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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

littleboatingdock August 24th, 2015

A moment of motivation

A miracle, a burst of energy-

Have to write it down!

Fickle and cold,

The words don't come.

The- no.

He- no.

Nothing sounds right.

Nothing is right.

A curse, eating away at the soul

Nothing comes.

Nothing is going to.

Editorial depression,

An agony of synonyms

And silent screams for more.

Higher the word count- higher the quality!

It may be conception,

But it feels like a gospel,

When you can barely squeeze out five words.

The words don't come.

Sentences fight on the page.

A drought of ideas.

Motivation but no inspiration.

An agony in my mind,

My soul.

A dying light

As clumsy words fill the page.

A story with motivation

And no inspiration

Kills the desire to write.

Perseverance is hardy though,

And with it comes success.

Fore if you only wrote when you felt like it,

You'd never write anything at all.

xlovelybird August 24th, 2015

Oh god I'm sorry if my poetry sucks I'm still getting the hang of things hehe ^^;

i. i am stuck in a pit. i am stuck in a pit and my sky is grey and i am choking on dirt because

ii. i am stuck in a pit where i see no sky my sky is not grey my sky is nothing. i am shrouded in heavy apathy clouds my eyes droop of sleep i see nothing but black nothing but darkness nothing but a void my everything is nothing nothing nothing nothing

iii. i am n o th i ng

iv. my skin is crawling with monsters my blood courses through my body carrying the ghosts hidden underneath every scar my lungs breathe in hatred and breathe out smiles my lips burn of fireball whiskey i have made a home in my ebony burnt skull

v. they ask me if i'm okay and i don't reply because i don't know i come to my home and ask myself if i'm okay and i knock on my ribcage and hear nothing but bones so hollow that i just whisper that i hurt everywhere, everywhere, everywhere

vi. there is a beast in my heart and it hates the taste of you it feasts on itself for fuel. in its self destructive path it burns me and i am left ashes

vii. i am nothing more than bone dust and empty chest

viii. look for me. look for me at the bottom of a pit. look in every pit to ever exist on this abhorrent earth. look for me and never find me. i am scattered in the wind my teeth have traveled up the murky void of a sky and become stars to smile down at you. you will never find me i am not in a pit anymore i am already buried beneath your feet

unsinkablespirit312 August 24th, 2015

@xlovelybird, this poem is amazing! Thank you for sharing it!

I love every word, but my favorite parts are:

v. they ask me if i'm okay and i don't reply because i don't know (I can relate to this)

vi. there is a beast in my heart and it hates the taste of you it feasts on itself for fuel. in its self destructive path it burns me and i am left ashes

viii. look for me. look for me at the bottom of a pit. look in every pit to ever exist on this abhorrent earth. look for me and never find me. i am scattered in the wind my teeth have traveled up the murky void of a sky and become stars to smile down at you. you will never find me i am not in a pit anymore i am already buried beneath your feet

You are brilliant. This is so great.

MadAlice1109 August 24th, 2015

vii. i am nothing more than bone dust and empty chest

nothing hit me harder than this

MadAlice1109 August 24th, 2015


Written: April 24 2014

Do you know that when one gets sick
She develops immunity against the disease?
But this isn

NataliaNectarine August 25th, 2015

Trigger alert. Death, grieving

Epilogue of a death

To my favourite Pole

The window

Slowly opens

Rond de jambe

a terre.

It dances away.

The wind


A strident cry,



Quando coeli

movendi sunt

et terra.

I smell rosin.

You ask.

Yes, its alright

The tendons of the window



Tremens factus sum ego

Et timeo.

We will suffer

Throughout the night

Together, alone.

Lviv haunts me.

I fear the dark and

You fear silence.

Libera me, Domine,

de morte aeterna.

The walls are melting,

And so are we.

braveSugar7964 August 25th, 2015

That's beautiful.. wonderful, thank you.

sunnyTree4327 August 25th, 2015

"Can We Talk?"

Can we talk about her?

