "Sleepy is a member you find in many chatrooms who is always supportive of others, includes new members into the conversation. They are empathetic and always tries to give a listener ear to anyone in need and I truly value how sweet they are and such a big heart they have! Also they have started doing ice breakers in the Positivity Corner and that brings more members together!"

@Suryansh says: "A heartfelt appreciation to Sleepy for their dedicated efforts in ensuring our community's safety. Their commitment to supporting fellow members demonstrates true care and responsibility. Sleepy's contributions make our Group Support Rooms not only secure but also warm and supportive. Grateful to have such a valuable member among us."

LoveMyMoonflowers December 23rd, 2023


omigosh what a beautiful beautiful post! :o the graphic is so vvv cute and so creatively done. 💕 

YourCaringConfidant December 23rd, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers I always smile when I get notifications of you showing your support. Thank you so much for always making me smile with your sweet words. I appreciate you, Ni. <3

LoveMyMoonflowers December 23rd, 2023



SleepyPersonForever December 23rd, 2023

Thank you so much for all your kind words. It made me so grateful to read them all, made my day a bit brighter for sure! It's amazing you all appreciate me, it means the world.

Thank you so much<3

adventurousBranch3786 December 26th, 2023

@SleepyPersonForever. Well deserved!

elfinna December 23rd, 2023


Congrays @sleepypersonforever !!! You deserve it. My sweet and kind frend! Love u <3 

SleepyPersonForever December 23rd, 2023

Thank you elfi, I love you too❤️ my best friend 😊

YourCaringConfidant December 24th, 2023

Happy holidays everyone! I would like to take a special moment to deliver this very sweet nomination/appreciation that @BenittaJ left for one of our "awesome" kindness crusaders... 

🐾❄🐾 @AuRewolf 🐾❄🐾

Let's see what the very lovely Benitta had to say about you, shall we? 


 Awww, how sweeeeetttttt of an appreciation is that! Thank you for making @BenittaJ feel welcomed, supported, heard, valid, and seen as a person. That's absolutely beautiful! 🥰

I guess one thing Benitta said was right--- you really are...


Have a happy holidays everyone! Hope everyone has a good day. 

YourCaringConfidant December 24th, 2023

As many of you know in order for someone to receive the title of kindness crusader, they must receive a minimum of 3 nominations. But sometimes even after that person is badged, the nominations continue to roll in.... because, well, appreciations are always in order! 

It's with a big smile on my face that I get to deliver this very sweet note from @Rui00 to Marcelo!

☁️🛩💙 @HealingTalk ☁️🛩💙

You deserve every good thing that comes your way. You are one of the most passionate, supportive people I know on here. So when I seen Rui's note for you, I had to take the task. But enough with that, now it's the good part... buckle your seat belt and get ready, Marcelo. It's note time! Yayyyy!


Rui, thank you so much for sending in this very sweet note. I could not agree more with you and I am so happy you had Marcelo on your side to help guide you. I wanted to let you know that you can do anything and I wish you all the best on your new journey!

HealingTalk December 26th, 2023


Thank you Rui, for your lovely and appreciative message!

I do my job there, the best I can.

But you have shown a willingness to help that goes well beyond what's expected from a QLP Mentor.

Not to mention how fast you learn and how well and conscientiously you do your tasks.

I am very grateful to you for your high commitment to the Program.

And it's always a pleasure to interact with you.

I am very grateful to you for all this.

And for your so kind message here!

Talk to you soon!

Boas Festas!


HealingTalk December 26th, 2023

Tagging @Rui00

Rui00 December 26th, 2023

@HealingTalk Thank you so much for your kind words Marcelo! They really mean a lot to me. 

It's a pleasure to be part of the team 😊!

Boas Festas! 
adventurousBranch3786 December 26th, 2023

@HealingTalk. Well deserved!

HealingTalk December 27th, 2023


Thank you, lovely Branch!

💜 💜 💜 

HealingTalk December 26th, 2023


Thank you, Desiree, for this beautiful post with so lively and fun graphics!

