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PL 101: Systems vs. Goals (Discussion 4)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

Welcome to our 4th discussion in this first course. In todays discussion, we will be talking about systems vs. goals.

To start, please read this post here  and watch this video.

The basic argument here is that having a system is better than having a goal. A system is a way of behaving that helps you move towards accomplishing something. A goal is usually and end state that happens after you have accomplished something. I think eating healthy is a good example. A goal might be to lose 10 pounds. In this case, you feel kind of bad about yourself until you hit that goal; and then, once you hit it, you kind of lose the purpose because the goal has been reached. If you relapse and gain wait again, then you fall back into feeling bad about yourself again. Contrast this with a system of eating healthy. A system might include things like: having a big glass of water prior to each meal; eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, and nuts; not eating after 9pm; and/or doing some level of intermittent fasting. You wouldnt integrate all of these new healthy eating behaviors at once. Instead, youd gradually introduce one and then another and then another over whatever period of time makes sense. The system enables you to continuously get healthier and healthier. You will eventually reach the goal, but itll be the byproduct of eating healthy.

Another example might be education. I dont really care all that much about grades for my kids. I mostly want them to learn and enjoy learning. We talk about what they learn, we draw things, they make their own educational videos, they explain things to me in their own words etc. I want them to have a system of learning and refining their perspective on things. If they have this system, then having good grades will be a natural result of enjoying learning.

This also has implications for 7 Cups as well. We might have goals of having a certain amount of group support messages or 1:1 messages. Those are fine goals to have, but we mostly want to create a system of support where people care for one another and then the natural result is an increased number of messages. Or, zooming back, think about this leadership development program. We could have an arbitrary goal of training a certain number of new leaders to serve our community; or we can co-create a system - this leadership development program - that helps people become leaders. The natural consequence of the program will be a higher number of trained, competent, and strong leaders that can better support our community. Â

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

generousDiamond35 October 13th, 2020


The key system that I need to set up in my life is to be take care of my physical and mental health more efficiently. Lately, I have been noticing that I am giving a lot of priority to my grad school applications and other activities and not focusing on my eating habits, self-care activities and other healthy steps. I feel too exhausted mentally and physically because of this and would like to change this to feel better from both the aspects.

The 3 behaviors that I can implement to help me gradually grow towards the system are as follows:

1) Focus on my meals and have healthy and home cooked food as much as possible along with a good amount of workout done for at least 6 days of the week.

2) Incorporate deep breathing and meditation practices on a daily basis to take care of my mental and emotional health.

3) Take short self-care breaks and do activities that help me relax and stay away from overwhelming myself with a lot of academic activities.

Sunflower78652 October 13th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

To take a break at times from my academics and practice self-care.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

Practice gratitude and look at what you have done rather than only at what you need to do

Eat healthy meals

Do meditation

Asher October 26th, 2020


I can relate to burning out from academics. I think we forgot that another stressor in our lives.

Dino12 October 27th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

Being able to communicate effectively and on time

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

*Set deadlines


*Utilize my skills and abilities

MarissaHope October 27th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? A key system I need to set up in my life to help me succeed would most definitely be boundaries What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life? Postitivity, Patients and hope

MarissaHope October 27th, 2020

@GlenM to keep track of my school work

1. Set a timer/alarm

2. Keep track of turner in assignments

3. Use a calendar or a planner to keep track of it

Asher October 27th, 2020


Planners are so underrated at times. What motivated me to use a planner was pre-med students who planners who were so colorful.

SofiaT2000 October 27th, 2020


I really liked this post and I think I learned some very useful things. The systems look a lot like what I used to call, short-termed and qualitative goals in my own words. It's nice to have created a cognitive structure about how to plan things systemically to achieve goals and appreciate all of the efforts it takes and be proud of myself for trying.

A key system that I need to set up in my life is to manage my anxiety and insecurities to trust my skills more and appreciate what I have achieved so far.

3 behaviors to help me

- Incorporate healthy habits (like meditating, exercising, eating and sleeping properly).

- Set a schedule to take one step at a time.

- Write down and consider the things that I have achieved to appreciate myself.

soulsings October 27th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

A key system is the keeping me feeling good about life system that helps keep me healthy and emotionally stable.

