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PL 101: Systems vs. Goals (Discussion 4)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

Welcome to our 4th discussion in this first course. In todays discussion, we will be talking about systems vs. goals.

To start, please read this post here  and watch this video.

The basic argument here is that having a system is better than having a goal. A system is a way of behaving that helps you move towards accomplishing something. A goal is usually and end state that happens after you have accomplished something. I think eating healthy is a good example. A goal might be to lose 10 pounds. In this case, you feel kind of bad about yourself until you hit that goal; and then, once you hit it, you kind of lose the purpose because the goal has been reached. If you relapse and gain wait again, then you fall back into feeling bad about yourself again. Contrast this with a system of eating healthy. A system might include things like: having a big glass of water prior to each meal; eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, and nuts; not eating after 9pm; and/or doing some level of intermittent fasting. You wouldnt integrate all of these new healthy eating behaviors at once. Instead, youd gradually introduce one and then another and then another over whatever period of time makes sense. The system enables you to continuously get healthier and healthier. You will eventually reach the goal, but itll be the byproduct of eating healthy.

Another example might be education. I dont really care all that much about grades for my kids. I mostly want them to learn and enjoy learning. We talk about what they learn, we draw things, they make their own educational videos, they explain things to me in their own words etc. I want them to have a system of learning and refining their perspective on things. If they have this system, then having good grades will be a natural result of enjoying learning.

This also has implications for 7 Cups as well. We might have goals of having a certain amount of group support messages or 1:1 messages. Those are fine goals to have, but we mostly want to create a system of support where people care for one another and then the natural result is an increased number of messages. Or, zooming back, think about this leadership development program. We could have an arbitrary goal of training a certain number of new leaders to serve our community; or we can co-create a system - this leadership development program - that helps people become leaders. The natural consequence of the program will be a higher number of trained, competent, and strong leaders that can better support our community. Â

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Jen! (I hope I got your name correct...) Good on you for cutting out caffeine! It can be difficult to get started but good on you for doing so regardless. Sleeping early means having dinner early, which is also a good thing. Meditation is indeed truly amazing, and something so free! Best of luck with your implementation xx

pizzaiscool September 19th, 2020


You did! And thank you! I hope it all works out. figers crossed :)

SophTheListener2022 September 19th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

A key system I need to set up in my life is getting my room cleaned. Having a clean room can actually motivate you to do things you like.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1: Writing down that I need to clean my room
2: Not clumping up stuff upon stuff upon stuff
3: Putting stuff back where I got them from

rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Hey, Soph! Indeed, a clean room is a clean mind too! What has helped me is at the end of the night, put everything back where they belong. What also helps is each time I leave a specific room, I'll take an item out that belongs in the room where I'm next headed to. I hope they are some suggestions you'll think about and possibly implement if you find them helpful! Best of luck with tidying your space xx

SophTheListener2022 September 19th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

A key system I need to set up in my life is getting my room cleaned. Having a clean room can actually motivate you to do things you like.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1: Writing down that I need to clean my room
2: Not clumping up stuff upon stuff upon stuff
3: Putting stuff back where I got them from

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 28th, 2020


Liked your answer :)

FrostyMonkey September 20th, 2020

My key system is to be more organized and productive. I can do that buy eating healthier, exercising, and going to sleep earlier at night.

rebecca947 September 21st, 2020


Sounds great! Good luck.

KatePersephone September 21st, 2020

1. I need to find a way to manage my time, because I'm a very stressful person and I can easily loose track of time.

2. I need to limit my phone time and set some boundaries here on 7cups mostly, because I often have lend much of my time to help people when I should be doing homework or getting ready for bed, and that's only making me feel worse in the end. I also need to schedule my time better by putting specific timetables on when to be online and when offline so that I can do everything.

dancingMoment7201 September 21st, 2020


1, Get enough sleep and stop binging junk food at night. ( this makes my brain fog getting worse, a night of good sleep means a good morning) so maybe set up my alarm, sleep enough 7 hours and avoid the kitchen at night

2, Being more productive by setting a timetable.

3, being happy. Enjoy the moment, try to not care too much about what others think of me ( as in both appearance and freely express myself)

Vintagechoc September 22nd, 2020


A key system that i need to set up in my life is doing things step by step. I want it all and i want it now. But this is not realistic.

3 behaviors you I can implement to help you gradually grow that new system:

- One project at a time

- Plan each step of the project

- Be patient

SofiaT2000 October 27th, 2020

@Vintagechoc That's the spirit! You'll soon realize that if you take one step at a time, things will look easier!