InsightfulPhoenix December 24th, 2023

Congratulations @Amy for your Kindness Crusader Badge Nomination! Please enjoy the heart warming comments and this precious artwork as a Christmas Gift to you! 💕


@Rui00 said: Amy is Amysing! She makes the rooms so much more fun with her happy, fun presence 💙. Thank you for being you!


@Hopedreamlove said: Amy, you are such a wonderful, kind, and supportive person. Your patience, energy, endless supply of cookies, and presence makes the listener rooms and 7 Cups shine a little brighter. Thank you for all that you do!


@Emmae said: Amy is such a huge supporter and spreads so much kindness around cups. Whether she’s in LSR, pms, or sharing cookies in TL, she’s always everyone’s number one supporter. She makes such a huge difference here and the chatroom team especially wouldn’t be the same without her!


HealingTalk December 27th, 2023

Congratulations @Amy on your so well-deserved Kindness Crusader award!

HealingTalk December 27th, 2023

Thank you @Emmae @Hopedreamlove and @Rui00 for nominating Amy, and @InsightfulPhoenix for these gorgeous appreciation cards!

YourCaringConfidant December 26th, 2023

It's another beautiful day and I have some great news! Before when somebody would nominate someone, in order for the announcement to be made in this thread the person had to have been nominated x3. And while someone does still need x3 nominations in order to be badged as a kindness crusader, a posting will still be done for the nominee. Please read more about this amazing news here.

Anyway now that is out the way, I have some more great news! @PeachPuppy you have received a nomination/appreciation from @Insightfulphoenix and here is what they had to say...



[Sweet graphics made by my little helper.]

What an absolutely beautiful note that was, Phoenix. It was perfect for an absolute sweet person, so thank you for your nomination and making someone smile!

Just a friendly reminder that once @PeachPuppy receives at least 2 more nominations then they will officially be able to be badged. Hope you have a peachy day, Peach. 

🍑 🍑 🍑  🐶 🍑 🍑 🍑 

InsightfulPhoenix December 26th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant Now this is just adorable and perfectly describes @peachpuppy very well! Thank you for your absolute adorable words and capturing peach's personality 😍🎊

InsightfulPhoenix December 26th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 congratulations on your nomination of the kindness crusader badge! Here is what you friends had to say about you🤗. Please enjoy the art work as our token of love for you as a member 🥰


@Amiablepeace77 said: No matter what the situation is Branch will show kindness and stay calm. They are very easy to work with.


@Affyavo said: adventurousBranch3786 has been a supporter of many for a long time. Uses their struggles and life experience to empathize and lift up others.


@Yourcaringconfidant said: Each and every time I have ever joined the mindfulness sessions, Adventurous is always there with a greeting upon entering. And every time, I can't help but smile with the amount of kindness that Adventurous shows towards all the participants in the room. Their presence is one you just want to be around as they are so friendly. Xoxo.


adventurousBranch3786 December 26th, 2023

@InsightfulPhoenix. Omg I am overwhelmed by these kind words! My eyes actually teared up a bit when I read this. Thanks I had a few down days over the weekend but I am coming out of it now!   @amiablePeace77



InsightfulPhoenix December 26th, 2023

I'm so happy you like them, I'm happy that it brought tears of happiness to you! Keep being amazing @adventurousBranch3786

HealingTalk December 27th, 2023


Congratulations, Branch!

You are goodness itself.

I always remember you with much love.

Wherever you go, you bring your comforting presence of peace and kindness.

Being near you is something wonderful, special.

If there is a recognition for kindness, that one was made for you, Branch!

HealingTalk December 27th, 2023


Thank you, Phoenix, for making these beautiful cards for our most lovely, loving and loved Branch!

YourCaringConfidant December 26th, 2023

More Great news everyone! We've got ourselves another kindness crusader, yayyyy! Please join me in celebrating the amazing Heather today.

💜🌸 @HeatherMarie95 🌸💜

You have received x3 appreciations and have earned yourself a new pretty badge. Your nominators @AnnaSilverberg @Kristynsmama @YourCaringConfidant have taken the time to nominate you and here is what they had to say. Happy reading! ♡


[Click here to view image larger.]