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PL 101: Introduce Yourself! (Discussion 1)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Welcome to our first course in the Leadership Development Program! I am very excited to get this going. This has been something we've wanted to do for the last several months and at long last it is here. Please find the course description below. Please also introduce yourself and let us (if comfortable) where you are from and a recent book or movie you have enjoyed. I'll get us started!

Course Description: You have personal gifts and strengths that can help you in life and also help other people. Identifying, amplifying, and deliberately building those strengths enables you to have a better personal life, professional life, and also enables you to more effectively serve others in our community. People sometimes make the mistake of focusing too much on their weaknesses. This can help, but deliberately building your strengths will get you much further in life and in your career. This course provides links to personality testing (MBTI, Big 5) where you can learn to identify your personality style and strengths. It helps you understand how to match your strengths to roles in the 7 Cups community and enables you to find a career path that will be fulfilling. Join other new leaders in individual and group learning exercises.

Please note: In order to successfully complete the LDP, you must respond to all discussion posts. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Tyedyedbutterfly65 July 11th, 2020

@glisteningEyes That is also a wonderful ! I love watching the fireplace burn it is so relaxing and fuzzy warm blankets and fuzzy socks..

Snow is beautiful isn't heart

Mankka July 6th, 2020


Hello, I am Mankka, I am very grateful for being allowed to be here! I live in Hungary, and is one 16 of my year sons. I experienced all of the kinds of the abuse in my childhood, I am a survivor. 11 of his years human rights shielding, I am an activist. I am the front-line fighter of the fight against the abuse in my homeland. I hope that I can help here with my experience. Thank you for the learning opportunity. What I read now book: Sue Klebold: A Mothers Reckoning.

GlenM OP July 6th, 2020

@Mankka I hear your strength! Thank you for persevering!

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


Nice to meet you Mankka! i admire your strength and that you want to help others through your experience! I'm looking foward to being in this Cohort with you :)

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020

and I'm going to put the book your reading on my 'to read' list :)

Mankka July 10th, 2020

@glisteningEyes thank you. You are very kind szív

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


I was actually in MA a few months ago! :D

ItssssMJ February 11th, 2021


I loveeeee Hamilton! <3

DylanletterR July 6th, 2020

I am Dylan, am from Buffalo, New York, and I love taking care of animals (I foster animals :) )

GlenM OP July 6th, 2020

@DylanletterR good on you! and I think buffalo is where the coffee break was created (or rochester?)

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


Hey dylan, nice to meet you!

that's awesome to hear that you foster animals, have you fostered any exotic animals or just household pets?

DylanletterR July 11th, 2020


I am currently fostering a guinea pig, a snake, 2 dogs, and a cat. I foster pretty much anything, and all of the animals that have come through my doors have all found their forever homes♥️

glisteningEyes July 11th, 2020


aw that is so lovely to hear! :)

Sandson July 6th, 2020


Hello there, I'm Aleks! I am born and raised in South Eastern Norway, and currently live in Viken. I recently finished reading "How to fix a broken heart" by Guy Winch, and I was amazed by the great amount of details and explanation of examples he introduced in his book.

So excited to be here.

GlenM OP July 6th, 2020

@Aleks2 glad you are here! I had a chance to visit Sweden, but not yet Norway. I hear great things!

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


Nice to meet you Aleks! I haven't yet visited norway, I'd love to see the northern lights!

The book you just finished reading sounds really good, I will have to check that out :)

LittleBirdie30 July 6th, 2020

Hi! I'm Gia! I live in South Jersey and go to school in Philadelphia! :)

I just finished reading Turtles All The Way Down by John Green, which is a fiction novel about a girl with OCD. Such a good book! I am also watching The Vampire Diaries! So excited to meet you all!

GlenM OP July 6th, 2020

@LittleBirdie30 I used to love camping in cape may a very long time ago! Welcome!

LittleBirdie30 July 6th, 2020

@GlenM I love Cape May!! 😁

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


Nice to meet you Gia! I

was in philedelphia a few months ago to see the will smith mural :)

I haven't read that book but I love john green's writing!

I also watch the vampire diaries!

Rebekah July 6th, 2020

Hi! I'm Rebekah, and I live in Wales. I have recently enjoyed reading a number of Jacqueline Wilsons, as well as true crime books - a very strange combo!

GlenM OP July 6th, 2020

@RebekahRebel i'm just learning about crime books. you'll have to send me a recommendation!

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


Hi Rebekah :)

I love jaqueline wilson books, which one has been your favourite so far?

Rebekah July 10th, 2020


Honestly, I don't think I can pick. Probably out of the "Hetty Feather" series or "My Sister Jodie". I cried at the end of most of them! How about you?

glisteningEyes July 11th, 2020


Oh, My sister Jodie is a sad one! I remember crying at that one too.

The books that I fell in love with the most were: Candyfloss, cookie, Kiss and the 'in the girls' series.

Jaqueline Wilson has got a new book coming out on 20th August called 'Love Frankie' :)

Rebekah July 11th, 2020


Yes, can't wait for it!

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


also I live in englad :)

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


Asruu July 6th, 2020

Hi, my name is Asruu. I was born and raised in Portsmouth England , currently residing in Kenya. I recently finished reading Betrayal by Danielle Steel and i loved every twist and turn of it❤😊

GlenM OP July 6th, 2020

@Asruu Welcome! I've heard good things about Danielle Steele and had the opportunity to visit Nairobi last year. We may be doing more with Kenya in the not too distant future. Look for more on this front soon!

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


Nice to meet you Asruu! I was born and raised in portsmouth, England too! what a small world :D but I'm still in the UK, not in portsmouth though :p

I haven't read that book but will give it a try :)

Asruu July 10th, 2020


Pleasure meeting you mate! ❤😊

glisteningEyes July 11th, 2020


aha yes mate :p

Sinceresebas21 July 6th, 2020


Hello there everyone! My name is Sebastian Pintea and I'm a rising senior in high school at Southern California! A recent movie I watched (and have guiltedly watch multiple times) is perks of being a wallflower with my best friend on the Fourth of July and it will always be one of my favorites! :)

GlenM OP July 6th, 2020

@Sinceresebas21 I'll need to check that out! I used to live in San Clemente. Great part of the world!

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


Nice to meet you sebastion! I love the perks of being a wallflower :)

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


MagicSky28202 July 6th, 2020


Hello, everybody, so excited!! I'm MagicSky28202, and I was born in Medan, Indonesia. I still live there. :) I've been watching a lot of Shark Tank with my family, and now I'm reading The Secret of Magic by Deborah Johnson, a story about a black civil rights lawyer. Great story so far! Looking forward to being here!!

GlenM OP July 6th, 2020

@MagicSky28202 welcome! sounds like a great read!

glisteningEyes July 10th, 2020


Nice to meet you! :D

That sounds like an interesting read, I will have to read it one day :)