WelcomeToChat September 23rd, 2020


I need to set up a system to make sure I do the activities that I value the most, and do not neglect them because of inertia, impulses, distractions, etc. In particular, I want to make sure that every day I allocate some time to meditation, some to studying the piano, and some time to drawing or painting. Not necessarily a lot of time, but at least a little time to each of all three.

Three behaviors I can implement to help me establish this new system could be: 1) Adopt the "2-minute-rule", that is, allocate daily at least 2 minutes to each of these activities 2) Write down every day in a notebook, diary, or calendar, whether I did or didn't spend some time on these matters 3) Hang a "Congratulations !" banner over my desk every day that I have done at least 2 minutes of each one.

TogetherForeverAlways September 23rd, 2020


Awesome, very insightful discussion, loved every bit of it!

As far as the question goes:

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

There are so many very important systems I need to set up in my life that's actually very hard for me to pick one.

However, I'll go with living a healthy emotional lifestyle, if that makes sense.

The 3 behaviors for me to implement to gradually grow that new system in my life would be:

- Focus more on self-care (crucial - doing physical activity, mindfulness, etc.)

- Listen more to others, open more to them, but being able to take major decisions on my own without striving for others agreeness with my vision.

- Better time-management, especially at work, and no attempts of multitasking as to not lower my energy/stamina levels.


Thanks again for the productive discussion, and insigtful reflection, @GlenM

CintaBali September 23rd, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I am already successful, and I hope that others who are doing this course don't feel like they are not successful just because they have goals left that they have not yet acheived, or just because they want to make changes in their lives, or just because this question seems to imply they are not. I like to have balance, so I like to make time for exercise and fitness, study, work, spirituatlity, family, socialisation, relaxation and hobbies everyday or every week.

I think goal-orientation is essential for real success, especially for success in substantial goals like major building projects, or putting together interactive programs. Systems that the author, James Clear, seems to claim are "new" have actually always been necessary to acheive goals: in fact James' work itself is full of setting goals e.g, to identify and curb bad habits, in his book "Atomic Habits," which the reference partly quotes. Dividing goals into objectives and tasks is the only way to get or measure real acheivement, and celebrating each milestone, objective and task as an acheivement is positive and optimistic. Obviously only concentrating on an end goal has always been the wrong way to acheive goals and this well-known fact has always been a major training point in goal-oritented leadership. Goal-oriented leadership was released to the public as a "new" leadership style in the 1980s (after military secrecy laws which had protected the techniques had expired). Rather that concentrating on an end-goal, a trained leader takes major goals, and divides them into minor SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Acheivable, Realistic and Timely objectives) and then divides those goals into tasks. A system itself is merely a list of regular tasks, that without goal-orientation (i.e. a reason for doing the tasks) would seem pointless and be doomed to failure - the system needs the goal as much as the goal needs the system. Goal-oriented leadership has always involved setting up systems to acheive, develop and monitor progress and there is nothing new whatsoever about making timetables or systems for including activities. Calling "system orientation" a new concept would be like calling procedural administration a new idea, and without a goal, both a system and a procedure are utterly worthless.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

I ride my pushbike, do T'ai chi, play music, paint and draw - I was thinking that I might try also going to the gym, sometimes, cutting down red meat and buying an air-fryer, because I have a new goal to reduce my cholesterol.

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 28th, 2020


Great answer!

helpfuldipper September 29th, 2020

@youarethesun12 That is a great approach. I hope you succeed in implement and grow tremendously.

September 26th, 2020


This was truly inspiring, thank you. I think that without knowing it, I have recently started to work with systems instead of goals smiley

I want to take good care of myself, and my system includes healthy eating, exercising and connecting with people.

helpfuldipper September 29th, 2020

@sunflower2480 I hope that you succeed in creating a system for yourself and grow.

September 29th, 2020

@helpfuldipper thank you heart

friendlyEars8792 September 26th, 2020


one key system I need to set up to succeed in life is to believe that I am a good and worthwhile person.

3 behaviors I can implement are:

1) make it my mantra

2) frequent reminders backed by my behaviors.
3) believe others when they compliment me

amiablePeace77 September 27th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

Key system for me would most probably be to implement a stricter self care routine (started already).

1. Being kind to myself, learning to be less self critical

2. Improving my communication skills

3. Time management

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 28th, 2020


Self care routine sounds wonderful :)

queenviebsonly September 28th, 2020


I think the most important key system would be to work hard and be consistent but also loving and being kind yourself and practicing self care!

