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top three things on your bucket list for 2024?

chyni December 8th, 2023

hey teamates 🫶🏽 long time no seee! i’m hoping that everyone is doing well, and keeping warm and safe in this cold weather 🩷 with the year coming to an ending, i have a rather interesting ice breaker question for everyone! 

what’s the top three list of things on your bucket list for 2024? 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 8th, 2023


Maybe three that may constitute as one hehe~ Better physical, mental and emotional health. 

I'm grateful for the humbling experiences in life where life just continues to remind you that your health is everything indeed, and should always be your number one priority, rest of the world can wait.💛

How about you?💗

chyni OP December 8th, 2023


those are really good things to work on! 

mhm, top three things on my bucket list for 2024: 

i. start my business —i have a lot of business ideas i need to start working on, wish me luck 🤞🏾

ii. work on my mental and physical health as those are the main problems in my life right now 

iii. become the best version of myself, so i could start preparing for my family ☺️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 13th, 2023


Hehe thank youu so much and woah, entrepreneurship is such an amazing goal, good luck with it. 

Alsooo, health is wealth, they say, so sending you all the strength to work on your health as well as working on bettering yourself, and preparing for your family!💖

chyni OP December 13th, 2023


thank you so much, your kind words and well wishes means a lot to me 🫂🩷

Positron2 December 8th, 2023

My bucket list has a big 'If this happens, then I can do it attached.'

I don't want to sound greedy or crass, but my family is dealing with my father's estate. Should have been done long ago but it drags on. I was promised a settlement by Xmas. I am disabled, poor, barely getting by and looking forward to a break.

  • #1 - Go to the dentist for the first time in years.
  • #2 - Replace my 20 year old junker car with a newer used car that has to last the rest of my life.
  • #3 - Just for fun... a new video card for my gaming PC.

and if I have time... all of that self improvement of body and mind stuff.

chyni OP December 8th, 2023


aww i love this for you 😌 wishing you the very best with everything, especially with your father’s estate. thanks for sharing 🫶🏽

PetiteSouris December 9th, 2023


What’s the top three list of things on your bucket list for 2024? 

🎄 God, and inner growth...

🎄 Explore the world more...

🎄 Id like to try gardening again, and feeding the hummingbirds..

chyni OP December 9th, 2023


aw, thank you so much for sharing, all those sounded wonderful. 

yesterday a hummingbird flew into my home 😭❤️

PetiteSouris December 9th, 2023



PetiteSouris December 9th, 2023


They are amazing, with good navigation skills. They return to the feeders every year, so I have to ensure that I am ready for them. Hope you aren't afraid of hummingbirds, because I placed that big gif there and im not sure how to remove it. Sorry if you are afraid of them. 

chyni OP December 9th, 2023


lol, oh no i’m not afraid of hummingbirds, you made me smile 😊 i’m really glad to hear that you’re helping them out, i actually love them, and they’re my country’s national bird 🥰

chyni OP December 9th, 2023


if you don’t mind i’ll share a piece of info from wikipedia about the scissors tail hummingbird, my country’s national bird 🩷

The red-billed streamertail (Trochilus polytmus), also known as the doctor birdscissor-tail or scissors tail hummingbird, is a species of hummingbird in the "emeralds", tribe Trochilini of subfamily Trochilinae. It is endemic to Jamaica and is the national bird of the country. 

PetiteSouris December 9th, 2023


Awwww, thank you for sharing this...

and Im relieved that you aren't scared but instead love them...❤️

chyni OP December 9th, 2023


you’re welcome, and again, thank you for sharing. i hope you have a great day/night ❤️

hopefulTouch9710 December 9th, 2023

@chyni   Top 3 would be 1. Run a half marathon in less than 2 hours in may. 2. Run my 3 miles for marines in 21:30 by the end of march. 3. Finish my junior year in college with a 4.0

chyni OP December 9th, 2023


i'm wishing you the very best with your goals 🫶🏽❤️ i’m proud of you already! thank you for sharing 

Imawarrior22 December 12th, 2023
  1. improve my mental health by overcoming this depressive disorder.
  2. Get Closer to God
  3. Find Self love
chyni OP December 12th, 2023


thank you so much for sharing! i’m glad that you’re on a journey to finding self love, that’s really important ❤️ also, sorry about your depressive disorder, i’m hoping that you’ll heal in time, i did 🫶🏽 there’s hope! 