The person I used to be;

Before you came into our lives

And took her from me.

Can we talk about that smile?

The one I miss so much;

With its beauty and shine

That wiped away

All the darkness,


That surrounded us.

Or maybe the trust,

The respect,

Or even the flexibility that she gave to all;

Anyone was accepted,

And everyone was allowed.

We had an agreement

Between the two of us,

An understanding that we couldn't-

That we wouldn't-


No one knew me like she did.

But of course you should know yourself,

Shouldn't you?

aquila29 August 26th, 2015

it's four in the morning and you hate yourself.

it's not new.

this is your reality:

four in the morning, tired and aching.

3:21, 7:54, 11:32-

it's all the same.

tired and aching, tired and crumbling.

am I awake or asleep? is any of this real? is anyone listening? rewind.

its four in the morning, and here you are again.

Emory20 August 26th, 2015

Paint Me Like I am- Annonymous ;)

Paint Me Like I am

Why don't you paint me
Like I am?
Smiling,skipping down a path of love
Paint me with my heart beating in me

Paint me with that glowing hope
And my beautiful smile
Paint me roses, to remind me the good.
Paint me with rabbits and baby deer
All around me singing sweetly to me. Paint me somewhere beautiful
Where the sun brightens my day and a beautiful never ending sky
Where the birds chirp and sing
Everyday all day.

Paint me without my tears
Paint me without my broken heart
Paint me without my hurt
Paint me without the sorrow I carry in my heart.

Can't you see this face telling you to paint me happy
Paint me with hope but most of all
Paint me free.

braveSugar7964 August 26th, 2015

That's beautiful.

Lilylistens August 26th, 2015

@Emory20 This poem is absolutely gorgeous. Your words are so perfectly chosen, and the feeling in it is almost tangible. Thank you very much for sharing, and I hope to read more of your work here, soon.

AngelOak7 August 28th, 2015

paradox404 August 26th, 2015

The cost of words

Twas but a night for which

The blood ran cold and out the wrist

But no thout she would or could

So she proved because she should

That life was all for not

She left behind a trail of red

That led to her end

Soon her bed

Where red blossoms bloomed

Against the pale icy blue

No one knew, No one will

Of all the guilt and pain that she feeled

And thus pain on wood and felt

Six feet under all the sound

Like "WOW"

Takes the end to make a start

Scars on scars to make it this far

And signs painted in blood

To realize this is the pain just a few simple words can cause.


Emory20 August 26th, 2015

I am Poem- Anonymous ;)

I am a warm hearted person
I wonder where life will take me next
I hear the beautiful ocean sounds carress near my ears
I see the beautiful stars brighten up the night time sky
I want to make people smile and be happy
I am who I am

I pretend Im a knight in shining armor coming to rescue those who are sad and alone
I feel the cool touch of love soften my heart
I touch the beautiful ocean water feeling how warm it is
I worry one day I won't be able to make people happy
I cry when I see a person sad or not happy
I am me

I understand what it's like to be in people's shoes
I say that love is for everyone no matter what age or person you are
I dream one day I'll find that amazing person that brightens up my world
I try so hard to make everyone smile no matter what
I hope that the words I speak touch the hearts of many
I am Emory and this is who I am :)

LizKay August 26th, 2015

And at four in the morning
I held my mom

braveSugar7964 August 26th, 2015

Liz, that's so beautiful. Can I ask if it's based on your own mum, if that's not too personal?

LizKay August 27th, 2015

It is based on my own mom. She doesn't always feel worthy of being loved and I can understand where she's coming from because I've felt the same way, but I hope to encourage her to see that she'll always be worth it, just like everyone else.

Monarda August 26th, 2015


I wouldn't say that,
even if you
pried off
my lips.

They'd think of
me as
little thing.

"Bet they
you, huh?"

I just enjoy


If I say otherwise,
it means I'm
b r o k e n .