The 3 behaviors I use to implement the system are

Stretch and exercise in the morning before breakfast

Eat a healthy diet with not too many carbs since carbs give me mood swings.

organize my schedule so I have a reasonable amount of things to accomplish each day with adequate self care.

kindheartedWords6803 October 28th, 2020

A system I would like to set up for my self is not focusing on what others say about me, feeling confident in myself and learning new things everyday

Three things I would like to improve on myself is my low self esteem, my weight and my listening

blitheEmbrace27 October 29th, 2020

Such a great system to have. Believe in yourself and everything that you are ❤️@kindheartedWords6803

Ashvillium October 29th, 2020


Hey! First of all, thanks for this amazing test. Indeed having a system and working on it a better way to reach the goals. Below are my responses against the questions respectively:-

The key system that I need to set up in my life is having a well routine approach. Since, things I do daily counts in the system so, the key for me is to improve my daily activities and to regularise according to the work relevance so that I can give proper time for the required activities.

The three behaviours that I will implement to help the system grow is as follows:-
* Firstly, I will create a time to the time analysis report of my activities and growth, so that I can rectify the areas where I need to work in the system.
* Secondly, I will cut short every stem into baby steps and try to fulfil it within the set time duration, so that it ensures 100% work accomplishment as per my desired plan.
* Thirdly, I will try to keep myself more focused by not letting any distractions get around.

Hope you guys like my responses! :)

blitheEmbrace27 October 29th, 2020

First of, what a great read and a great video! I never realized the difference between goals and systems, so was very useful for me!

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I think the key system I need to set up, is learning to put myself first sometimes before others. I often experience burn out and forget to focus on self care as a result of constantly putting others before myself

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1. I need to realize that others will be okay if I chose to put myself before them.

2. I need to let go of the idea of it being “selfish” that I focus on myself at times.

3. I need to practice self care more, and do more of the things I enjoy to prevent burn out from happening.

lovelyParadise7651 October 30th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

The system I need to set up in my life is studying. 3 behaviours I can implement to help me gradually grow that new system in my life is studying a little from each subject everyday, making lots of posters as I'm a visual learner and love art and making flashcards by turning my notes into questions and highlighting them green when I know the answer.

DreamTouch October 30th, 2020


enlightened What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?
A key system I have to set up in life is to maintain my health along with my studies and learning to be proud of my progress, believe in myself and love myself for who I am.

enlightened What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?
• Accepting myself for who I am, rather that pushing myself to be perfect all the time,accepting my flaws and knowing my boundaries
• Rather than working towards my studies endlessly,I have to take some time for myself to focus on things I love, my hobbies and so on, thereby avoiding burnouts
• Challenging my negative thoughts- this would help me to stop judging and evaluating myself too much, accepting and continue working on the things I strive for.

Azalea98 November 1st, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I recently started a new school, one of the best academically in my country which means the effort I am having to put in is significantly more then I am used to, so I need to implement a system that enabled to me to keep ontop of my studies and my mental health

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

Start trying to go to bed earlier to make sure I get 8 hours of sleep, this will help me focus in lessons and improve mental health

Eating healthier and making sure that I eat 3 meals a day Instead of skipping breakfast which I sometimes do

Setting a time restriction of how long I'm allow to spend on social media daily so that I don't waste time that I'm meant to be speaking studying mindlessly looking at pictures on social media.

Gozzil November 8th, 2020


These sound like great behaviours to help you achieve what you want to achieve, good luck!

Anexmos November 3rd, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

To be proud of the progress that I made and see the good results of my efforts.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1. Practice gratitude and be grateful for how far I have come.

2. Stick to a schedule.

3. Never settle for less.

Gozzil November 8th, 2020


Being proud of and celebrating your progress is an awesome system to have in place, I hope it works out for you =)

Gozzil November 8th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I need to become more organised about how I use 7 Cups. I was accepted as a Room Supporter on the same day I was accepted into the LDP so it's got quite busy quite quickly!

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

- Create a calendar with 7 Cups commitments.

- Use the site mindfully by having a clear idea of what I'm coming here to do and how long I'm going to do it for, rather than clicking around and scrolling aimlessly.

