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Weekly sharing of Goals! Week #35 2024 (Monday 09/02/24 - Sunday 09/08/24)

IsayUncle September 2nd

I welcome anyone to commit to a goal here today. 

But importantly, talk about getting it done..... or why it didn't happen yet.

To praise each other for our efforts and wins.

While supporting each other through trials and setbacks.

And to continue trying and not give up.

Every Goal should be considered "Worthy".
Never belittle your achievements and be proud of yourself for your daily accomplishments!
Whether they be Complex or Simple.
Getting out of bed is a good day..... Good job I say!

Share your goals today, for support and encouragement.

@cloudySummer @mytwistedsoul @KristenHR @Tinywhisper11 @CyclingThroughLife @Psalm139 @Enthenia @anonyTortoise3336 @spicyavocado3788 @neatBlueberry5213 @AmyK1234 @ivoryLakeuk @MusokeHere @seashell145

And Any Others

Poor man wanna be rich
Rich man wanna be king
And a king ain't satisfied
'Til he rules everything
"Bruce Springsteen" 1978

A Reminder For Me This Week..... (Shared)
Desire for more invites dissatification for what we have and diminishes our accomplishments.

Acknowledge, Absorb, Appreciate
Enthenia September 2nd

It's a new week? I don't want my alarm to go off in the morning....

My tasks are pretty much the same as last week. Get my assignment done (I'm actually ahead this time. My next assignment is to create a CSS for the web page but I already did that. Haven't figured out how to get the background in each of the sections though) and get my work done plus ignore the baying from the supervisors. Incidentally, I found that one or two co-workers were mad when I got in trouble for stuff that wasn't entirely my fault a year or so ago. I am aware that holding on to grudges isn't exactly good but my feelings about the company and management changed that day. The environment is not one that I should be in long-term.

But now, I'm going to give the dog her nighttime treats and get ready for bed.

Tinywhisper11 September 2nd

@Enthenia good night ❤ sweet dreams ❤

IsayUncle OP September 2nd


Good morning..... i hope your day gives u some niceness as you make your way. U deserve it.

Congrats about ur assignment, im glad your not so pressurized about that today. 😀

Enthenia September 2nd

@IsayUncle That's because most everyone is taking the holiday off. I did run into the supervisor from the other side that trained me when I was a temp. worker. He agreed with my feelings, said that management at this office is poor compared to the corporate office. He's tried to transfer a couple of times but they won't let him because he's doing the majority of the work. I'd consider the corporate office but I don't want to deal with the downtown traffic. That wouldn't reduce the stress even if the job and management was better.

So many people are unhappy here.

IsayUncle OP September 3rd


frsometimes it's just nice to run into somebody that agrees with you or even just understands what you're talking about period. So that was nice.

So I'm thinking 2 hours tangled up in traffic for 8 hours of good working conditions. That is a tough consideration to lose that much time out of your day but to be balanced by good possibilities or unseen possibilities. I can understand your dilemma but maybe it'll be an option when you're ready to throw in the towel and sink the ship and blow up something. 😁. Might be nice to go to the corporate office for a change of pace and take on those challenges for a while

Enthenia September 3rd

@IsayUncle I live in a tourist town. Lots of hotels where the corporate office is. I used to work across the street in another hotel (different company). Traffic wasn't too bad back then but they've built up other attractions near the place and that section of town really didn't have many through streets so I can only imagine what it's like now. And right now there are no openings at the corporate office. I checked. Only thing open was a financial accountant but I don't know enough about that to apply although I do wonder how some of the people I work with got their jobs...

Anyone know what's going on with the main page? Keep getting errors like I did a week or so again no matter what browser or device I use.

Oh, and I still need to do background checks for people. Turned out to be a week behind pulling reports for one state and the new reports will probably come out tomorrow so I'll be swamped again.

IsayUncle OP September 3rd


I'm not having any trouble with my homepage.. i haven't heard of others saying anything but i don't know

good luck on your work stuff today and that corporate office thing can be a background idea something good comes up. But hopefully by then you're following your own path of employment doing what you like with a much better company or for yourself. 😀

Enthenia September 3rd

@IsayUncle I got an http error. Was just for the main page. Other pages would work fine. Tried my mobile, work computer and my home computer using Opera, Firefox, Edge and Google but I would get an error each time when I tried to view the dashboard. The message varied from browser but it was basically the same error.

Happened one day last week too. Just on the dashboard page.

---Maybe one day this week I can look at the grade on my assignment.

