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PL 101: Systems vs. Goals (Discussion 4)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

Welcome to our 4th discussion in this first course. In todays discussion, we will be talking about systems vs. goals.

To start, please read this post here  and watch this video.

The basic argument here is that having a system is better than having a goal. A system is a way of behaving that helps you move towards accomplishing something. A goal is usually and end state that happens after you have accomplished something. I think eating healthy is a good example. A goal might be to lose 10 pounds. In this case, you feel kind of bad about yourself until you hit that goal; and then, once you hit it, you kind of lose the purpose because the goal has been reached. If you relapse and gain wait again, then you fall back into feeling bad about yourself again. Contrast this with a system of eating healthy. A system might include things like: having a big glass of water prior to each meal; eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, and nuts; not eating after 9pm; and/or doing some level of intermittent fasting. You wouldnt integrate all of these new healthy eating behaviors at once. Instead, youd gradually introduce one and then another and then another over whatever period of time makes sense. The system enables you to continuously get healthier and healthier. You will eventually reach the goal, but itll be the byproduct of eating healthy.

Another example might be education. I dont really care all that much about grades for my kids. I mostly want them to learn and enjoy learning. We talk about what they learn, we draw things, they make their own educational videos, they explain things to me in their own words etc. I want them to have a system of learning and refining their perspective on things. If they have this system, then having good grades will be a natural result of enjoying learning.

This also has implications for 7 Cups as well. We might have goals of having a certain amount of group support messages or 1:1 messages. Those are fine goals to have, but we mostly want to create a system of support where people care for one another and then the natural result is an increased number of messages. Or, zooming back, think about this leadership development program. We could have an arbitrary goal of training a certain number of new leaders to serve our community; or we can co-create a system - this leadership development program - that helps people become leaders. The natural consequence of the program will be a higher number of trained, competent, and strong leaders that can better support our community. Â

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Endure777 September 11th, 2020


This was a great response. Wanting a more "firm" system in life is crucial for living a happy and healthy, whicl alos successful, life. Managing your time and setting boundaries are great places to start when it comes to getting our life more in order!

Saquib16 September 10th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviours you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

The key system that I need to setup in my life to help in succeeding is disciplined routine and focus. # behaviours that I would like to see in my life which will bring growth are 1. Forgiving self and others. 2. Practising gratitude & 3. Boosting self-esteem and morale.

hopedreamlove September 11th, 2020


That sounds like a great system! I really like how you are focusing on yourself, and how to forgive yourself (and others) as well as practicing gratitude and boosting self-esteem and morale! These behaviors sound like they could be very helpful to help you grow your system!

Endure777 September 11th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

A key system that will help me be successful in my life is to live healthy, exercise, read more, and continue to help others.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

Three behaviors I can implement in my life to gradually grow my new system are to eat healthy food, and and set designated times for activities or duties, and ask others how they are or if they need help more otfen.

hopedreamlove September 11th, 2020


Hi! I can relate to wanting a system that can help me live healthy. I really like those behaviors you plan to implement, and it's really thoughtful of you to plan to continue to help others!

September 26th, 2020


I relate to your system a lot. I like your idea of setting designated times for activities or duties, I think I may include this is my system as well.

hopedreamlove September 11th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

A key system that I could set up in my life to help me succeed is finishing things on time. I tend to wait until the last minute to finish assignments or projects, and lately sometimes I haven't been able to finish things before the deadlines. I used to believe that since I generally complete things well that it didn't matter if I waited, but now I realize that time management is important.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

3 behaviors I can implant that can gradually grow my system in my life are not waiting until the last minute to start things, asking for clarification and questions when I need it, and setting up a schedule for when I do my tasks.

September 12th, 2020

1. What I need is place with support , let me take my time and accepts. Who I am with a disability

I would need. to be surround myself around people that would Believe me , support me , let me go my pace and a place where go for if need.

Take my time and make sure I mastered the role or skill before moving on.

Being willing to ask questions to know more about role or sill I am after and ask other for feedback on how I am doing.

shiningSound31 September 12th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviours you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

The system that I want to set up in my life is that every day, I dispense my duties as a good son, learn and practice (i.e., coding) something new in Computer Science especially in the field of Machine learning and Computer programming, and also sharpen my interpersonal skills and people skills. I want to talk to at least one new person every day in order to improve my listening, interpersonal and communication skills.