- Make sure I know who I can reach out to for support with each aspect of my 7 Cups activity, if I need it.

Mellietronx November 8th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

-Coming up with mini-goals and habits until you reach your main goal

-spend time each day on goals

-find an accountability partner

emily2803 November 9th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

A key system that I need to set up in my life to help me succeed is to learn how to develop good time management skills in and through my everyday life. 3 behaviours that can help me gradually grow that new system in my life is through:

1) Creating a to-do list with a calendar of all tasks that must be completed on a daily basis

2) Finding a happy balance in terms of how my days are structured

3) Beat procrastinating tendencies by having a designated workspace to conduct my work

wishfulMoment42 November 10th, 2020

Well owing to my experiences I have learnt couple of things which I feel are in best interest for my to function my life. I have learnt "nothing exists in past" and the past shouldnt be given any power to drive you in present. Now coming to future, a line needs to be drawn between being excessively stresses about it and being planful about it. I do enjoy being oblivious sometimes I wont lie. But the goal set in future is the outcome of small things you do in present hence you need to make sure you are doing these small things right which dont require as much stress as worrying about future. Thats how the concept of System and goals come in for me. It's important to have a smooth system running.

FrenchToast November 11th, 2020


1. What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

To not undermine my achievements in life. I think I do that a lot and it really demotivates me. I find it hard to compliment myself but I must do it every now and then, as that is its own form of giving yourself self-confidence.

2. What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

- Give myself strong affirmations morning and night

- Share my achievements with those that care about me

- Write down each and every achievement and why it is a good thing that that happened

She13 November 12th, 2020

1. What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I need to make a schedule to achieve my dreams.

2. What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

- Dodging away Negativity

- Sticking with a planner to achieve my dreams.

- Believe others when they tell me I will succeed.

wanjiku November 12th, 2020

@GlenM wow! i learned a valuable lesson today. i have never looked at it that way. having a system vs having a goal. its more about the journey/process not so much the destination.

Dinohorus November 12th, 2020

I think that a key system that I need to set up in my life in order to succeed is that of daily practice to improve my musicianship, my academics, and my exercise goals.

3 behaviors that I can implement in order to grow into this system are:

1. Setting alarms at convenient times in order to remind me to start my daily activities.

2. Using a checklist system in order to help motivate me.

3. Taking time to appreciate my progress and every step I make towards meeting goals through my system.

TaranWanderer November 27th, 2020

@Dinohorus I love checklists, it helps me break things down into smaller parts and feel more accomplishments as I'm checking things off, instead of only feeling accomplished when it's entirely done

hopebeyondpain November 14th, 2020

Wow! I never thought of my goals in this way, this was an incredibly insightful lesson!

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I need a good system for spending quality time on 7Cups fulfilling the roles that I have committed myself to. I used to simply think about completing the hours needed, and taking things one step at a time, but now I'm really beginning to see how important having a good system in place really is!

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1. I can set a time when I focus on cups tasks every day or week. For now, during the holiday period, that would probably be from 9 to 11am. If I'm free outside of this timing, then I can also come and hang out on my member account, or spend time responding to more general requests.

2. I can focus on having a routine in going about my tasks. First, I'll respond to any messages I received while I was offline. Next, I'll respond to a few forum posts. Then, I'll accept a general request, maybe two if I have time. Finally, I'll work on my leadership development program courses.

3. I can set boundaries for my time here when I'm chatting with members. Sometimes, I get tired easily after long chats. Hence, I can start setting a time to leave at the start of the chat, and let the member know. I can then leave at the set timing, and havetime for the rest of my tasks

usefulSummer3139 November 14th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

To be healthy (eat healthily and exercise) and to know my limit when it comes to food.

What are 3 behaviours you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1) I could start by setting aside an hour every day for exercise

2) Walking every hour (to get some exercise!)

3) Limiting (not eliminating) the deserts I eat after a meal

kdsyahirah November 15th, 2020

@GlenM in order to succed, I need to have consistency in my systems and to remind myself to not easily give up on my goals. The three things are:

1) I need to improve my focus since I'm easily distracted by the environment and my own thoughts.