Waterfire August 27th, 2015

Through a Thousand Miles

By WaterFire

On this day
There was a path of lightning that led her to him
The way he ran to her
The way the winds swept under their feet as they melted stone

She held him like a life raft on a stormy sea
The promise of his eyes was something she needed

The way he held her like it was his last day on earth
She made him feel something he hadn't felt in awhile

The way they touched each other like fragile objects
They were one

He kissed her, but not her lips just yet
He kissed the place her faith had

Holding him was sweeping away the hurt like ashes in a fireplace
She thought whoever wakes up beside him
In twenty years
Was very lucky

But he would never forget the girl who told him he was perfect

Because in her eyes he was the moon and stars and more then that
She shivered as his lips touched her fading scars

All he wanted was to make her his
All he wanted was to make her feel safe

All she wanted was to make him happy
All she wanted was to make him feel loved

How could she tell him that she didn't belong to herself anymore
She had been claimed by him as a mother claims her newborn child
She was scared

How could he tell her that if she left he would be broken
He did all he could
He held her tightly

If they died, they would die together

His smile was intoxicating

Her wavy hair stopped in the middle of her back, and her green eyes shined when she looked upon him

She thought wildly that if they ever had children they would have the most beautiful eyes

They wouldn't hurt each other

He wanted to tell her not to hurt herself
To wait a few more years and then everything could change

But he just took her in his arms, willing her heart to accept that it belonged to someone

He wanted to protect her from the world
But then she smiled
He just watched the sea in her eyes
And felt her heartbeat there
Alive for him
And him only

Rayenne August 27th, 2015

The artist.

Her soul is her tool

and her body, the canvas.

With every tiny stroke

her skin gains a deathly pallor.

Still, she continues painting

until she runs out of color

Emory20 August 27th, 2015

Love Sestina- Anonymous ;)

Floating and walking away in time
I see the clock hands turn slowly
It's been forever since the waves have made a sound
Each sound is followed by a gentle echo
Each moment becomes another journals page
Another day lost by the waves is how my story begins.

I dream at night as the distant memories flow
Where life brings me back to a better place
A gentle kiss or a lovely turn in the halls
But once the sun begins to rise
Their happiness is swallowed by the waves.

Such was each day without you. Everyday with you brought gentle wavesof happiness that sent my sadness afloat.
I let my heart and mind cheris each sweet second of your presence.
This was our moment to be happy.
Your love was like a pen and my life and heart were the pages.

And so the pencil began to flow and write in the journal
"Oh how I wish a time could return where prayers were answered. Where life didnt float way like a breeze.
Oh how I wish we could be together without drowning in sadness or sorrow.

Now home for days without end, each day I would rise and look back in the journal
I would see the unfinished pages remembering the times where the pencil dropped and the ink didnt flow.
I remember the beautiful peaceful moments that the journal kept and I keep hold and tight to them.

And so on the day we met, I go and pray that my happiness will meet your heart.
That it will flow over and over and that my heart can once again leap into your arms knowing it is safe and cared for.
Your rescued me from being tossed into the stormy sea.
May our love and happiness that saved me outlast time and the world.

In life's great book of wonders, we turn together each page day by day.
Side by side, we rise above the clouds, together we dive beneath the ocean water
Where one day our love may flow where it will be, but our lives and heart will be eternal forever.

Anushka1 August 27th, 2015

@Emory20 this is brilliant. :) Love the poem, so beautiful! Wish i knew the poet :D <3

LoneWolfAshes96 August 27th, 2015

Bleed Black

I am exploring the inside

I find it desolate

I do implore the confines

Now as they penetrate, "recreate me"

I'm hovering throughout time

I crumble in these days

I crumble, I can not find

Reflection in these days...

If you listen...listen close

Beat by beat

You can hear when the heart stops

I saved the pieces when it broke

And ground them all to dust.

I am destroyed by the inside

I disassociate

I hope to destroy the outside

It will eleviate, and elevate me

Like water flowing into lungs

I'm flowing through these days

Like morphine cuts through deadened veins

I'm numbing in these days...

I know what died that night

It can never be brought back to life

Once again, I know

I know I died that night

And I'll never be brought back to life...

