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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

NewRomantic677 July 25th, 2015

Yup. I think it's an awesome poem.

GeneStealer July 24th, 2015

Hi guys, I'm sorry this one's a bit long. I know it's pretty bad, but I hope someone enjoys it. Thanks for your time and for reading it.

Trigger Warning

Hate to Say Goodbye/Normalcy (Idk what to call it)

I want to go back to when things were normal

Before I drove her so far far away

I have no time machine, I am no magician

Yet here I sit, with simple regret

I must ask myself, what was normal?

Was it before she told me this is goodbye?

When she said she had enough, I was too much to handle

When she told me shed told me before

What Id do wrong, and what I had done

I guess she really is gone forever

Was it before I messed up?

I tried so hard to make her happy

But she thought I wanted more

More than the closest friend I ever had

I guess shes right, maybe I did

Was it before I told her I loved her?

That gut-wrenching fear deep within me

Screamed it was a bad idea

I didnt really listen that time

I guess I didnt want to

Was it before she talked me out of it?

The day I pressed the knife to my wrist

Crying softly into darkest nightmares

Her quiet voice kept me company that night

I guess she didnt want to save me

Was it before I opened my heart?

I told her everything I feared and loved

I wanted to tell someone my story

And I thought she was the one to hear

I guess my words fell on empty ears

Was it before I asked her for her number?

I wanted a friend in my time of need

She was just familiar enough

For me to think she could be someone

I guess I was wrong, I always am

Was it before we first spent some time together?

Among old teammates, the newcomer arrived

She was so beautiful and sweet and funny

I thought Id never have a chance with her

I guess that was the only time I was right

Was it before we met for the first time?

From a distance, she was just another girl

I told myself to keep walking, dont talk to her

I wanted to die, then, and I couldnt hurt another

I guess I should have kept walking that day

There is no before because I cant remember

My life before her, and I cant see one after

Now I lie upon my bed and silently break

My soul and my body deteriorate

I guess she was my only reason to wake

Will tomorrow bring a new light?

All I see is darkness ahead

My first true love just walked away

Without her I would be dead

I guess we should have never met

I am the most foolish of fools

For believing that she ever cared

Maybe I was blinded by loved

But all I see is the perfection of her

I guess I should just let go

As she walked away into the virtual plane

I was left with months of empty texts

Hours or days of talking to her

But still she just walked away

I guess I should have chased after

Now shes gone, shes said her goodbyes

I guess its time I say mine

I wish it didnt have to end this way

But she wont miss me, and nobody else will

I guess… this is goodbye

KnighTerrAin July 24th, 2015

I feel you

TheWhisperedRoar15 July 25th, 2015


coffeeandadvice July 27th, 2015

I love this!

falsehope44 July 24th, 2015

I believe we have a choice...

I believe only you have the power to make that choice....

Only you have the power to change

I believe in you.....

The same way autumn and fall are the same thing

but entirely different

Your choices could be Autumn

Out there and rarely used

Or they could be like the fall

Easy and common

Whatever it is you chose

i believe that it is the right choice

for you

I want you to see the you

i see

Only then can u discover that

because i care,

you're choices don't just affect you

they mean something to me too!!

So if you are Autumn or fall

There is no doubt that i will be

The winter that stands behind you.

Annie July 29th, 2015

@falsehope44, Thank you for sharing your poem here! I found the last 5 lines to be especially lyrical and beautiful. heart

NewRomantic677 July 24th, 2015

So he held my hand

kind of strange

because my left wrist was laden with scars

his finger brushed against them

their ridges

and edges

and ugly jagged lines

and he smiled

and smiled

and smiled

and we walked on.

NewRomantic677 July 24th, 2015

Omg this one AHS so many spelling errors sorry. Its "their ridges" and ugky not uggly lol and because not becasie XDDD

Annie July 27th, 2015

@NewRomantic677, This poem is utterly beautiful.

(I tried to fix the spelling as you wanted, but if I changed something you didn't want -- just let me know and I'll correct it!)

NewRomantic677 July 28th, 2015

omg thank you :)

hopefulthinkin37 July 24th, 2015

When a life ends, a light still burns from the nostalgic memories of the past. When there are clouds in the sky and the rain is pouring down, there will always come a rainbow to remind us that through even the darkest of times, the light will shine through to comfort and to guide us so that our memories may burn in death too

Annie July 27th, 2015

@hopefulthinkin37, This poem truly speaks to me. I admire the theme very much! heart

KnighTerrAin July 24th, 2015

I'm stuck cycling, circling in a hurricane around the eye of the storm. But all I can feel is the calm before it until it breaks

eQuatiun July 24th, 2015


We are games of Jenga

Simply towers builts of pieces of ourselves

We let people take from us

Somethings they take things of ours

Others they take parts of us

When they take these parts of us

We let them try and put the pieces back

It usually works in the short term, but we

KnighTerrAin July 24th, 2015

I've never looked at jenga that way, but what if someone sets it on fire?

eQuatiun July 24th, 2015

Then it is burnt.

