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Self Loathing

LittleHopeInDark February 8th

Hi, and thank you in advance. I don’t want to start the day, because I get so overwhelmed. My mind’s a mess. It’s like I don’t even know how to live anymore..

sadcat13 February 9th

@LittleHopeInDark I'm so sorry you have a hard time. Is there something that usually helps you when you experience this?

izzyy528 March 4th


It sounds like you're really struggling with feeling overwhelmed and lost right now. It's completely understandable to feel that way, especially when facing a challenging start to the day. Would you like to talk more about what's been weighing on your mind?

Tinywhisper11 March 7th

@LittleHopeInDark you just described me yesterday. Luckily we always know the sun will shine again tommorow ❤ I'm sorry your struggling right now. I know what will help you feel better, a giant tiny hug ❤❤ squeezes you tightly ❤ let's you know everything will be ok ❤

Dolorada March 13th

Start by saying to yourself, “(Your name), Everything is going to be okay).”

Repeat it over and over until you get up. Then get up and get out of your confinement. Walk to tye letterbox check your mail, Take the rubbish out at the same time. Small, basic steps help.

WilliamLadd2001 March 16th

@LittleHopeInDark my advice which you can take or leave. Find a constructive outlet for your emotions. Do something that you can Chanel these feelings into and let it out. Worse thing you can do is just let them boil so try to do something with them.

Gettingbettertoday March 20th



I also struggle with self loathing. Being Busy has not change that at all for me. 

WilliamLadd2001 March 21st

@Gettingbettertoday I'm not talking about being busy. I'm saying get a hobby that can help you channel negative emotions into something productive. 

Gettingbettertoday March 21st


I don't know how to get rid of negative emotions by engaging in activities.  Like I said they only distract me. They are there when I am done.

I blacksmith most weekends for the last several years. This keeps me busy for 4 to 5 hours and is productive. I still don't enjoy it, I was told that I would once I restarted doing it, and that the physical activity would also help. 

David57 April 7th

@Gettingbettertoday Blacksmithing? What do you make? I love working with metal, cutting and welding, it's so solid yet malleable too.   I have friends who create fantastic art pieces which are donated all around Spain.  If you are creating art would you mind sharing some photos?

Gettingbettertoday April 8th


We don't make any art pieces. Yesterday we made a pair of lantern hooks. We mostly make utility items and knifes. 

Rainboho March 19th

@LittleHopeInDarkOur I am hearing you! Our brains can be such a minefield of thoughts! I hope this little graphic can bring you some inspiration for your day.


NotAllHere713 March 20th


You are not alone. I feel like that I am just going through the motions of living everyday. I hope you find the support and healing that you need. 

forcefulShip4663 March 24th


I'm so sorry I've felt the same way one several occasions everything will work out it always does.

SerenelyClean March 26th

This is me, I miss being a functioning adult, having a sense of self, having motivation and a desire to DO. Because these days u just don't. Don't want to do anything. Don't know how to. And even when I try, I experience panic attacks that lead me into isolating and playing games on my phone, something, anything to distract me. Just the most basic self care is totally neglected... and Idk how to pull myself out. So I totally understand what you're saying and you aren't alone 🫂

Jewelmoon17 March 27th


I felt that way for more than a month, each day I am like a robot functioning.  I can't focus on anything but my problems and worries.  I want to say bye bye to this world. My life is a mess, everything is a mess. But when I thought my life is really over and there's no hope.  Slowly things suddenly fell into place again.  And I know I haven't found that happiness and peace I longed for.  But I am glad that I didn't give up.  

I know it's not easy and every day still is a struggle for me.  I put on this fake smile at work, cause I don't like them gossiping about me and my personal issues. 

Hang in there.  Just breathe and take each day a time. 

@LittleHopeInDark same 

orangeNickel April 7th

Having the same feeling here, there was i time i broke out off that bubble, its not easy but your not alone

Psalm139 April 8th

I feel like that a lot too :(

TWhySoSeriousT April 10th

@LittleHopeInDark Same

Leaainsley April 12th

Heyy, I'm so sorry that you are going through a tough time. I understand things can get so much to handle and the mind can be a constant speaker.. i know that a lot of things you mist have had to face in the day but always remember that no matter what, you will make it thru. You have come so far fighting and that shows how courageous you are and that also indicates that you have this great strength to get thru the issues you are going thru.. i hope you are better now, just remind yourself that you have to be gentle to your heart and i have way more strength than you realise.. take care and i appreciate your efforts to reach out to ppl, take care, eat well, rest well amd know that this will pass soon, you aren't alone in this

A few sunflowers for some hope🌻

cthorne3150 April 18th

@LittleHopeInDark This is so relatable. You are not alone, my friend.❤️

incredibleFish1197 April 23rd


We all have to find one good reason to hang on and do this life for that purpose. 

heavenSun3877 April 25th


I am sorry that I just barely saw this, but I am sorry that you felt that way. I can relate to these feelings. If you ever need to talk to someone, my door is always open!

indigoBeechwood7452 April 26th

itll be ok! stay strong mh<3

MO404 April 28th

We are humans, it's normal to feel, no matter how much society says the opposite. It's hard to get better but I have faith in you.

Jewelmoon17 April 29th


I feel the same when my morning was destroyed by problems, anxiety and quarelling.  But I tell myself I have to move today.  I have things to do.  I can't be like this.

AFriendinYellow May 7th

No advice to offer but I feel the same today. Safe travels on your journey, friend. I know you'll find the light again.