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PL 101: Systems vs. Goals (Discussion 4)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

Welcome to our 4th discussion in this first course. In todays discussion, we will be talking about systems vs. goals.

To start, please read this post here  and watch this video.

The basic argument here is that having a system is better than having a goal. A system is a way of behaving that helps you move towards accomplishing something. A goal is usually and end state that happens after you have accomplished something. I think eating healthy is a good example. A goal might be to lose 10 pounds. In this case, you feel kind of bad about yourself until you hit that goal; and then, once you hit it, you kind of lose the purpose because the goal has been reached. If you relapse and gain wait again, then you fall back into feeling bad about yourself again. Contrast this with a system of eating healthy. A system might include things like: having a big glass of water prior to each meal; eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, and nuts; not eating after 9pm; and/or doing some level of intermittent fasting. You wouldnt integrate all of these new healthy eating behaviors at once. Instead, youd gradually introduce one and then another and then another over whatever period of time makes sense. The system enables you to continuously get healthier and healthier. You will eventually reach the goal, but itll be the byproduct of eating healthy.

Another example might be education. I dont really care all that much about grades for my kids. I mostly want them to learn and enjoy learning. We talk about what they learn, we draw things, they make their own educational videos, they explain things to me in their own words etc. I want them to have a system of learning and refining their perspective on things. If they have this system, then having good grades will be a natural result of enjoying learning.

This also has implications for 7 Cups as well. We might have goals of having a certain amount of group support messages or 1:1 messages. Those are fine goals to have, but we mostly want to create a system of support where people care for one another and then the natural result is an increased number of messages. Or, zooming back, think about this leadership development program. We could have an arbitrary goal of training a certain number of new leaders to serve our community; or we can co-create a system - this leadership development program - that helps people become leaders. The natural consequence of the program will be a higher number of trained, competent, and strong leaders that can better support our community. Â

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

AffyAvo August 28th, 2020

@GlenM My standards for people I have in my life are higher than this - whether I'm going to them for support or not. I'm really disappointed that this was included in the LDP. I feel like you have failed so many people with this discussion.

I'm disappointed by everyone who took part, are aware of who Scott Adams is and kept silent.

AffyAvo August 28th, 2020

@EvelyneRose Qualtiy ... Scott Adams ... speechless

EvelyneRose August 28th, 2020


Hi Affy! Please refer to Heather's comment below <3

Heather225 August 28th, 2020


hi, Affy. we do not support him. that said, we have made changes to this discussion to replace the links to his content. i hope this helps you feel a little better. thank you for pointing this out, and i apologize for the upset.

softMusic9759 August 28th, 2020

I think a key system I would like to develop would be my time management skills which branches out to different things such as school and even 7cups! I think to do this, I should start using my planner more and maybe even setting up reminders on my phone so I have a noise/notification pop up to remind me. After these steps, I think leaving my phone somewhere I can't constantly check on it is something I want to get in the habit of, so I would be able to focus better.

JessHobson August 28th, 2020

@GlenM What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

• I need a better study system.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

* Making a time table.

* Scheduling breaks.

* Priotatising tasks.

JessHobson August 28th, 2020

@JessHobson that's a time-table and PRIORATISING tasks...

Sandson September 1st, 2020


It's good to see you want to create a better studying system. How do you believe those 3 behaviors can help you create a better studying system in your opinion?

JessHobson September 1st, 2020

@Aleks2 I'm rubbish at staying on track so I believe they will keep me personally motivated.

shiningSound31 September 12th, 2020


You have already taken the first step toward your desired system as you have identified the behaviours you need to implement to succeed.

I wish you the best.

