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PL 101: Understanding Your Gifts and Strengths from the MBTI (Discussion 2)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.
Hello Leadership Crew!

I have just gone through the introduction thread and read about all of you. If you havent yet introduced yourself, then please stop by and share a little about yourself so we can get to know you. Im encouraged by all the great people that have joined. This should be a fun and enriching program!

Let me first zoom back and talk more broadly about your career and how we can help. When you become a leader on 7 Cups, we want you to find the work fulfilling. Fulfilling work means that it is:

a) work you are good at;
b) work that is interesting to you; and
c) work that solves an important problem or meets an important goal (Thiel, 2015).

The sweet spot is that blue area in the middle below.

Work Alignment Diagram

If you do work that you are good at, but not interested in, then you wont do a great job. If you do work that you are interested in, but not particularly good at, then it wont be great work. If you do work that you are good at and interested in, but it isnt helping to solve an important problem, then we wont be a good fit for you. We need alignment on all 3 things. We work very hard at the beginning of your work with us to match your inherent strengths and interests with needs we have so that we can work together to solve problems that we all care about.

You have strengths â things that you are just really good at when compared with others. Operating out of your strengths feels good, is personally fulfilling, and enables you to hit flow states. As a result, you are much more effective and productive. Operating out of weaknesses is a drain. If you have to do work that you are not good at, then you wont be as effective. Doubling down on your strengths enables you to level up much faster and it helps 7 Cups make much more progress. Â

The next step becomes helping you find ways to identify your strengths, gifts or natural talents. You can learn some of this through self-observation - what do you seem especially good at? Are there things that just come natural to you that are more challenging for others? My wife, for example, is really good at writing; it just comes natural to her. Im pretty good at public speaking, whereas others find it more challenging.

Another way is to ask people you trust. You can say: What do you think Im good at? Or: what do you think are my top 1-3 strengths? Things that stand out to you about me? Note: only ask people you trust because sometimes people can give you feedback in a harmful rather than helpful way especially if they are not trustworthy.

For the purposes of this course, we are going to use personality tests to help you identify your strengths. Some of these are better than others; they are more reliable and have more research behind them. Broadly, we are using them here to help you begin to map out your strengths and to help you find ways where you can naturally excel here on 7 Cups, in your personal life, and in whatever career your are in or choose further down the road.

To start:

Go to this site here and take the test:

Next, in the thread below, answer the following questions:

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Last, when people interact with one another, it makes the course more enriching and it allows us to learn more about one another. In addition to posting in the thread, please also be sure to respond in a helpful and positive way to at least 3 other comments in this thread.

You can also ask any questions in this thread and well respond to them as well.

Very excited to kick this off with all of you!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Livingtohelplive January 24th, 2022

I truly cherish people with your traits! Thank you for being:)

StarrrGirl20 August 4th, 2022


I think that having curiosity is one of the biggest blessing as the ones who seek are the ones who find. <3

KACOSMIC December 9th, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â


2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

First one that I'm an introvert and extremely sensitive , also very intuitive and emphatic which makes me be less competitive to create a space of harmony and cooperation .

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

My strengths is being connected with spirituality which makes me able to be more gentle and mindful.

My sense and dedication to justice and equality and to promote peace.

And last but more important for me is that I have the gift to give people some sense of courage, purpose ,hope ,contributing with others to provide an attentive ear or a shoulder to cry on.

mikacv December 13th, 2021


I think it's super important to be empathetic and cooperative with others, especially as a leader! We often have to think about what is in other people's best interest than our own in leadership roles and I think this is a great quality to have!

WonderfulSpring December 23rd, 2021

The strength to help people to have courage and a sense of purpose is an amazing quality to have 😀

mikacv December 13th, 2021


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please



2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I place an important on morals, or to doing what is right. I try to make efforts to help others as a purpose in life and value important and meaningful relationships with others. I sometimes place more importance on helping others than helping myself in the process. I feel drawn toward missions and goals in life.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

-Passionate: I don't "settle" and strive to do better in things I am passionate about in life.

-Altruistic: I often want to do what is best for the greater good and place importance on others.

-Creative: I tend to be able to come up with multiple plans or solutions to fit different problems or get to certain goals.