IsayUncle OP September 4th


RU Skeeeeered to look 😱 🤣.... or just don't have a minute? 😕

Enthenia September 4th

@IsayUncle just haven't had time. I'm not dubious about this class.

Tinywhisper11 September 2nd

@IsayUncle good morning my favouritistist uncle ❤ it's already a new week, I'm looking track of days.

That's a great reminder, you've come so far already. You have created your own business, that's thriving, you should be very very proud of all you've done ❤❤ I'm proud of you ❤ and what more could you possibly want?? I mean you have the greatest niece in the world😁

 I hope this week brings you peace of mind, the rest you need, and your business to blossom, I love you ❤

IsayUncle OP September 2nd



I hope you feel better than better this week. But I also hope ypu take time to yourself and rest and relax. I love you.

Have a wonderful Day!

Tinywhisper11 September 2nd

@IsayUncle I'm better than I have been, but very cold or very hot, and sleeping alot🙁 I feel like sh!ite 

IsayUncle OP September 3rd


I'm sorry. I want you to sleep a very lot. Sleep, wake, sleep, say hi to me, sleep Chicken noodle soup. and just rest with no worries as you heal and get through this. Just rest sweetheart. We all can't wait for you to mend.... and then..... here comes smarty pants before we know it making all 7 cups fly off the shelf with your silly jokes and infectious humor and laughter. 


My favouritists Niece in the Whole Wide World

Tinywhisper11 September 4th

@IsayUncle stupid pneumonia really sucks 🙁 I managed to go sit outside by his cross and talk to my son earlier😁 but now I'm just so week again, so I'm gonna go sleepys, but first this is for you


Tinywhisper11 September 4th

@Tinywhisper11 good luck opening it😏 mwhahahahahaaa

IsayUncle OP September 5th

Thank You😀

It has a bunch of electronic pieces in it....... OH NO....  😱 i smashed my compuetr moniter with the scissors. 

So good to see you but please just keep resting. Be a good Niece and get some chicken noodle soup in ya! 🍜

it was wondrerful you got outside and was able to talk with Joshua... that was perfect. 🌻🌺

Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@IsayUncle 😂😂😂😂 don't smash your computer monitor😂😂😂😂 silly😂😂😂😂 

Tinywhisper11 September 2nd

@IsayUncle good morning everyone ❤❤ gives you all a giant tiny hug ❤


IsayUncle OP September 2nd


LOL... im still sitting at top thinking i dont want to go, 😂

Tinywhisper11 September 2nd

@IsayUncle 😂😂😂😂😂

BlueDarkAurora September 2nd

@IsayUncle Desire can coexist with gratitude<3 I feel it is important to have things to want and work for :) it keeps us going but yes a constant comparison of what we have and what we don't is not healthy. I'm grateful to have a piece of cake while looking forward to having another *-* or a whole cake or two or three °-° Hmm I guess I get what you mean :D

Tinywhisper11 September 2nd

@BlueDarkAurora I understand completely *drools* icecream😋


BlueDarkAurora September 2nd

@Tinywhisper11 xD

IsayUncle OP September 3rd


yea, I agree but it's still a stcky wicket to navigate.😁

mytwistedsoul September 5th

@IsayUncle I had to google this one! 

IsayUncle OP September 6th


Mee too actually LOl 🤣. but i had the right idea 😁. 

CyclingThroughLife September 2nd

Happy Monday and start to a new week.....This week should be pretty status quo for me, with the exception that high school soccer starts so I have to do all the things that go along with supporting the boy for this....only this year, it will be a little easier now that he has his drivers license and will have a car.  I do have to get myself signed up for the to work the stand and crockpot meals and snacks to bring....other than that, I'm going to try to relax because next week and the week after are going to be hectic at work for me do to covering for people who are out for surgery and PFMLA....I'll be changing my schedule again, working on my days off, taking different days off, etc....I'll be so glad once all the employees are back and things are "normal" if there is such a thing. 

Anyway, I shared this last week in 7 cups but can't quite remember if it was this thread or another, but I feel like it needs to be shared again....


When you feel good, you do good......

Have a great week

Psalm139 September 2nd

Gosh the concessions and crockpot meals and snacks responsibilities sound overwhelming to me! And that on top of a full time job! Good luck getting some rest this week in preparation for the next two! You seem to have a good attitude about it!

I love what you shared about taking care of yourself - good reminder and easy to forget how much it makes a difference!