The three behaviour that can help me:
1) I discipline myself. I wake up early in the morning, exercise and sleep on time. I help my mother in household works.
2) Every day, I watch videos or read literature in the field of mathematics, machine learning and computer programming and focus on understanding the concept. And after understanding the concept, I focus on sharpening my coding and programming skills.
3) Every day, I devote at least 1 hour for 1:1 listening on 7 Cups.

InvaderStitch September 12th, 2020


Sounds like you have a clear idea of what steps you need to take and what system will ultimately lead to success for you! I wish you the best of luck in your new system!

shiningSound31 September 13th, 2020


Thank you smiley

InvaderStitch September 12th, 2020

I need to find a system for balancing personal life and my new roles on 7cups. Three behaviors I can do to implement this system is to schedule what Im going to do on each day of the week. Then I need to put it in my daily calendar as a reminder. And I need to make sure I have a space that I can sit and do the tasks I need to get done.

For example: I have recently become a quality mentor and a listener coach trainee. I have been feeling overwhelmed by the number of messages I have each time I log on and feel an obligation to answer everything (forum tags, messages, etc.) immediately. In reality, I can give myself time to respond, as long as I have a rule to get back within 24-48 hours. That may be a long time for some people but it works for me because it takes the pressure off. Maybe my system should look like going through PMs every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and sending out coaching messages on those days. On Mondays and Thursdays I know that I host the adult listener sharing circle so put that in my calendar on my phone with a reminder in the afternoon so I cant forget. Then on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I can respond when I am feeling up to it, but if I am having a bad day I can reserve those days for self-care, and then honor my pre-7cups self-care Sunday by not making any commitments on those days.

shiningSound31 September 13th, 2020


This sounds a very nice plan. You are investing serious time and energy on 7 Cups. This is commendable. I wish you the best with your system smiley

PinkPizzaz September 13th, 2020


That sounds like a great system! Learning how to manage 7cups, your personal life, and your mental health is very important.

SophieWX September 13th, 2020


A system I'd like to set up is a good schedule that incorporates both activities and downtime. Three things I can work to achieve it is recognizing a sleeping schedule that works for me, organize my studies, and learn to recognize when I need to take time for myself.

PinkPizzaz September 13th, 2020


I could use a system like that too 😂. Sounds like a step in the right direction! Hope it works for you!

Affliction1 September 13th, 2020


First of all, that was an amazing video and post. It helped me a lot because I had been going through something in my life where I needed a system to acheive my goals. So thank you so much for that.

As for your questions, here are my answers.

1) What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I need a better study system where I minimise distractions and focus better.

As for 7 Cups, I need to engage with more people through 1-1 chats.

2) What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

For my studies, I would start by using the Pomodoro technique which would help me keep motivated and instead of setting goals for each day as I've been doing, I'll make an easy and relaxed schedule in thr beginning and try to maintain it after which I'll gradually increase it bit by bit.

As for 7 Cups, I'll start by taking 1 new chat in 2 days so that I can provide equal attention to my long term members as well as new chats.

This was a very introspective activity. Definitely loved participating in this one.

Thank you so much! :)

PinkPizzaz September 13th, 2020


That sounds like a great plan. Good luck!

September 26th, 2020


Oh the Pomodoro tecnique! I read about this a long time ago, but then never really tried. Your post was a great reminder smiley

Affliction1 September 26th, 2020


I'm glad I was able to remind you about it. I hope you try it now because it definitely works for me :)

PinkPizzaz September 13th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

I need a system to help me find and apply to casting opportunities. 3 behaviors I could implement to help are: look at casting opportunities with my sister in the evenings, update my resume whenever necessary, look for jobs more tailored to my talents.

peacefulWarrior10 September 14th, 2020


Glad to see you're mindfully crafting your system! All the best with the casting opportunities! 👍💖

peacefulWarrior10 September 14th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

~ I think I need to set up a proper sleep hygiene and bed time rituals to improve my sleep schedule, so that I can be physically and mentally happier, and then i can rise early, and with that I'll feel more in control of my day ahead. I'm still in the "contemplation" stage about this. Need to move to "preparation" stage and then to "action" stage.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

~ 1. Do my works on time (so that I don't feel the need to stay up late at night to catch up with pending things). Mindfully avoiding procrastination is the key.

2. Set an alarm at 8pm at night to start preparing for bedtime in my mind (as my therapist recommended), and start shutting down for the day mindfully.

