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Weekly sharing of Goals! Week #35 2024 (Monday 09/02/24 - Sunday 09/08/24)

IsayUncle September 2nd

I welcome anyone to commit to a goal here today. 

But importantly, talk about getting it done..... or why it didn't happen yet.

To praise each other for our efforts and wins.

While supporting each other through trials and setbacks.

And to continue trying and not give up.

Every Goal should be considered "Worthy".
Never belittle your achievements and be proud of yourself for your daily accomplishments!
Whether they be Complex or Simple.
Getting out of bed is a good day..... Good job I say!

Share your goals today, for support and encouragement.

@cloudySummer @mytwistedsoul @KristenHR @Tinywhisper11 @CyclingThroughLife @Psalm139 @Enthenia @anonyTortoise3336 @spicyavocado3788 @neatBlueberry5213 @AmyK1234 @ivoryLakeuk @MusokeHere @seashell145

And Any Others

Poor man wanna be rich
Rich man wanna be king
And a king ain't satisfied
'Til he rules everything
"Bruce Springsteen" 1978

A Reminder For Me This Week..... (Shared)
Desire for more invites dissatification for what we have and diminishes our accomplishments.

Acknowledge, Absorb, Appreciate
IsayUncle OP September 5th


Goooood Mooooorning! Other than worrying about you 😔 (Glad they are there for you), my week is finishing one job and starting another so I'd say, going good. 

Even so with them..... You be nice to you and enjoy your rest while rebuilding your strength. 💖

Enthenia September 4th

Actually reviewed the first assignment. Have to resubmit it. The .doc wasn't supposed to be in the zipped file and I have to have a web hosting account (which I thought, but that wasn't specifically in the instructions, just on the reading list.) 

But, I'd rather deal with that than work although the reports for last month have just been loaded so I guess I'm behind again...

But, I have only two days left to the week and then I get a reprieve. And most of the supervisors aren't in the office Thursday and Friday so that's something.

Enthenia September 5th

I had to set up the environment for the webpage to be viewable places other than my computer. Basic knowledge I suppose but it's been a looong time since I did a web site and I don't think I ever had to do a domain 

So technically the code is right, I just can't get the environment set up. That's giving me an error. I emailed the professor and found an article with updated instructions. Hopefully one of those options will give me a solution to the error and I can continue with my assignments.

Enthenia September 6th

Got the resource created. Had to select a different region for it to work. Also had to install packages to get the studio to work. 

The studio will make it easier even though I'll have to do it at home. It can hold all the website files, auto format them and then upload them to the domain. Will also offer suggestions and point out errors.

IsayUncle OP September 6th


You know when you first started talking about your program classes and being fearful of a cetain program........ 🤔 I forget what that program was but it was long enough ago, I couldn't find it. It seems you are now learning multible techniques and succeeding a lot. 

Are you still working within that same program and if so, what is it again.... save my brain.... it's bugging me. 😂😖

Enthenia September 7th

@IsayUncle I think you mean Java. Not doing that now but my professor is the same.

IsayUncle OP September 7th


That was it! Thanks.... a bunch.... LOL

So, what platforms or programs are you working with now?

IsayUncle OP September 6th


yay... 2 day reprieve. 

Moving forward to build a website. That sounds very impressive.

Enthenia September 7th

@IsayUncle I don't know about impressive. I'm still having trouble getting it up on the domain server. I spent a couple of hours trying to get it to work (much to the annoyance of the dog) and it's still not showing like it should.

IsayUncle OP September 7th


That's a bummer. Poor puppy. (only for a bit 😏)

Enthenia September 7th

@IsayUncle I played with her for a long time this morning. Going to try to figure out how to get it working later. Right now laundry and I still need to eat. By then, someone will be ready to play again...

And I need to make up for not doing a picture yesterday...

Enthenia September 7th

I am so confused on this assignment. I have my basic code down and have tried to deploy it. I've even tried to do AWS and the free hosting site recommended in the reading list. The free hosting site says to create a database. Why do I need a database just for the homepage?

Fortunately, the target date for the 2nd assignment is the 14th so maybe I can get it figured out by then.

cloudySummer September 7th

@Enthenia Depends upon the selected CMS. If you don't use one, or use one that doesn't use a DB, just uploading the web pages, exposing them to the web and getting a certificate should suffice.

Enthenia September 8th

@cloudySummer I tried VS Code and then deploying each file to Azure (images, CSS, HTML, and the .js). I have the extensions enabled but when I click on the link in Azure, no content shows. I tried using the storage part of Azure but that didn't work. 

I've tried the same thing on the other sites and get nothing aside from a blank page.

IsayUncle OP September 6th


Hey Soul, I don't want to disturb Tiny (needs her rest) but am worried a bit. Have you heard anything from her recently. I know she was/is recovering from pnumonia. I don't want to tag her yet. 😔

Or if anyone knows?

mytwistedsoul September 6th

@IsayUncle I saw her alittle yesterday in Iam's thread. She was talking about playing a game with one of her carers. I know she's been sleeping and resting alot. Yeah she's been pretty sick 😞 

You could send her a thinking of you or get well gif. Those are always nice to get  😊 And Tiny's such a sweetheart - she would definitely love it

IsayUncle OP September 6th



mytwistedsoul September 6th

@IsayUncle You're welcome! I hope she's ok 

IsayUncle OP September 6th


I hope so too. She'll be ok.... she's a tough cookie! (she deserves a mental break too with her rest 🤗)

IsayUncle OP September 6th



No reply needed. Just know you are missed and loved, so rest and get better SOON! Please...🙏💖..

Don't force me to make you eat your soup.... you wont like it! 🤣😂😁🤣🤣😂😁🤣

IsayUncle OP September 7th

@Tinywhisper11 (No Respnse Needed) You're thought of dearly every day. Get Well Soon! 

Enthenia September 8th

I got the assignment resubmitted. I used GitH. I don't know why they didn't suggest this to begin with. None of the other options worked for me. I created accounts that I didn't need. Now I'll have to go back and remove these accounts. 

And I have to figure out why the image and button formats aren't working on the published site.

IsayUncle OP September 8th


Very cool.... I just checked out GitHub. That is so freaking interesting. I'm glad you discovered it and worked your way through it. You have been building your toolbox quite nicely. Good job 😀

cloudySummer September 8th

@Enthenia Yep, GitHub pages are really easy to setup. They already provide all certificates etc., nothing to do but enable them and add a template file somewhere into the repo.

I guess you did this?

Enthenia September 8th

@cloudySummer Not all the way. I got the information where other people can view it. I think I have to delete my existing app on Azure so I can link the Git address to it. I still have to figure out why the formatting on the CSS and the logo isn't working. 

cloudySummer September 8th

@Enthenia My best tip is to use the browser's inspection tools. It allows you to play with things until it sits right. At least, if the CSS is loaded at all.