KnighTerrAin July 24th, 2015

I haven't had any luck putting dust back together

Annie July 27th, 2015

@eQuatiun, Amazingly imaginative -- wonderful imagery!! heart

TheWhisperedRoar15 July 25th, 2015

I posted this earlier, but I made a few changes and wanted to get some feedback. It's designed to be read aloud, as I'm thinking about presenting it at school (assuming I don't chicken out). If you have any suggestions to make it flow better or make it more meaningful, or maybe any comments as to things I should add or anything that might be considered offensive, I would really appreciate it 😊

Darling please believe me when I tell you you are beautiful
For you can not see the fire in your eyes when you talk about your passions
The way your hands gracefully fly over paper
Drawing out poems, images, whole new worlds
Just to escape the one you are in

Darling please believe me when I tell you you are kind
For although you can't feel the happiness you bring others
You give everything for them
Doing anything to make sure that they
Never feel as broken as you

Darling please believe me when I tell you you are good enough
That your calorie intake does not determine your worth
That the number on the scale does not measure how much you are loved
That even skin and bones will never satisfy your longing to be in control, to be perfect, to be enough
Only you can do that

Darling please believe me when I tell you you are valuable
That you don't need to draw out your feelings in sharp crimson lines
Because the monsters within you do not lie under your skin
But deep within your soul
And the only way to kill them is to let others in
Because blades, lighters, fists, nails, bottles, and pills will only make them stronger
And their words are not true, and their presence is not your fault
But the battle against them can not be won on your own

Darling please believe me when I tell you you are loved
That just because he wasn't strong enough to withstand the whirlwind of passion in your eyes and the roaring oceans in your soul does not mean that you should calm your storm
But strengthen it
Let the fire roaring beneath your skin manifest itself around you
As you learn about your strengths and discover who you were truly meant to be
And those who are truly worthy to be in your presence will dance with you in the downpour
Instead of hiding behind boarded windows
Or worse yet, dampening the inferno inside of you
That was never meant to be quieted

lonesomepoetheart July 25th, 2015

A kiss with you is like lightning striking more than once on my lips. It's my face on fire. A kiss is like freedom and prison all in one. A kiss is like purity mixed with vulgarity, that sets you ablaze. A kiss is lightning, and fire, and ice, bottled inside your lips and then zapped into the nerves in mine.

NewRomantic677 July 25th, 2015

This one is AWESOME. Perfectly describes a kiss.

NewRomantic677 July 25th, 2015

He looks at her

cause he's touched her scars

he's felt her pain

he looks at her

cause he knows his love for her

won't ever be the same


sixty eight times

that's how many scars

how many white lines

faded into her tanned confines

the way he looks at her

is like the way the moon looks at wars

on earth.

KnighTerrAin July 25th, 2015

Sends shivers down my spine

NewRomantic677 July 26th, 2015

Merci beaucoup :)

Annie July 27th, 2015

@NewRomantic677, So good. Another winner. smiley

NewRomantic677 July 27th, 2015

Thanks :)

NataliaNectarine July 26th, 2015

The pain confines

a purple scream

inside the darkness of

my naked bones.


Petrified birds!

Years melt

into tears I proudly

keep uncried.

My eyes are mirrors!

A metal taste,

the sound of screeching

willows and water,


The purple scream

torments me once again,

I fight, I bite.

The wind howls and the trees

Watch disapprovingly


Birds, birds!

Does my dissonant lament

interfere with your

placid, stony sleep?

The scream breaks loose

Coloring me and the world

Lilac and mauve.

Annie July 29th, 2015

@NataliaNectarine, This one is very mysterious. The fifth stanza is particularly beautiful I think. It could stand alone as a gorgeous haiku-esque poem!

NataliaNectarine July 30th, 2015

@Annie, thank you very much for your feedback. You are always so kind to my little scribbles :)

hiddenemotions1992 July 27th, 2015

Her face shows so much more

than she would like to believe,

the wrinkles in her forehead

tell age old tales of stress and anger

her eyes so deep let you uncover

her experinece

of lost love

her smile and the lines around it

make clear that laughter

is her medicine

laughter is what makes

the pain end and

the sadness go away

Her face screams of hope

perseverance strength

She cannot hide

what is meant

to be seen

Annie July 27th, 2015

Dear @hiddenemotions1992, This poem is AMAZING. A lot of truth here. heart

Meghlyn25 July 27th, 2015

It's an object

Nothing more

Nothing less

But in the end

It will confess

The life we've lived

Hated the morning

But dreaded the night

It'll win this fight

Forever and always

Till we meet again.

Annie July 29th, 2015

@Meghlyn25 -- This is intriguing. I'm terribly curious what the object is! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! heart

easyBike626 July 27th, 2015


The Man Inside My Head

by: me :)

There's a man inside my head

he tells me things I dread

everyday, there's no escape

he's the only one I know

There's a man inside my head

he tells me things I dread

and the things he says are true

at least that's what he says

He laughs at me He kicks at me

while I play his game

This game you see, it has no end

unless I end it myself

I cut and slice and see the blood

hoping that he'll leave

but you see,

he sits back and laughs

finding it amusing

He never leaves

he never will

And he lives off my agony

He's a wicked mind

a wicked soul

never to behold

But all I want to know is

Why did he choose me?

KnighTerrAin July 27th, 2015

Jaw dropped on the floor

easyBike626 July 27th, 2015

Thanks I've been wanting to post this somewhere and now I have haha

KnighTerrAin July 28th, 2015

I'm glad you did

coffeeandadvice July 27th, 2015

My poetry: [address redacted]

Annie July 28th, 2015

Dear @catchywriter, It would be wonderful to read your poems! However, as 7 Cups of Tea is not a social networking site, our policies do not permit sharing addresses for offsite contact, so it was necessary for me to remove the address.

heart I hope you'll post some of your work here.