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Drink Water - Reminder πŸ’§

March 1st, 2021

Hello All. This will be an ongoing challenge self-care thread.

If you keep forgetting to drink water, here is how the Mindfulness community can help you.


Subscribe to this thread.

By Subscribing every time someone posts in the thread, you will get a notification as 'Drink Water - Reminder πŸ’§'

Come and Post here, every time you drink considerable amount of water OR when you complete your daily water quota
You can use this post as your water intake tracker or log. So you will know how much water you have had and how much more to go.

Of course, there are apps for that too. Using this forum can be more effective, as the apps are only seen by you, but here your progress will be shared with the community.

Give it a try!

Tag someone to remind them to drink water

Benefits of Drinking water

Calculate your daily water intake

March 7th, 2021


Thanks For the Tag Cupid! ❀️

*Drinks One Glass of Water* πŸ˜›

March 10th, 2021

Thank you for the friendly reminder. *drinks a cup of water*

Hm. I wonder if I'm allowed to tag the person who tagged me to challenge them to drink water. Don't think rules said I wasn't so.... @CupidtheKingofLove cheeky

March 7th, 2021


Thanks for this Great Initiative Don.

Aww! Thanks For Tagging Me Unique!❀️

*Drinks Water* πŸ’§


@NotSoCalmMind @MrMarino @Max741 @lumieremilkyway

MarinoPachino March 7th, 2021


thanks for taggine me sweetie but i have water drinking aversion/phobia lol thats why i never drink it

but thank you for being sweet and tagging me and those other people

March 7th, 2021


A reminder to drink water cheeky Nice thread Don!!

Tagging: @dazzle28purvi @puzichkincat @iampapaya @TheRealJakeD @richuyulin @xXReddMystic15Xx

Dazzle28purvi March 7th, 2021

@Exulansis00 thank youuu <3 had to get up and fill a bottle of water! Big hugs

March 7th, 2021

@Exulansis00 Thank you for this kind reminder! Just refilled my water bottle.

Tagging: @ifyouknowtocountcountwithme, @InquireWithin, @NimoSayed, @Oxenbury, @Rashmieee

Message: Friendly reminder to stay hydrated.

InquireWithin March 8th, 2021


I drink more water now than I ever have, often with citrus juice (usually lemon, or whatever I can find) as a flavor incentive to drink more. I also visualize the water as restoring me to perfect hydration so that my cells can function properly. If I think to do so, I thank the water itself, or at the very least, I say an affirmation of gratitude for having clean fresh water to drink, because many in the world do not have that luxury.

Rashmieee March 8th, 2021


Awiee Richu!

Thank you for the reminder! πŸ€—β™₯️🍫

*Drinks water* πŸ₯›πŸŒŠ

ifyouknowtocountcountwithme March 8th, 2021

@richuyulin thanks for the reminder. =)

March 8th, 2021


This Gif is making me drink more water :')

March 9th, 2021


*Drinks more water* πŸ˜›πŸ€­

TheRealJakeD March 7th, 2021

I drink about 3 liters of water a day. It’s all I can afford to drink

March 7th, 2021


3 litres a day is good heart

PuzichkinCat March 7th, 2021

@DonaldDraper awesome reminder!

Thank you for tagging me, @musicalHarmony and @Exulansis00

tagging @melonMeloncholy

CatPurple heart

fairyava March 7th, 2021

here is a reminder to anyone subscribed to get a glass of water!

MarinoPachino March 7th, 2021

i may have water drinking aversion/phobia but i still come here to say this to all of u; drink water

even drink sparkling water, its just as good as normal water

or u can even suck on icecubes and eat that, i have a friend who always eats ice chips xD

or, if u rlly dont feel like drinking rn, try eating fruit or even veggies. both veggies and fruit can be as high as 80% in water, i reccomend eating grapes or melons, those are rlly high in water

i recommend trying ur best to cut down the soda, im a soda addict personally so if any of u guys out there are soda addicts too, try to begin drinking a cup of water for every cup of soda u drink, bc kidney stones are a real possibility. my mom got kidney stones, and sumtimes the calcium build up can be forming overtime over months or maybe even years without u even having a clue, without any symtpoms and u mite find out once its too late

peronally, kidney stones is the main reason i wanted to start drinking water

bc kidney stone pain is traumatic and very painful, my mom said it was worse than childbirth, so yeah just drink water, i promise u, water is healthy for every organ in ur body, not only ur kidneys

ur organs work their *ss off everyday just to make sure u stay alive and well and they depend on YOU and YOU alone for u to give them wat they need so do ur organs a favor and drink water. if u take care of ur body then ur body will take care of u.