Listeningstars December 20th, 2021
@mikacv I think it's a great thing to place importance on morals, especially nowadays!
WonderfulSpring December 23rd, 2021

It’s great to see someone else’s views who is defender, as I am. I feel, like you I think, that helping others seems to come before my own needs

Listeningstars December 20th, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

=Turbulent Campaigner, ENFP.

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

=I thought I was more assertive than Turbulent, but after reading more, I guess it makes more sense that I fall more under Turbulent.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

= 1-Curious – Campaigners can find beauty and fascination in nearly anything. Imaginative and open-minded, these personalities aren’t afraid to venture beyond their comfort zones in search of new ideas, experiences, and adventures.

2-Perceptive – To people with this personality type, no one is unimportant – which might explain how they can pick up on even the subtlest shifts in another person’s mood or expression. Because they’re so sensitive to other people’s feelings and needs, Campaigners can make full use of their caring, considerate nature.

3-Enthusiastic – When something captures their imagination and inspires them, Campaigners want to share it with anyone who will listen. And they’re just as eager to hear other people’s ideas and opinions – even if those thoughts are wildly different from their own.

CaringEzra February 4th, 2022


This is a cool one! I think its definitely really awesome to be enthusiastic and curious about things

StarrrGirl20 August 4th, 2022


Being Curious and an Enthusiast is a wonderful combination lad.

WonderfulSpring December 23rd, 2021


Personality trait : Defender ISFJ-A

What were the main things you learnt about yourself ?

I am supportive and always willing to help anyone in need. I prefer one to one interactions because I find these more comfortable, although I enjoy being part of a team. I procrastinate over the smallest of things which has become more frequent as I get older. I tend to be reserved and underplay my achievements.

What are your top three strengths ?




CaringEzra February 4th, 2022


CaringEzra February 4th, 2022

whoops, somehow my message didn't read :p anyhow I'm an ISFJ too, I think that being reliable and patient, and hard-working are great leadership traits<3

nlpinspiration December 27th, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

DEfender - ISFJ-T

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Defenders are true altruists, meeting kindness with kindness-in-excess and engaging the work and people they believe in with enthusiasm and generosity.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Sensitive – receptive to changes

Analytical –doing strong analyze before taking an action

Well-developed people skill – allows me to use this skills and help people to improve their life

nlpinspiration December 27th, 2021

@nlpinspiration Main things I learned about myself is that my personality is altruistic and very engaged when working with people

rrretsuko January 5th, 2022

@nlpinspiration we are both sensitive and have well-developed people skill ! it's nice to see someone that has these things in common with me :) i am INFP-T ! <3

CaringEzra February 4th, 2022


I'm ISFJ too! I definitely relate to well-developed personality the most, as I really enjoy working to help others<3

Kindwords2000 December 27th, 2021


1. What is your personality type?

Advocate = INFJ-T

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

That I am a very kind caring individual who cares about others more than myself. That looking out for others than myself can mean I burnout and can get stressed and need time to relax.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Being an advocate, makes you creative (having a vivid imagination and a strong sense of compassion can make you an excellent counsellor or advisor. This is really interesting because I am very creative and aiming to become an art therapist.

Advocates have the ability to understand people's true motivations, feelings and needs (insightful).

Advocates' passion for their chose cause is a key aspect of their personality (passionate).

rrretsuko January 5th, 2022

@Kindwords2000 i have the ability to understand the feelings of others as well ! we have that in common :) it sounds really awesome that you're an advocate ! i'm a mediator

Dan76 April 2nd, 2022

@Kindwords2000 yep, always important to remember to take time and avoid that burnout

rrretsuko January 5th, 2022

@Bubblegumwings1234 i am an introvert as well ! we have a few things in common here like being supportive, too haha. <3 you seem like a really cool person !

rrretsuko January 5th, 2022


1. my personality type is INFP-T <3

2. i learned that i am more intuitive, prospecting, and turbulent !

3. according to the test, i have a gift of empathy ! this is probably a great gift to have as a 7 cups listener haha. it means i am willing to hear another person's story and understand them. i also speak the truth which means i don't pretend to be someone i'm not as it makes me feel uneasy. i am also in search of a calling and usually this purpose has to deal with helping others !

DarkPiT23 January 7th, 2022

My personality type is INTJ-T.

Architects can be single-minded, with little patience for frivolity, distractions, or idle gossip. That said, it would be a mistake to stereotype these personalities as dull or humorless. Many Architects are known for their irreverent wit, and beneath their serious exteriors, they often have a sharp, delightfully sarcastic sense of humor.