IsayUncle OP September 3rd


I agree, cycling's attitude is very inspiring this season. I don't know how he does it. You too probably have a lot in common 'cause I don't know how you do it either😂🤣💗

IsayUncle OP September 3rd


When you feel good, you do good.... I like that! 👍

CyclingThroughLife September 3rd

Good morning and Happy Tuesday.  I took today off of work to get some things done.  Honestly, I could have probably gotten them done after work, but my son does have a soccer game at 4pm so I'd be rushed and stressed so my answer was to take the day off and do the things.....the things I need to do, you ask?  My son is buying his first "used" car.....since today is his first day of school, my task today is to make sure it get insured, registered and inspected....

I hope everyone in this thread meets their goals for the day and the week.....

mytwistedsoul September 4th

@CyclingThroughLife Congratulations to your son on his first car!  That's a big moment! As a parent  that's gotta be alittle scary though. May he have many many years of safe driving! 

CyclingThroughLife September 4th

Thank you

Enthenia September 3rd

I almost commented on the post for the previous week then checked the date.

Got caught up with the customer info and changed the date on the reports from Aug. to Sep. (I don't know what month it is. Of course being in a heat advisory *again* doesn't help). Also had to reprint one because one site does last name, first name and another site does first name, last name & I forgot to switch. Would be my luck that the supervisors would pick that one to review and email everyone about it...

Got rent scheduled. May have some money left over to pay other bills. Going to check the university's site since the new reports haven't been uploaded yet. IT probably took yesterday off. I was here. I don't mind working in a practically empty office. Not nearly as much stress when no one is really about.

The new billing session for the university is next week so if there are any refunds, it'll probably be then. 

Enthenia September 4th

Didn't really make any progress. The time I was going to use to look at my grade on the assignment and start on the next assignment was spent on redoing the reports I ran that day. I failed to do an email validation for one of the sites we use the background reports on and the social security numbers were masked. I saw the X's at a glance but didn't think anything about it. I was trying to get them all finished because one of the supervisors was asking about it. 

Even if I had gotten around to it yesterday, I wouldn't have accomplished anything because one of the sites was down for the holiday. So the same supervisor and one of the managers confronted me about the masked social and I was trying to finish something else on the VPN. Certain things work only on the VPN, other things don't.

So I was trying to log onto the site and it kept giving me errors and I couldn't figure out why because I knew the username and the password was right and I have the supervisor and manager standing behind me and yes, I start to panic. Then the supervisor tells me to calm down like she's talking to a child. Yes, that annoyed me. First, if it's not a big issue and if it can wait, don't come up to me like it's a big deal. Secondly, don't talk down to me like I'm a simpleton. 

I eventually realized what was wrong (the VPN) and I submitted what I had been in the middle of doing (was finished; just needed to validate) and signed off of the VPN. Then I was able to log in to the other site and redo the report the supervisor had looked at. They said that I didn't have to redo all the ones I had done today but I did anyway because I didn't want to get in trouble over them again. Then I had to replace the files in the three locations.

Sent the supervisor a message stating that all of the erroneous ones were replaced. Didn't apologize or make excuses because I could get in trouble for that. But, if I had left the erroneous ones where they were, I could have gotten in trouble for that too.

I doubt I'll be able to look at my assignments tomorrow because tomorrow we'll probably have the reports for last month. 

I'm just getting really tired of everything I do being wrong.

mytwistedsoul September 4th

@Enthenia I really feel bad for you with your work. It's obvious to me and I'm sure the others here - that you're doing your best to do what you need to for the job and you work hard at it. It sounds so stressful trying to keep up with the demands that they keep bringing to you. Their system is old and slow and they keep changing their minds on how they want things done. I'm glad the person that trained you agreed and helped validate what you're dealing with. Is corporate aware that the management is so bad there? Is there a way to make them aware if they aren't? An anonymous "tip"? I mean I totally understand if you couldn't but it sure is fun to think about them getting into trouble once. *sending you some good vibes*

Tinywhisper11 September 4th

@IsayUncle goodnight uncle John ❤ goodnight everyone ❤ and remember......

🎶🎶 if your happy and you know it, it's your meds💃💃💃💃💃💃

IsayUncle OP September 5th


Always the funny girl......🤣😁🤣😁😂 Whatever works sometimes! I love you and been missing you but i still want you to rest and recuperate. Take all the meds you need. (((((((💖)))))))

Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@IsayUncle don't worry I'm being looked after really well here ❤ how's your week been going??