With Love


JessHobson September 18th, 2020

@shiningSound31 thank you!

shiningSound31 September 19th, 2020



ItsSimplyEll August 28th, 2020


I need to not stress myself out. To implement this, I need to have a schedule, take breaks so to not get stressed and ask for help when I need it.

peacefulWarrior10 September 14th, 2020


Do you have any specific schedule on mind? Glad to hear you realize it's good to reach out for help! All the best 💖👍

Daf8 August 29th, 2020


heart Hello! How are you today? I hope you are having a great day! heart

heart I need a pride system to boost my self-esteem. heart

heart Some steps I can take involve more positive self-talks, keeping records of my achievements, and challenging unhelpful thoughts. heart

InvaderStitch September 12th, 2020


I really like the system you have created to challenge your self-esteem. I especially like documenting your achievements. One suggestion I might add is to see if you can display your achievements for yourself in someway like on a shelf or something. I have my diplomas on my living room wall to remind myself of how hard I worked to achieve them and that I can do anything I set my mind to.

Daf8 September 12th, 2020

heart @InvaderStitch heart

heart Thank you! It means a lot. Yes, I try to be able to display them. Thank you, truly heart

VerseArt August 29th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

A key system I think I need to implement is to make a schedule to prioritize things I have to do.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1. Sleeping well with a proper sleep schedule

2. Having full faith in my abilities

3. Enjoying the system rather than focusing too much on the goal :)

Sandson September 4th, 2020


I can really relate to needing a proper schedule. Would you like to elaborate a little on how you would go about making it and using it as your system?

VerseArt September 4th, 2020


Like everyone else, I am still trying to figure it out. Making a schedule, having a proper system, balance, all these things are easy said than done. But I have started with the priority list. Actually listing down the tasks I have to perform and how much time and energy I can afford to spend on them. It's a good start but as I said easy said/written than done 🙂

shiningSound31 September 12th, 2020


I wish you the best, Verse

With Love,


Helpingsoul98 August 29th, 2020


A key system that I need to set up in my life is putting myself before others. I have always had a habit of putting others before myself, which has lead to many problems when it came to living my goals. 3 behaviors I can implement to help me gradually grow into this new system, is 1. creating boundaries; knowing where I stand and of course being considerate of others, but not to the point in which I led that affect my personal goals. 2. is that I expect from others from than I expect from myself - and this is the reason why I tend to put others first. I need to start expecting things from my own self in order to implement this new system. Lastly, I need to be patient. Attaining a system and living through it in order to achieve your goals is a gradual process - as learned from the video and article. Patience is crucial, otherwise it is easy to fall back.

- @helpingsoul98

Irena0225 August 29th, 2020

Right now the system I need to create is a system that can help me to get better grades because I am going into university next year. So I want to more focus on the system rather than my updated grades everyday.

I am going to step out of the comfort zone, follow my time table, and do reviews every day. Make sure all of these are finished every day.

SofiaT2000 October 27th, 2020

@Irena0225 It sounds good! Good luck in this journey Irena! Perhapas a schedule or writing things down could help you?

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 August 31st, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?-A key system I think I need to implement is a regular, consistent study framework.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?-

Setting up a timetable and sticking to it

Learning to prioritize

Waking up early , regular workout, eating healthy

peacefulWarrior10 September 14th, 2020


Learning to prioritize is going to be a lesson for your lifetime! All the best with your system 💖👍

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 14th, 2020


Thank you :)

JaimieF September 1st, 2020

I'd just like to share that Atomic Habits is a great read!

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

I need to set up a system to eat healthier. I have been addicted to sugar for as long as I can remember. I can check the nutrition label whenever posible to find out how much sugar is in a given food. I can track the sugar I eat. And I can implement "sugar lock down" months to help me minimize sugar while also acknowledging my finite willpower. I'm starting a sugar lock down month today actually!

SynSavory September 1st, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed? What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

A key system I need to succeed is a SMART goals oriented focus with the ability to accomodate and influence my levels of grit and resilience across many contexts.

3 behaviours include: self-discipline, time management, and positive-oriented focus through positive self-affirmation of the self, timetable creation, and many more.

NorahListens September 3rd, 2020

A key system that I need to set up in my life to help me succeed:

I need to be more organized when it comes to academics, and reduce (and possibly eliminate) my procrastination.

Three behaviours that I can implement to help me gradually grow that new system in my life:

- Write down everything I need to do for the day, instead of relying on memory.

- Use a planner or a calendar to note down important dates and events

- Try different study methods to stay interested and motivated

Petrichor2000 September 3rd, 2020

Thanks for the post. Really needed it.