Strengths are:

Rational, Informed, Independent, determined, curious

Gnibellen January 7th, 2022


After taking the assessment, I was given the personality type of INFJ-A. The main things I learned about myself is that I'm highly introverted, and that I tend to approach life with a lot of thoughtfulness and imagination. My top three strengths or gifts according to this test are:

  • Creative
  • Insightful
  • Principled

Looking forward to reading about everyone else's tests!


dudewithaplan January 19th, 2022

1. What is your personality type?


2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Being peace with my strenghts and weaknesses

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test?

Dedicated – Seeing things to completion borders on an ethical obligation for Executives. Tasks aren’t simply abandoned because they’ve become difficult or boring – people with the Executive personality type take them up when they are the right thing to do, and they will be finished so long as they remain the right thing to do.

Strong-willed – A strong will makes this dedication possible, and Executives don’t give up their beliefs because of simple opposition. Executives defend their ideas and principles relentlessly, and must be proven clearly and conclusively wrong for their stance to budge.

Direct and Honest – Executives trust facts far more than abstract ideas or opinions. Straightforward statements and information are king, and Executive personalities return the honesty (whether it’s wanted or not).

anjellyna January 21st, 2022


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

Advocate: INFJ-T

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

To be honest, I’m pretty skeptical about using personality tests. But according to the test I’m unafraid to stand up for what’s right (which is totally correct, on 7cups and in my daily life) and I am troubled by injustice and want to fix society’s deeper problems (which is also true). It also says that I value deep, authentic relationships with others. However, it also says that people with my personality type tend to burn out due to our unique vision of success and hope.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Insightful - I don’t take things at face value and strive to have a deeper understanding of everything at its roots.

Principled - I have deeply held beliefs and a strong conviction when communicating them.

Creative - a vivid imagination and a strong sense of compassion that makes great problem-solvers.

AliveandAlive January 21st, 2022


1. My Personality type is Mediator INFP-A

2. I learnt following things about myself after taking the personality test:

a. I am compassionate and non judgemental and willing to hear another person's story.

b. I tend to feel stuck and directionless sometimes and try to find a purpose in whatever I do

c. I want to help everyone but sometimes get exhausted and it becomes important to focus on my energy.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

a.Empathy is one of my greatest gift. I can feel others emotions and hate the feeling of hurting others even unintentionally.

b. I am passionate, and when ever an idea comes to my mind, I invest myself 100% into it.

c. I am creative. I love seeing things from unconventional perspectives and approach all my work creatively and invest myself in creative professions.

rriyad January 24th, 2022


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

Ans. Mediator INFP-T

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Ans. Though i tends to stay lonely or invisible but i'm long for deep, soulful relationships.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.


Empathetic Because of sensitivity, can feel others emotions from joy and elation to sorrow and regret. That's why , tend to be thoughtful and kindhearted , and hate the idea of hurting anyone.

Open-MindedTry not to judge anyone else's beliefs, lifestyles or decisions.

Generous Want to contribute to a world where every voice is heard and no one's needs go unmet.

Livingtohelplive January 24th, 2022

Hello everyone!:)

I am INFP-T aka The mediator!🌏

I have vibrant, passionate inner lives, I am creative and imaginative as Well as i daydream a looooot, invent inner conversations Or stories. I am sensitive, idealistic and empathetic, I long for deep, soulful relationships and I feel called to help others.

To my gifts belongs empathy - feeling other peoples emotions.

As Well as being generous - sharing my joy, giving credit, and putting others first.

I am also open minded - tolerant and accepting.

Also creative, passionate and idealism.

00Michelle00 January 25th, 2022



Advocates are the rarest personality types of all.

Creative, Principled, Insightful

Advocates feel compelled to find a mission for their lives.

Perfectly suited to me “tend to think, “How can I fix this?”

00Michelle00 January 26th, 2022

1. What is your personality type? Assertive-Advocate INFJ-A

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself? Conscientiousness was a surprise but the rest was perfectly suited to me “tend to think, “How can I fix this?” Advocates feel compelled to find a mission for their lives.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please

describe them. Creative, Principled, Insightful these all come from my listening ability. I pay careful attention to what I am being told. Being a good listener, I am highly effective at completing projects efficiently because I don't have to be told something twice. My listening skills also enable me to effectively motivate others.

