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Friends don’t forget meee

Finny17 March 9th

I am going to @ everyone in my bio cause yall are my friends and I love you /p

@CatHanderOutNoah @lgbterio @thatcrazysystem99 @unassumingEyes @bluesheepfriend @elccc @Sully012251 @steph8402

i won’t be on much tomorrow cause it’s my b-day weekend but I hope to talk to you all through forums and don’t forget meeeeee. Also if I forgot anyone or got any @ wrong lemme know 🙇 I will miss yall soooo much 

Finny17 OP March 9th


@unassumingEyes @Apeatrice

unassumingEyes March 9th

I think small text tags dont work🧐🧐 

*hugs if okay*

Finny17 OP March 9th


@CatHanderOutNoah @lgbterio @thatcrazysystem99 @unassumingEyes @bluesheepfriend @elccc @Sully012251 @steph8402

better now?

unassumingEyes March 9th

@Finny17 yup worked

unassumingEyes March 9th

Finnyyy do u hv any oldie frnds :0 

Finny17 OP March 9th


no, should I?

unassumingEyes March 9th

@Finny17 oh lol it was just a random qs ull prob make sm when u shift (?, move?) To the oldies side

Finny17 OP March 10th


im on adult?!?! I’m not 18 yet

unassumingEyes March 10th

@Finny17 where i live, its sunday :p

Finny17 OP March 10th


i was on adult by about midday Saturday 

unassumingEyes March 10th

@Finny17 R u d e, cups. Stole half of our day away 😔😔😔 u visit the gc yet? Talk to any old boring ppls? 

Finny17 OP March 10th


yaaaa, there’s so many adult issues on this side now too and now I have to meet a whole bunch of new people too. It kinda suckkksss

unassumingEyes March 10th

@Finny17 eww old ppl issues 🤭🤭🤭 sounds awful yeaah they shld talk bout fun stuffs and play games 🙃

steph8402 March 12th


happy birthday 😭 i missed it. i already miss you so muchhhhh. how is oldie side??? love youuu tc

TheGambitSystem March 13th

hahaha.... oldddd /j -🕷

TheGambitSystem March 14th

@XxDustedSkiiesxX btw! changed our username. we used to be bluesheepfriend. now we are XxDustedSkiiesxX!  -🕷

Finny17 OP March 23rd


I didnt know 😱 im so happy you found this tho!! how have you been?

Selfloveisimportant March 23rd

@Finny17 I did not get this tag, Till i went through ur profile out of missing u friend I did not realize u aged up so soon friend!! I have missed u in teenie land. 

Finny17 OP March 23rd


Idk why people I tagged didnt get this 😭😭 I miss all my friends and the fun we'd have in tcr *spins*

Selfloveisimportant March 23rd

@Finny17 I think it was cuz the T was lower case 

Finny17 OP March 23rd


thats stupid 😢

Selfloveisimportant March 23rd

@Finny17 Mhm fr, Im so sad I missed ur b-day tho! I hope it was a good one!

Selfloveisimportant March 24th

@Finny17Hey hru? 

Finny17 OP March 25th


im kinda sad I only got 22/28 of the homework assignments I had to do this week done which I mean does sound like a lot and it was but I’m still a bit behind 😭😭 if I can I’m really really hoping I can get it done this week. I am still proud of myself tho! Ik I did good! How have you been? Life treating you well?

Selfloveisimportant March 25th

@Finny17 im so sorry 2 hear im preetty good tbh

Finny17 OP March 25th


im glad you’re doing good!!! That’s all we can hope for!

unassumingEyes April 27th

@Finny17 i keep forgetting to drop a message 😞😞

Hows oldie side? How are you doinv nowadays? So weird not seeing u around in tcr and sr. Theres mostly newbies around now 

Finny17 OP May 4th


i haven’t been on much, dealing with my own stuff. Adult side isn’t always nice and helpful