Imawarrior22 December 12th, 2023

How did you heal and how long did it take you I’ve recently been diagnosed around a week or two ago.

chyni OP December 12th, 2023


everyone’s healing journey, methods and time frame is different. it’s best if you find something that works for you. i’m wishing you all the best 🫶🏽 my private messages are open if you ever wish to chat sometimes ❤️ 

purpleTree4652 December 12th, 2023


Hi, Chyni,

1. I want to get As or Bs in my spring classes.  

2. I want to be able to work out taking one summer class plus work at my job, and get a B or a A.

3. I want to get Bs or As in my fall classes.  

chyni OP December 12th, 2023


i'm wishing you the very best in all your classes 💜😊 thank you for sharing 

December 12th, 2023


My top 3 things on my 2024 bucket list:

1. start freelancing

2. finish a couple of tech projects I've been working past few months

3. strive for better physical and mental health

chyni OP December 12th, 2023


thank you for stopping by and sharing with us au 🤗❤️ good luck with everything. i hope you get to start freelancing & finish your tech projects 

YourCaringConfidant December 12th, 2023
Here are my top 3 things... 
chyni OP December 13th, 2023


i love this so much, thanks for sharing ☺️ btw what app did you use to make this beautiful piece? 🩷

YourCaringConfidant December 13th, 2023

@chyni No problem. I used Canva. :) 

chyni OP December 13th, 2023


oh wow! i have canva 🙃 thank you 

Sentotsu December 13th, 2023

1: I hope to continue supporting an after school club I love going to; there's not many people at all that attend so I'm worried it may not continue the following school year. Best thing I can do is keep attending to support them <3

2: I definitely want to learn how to socialize more effectively and consistently. Finding reliable friends has always been really difficult for me.

3: I'm, quite sadly, not much of a reader at all. I hope I can start picking up books and get off electronics more; I already know how long I spend on them is way too long for my health XD

chyni OP December 13th, 2023


thank you for sharing this 🫶🏽 i hope you get a chance to socialize more, as i totally get how this can get, wishing you the very best on that and with everything else 🩷

Kristynsmama December 13th, 2023
  1. return to work from medical leave.
  2. visit my cousin in Denver
  3. sign up and follow through on my adult dance classes. (Tap, jazz, and ballet)
chyni OP December 13th, 2023


hey kristy, thank you for sharing 🩷 

i hope that you’re doing well regarding your medical leave. wishing you the very best on your dance classes 

Kristynsmama December 13th, 2023

@chyni. It’s not looking very hopeful.  My dr just extended it 4 months. 

chyni OP December 13th, 2023


aw, i’m so sorry to hear that, i’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, i hope you’ll get better soon 🫶🏽 take care of yourself and stay safe 

Kristynsmama December 13th, 2023

@chyni thank you my friend!

Vega7779 December 13th, 2023

@chyni I've got a longgg list but these are my main goals

1. Mental health

2.Achieve my dream body

3.Experience something extraordinary

chyni OP December 13th, 2023


ouu, achieving your dream body, i love that 😌 wishing you all the best with that and everything else 🫶🏽🩷 thanks for sharing 

AnnaSilverberg December 14th, 2023

Go on a picture trip again,
Read a new book
I want to experience something new

chyni OP December 14th, 2023


sounds really good 🤗 i’ve never heard of a picture trip though, sounds fun too 

Daf8 December 14th, 2023

❤️ Thank you for this post! My goals are getting my diagnosis, improving my mental health and doing the things I love more frequently ❤️