Zahraa000 January 29th, 2022

1-What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â.


2-what were the main things you learned about yourself?

One of the most important things I have learned about myself is that I direct my mental energy to intuitive matters more than it was systematic, and my orientation to judgment is more than observation. Judging here means insight into things.

3- What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please descrip them.

1- Insightful look/ Often I look at people from the first time with a look that reflects what is inside them, so I find it very easy in how I deal with others.

2- Honesty/ The most important characteristic of me is honesty, because in my opinion, if I want to continue my relationship with others, I must be honest with them to the fullest extent, and I mean honesty, not rudeness! 3- Making conscious decisions / most of the time I can take the right decisions at the right time and most of the time these decisions are in the right place! But there are fateful decisions that I often take for granted.

CaringEzra February 1st, 2022

My personality type:

My personality type is ISFJ

Main things I learned about myself:

I found this really surprisingly accurate. I do love helping people and things fit me well. It was interesting to look at the weaknesses and see things like repressing feelings, overloading with work, and being reluctant to change and how those are definitely things that are harder for me. Something new I learned was that I tend to make friends with similar personalities.

Top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test

Supportive ~ Defendants love to help others. They like to listen and hear others' stories, They care about others' feelings and want to be there for people in times of need.

Hard-working ~ When defendants find something important to them they will put in a lot of love, dedication, and passion to make it happen, and are reliable to complete the task.

Reliable/Patent ~ Defendants take their time to finish all tasks fully, they have a steady pace, there is no rushing. They often make sure that the work is above expectations and on time.

MelodyoftheOcean May 14th, 2022


Estrellllll, those are such amazing skills that you can use for cups sooo well! And reading through your strength I can see how it reflects you. How you are always giving support to everyone, I especially noticed that in the listener rooms, hard working we don't even need to talk about, that's just a fact, and if someone needs you you are there, you are really reliable. And of course patient, but in a shining and sparkling way!

Thank you for everything you are doing on the Cupsland! 💜

nessa104 February 9th, 2022


My personality type is ISFP-T/ISFP- A

I learnt that I have fluctuating self-esteem and I am very sensitive. I would like to quote a Bob Dylan here I change during the course of the day I wait I am wearing person and when I go to sleep I know for certain I am someone else" and I would like to add more my handwriting also changes during the course of the day and

My top skills that are my strengths




ahhlo February 10th, 2022

1. I got Virtuoso (ISTP) as my personality.

2. what I learned about myself is that I am openminded. it also said that I will have an easy time making friends and that is not true, i have never had any friends before. I think i might not actually be a Virtuoso, i am not sure what my true personality is. I wish that I did not read the friendship section because now I feel even worse. I could have had a lot of friends but because of social anxiety, i dont have any.

3. according to the quiz, my top 3 strengths are being creative and practical, optimistic and energetic, and spontaneous and rational.

AuroraBriarRose0 April 26th, 2022


There were a few things in my personality test I didn't agree with entirely either but it was a fun way to learn more about what motivates us. I wonder if we'd get a different result if we took it again next month?

nessa104 February 10th, 2022


My personality type is ISFP-T/ISFP- A

I learnt that I have fluctuating self-esteem and I am very sensitive. I would like to quote a Bob Dylan here"I change during the course of a day. I wake and I’m one person, and when I go to sleep I know for certain I’m somebody else.

My top skills that are my strengths

Charming relaxed and warm

Sensitive to establish harmony and good will, and minimize conflict.

Imaginative use creativity and insight to craft bold ideas that speak to people’s hearts

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lemonicecreamcake February 15th, 2022


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

I am a Protagonist personality type. ENFJ-T

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I found this test result surprisingly matched my personality as what I already know about myself, when I connect things happening around me with the characteristics listed. As well as career path, “Many people with this personality type gravitate toward careers with an altruistic bent, such as social work, teaching, counseling, coaching, health care, or public interest law”. Not going to lie, I enjoy my time here volunteering, have passion teaching, and about to major in political science. Anyway, something I learned about myself is that I can be over idealistic without thinking about consequences in reality in a lot of things. As well as being overly empathetic, being able to understand everybody’s pov is good, but I have to make sure I don’t drag myself into someone else’s problem and treat it as it’s mine.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Reliable Leadership, Passionate, Charismatic