Once again...

I know...

Annie January 28th, 2016

@LoneWolfAshes96, this is haunting. Beautiful.

LizKay August 28th, 2015

A poem about a romantic interest taking me to the ER because of my chronic pain and how I felt.

i. And while I laid in the hospital bed
You held my hand,
Softly etching promises into my skin
With fingertips that burned with compassion.

ii. Your worn out voice draped over words
In ways that made me feel like
Maybe once we were both alive
At the exact same time.

iii. Fluorescent lights made my pale skin
Light up like a bright moon on a dark night
So I guess that made you the night
As that night swallowed us whole
In the early hours of the morn.

iv. Time went by slowly as I watched
Eyes close and you succumbed to the sleep
Your body needed for decades.

v. No matter how tired or
How much pain we were in,
You stayed by my side.

vi. When I awoke you were gone.

- I think I almost told you I love you once but I don't want to remember.

AngelOak7 August 28th, 2015


Keep going

Memories will surface

Threaten to disarm you

Disable from inside



Let them be,

allow some time,

To heal

Then move,

Keep going

So what if this is a new one

So what if it can't wait


Can't wait


Is moving


Keeps going

So move,

Keep going

Stop fighting,


for control

Just leave it be

Accept what was,

and what is,

and what may be.

And move,

Keep going.

unsinkablespirit312 August 28th, 2015

"Life can't wait. Life is moving. Life keeps going." ⬅️ love this part!

What you have written is so true. Thank you for beautifully capturing how I feel. I connected to every word.

AngelOak7 August 28th, 2015

Thank you ^_^

squizzy6 August 28th, 2015

this is exactly what I need right now,something to give me the strength to move.❤️

AngelOak7 August 28th, 2015

I'm so happy you found strength from this :) I hope you continue to gain strength and flourish.


intothehollow August 29th, 2015

Thank you. This.Will be my new focus the next time I am randomly blindsided by a memory.

Englandlove11 August 28th, 2015

Pieces of me scatter
In different directions fly.
In search for eternal love
And answers to the question: Why?

Pieces of me dissolve
In a puddle of despair.
Looking for solidification
In a world of constant repair.

Pieces of me break

When my world's in disarray.

In these moments of self doubt

When there's nothing left to save.

Pieces of me crumble
Like a rock that's turned to pebble.
Waiting for the one
To put me back together.

Pieces of me chip

When my heart's turned to stone.

Remembering the moments

When I should have atoned.

But the pieces of my heart

Will someday be whole.

New love shall arrive and

Feed the spirit and the soul.

Emory20 August 28th, 2015

Engraven- Annonymous

Engraven deep in my heart are the words that let me sleep at night

They start with a faith pen stroke that begins to write

Everyday I see the beautiful sun shine down on the world

I see the flowers bloom slowly and the gentle dew rise from the ground

I walk outside and I feel the cool breeze brush again my face

Like a mid-summer night wind lifting my heart and mind away

I feel the day tick slowly each minute by minute like the hours of a clock

And yet I could be lost forever in so many thoughts about you

I picture your beautiful smile and your laugh all day in my mind

Like a beautiful song playing over and over again

I walk on the beautiful grass feeling the warm touch of nature brush against me

Wishing you was here holding my hand gently

I sit along the dock feeling the beautiful waves crash gently on my feet

Wishing I could jump in and swim forever till I find you

I feel the gently air turn cold as the day begins to end

Seeing the beautiful moon and stars brighten up the night

I sit on the sand and I lay down looking at the stars one by one

Making wishes and hoping I'll feel you next to me

I feel the gentle sand on my fingers rubbing against my skin

Wishing your fingers could fit in the empty spaces of my hand

I feel the night begin to come upon me like a blanket making me fall asleep gently

To only dream again of a place where only we can go

Where the sun shines always and where the grass touches our feet

Where the lights dim just right and the moon is low enough for me to grab it and give it to you

