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At what age you figured that you are a lesbian?

sinfulforest December 20th, 2021

Please share your stories.

244 December 23rd, 2021

When my bestfriend told me she was into me and i was okay with it without even thinking about it. I flirted back and let her kiss me and didn't even self reflect about how she was a whole female lol

244 December 23rd, 2021

We were 13/14

Tikaani14 December 23rd, 2021

I am not a lesbian, I am bisexual or pansexual, I think. As a new girl came to school this year, I fell in love with her. I was very surprised, because I thought, I was hetero, but now I accept, that I have a crush on this girl.

Mashedpotato364 December 30th, 2021

Hi I am in my early thirties. I came out last year as lesbian/queer and broke up w my bf of 3 years. I considered myself pansexual before that and had mostly dated men. My relationships w women and nb people have been so much more emotionally involved and I want that in a partner too.

Mikitea68 January 30th, 2023

I have a similar experience as well. ^^)

Mashedpotato364 March 13th, 2023


šŸ’œ Love that you were able to find that out about yourself too. It has made a big difference for me and I still question it some and the validity of my label but it feels more true to who I am. Would you want to share more of your experience,? It's ok if not šŸ˜Š

goldenCat9952 March 13th, 2022

@sinfulforest I came out as bi to my friends when I was like 13, but its taken me 2 years to figure out that I'm a lesbian and im still not 100% sure lol

Mashedpotato364 March 14th, 2023


It's ok to not be 100% sure! It's not so easy to figure out and people have different specifics on what they consider for themselves. You are still valid šŸ’›

Betterdays14 March 16th, 2022

Hi I'm new to 7cups I came on here to connect with people and possibly make new friends. I'm really struggling with my identity, I've been with guys since 17, Im 47, and I feel very alone. Im wondering if Im gay?! I did question in my 20s but didn't pursue it. Anyways maybe someone can shed some light?!



NJ1974 October 29th, 2022

@Betterdays14 I know the feeling. I'm 47 and feel the same.

Mashedpotato364 March 14th, 2023


Hi, glad you are here! It's hard to know for sure and I'm still trying to figure it an exact label or if I even need one. A thing that has helped is something called "the lesbian master doc" you can Google. I think it's like 3 or so pages and gives you some ideas on signs you might be a lesbian (not conclusive of course and even if you don't relate to most of any, your identity is still valid) sending hugs if wanted šŸ¤—

blitheSun94 March 16th, 2022

I knew since age 9, but didnā€™t come fully out until 29. It was a hard, painful journey and I am so grateful to finally be in the other side of that.

Itā€™s so worth it to be on the other side.


warmheartedBeing170 March 26th, 2022

At the age of 12

I met this girl, my first love who was even more than a Bestfriend since day 1

We told ourselves that we would marry each other in a few years(kids promises)

Since 2019, I knew that I was into girls but I closeted myself as bi till 2021 where I tried to discover more about the fact that I never felt right being with a guy

And now in 2022

I know that I'm a lesbian

Growing and trying to accept myself

frankBlackberry3700 March 28th, 2022

i was around 7? first to second grade. i was telling everyone about it. this one girl, she had been bullying me at that time. she told the teacher and the teacher said "that's just her preference"

now i am questioning, but i think I'm Lesbian. sexuality and gender is hard for me.

22butterflies April 3rd, 2022

I feel like I've always known that I like girls because I can't pinpoint the exact time it registered. I identified as bisexual til I went to a girls' high school then I went by Queer & ConfusedšŸ˜‚. Right before I met my (first and current) girlfriend I realised that I only liked male attention and not men at all. I now go by lesbian but I haven't come out as one because I feel comfortable as Queer, except that I'm not confused this time aroundšŸ˜„. It's been a confusing and scary journey but I've had great support from close friends and family.

courteousPineapple4114 April 6th, 2022

18. Then was promptly banished from the family for decades. Because I "chose" a sick lifestyle over my family.

abigail456 April 6th, 2022

I never really had a specific age that I came out, I just realized when I was in high School I was attracted to girls. Cleaning out old papers from my room this summer I found old poetry from maybe 3rd/4th grade that said things like "Jenna is really pretty" and "I wish Ashley liked me too". How my parents never found out growing up I'll never know

Mashedpotato364 March 14th, 2023


Oh my gosh I love that you found stuff like that! Seems like parents are often in denial lol

RedwittySailboat April 30th, 2022

I was 9 or 10 but I was so involved in the church that I denied it until high school really and then didnā€™t fully accept and become one with myself and sexuality until I was in college and my friend kissed me and I let her and it was like all my denials kind of melted away because how could something so pure and blissful be bad.