Rashmieee March 8th, 2021


As we all know, no one can live without water and this is the first need of any living being. You should understand the importance of water in your life. πŸ₯›πŸŒŠπŸ’¦

I am going to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of water today 😁

Let's see who can give me tough competition πŸ˜›

@sereinaesthete @Yourstruly2000 @HealingTime @brightSunset61
@Max741 @Solitary3102
@lueurspace @DonaldDraper
@YourFriend247 @CupidtheKingofLove
@Hrsoni4 @Destiny00
@OriginalOne @incognitoknight0101
@Minervaaa @shiningRainbows65
@BlueFelicity08 @EmpathicSunshine22
@Fristo @richuyulin @blindHeart12
@ItsMaisy @beautifulSeal9714
@JoeyTribbbiani @Exulansis00
@Arnold693 @AmazingNutella24
@EvokunListens @iampapaya

Keep Calm & Drink Water πŸ˜‡

Stay hydrated πŸ˜‡β™₯️😊

Yourstruly2000 March 8th, 2021

Interesting concept! Just drank water thank you for the tag πŸ˜… tagging @GeorgieUK

Rashmieee March 8th, 2021


😁😁 Welcome Bhoi!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 8th, 2021


On it ,Rashhhh😎

Thankyou for tagging β™₯️

Rashmieee March 8th, 2021


Good luck πŸ˜›βœŠπŸš©


March 8th, 2021


Thank You For Tagging me.

Good Luck with Drinking 2-2.5 Litres of Water Daily! β€οΈπŸ˜›

Tagging more people -

@versatileHeart34 @xXReddMystic15Xx, @CommunityModElliot, @FancyPizzaAvenue, @RhinoDino777

Rashmieee March 8th, 2021


Thank you πŸ˜›

"Drink water, stay Hydrated" πŸ€—β™₯️

Dazzle28purvi March 8th, 2021

@Rashmieee hahaha! Sis! I actually drink half of that xD All the best and thanks for the tag! Big hugss

Rashmieee March 8th, 2021


Woho! Yayaya!

Ma good girl! πŸ˜›

πŸ€—Thank you β™₯️

JoeyTribbbiani March 8th, 2021



Rashmieee March 8th, 2021




Go drink water πŸ‘Š

HealingTime March 8th, 2021

Drink Appy.. Save water...

Rashmieee March 8th, 2021


Awww πŸ˜›

*Shares appy*


Cheers πŸ˜›

blindHeart12 March 8th, 2021


blindHeart12 March 8th, 2021


haha Rash good thought. It hot nowaday so i think i will compete you well.

Thank you though for reminding for taking water and tagging me.

Rashmieee March 8th, 2021



Welcome dea! β™₯οΈπŸ€—πŸ€—

Cheers πŸ₯›πŸ₯›

Stay hydrated πŸ˜‡ 🚩 🌹

March 8th, 2021

@Rashmieee Thank you for this kind reminder and starting this challenge. Game on! cheeky

Rashmieee March 8th, 2021


Good luck, I already finished 1 liter πŸ˜›

Ya, Game on πŸ˜›πŸ˜Ž

"Stay hydrated" πŸ€—β™₯️πŸ₯›πŸ˜‡

March 8th, 2021

@Rashmieee You get a bit of a head start because I'm in a different time zone. So far it's 4am, and I've already finished 500mL. Glad you're staying hydrated Rashmie.

Rashmieee March 8th, 2021


Awww! You're winning already! Yay! Give this Teddy a medal πŸ…πŸŽ–οΈ

Imma try to drink more water πŸ˜›

πŸ₯› Cheers πŸ₯›

March 10th, 2021

@Rashmieee cheeky This teddy don't take competition lightly. Also cause if I don't drink enough water, I'll get nosebleed. Just a consequence I have to deal with from a surgery a while back.

Rashmieee March 10th, 2021


ohh, then I will keep remainding you whole day to drink water <3

Take care heart

March 10th, 2021

@Rashmieee Appreciate these reminders. You take care and stay hydrated as well. heart