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I can exercise and run daily.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1. I can follow the mini habits rule.

2. I can have a 40% rule mindset.

3. I can have a cookie jar.

GentleFlameofCaring September 4th, 2020


This talk about systems gives words to the notions I have been playing with for a long time. People have pushed goals on me, when truly I sensed an issue with the system. its beeen a process of adapting situation or implementing new ones.

One challenge I am dealing (hoping that it soon is a "has dealt with") with right now is organization, and have been trying out different systems to help with that. Im hopeful that the curent set up of my living space and new policies as to how I go about things helps me towards being more organized and functional. Some behaviors are separating out different areas of my life, implementing certain routines, and developing a plan and scheduling that all out.

Suryansh September 6th, 2020

The key system that I need to set up in my life to succeed is becoming proud on whatever I do, be the way I am and never to change & being confident without being nervous.

3 behaviors I can implement to help myself gradually grow that new system in me life is :-

1. Stick to whatever I do and complete it.

2. Always be pre-planned.

3. Always have a great goal to achieve and do hard-work accordingly.

Thanks Glen !!

BookChunky September 9th, 2020


This was a really interesting video to watch and learn from. I have always considered setting goals in life but its just not the way I am wired, I work when I am get to it and finish it properly. I often feel annoyed if people nag or bother me about doing my work which is something I really need to change.

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

A key system, I believe I really need to set up in life is a healthy food and excercise regime along with a self care night routine. Due to the whole pandemic and staying at home set up, in the last few months I have become an extremely lazy person with no proper routine of eating, sleeping or excercising. I really hope to set up a system for myself when in I can properly do all these things while managing my University work.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

From what I understood through the readings and video, I have to change my habits and behaviors into postive ones that would help me get into my new system and stay in it for the long run.

1. I need to develop a better schedule, plan out things I want to do in the morning along with eating and excercise I can do. I will need to do research and carefully place different things throughout the day that help me become a healthier person again.

2. Become more strict with myself and have negative reinforcements in case I steer away from said system.

3. Also, balance my work, university and personal life well so I do not get over burdened and give up. Take breaks in between and positively reinforce myself for good behavior and actions.

Endure777 September 11th, 2020


A healthy food and exercise lifestyle is also part of my system. When I am not eating healthy and keeping up with my exercise is when I start to realize how "down" I am feeling about myself and my position in life. Being active and putting the right foods in your body is very important!

freshMint9376 September 9th, 2020

What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?

I need a system that will help me stay on top of my schoolwork.

What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?

1. I can set up a schedule to help myself know when things are due.

2. I can set up a reminding system so that when I'm too anxious to look at the schedule I still get reminded of schoolwork.

3. I can get up everyday at the same time to help implement the schedule.

hopedreamlove September 11th, 2020


I can completely relate to needing a schedule to help me stay on top off schoolwork! I really like your idea of a reminding system, it is super interesting and sounds very helpful!

bubblyJulie September 10th, 2020


1. A key system that I need in my life is time management. I tend to set up so many goals, but the issue with it is that I can't figure out the exact time frame that I'd pursue my goals. I may lose track of my goals or just get lost somewhere inside that huge ocean of goals that I set up for myself.

2.- Getting rid of distractions

- Sticking with a planner/tracker

- Using time wisely

Endure777 September 11th, 2020


I totally do the same thing. i tend to overload my schedule with so much tasks that I sometimes don't know where to start. Time management is definitely one important key of living a healthy and happy life.

CompassionateDreamer8522 September 10th, 2020


What is a key system that you need to set up in your life to help you succeed?
I think having a more "firm" system in place as far as managing my different clients will help me manage my tasks more efficiently. (example: time limits on tasks)
What are 3 behaviors you can implement to help you gradually grow that new system in your life?
1. Buy a timer and use it to help me break up my day and create systems that help me better serve my clients.
2. Set very strict boundaries as far as when and where my clients can contact me. By setting these boundaries, I gain control over my clients ability to contact me and completely throw my day off kilter.
3. Forcing myself to take healthy breaks. I do not do this often enough due to the above 2 mentioned things. LOL.