Nothing ever became of us but it was the perfect first kiss and I was in a good place to receive and process all those feelings without shame or anxiety.

piyapickle May 4th, 2022

I was 13 or 14 I think. So I was in a relationship with this guy when I started to lose feelings for him. I felt so confused about it. At that time I thought that I was bisexual, because I thought I still like men. I had a full on emotional breakdown because I didn't know what my sexuality was, one month later I was definitely sure that I was in fact a lesbian, and it took me another month to tell the guy that I was dating that I'm a lesbian. He didn't react nicely tbh. He even got mad because I "didn't tell him earlier" šŸ’€ and he continued on lecturing me about it. Like dude I can't just immediately say that I'm a lesbian that fast. He went on ig posting on his on how he felt so devastated and that I betrayed him. I get that he was sad about me coming out, but at least he could've respected me coming out. Lol that's all xx

Mashedpotato364 March 14th, 2023


Oh gosh šŸ™„ that's a terrible way to react. I'm sorry you had to deal w that. Im glad you were able to be open when you felt ready to.

turkeybby October 19th, 2022

I was 12 the first time I was attracted to a female. She was a close friend and one night we were home alone. I thought she was beautiful and sexy. Then I dated all men. šŸ˜„

sympatheticMelon9856 October 26th, 2022

I knew that I liked girls since elementary school.

very early on I knew I liked girls but also I was unsure about my gender.

I think I may be queer but I am unaccepting to be called by that.

very obviously, I like girls, I canā€™t help it

my predicament is how my gender appears to others. I guess pansexual is the best choice of my sexuality.

I absolutely know that Iā€™m me and it doesnā€™t matter how I label myself, I will always be me.

LovelyFrog8934 November 19th, 2022

I was 18. I've never been with a woman as of yet im so excited to finally find my beautiful partner and experience the girl on girl experience šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ

Explore my desires and fantasies to finally become real!!!



blitheSun94 November 19th, 2022


I was nine years old the first time I kissed a girl. ā¤ļø

klm23 November 21st, 2022

When i was 7 and i saw Cameron Diaz on The Mask.

Omi132 November 21st, 2022


I realized I liked girls when I was 14, and came out as bisexual. But when I was 16, I realized I didn't like boys after all, and never did. I'm 18 now and I've been out as a lesbian since I was 16.

raspberryPineapple8569 December 9th, 2022


At 13 i joked that i might be bisexual, and when i became 14 my liking girls was obvious, but still to this day i question thing so....

blitheSun94 December 10th, 2022


They say there is an ounce of truth in every statement. šŸŒˆ

staceystoro January 29th, 2023

6-7 years old I knew I was different but I think I finally understood at 9 years old.

Mikitea68 January 30th, 2023

I knew when I was 11 but dated and even married a guy because I was "supposed to" because of my family's religious background. But now at 33 I'm out and proud and still have to live with my homophobic family. I'm literally the only out queer person on both sides of my family that I know of.

blitheSun94 March 19th, 2023


I can very much relate to this. I'm so sorry you still have to live with your family. I left at 17 and never looked back. I am also 33. <3

Devinchy March 21st, 2023

@sinfulforest I sure hope this isn't weird. But I've been feeling romantic and sexual attraction to females and males equally for a very long time. I think I knew when I was about 8 years old. and the attraction only got stronger from then on. sadly, I am not able to "come out of the closet" yet because of extremely homophobic parents and family.

Rubylistens22 March 21st, 2023


i realized I was lesbian when I was about 14 but I feel like I ā€œknewā€ for much longer. Something as small as finding the girl always more attractive than the guys or something like that were all things I experienced when I was much younger.

Katsuki1235 April 11th, 2023

I first found out that is was possible to like the same gender when I was twelve and it just clicked with me cuz it suddenly made sense why I never liked any boys and felt differently towards one of my female friends who I'm actually dating now.

shinetsu April 16th, 2023

Im 20, didnt feel comfortable kissing a boy, but i Felt really happy by kissing a girl

MisMoxxie May 13th, 2023

Around 4th grade or so, although Iā€™m sure I didnā€™t know the word at that point.

audreysbeefburger May 19th, 2023

My friends in 8th grade joked about how ā€œfruityā€ I was and I had no idea that it was a possibility until I actually thought about it

BellePsyche July 2nd, 2023

I had few crushes during high school, but I just thought they were cool.... and I do have crushes with guys too.... and most of my anime characters that I used to adore are male.

I guess it really started off when I got close with someone online and "he" turns out to be a "she" when she confessed her love to me and at the same time her true identity...

When I only knew her as a "guy", I have always been attracted to him but I thought he's way older, and cool, and I felt like he was out of my league.. so I just decided to treat him as a "brother".

So when "he" confessed, at that time I was more shocked that she likes me too rather than the fact that "he" is actually a girl.

When we first met, I was still unsure whether to accept her feeling because well, it was something new for me. But then as she kept talking (nervously), I realized that I have fallen for her too much to care about her gender....

But I guess the true realization was after she left. Because I kept searching for another woman to replace her. Not a guy because I just can't imagine myself with a guy anymore...

BellePsyche July 2nd, 2023

Lol I forgot to put my age. The realization would be when I was 18years old.

But my first "kiss" (it was just tongue touching - out of curiosity) with another girl was when I was 6years old.