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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

lazyKatz June 7th, 2023

It's been going awhile

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 8th, 2023


mytwistedsoul June 8th, 2023


rationalKiwi5780 June 16th, 2023

Joined a long time back, can never leave now.

calmmoon2104 June 16th, 2023

I am lurking here lol and I am stressed af, so anxious can't even sleep. Can anyone give me some rest powers? 😮😭

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 16th, 2023

@calmmoon2104 aww what made Taru feel anxious? Sending lots of resting powers to youu!💙

I hope you get some rest soon!🤗


calmmoon2104 June 16th, 2023


Aw thank you so much Sun! 😭💙

I needed the resting powers so much!

I have been getting so anxious and stressed over so much things, there's too much to do and so little time. I just really can't take this anymore, like if it was only this then it's at least a bit okay, but my intrusive thoughts are eating my mind, they are making me so frustrated and go crazy, I can't take this them anymore. They are so severe that I can't even sleep at night and do anything peacefully. I can not concentrate on anything and I always get so exhausted in trying to get the intrusive thoughts off my mind, trying to ward them off and just not think of the them. I don't want to even think of them, I don't want them in my mind, but they are uncontrollable and always come in mind even if I don't want them! I can't take this anymore, it's just mental torture and I hate this, I hate my thoughts, I want no thoughts like this, I want them gone forever and just leave my mind. They are delaying my speed and working ability by *** out the concentration and motivation.

They are always in my head, in everything thing I do literally. Even when watching a simple cartoon video, the thoughts are always in my mind and often come out of nowhere. They are severe at night... My head hurts so bad because of them.

Even when I am typing right now they are rampaging in my head, I am constantly on a war with my intrusive thoughts, I am going crazy...i don't want this. I hate this all. This is so tiring, frustrating..i am just truly tired. I want to rest, just have a silent mind, even for a minute.

I am sorry about this so long rant.. I don't know what to do or say anymore.. I don't know what I can say, I don't know..

Thank you again Sun for the rest powers, hopefully I get some rest and peace..💙

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 21st, 2023


Aw Taru, I'm really sorry to hear having intrusive thoughts have made your anxiety feel worse lately. :(

Intrusive thoughts can be so pesky at times, not leaving us be in peace, it's a constant struggle to keep them at bay.

I hear it's specially difficult at night, preventing you to get any rest too, really valid to feel hatred towards these pesky thoughts and the challenges they bring for you. Living in what feels like a constant war between yourself and these thoughts can be so difficult, I see it's adding to your anxiety more. :/

Its okie to feel confused about what to do or say, I get it's an overwhelming experience, and when it's rather constant, the impact is felt in our daily life/ chores and overall wellbeing too.

The fact you could acknowledge them as intrusive, and express here how you feel is so commendable, I'm so proud of you for trying your best!

When we are in constant fight with something, the impact is closely felt and the more it captures our attention, the bigger it seems.

Would it help to identify these thoughts as passerbys, and find a space for them to let-go? (Let go, here is an expression towards finding them a space to "transfer to", from your mind, could be talking to someone you trust, someone in 7 cups, a journal if you prefer writing about it and how you feel, visualizing and through art etc whatever you're more comfortable with)

They aren't *yours* to keep, hold onto or ruminate about. And you deserve a break from them! 💙

What helps you cope with anxiety better? Maybe we can try to strengthen our safety toolkit to keep handy, to help us ground back in present.

Sending more resting beams your way, I hope you can find some calm soon. 🤗

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 16th, 2023


mytwistedsoul June 16th, 2023


juliak1968 June 17th, 2023


mytwistedsoul June 20th, 2023

@juliak1968 I like your drawing Day 🙂 Did you draw the wolf in your pfp too? That is really awesome!

juliak1968 June 20th, 2023


Thank you!! Yes I drew the wolf for a friend and he is in the process of having it copied using thread in an intensive effort by his other friend. I hope you are doing great!! I have a new hobby: its a radio controlled crawler truck for hill climbing and rock crawling. I modified it so it steering radius is about double what it was and the 4 link suspension has full clearance now.

It keeps my happy for now. I hope you have time to enjoy your hobbies! Have a nice night!

Blessings, Day



mytwistedsoul June 21st, 2023

@juliak1968 That's great! I'm glad you're getting into new hobbies. The wolf is just amazing. You're a really good artist 😊

Take care Day

juliak1968 June 21st, 2023


I'm so happy you liked it, my drawing days are now radio control days lol

Chin up, remember "there are no answers on the ground" so hold your head high!~

Big Blessings, Day

trueconfidant123 June 28th, 2023


Julia, that's such an adorable sketch 😍

juliak1968 June 28th, 2023


Thank you 😊

trueconfidant123 June 28th, 2023


You're welcome! 💖

Keep sharing more of your artwork. 🧑🏻‍🎨

juliak1968 June 29th, 2023

@trueconfidant123 rainboww_1688010524.jpg

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 21st, 2023


mytwistedsoul June 22nd, 2023


Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2023


rationalKiwi5780 June 22nd, 2023

Sometimes just feels like I'm just waiting for things to happen around me

Iamspoons June 22nd, 2023

Yea I get that, that feeling kinda sucks sometimes

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2023


rationalKiwi5780 June 23rd, 2023


Thank you, sending some right back!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 25th, 2023

@rationalKiwi5780 aw thankyou, much appreciated! <3

Rubylistens22 June 25th, 2023


rationalKiwi5780 June 25th, 2023

So many gifs...

Iamspoons June 25th, 2023

Yea, it's kinda a moving collage. I can't post pictures otherwise I would be joining in the fun.

mytwistedsoul June 26th, 2023


Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 26th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul 😂😂 samee🤝

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 26th, 2023


trueconfidant123 June 28th, 2023


Me: Waking up fresh on a Monday

Me 5 mins later: Let's go back to bed


Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 28th, 2023

@trueconfidant123 the-office.gif

mytwistedsoul June 26th, 2023


calmingFriend2210 June 27th, 2023


Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 27th, 2023


rationalKiwi5780 June 28th, 2023

Playing D&D Tonight!

trueconfidant123 June 28th, 2023


A lil something I came across ...