Where the waves brush against our legs and the butterflies grow more

I get up and walk back slowly knowing the day is over

Walking back up that cold aisle of stairs to my bed

I lay down gently letting my eyes rock me to sleep

And yet deep down even with the night rocking me to sleep

I know I'm safe and warm with your love and heart

As I fall asleep I begin to dream slowly

Of you here with me

And I know in that moment

I am yours for eternity engraven and written in my heart until I breathe my last breathe.

unsinkablespirit312 August 28th, 2015


These Four Walls

You will never know the damage you caused or the hurt and pain I rise above, but all I can ever say is I'm sorry.


the bed is made

its messy sheets are screaming my name

i lock myself inside this room

memories stir

and im counting by three

thinking of grandma and chocolate chip cookies

learning to rollerblade and falling a lot

remembering I Love Lucy and saying vitameatavegamin over and over

this is all just in your head

i remember these four walls

i remember how you tainted them with tears and blood stains

i remember how only these four walls meant anything to you

memories emerge

aftershave mixed with sweat

i want to cry but i know not to

i know what you would do

fear overflowing; overwhelmed

sick to my stomach with disgust

i cannot breathe

i was 6

the bed, now messy

holds the images forever etched in my mind

these four walls are bruised with the memory of you

how could you do this to your daughter?

my body is scarred

from your touches

fingerprint impressions never to be erased

like maps to territories that should have stayed uncharted

will i ever be more than these four walls?

i am a battlefield of games that cannot be won

secrets buried in hidden places

bullets fired from your loaded gun

echoes ringing from combat

i will never be free of you

there is a string of obscenities in my head

lullabies of gentle coaxing

praying for a loose embrace

i am whats left of you

the bed

once cradled me while i rocked myself to sleep

now holds me as i writhe

while sleep eludes me

these four walls hold the beating of my heart

and its fading away slowly

its not all in my head

AngelOak7 August 29th, 2015

I keep going back to this poem. I don't know what it is about it that draws me to it so much. I guess I want to answer so much and ask even more.


unsinkablespirit312 August 29th, 2015

Hey @AngelOak7, thanks for your response. I'm glad you like the poem. It's one of the reasons why I love poetry so much, there are so many different interpretations. If you would like to know more about it though, feel free to message me. I hope you're doing well. Take care!

Seany7411 August 29th, 2015

I long for your voice
Your soft, gentle tone
The way you'd rejoice
When you answered your phone

I miss the way that you held me
When you would look into my eyes
Deep green pools that I still see
Causing me to cast away all lies

Where did you go
Are you still here
Could it be your soul
That diminishes my fear

God bless the moon
God bless me
I see the moon
But do you see me?

I don't know what lies ahead
All I can see is what's left behind
So as I lay here writing this in my bed
I remember your face, your voice, how you were so kind

Then I remember something you said.
We are meant to persevere
This life is not the end
Hold fast to my memory
And I will always be here.
Take life by the hands
And live to your fullest
Share all the love you can
And hold back not for a moment

I smile as I drift to sleep
I glance out the window, and see the full moon
Yes my dear, I know you see it too
Tomorrow, yes tomorrow, I will love as you once told me to do.

Good Night :)

AngelOak7 August 29th, 2015
Trigger: Domestic violence

You broke my heart,

the day you broke my bone.

I joked and cajoled,

I questioned and I reasoned,

I ignored and glared,

I begged and pleaded.

So many chances,

too many apologies.

As I watched you turn from innocent rage

to calculating spite.

A broken child

An angry teenager

A harmful adult.

A cycle, yet to be broken.

This wasnt the first time my heart pained me

for you.

As you called out,

begging for help,

pleading for it to stop

As we so helplessly stood by

unable to move.

Too scared to restrain

Too weak to be powerful.

Im sorry, dear brother.

I wish I could have saved you.

I wish I was braver.

I tried to help,

but I made it worse.

Is it too late?

Lilylistens August 29th, 2015

So many beautiful poems are being shared here...thank you to all, and please continue to share, if you are so inclined.