2)I need to do my best in achieving my goals and improving my systems so that I'll get the best the best outcomes as possible. In results, I'll be satisfied with my works.

3) I need to get myself in relaxing time. It'll stress me out if I'm not fully prepared to implement my systems.

Skyy0 November 16th, 2020


Those are amazing concrete behaviors I would like to implement as well! All the luck to you and your journey 🥰

TheGoodFairy November 16th, 2020

A system I need to help me succeed is to balance my scholarly pursuits and my exercise/physical well-being.

I can exercise for an hour each day, use the pomodoro technique for my studying, and sort out my activities into what I'm passionate about and what I'm not passionate about (and only keep the ones I am passionate about).

lyricalAngel70 November 16th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I feel that I am losing track of time these days. Therefore, I would like to work on time management. If it is managed wisely, we can achieve everything that we have set a goal for but if we cannot manage time appropriately, it can lead to burnout & also chaos.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1) Being Positive: I have never gone wrong with this one in my entire life. So, I plan to continue being a positive person and spread my positive vibes amongst people. Also, I would like to keep a balance between being positive and carrying out the task by my action. Because if I am being positive without action, it is not gonna benefit me at all.

2) Self-Confidence: I believe this is the essence of every possible work field. The more demanding the job, the more you need to be confident about yourself. In my opinion, I am already a confident person but working on it even further would increase my ability to work enthusiastically towards the new system in my life.

3) Setting Boundaries:

As I said earlier that I would like to work on time management, I feel that setting boundaries would help me achieve it in a better manner. If you ask me, time management & setting boundaries go hand in hand. As it involves prioritizing tasks, it will allow me to manage my time healthily. I have already faced burnout due to poor boundary settings as I prioritized unimportant stuff limitlessly & neglected the important ones. Anyway, I have learned my lesson and I am ready to work on my weaknesses.

Thank you for reading. ❤


TaranWanderer November 27th, 2020

@lyricalAngel70 oh I feel this one so much, I think it's a great plan to have, I probably need to work on these exact same areas too! It's become so easy to somehow lose a whole day, and start building up negativity... purposely choosing to work on those areas is a great idea :)

lyricalAngel70 November 27th, 2020


Hey Taran, thanks for stopping by and reading my reply. I am glad to hear that even you have the same set of goals as that mine. I wish you all the best! (^_^)

Take Care & Stay Safe.


Skyy0 November 16th, 2020

Key system I'm going to implement from now on is to do exactly what my heart desires so I can be my best authentic self.

3 behaviors that will help guide me to my success of being unapologetically myself is:

1. Note all my successes, and continue being those positive attributes such as being thankful to every person I see, even if it was a negative interaction, I got to be in a new situation! So in general, just be appreciative and remind myself of my strengths is behavior #1

2. To dress how I want to dress requires I have a neat wardrobe! So organizing my wardrobe to exactly fit my needs by having a daily routine of tidying by dresser top is important.

3. Don't second guess myself; if i want to say a joke to my co worker or customer, just say it! Bring laughter to everyone by just letting my true open self appear. The behavior of not tensing up, and instead just understanding that all moments pass, is #3.

Skyy0 November 17th, 2020

@Skyy0 P.S. my key take aways from the vid: Set a destination (which is being more accepting of my self and show it to the world); ask questions on how to get there (does affirmations work? What is the best style I feel most comfortable in?), apply the answer (yes, I've been doing affirmations for a week and I feel lighter and more confident, as well as less lonely because it's like the affirmation cards by Louise, or my therapst is talking to me heart) re-adjust if needed (cleaning daily is so hard to keep on top of. Let's make sure I do my laundry every friday.)

SnailPurple November 20th, 2020


A key system I need is a system to help raise my grades. Three behaviors I can implement are, study for assessments, ask questions when confused, and reflect on past assignments to see what I can improve on.

ItsZaylee November 20th, 2020

a key system that i need to set up is loving myself. what i can do about it:

1- tell myself im beautiful everyday, even if i dont believe it, maybe one day i will.

2- celebrate every small success in order for me to see good things i do

3- do small things for myself everyday, so i can be able to realize i can do things by myself and that self care is needed