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Your Growth Path

GlenM March 20th, 2015

We are excited to announce the launch of the growth path early next week. I'm writing you now to give you a heads up and answer any questions you might have. Below please find a description of the growth path and a link to an image of the growth path. All feedback is welcome!

Growth Path Text:

Your Growth Path has 3 components: Connect, Grow, Practice

Connecting with kind, genuine, and caring people is very important. (+)
--We all need authentic human connection to grow. It is like sunlight for plants. You can connect in one on one chats with listeners or through group support chat. Think of connecting as a way to fill up your emotional gas tank. Stress lowers our tank. When we talk to a listener, we get our tank filled back up.

Learning gives us a map that shows us where we are and where we want to go. (+)
--Without a map you can feel lost. Our free test and self-help guides will create a custom map for you. Right now you are at Point A and want to get to Point B. We will help you get there!

Practice provides easy to use skills to help us live a better life. (+)
--Life can be much easier if you have skills or techniques to help you cope. Most of these skills are very easy to master. We?ll start with the simple practice of gratitude or being thankful. Next, we?ll add mindfulness. As you grow, we?ll add more skills for you to master.

The best way to grow is to make it a habit. Each day you?ll have the opportunity to connect, learn, or practice. You can do one or more exercises. It is entirely up to you.

If you miss a day, or something comes up, don?t worry about it. There is no pressure here. Simply take the next easy step in your growth path to get back on track.

Start by taking our free emotional wellness test. It will teach you more about yourself and help us create a custom Growth Path just for you. It takes less than 3 minutes.



Once you hit start, we'll then drop you on the free emotional wellness test. We'll also ask you to identifythe main issues you want to address. These issues correspond to our self-help guides. The path will have a variety of exercises including: chatting with a listener or group, reading a lesson in a self-help guide (all paths start with the acceptance and commitment therapy guide), gratitude journal entries, mindfulness exercises, or posting in the forum. We'll be adding more exercises, but believe we are off to a strong start.

Members and guests will have the option of sharing their growth plan with their listener. The listener will be able to see the last step, the current step, and the next step. Listeners, please read Laura's excellent post here.

The path is the same for everyone for the first 20 or so steps and then it diverges based on the issues you would like to address. For example, I might struggle with anxiety, so my path would work as outlined above, but then lesson 21 would start with lesson 1 of the anxiety help guide. We've made each step simple and easy to follow. As you make progress down your path, you'll have the option of retaking the emotional wellness test to track your progress.

Here is an image of what the growth path will look like:

We are doing something quite beautiful together here. As always, I welcome your thoughts and feedback. Thank you!

JulietMilly March 27th, 2015


JulietMilly March 27th, 2015

I'm so alone ✖️

funnyStrawberries5996 March 27th, 2015

The only way I can grow is if I am alone ... Toxic people in my life prevent me from doing this sadly I am related to all of them...

JulietMilly March 27th, 2015

What a terrible life?

brightBlackberry7958 March 29th, 2015

why so terrible?surprise

LavanderPlum March 27th, 2015

Is the growth plan this mini forum?

terracotta13 March 28th, 2015

The phone app it is but on the Internet there are readings, journals, and little tasks you have to do.

neatMap5604 March 28th, 2015

That's what I'm trying to figure out too lavender

KimberGalace March 28th, 2015

Great idea c:

laurapb March 28th, 2015

Thank you very much@GlenM !! This is such an amazing idea; Hope everyone takes advantage of it and keep makingit's best to keep helping people who really need it here in 7Cups. Greetings to all listeners!

Oliwia March 28th, 2015

Yes, this is a great idea :)

GUVNOR777 March 29th, 2015

Life is simple it's only our minds that complicate things .

frostyWind86 March 29th, 2015

You don't need to.. Life is one but to live, reasons are many..smileyyes

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JulietMilly March 29th, 2015

Me too...✖️

Ilove1d22 March 29th, 2015


wonderfulComfort29 March 29th, 2015

really great idea. The growth path will help connect members and listeners more efficiently! great job!!yesyessmiley

Beroute March 29th, 2015


aquaBike25 March 29th, 2015

For me, getting help does not mean that i am going to be able to cope with my problems. I didn't come here to learn to just cope. I came here to get better, to keep getting better.It means that i am making a change to myself, to create a new lifestyle for myself. One in which i can deal with all the mess that Life throws at me and still come out being better. I have this little mantra that i keep saying to myself....

Take it easy. Take it slow. Always Better. Always Better.

aquaBike25 March 29th, 2015

So thanks for providing this easy way for me keep track of my progress. It is a cool idea.

wwwace April 2nd, 2015

Great out look my friend. Keep on smiling as you have a big grin in Australia for you. Your friend John

stillhoping098 March 29th, 2015

I'm new here, but I already love it. I'm so not used to all these nice words and it's different. But a good different. I'm already feeling better :)

wwwace April 2nd, 2015

Keep on feeling Great because you make me feel Tremendous. Is that not what 7 cups is all about. I have the kettle on for the 8th cup and will pour 1 for you. And a hot cross bun also. Your friend John

emotionalTriangle7309 March 30th, 2015

I feel like I've grown to become so numb to everything & now I have no idea how I feel. People ask me how I am, and I'm so used to lying saying that I'm good. You know, honestly I wish I knew. I'm not happy, I feel sad and empty. I just don't even know

scarletPal2365 March 30th, 2015

I can totally relate to this. I've gotten hurt so much and so good at hiding my true self since I have to fake happiness daily. I'm a shell of my old self and trying to figure out how to get it back. Hang in there. You aren't alone.

loveletlove March 30th, 2015

Redemption read this this might help

oliveCherry1157 March 30th, 2015

Exactly how I feel.