3. Do a few things that helps me connect with myself right before bedtime, maybe journaling, or brushing my hair, or may be a video call with mom sometimes... whatever feels good in the moment, because I have trouble falling asleep due to feelings of insecurity.

rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


LOL I feel you wholeheartedly with your systems answer xD I've been in the preparation stage for far too long. I went to action stage for a while, then slipped back and here I am! Mindfully seems to be the key word there in all your behaviours to implement, and that's a great goal to have in general. I hope you can move on to the preparation stage soon and enact on your behaviours!

peacefulWarrior10 September 23rd, 2020


Thank you dear! I'm a system person, more than goals.

pro21 October 11th, 2020


So thoughtful!

Ines1229 December 8th, 2020


Those 3 look like really well-thought behaviours, thanks for being inspiring <3

peacefulWarrior10 September 24th, 2020


Yes, we need to first identify when we are procrastinating 😀

lovelyNight9853 September 14th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

A key system that I need to set up in my life is a proper sleep routine that will help me get to sleep on time and help me wake up refreshed.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

3 behaviors I can implement are giving myself enough time to comfortably fall asleep and to stop working some time before I sleep. Also, I would like to figure out a method to make me relax before I go to bed such as drinking calming tea. Another behavior I can implement is trying to wake up and sleep at the same time everyday.

rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Hey, night! Seems like lots of us have a sleep system we want to enact on! Best of luck with yours xx

frostyIris5554 September 15th, 2020


My current goal is to succeed in my upcoming exams in May/June 2021. The system I'll be using is not overthinking about what I will do after I've reached my goal or what will I do if I dont reach my goal. I'll be focused on the work by teachers are currently giving me.

Three ways I can gradually grow in my new system are: I'll start by being more focused in classes and on completing my assignments (I have been doing this but it has been treacherous)

I'll then develop a better view of doing the work that would make it easier for me to get things done. I tend to procrastinate because I know that in the last second when I'm cutting it close to the due date I work more efficiently. So I have to see my work as something I love like art or sports.

Lastly I'll be prepared for every class by rreading ahead after each school day. This would not only help me to be prepared for class but itll help me to understand my work better and that means I would be able to explain it better to others.

rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Hey, Iris! Nice to meet you. Good luck with your exams! You seem very well ahead of schedule. Seeing your work as something enjoyable really does help mindset, I've found. Once you find the right mindset for you, the rest flows easier. Not always going to be smooth sailing of course, but it helps. Best of luck with studies! xx

Liru0417 September 15th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I believe that a system is a collection of habit that enables you to do more while not jeopardizing your health and well-being. A system that I am currently in the works for improvement and internalization is healthy time management system. This takes into consideration ample time to work on tasks and schoolwork but also leaves time for rest and relaxation.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1. Perseverance

2. Patience

3. Consistency

rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Welcome, Liru! A system is indeed a collection of habits you do on a consistent basis that helps improve your overall life. Time management is a big one many of us struggle with, whether in school, uni or the professional world. Best of luck with that!

BeautifulMasterpiece September 16th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

A key system I need is simply making a daily regimen or schedule for myself. Sometimes my mind can be all over the place, but if I have a set activity to accomplish by the end of a certain hour, than everything that needs to get done has a better change of getting done. 3 behaviors I can implement will be focusing on the task at hand, determination to get the task done so I can be fulfullied for the day and move on to the next, and persistence to keep going, even when the task is difficult for me to get through.

rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Hello again, Masterpeice! I find a block schedule has helped me so much, and I've been sticking to it fairly well for the past 3-5 months I've made it! I'd highly suggest it. Good luck! xx

MoonlightHelper1 September 17th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? *

I need to set up a system of studying efficiently to achieve my academic goals and prepare well for my future career.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

Create a schedule with regular breaks, joining study groups and discussing study-related topics with my friends and classmates, and tracking my progress.

rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Heya, Helper (again)! Best of luck with studies, I know how hard it can be to get the motivation to push through! Keeping in mind your end goal can be helpful sometimes as well, as it lets you know why you're doing what you're doing at the moment. :) xx

MoonlightHelper1 September 19th, 2020


Thank you so much for your encouraging words!! :)

pizzaiscool September 18th, 2020


I really like the example you used! I think especially during the pandemic everyone including myself has gotten worried about their health. In a way, I am obessed with the number on the scale and am desperate to see a lower number. To make this 'healthy' life a lifestyle, I've slowly started to cut out caffeine! Another thing I will start doing is sleeping early! All my doctors keep telling me to start sleeping earlier. And finally, I'm going to start is meditating! I've read so much about its physiological benefits in the long run and I'm excited to start it and notice a differance!