Being more discipline and less procrastinating. Also practicing self care, not just by doing face masks and aking baths, but actually growing, reading books, saying no, eating healthy!

helpfuldipper September 29th, 2020

@queenviebsonly I think you are going to do great. I have also included learning in my system blush

helpfuldipper September 29th, 2020

The three things I would want to implement

I want to create a system of more learning. So, I want to learn for a set number of hours per week and will gradually increase it. The learning could be anything from learning a new instrument, to learning a new language. I think over time I would waste less and less time and be productive

I want to automize organization. I think right now I have to put up effort after every few days. The thing resonated with me so much. So, overall, in all areas of my life I want to inculcate automatize behavioral changes so that I remain organized.

I want to stay consistent with my commitment to my health, so I want to set up a system for that.

fireyseastar97 October 2nd, 2020


The system I want to set up is to implement the DBT PLEASE skill in my daily life. Three key things that I can do to implement this system are to create a meal plan and do meal prep twice a week. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Finally do my laundry weekly and shower daily. I will track each of these things with a simple green or red system for each task on a daily basis. Green means I did it, red means I didn’t. Nailing this system is the key to me creating a foundation for more change in my life including working towards a goal of becoming a peer supporter. Without this foundation, I will face many challenges in my daily life. This system is actually one I have been working on perfecting for the last month and so far I have made a lot of changes for the better in my life.

Skyglider October 6th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

A goal I have is to focus on living a healthier life.

Three behaviours: Focus on fun and delicious, healthy foods... Be gentle with myself when I struggle with making those choices...Find fun ways to get active and schedule those times.

October 6th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

A key system that I need to set up in my life is making sure I go to bed at the same time everyday and have a nutritious breakfast to start off my day. I would like to be more active.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

Have a light meal for dinner maybe with fish rice and vegetables. Drink lots of water throughout the day to get most things done by the time I go to bed. Write down what I would do the next day and anything I am worried about put in my diary. With exercise and physical workout I need to tell myself everyday that I do 20 mins of cycling and stick to healthy diet.

pro21 October 11th, 2020


Such helpful thoughts!

October 11th, 2020


Thank you! :-)

Asher October 26th, 2020


Bedtimes that we did the same every day can be helpful as it like a tradition but a way to calm the mind.

blitheEmbrace27 October 29th, 2020

Such a great system to start!! ❤️@glowingHeart4796

herealways27 April 5th, 2021


Wow such a great system there! I'm actually taking a course on Nutriental research on the brain now and getting enough sleep and nutritional meals every day is really really really beneficial to the brain both in the short and long term. Hope everything is going well for you!

YoungMonastic007 October 10th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

As mentioned in the course, I concentrate more on the journey than the results. And I personally feel journey is what matters at the end, irrespective of the results we achieve. When we look back we should've made some beautiful memories on the way and should have stories to talk about.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

Process > Result. I want to stop worrying about the possible outcomes and enjoy the journey instead.

Not worrying about the things that could go wrong, I mean I’ll be cautious, but not overthink about it.

It’s ok to be ignorant sometimes. Too much information sometimes backfires.

Asher October 26th, 2020


That's a great way to look at the journey than the end result.

blitheEmbrace27 October 29th, 2020

You have such a great view of systems.. thanks for your post! ❤️@YoungMonastic007

Ines1229 December 8th, 2020


This really is dyslexic friendly!

pro21 October 11th, 2020


The first step of a key system to approach any certain goal is being truthful and enjoying. Till the time we aren't true to ourselves about the positives and the setbacks, even if we aren't truly enjoying it, it will very soon become a burden without any positive outcome.

The three behaviors necessary according to me are - self motivation, self-belief and contentment.

The first two will keep us moving forward and the happiness will provide the strength to make the first two work.

Thank you for such a thoughtful article and video!

Alwaysthereforyou28 October 12th, 2020

A system for myself is that I want to be more confident doing anything in front of people; it really sucks having to feel nervous and worried that I may make a fool of myself every time when I'm in front of people. :(

3 behaviours:
- I need to maintain a positive mindset and believe that I can be confident communicating with people.
- I should train myself by starting a conversation with strangers and spending more time with people in general; afterall, practise makes perfect.
- I need to pay attention to my body gestures, I have to learn to 'look' confident as well e.g. don't fidget with fingers, take time to express my opinions. Otherwise, people will automatically assume that I'm nervous. It's like acting, looking like that person can also help you "get into" the role.