Penelope1963 March 30th, 2015

If you tell the truth, it offers the opportunity for others to be transparent as well

wwwace April 2nd, 2015

Hello my friend. Please just let it all go. Have a cry. What ever it takes. Then smile. But do not let go beacaus I have your hand and I am not going to let you go. When you hang on till you think you cant hold on any more just hold on a little longer.

crimsonNectarine March 30th, 2015

Not sure how to use the growth path? Any advice is appreciated

wwwace April 2nd, 2015

I am not sure. But as I see these posts on 7 cups, you can leve help and encouragement etc for others. Just simple little thoughts. Hope this is of some help Keep smiling. John

Nylesthedog March 30th, 2015

I don't know how to use this

oliveCherry1157 March 30th, 2015

This app is awesome

Veefay March 30th, 2015

Hi, I'm new here, interested to see what will come of this, but I hope some good will come from.

jimmypeace March 30th, 2015

I want to state here that as a father I shouldn't have to be treated as a criminal or some burden. I shouldn't have to fight to be a part of my children's lives and fear the other parent anytime they want to abuse the law just because their is no separation of our issues as a divorcing couple. I shouldn't have to go to court to beg to be in my children's lives and shouldn't have to prove my love for them to a bunch of strangers in a court room who will never know us personally to be put in the spot light to barely get time with my children while paying a huge amount of my income to a person that's not held accountable for their use of that money. I should never have to fight to be a father or show my love for my beautiful children it should just be a given. I have to confess that me having to do so is not in the best interest of my children how is such a damaging process to any parent in anyone's best interest, it is not especially not children, now they have to be with a broken and weathered parent who has been abused by a system that is suppose to do things in the best interest of a child and should be doing things in the best interest of keeping that parent child bond alive. So how is that in the best interest of cultivating a positive relationship, it does only one thing and that process damages that relationship by the time lost and spent together as parent and child. The family court system must stop stealing time between child and parent, it is wrong! I have no criminal record so why do I and so many other fathers and some mothers have to entertain the idea of taking their own life " I would not"or live with such sadness and financial ruin because they are estranged from their children's lives when all evidence points to how beneficial it is that children have both parents equally. Alienating should be a crime and family court is the largest perpetrator of crimes against father's children and mothers. They destroy families. No one should even have to pay tens of thousands of dollars so they can be a loving involved parent. In our political system bills to be passed on parental rights should never have anything to do based on attorneys wishes that only benefit the attorneys and the system bottom line. To me that is just as bad as human trafficking which is just another form of slavery and no loving parent should be a slave to anyone or any emotional dynamic because slavery is illegal, its a crime so stop enslaving father's and mothers who love their children. I am in support of the equal parenting act. STOP the discrimination against fathers please write your law makers and hold them accountable for these crimes against humanity and their roles in the erosion of our nations future; our children.

Penelope1963 March 30th, 2015

Sorry you are going through this - the courts are impersonal. It's OK, your kids will know if you love them and they will never forget your integrity if you go through this process with dignity. Step up to the plate in hard times and they will learn from you. Peace

wwwace April 2nd, 2015

To put it simly there are too many laws and not enough JUSTICE

Kimmi274 March 30th, 2015

I'm new to this but I have already been getting the support and help I was looking for, I feel so lucky I found this it's helped me a lot already :)

FundyMental March 30th, 2015

My growth path said I need to post on this forum. I'm new to this so I'm taking the advice from the site. I really don't know what to say other than I really don't know what direction I want to go with my growth. I want to be me, but minus the obsessive paranoid depressive thoughts. But at the same time they've helped me develope into the person I am. Maybe I just want to learn to embrace myself, or maybe I've come to terms with who I am and I just want to learn how to not go off the walls when I'm upset. Maybe I'm just so use to being sad that it's uncomfortable for me to happy. I'm tired of coming up with theories about what is possibly wrong with me. In tired of mental arguments with myself, which prevent me from sleeping, I'm tired of finally getting sleep only to have nightmares that wake me up. I feel like I'm going a mile a minute, so I will stop here. If I'm using this wrong, I apologize.

wwwace April 2nd, 2015

Please do not apolagise. You have come to 7 cups. A place where you have friends all around the world. All who were once and some times still in the exact place you are in now. So hang in there You can one day be a help to another and gain your own growth If you dont believe me just hang in and stay around 7 cups. Chat with others as often as needed

oliveCherry1157 March 30th, 2015

:) I love this app