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Course 3: PL 102 - The Problem is the Path (Discussion 1)

GlenM August 26th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 3, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello LDP Team!

I am enjoying this program and I hope that you all are finding it helpful and meaningful! I'm excited about this next course. The problem is the path is the core insight that helps us evolve as individuals and as a community here on 7 Cups.

Here is an overview of this course:

Course Description: It is natural for us to want to avoid problems. Problems can cause worry, anxiety, and frustration. These are feelings that we often want to avoid. Problems, however, are the key to growth. When we face our problems directly we get smarter and grow stronger. A saying that captures this is: Progress = Pain + Reflection. This course helps you learn the value of problems by highlighting the difference between problems you might be concerned about and problems you can directly solve. Next, it walks you through the ancient practice of steering into problems directly in order to unlock their value and gifts. Finally, it helps you identify and measure progress so you can make continued gains in your personal and professional life.

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Bonus: Check out chapter 8 of the book 7 Cups for the Searching Soul (more in the next discussion) for a deeper dive into learning more about accepting what we cannot control.

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

(edited by @SoulfullyAButterfly on 29/1/2021 to update (1) to replace it with a working YouTube link)

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

gigantCloud92 March 21st, 2021


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern: My mental wellbeing, My friends/family, and my academics

Circle of Influence: Trying to make peace with things that are out of my control, 2) taking some time to develop better relations with friends/family, 3) Focusing on maintaining my GPA

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

He was perceptive, observant, and focused on his circle of influence. He compensated for weakness, empathized with team members, and presented great leadership skills. Moreover, he worked with the strengths to ensure effective and quality work, which would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive.

giggleZebra2708 April 22nd, 2021


Great response and thanks for helping the community

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


I'm glad to hear that you care about yourself and others. Getting good grades and finding peace within yourself are really important too.

gigantCloud92 April 2nd, 2021


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern: My mental well-being, My friends/family, and my academics.

Circle of Influence: Trying to make peace with things that are out of my control, 2) taking some time to develop better relations with friends/family, 3) Focusing on maintaining my GPA

1 thing I can do to remind myself to focus on my circle of Influence: Jot down reminders, and give myself a pep talk now and then.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

He was perceptive, observant, and focused on his circle of influence. He compensated for weakness, empathized with team members, and presented great leadership skills. Moreover, he worked with the strengths to ensure effective and quality work, which would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive.

herealways27 April 7th, 2021


Hey good luck with your GPA!

herealways27 April 7th, 2021

Circle of concern: my parents' health, my future occupation, social anxiety

Circle of influence: my current exercise schedule, how much I'm dedicated to studying, taking care of my parents while I'm still living with them.

What stands out to me about this executive is that he could observe the situation and dynamics in the relationship between the president and the employees so well and take the initiative to solve the problem between them. He was also very careful not to hurt the president's feelings while working with the colleague. He was proactive as opposed to reactive because he put the problem into his circle of influence to change it one by one instead of only concerning about it without doing anything tangible.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


You have great observational skills and great comprehension of the bigger picture. That helps you significantly in understanding the systems and processes.

SpicyHeart April 8th, 2021


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

-3 things in your circle of concern: my brother's unhealthy eating habits; my granny's grumpiness; my member's worries.

-3 things in your circle of influence: the way I gather and give feedbacks to others; the way I put myself in other's shoes to be more understanding and compassionate; the way I keep my promises and responsibility to others.

-1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence: shift the focus on what I can do right now; remind myself that I'm in control of my situation.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

highlight what stands out to you about this executive?

Unlike other co-workers, this executive did not small talk about his boss, he did not hold personal grudge towards his president's dictative management style.

What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

The executive kept calmed and gathered information from other colleagues to understand the situation throughoutly. Instead of criticizing the boss, this excecutive focused on what he could do to amplify the president's strengths and minimize his weaknesses. He read with empathy to understand the president's underlying concerns. He anticipated the president's needs to give him prompt analysis and relevant recommendations.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


I see that having good and caring values really matter to you. I like the fact that you are able to keep control of yourself and to give constructive feedback. I can tell that you are a really determined person as well.

UnicornsCottonCandy April 8th, 2021


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

The 3 things that are in my circle of concern is my university applications, next upcoming tests, and going home for break. My circile of influence is the following: taking better care of myself by eating well and sleeping well, doing my best effort in my own tasks, and not being too hard on myself. The 1 thing I want to remind myself to focus on my circle of influence is that no one is perfect so I don't need to be too hard on myself to become the best at everything.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

One thing that really highlights from this executive is that how he is proactive by making the actions that are needed to make the situation better. He focused on his circle of influence and made direct actions to expand his circle.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


I'm glad thst you are focused on your personal goals and self-care and thst you realize that no one is perfect and not to be hard on yourself. It looks like that you see things from proactive ways versus reactive ways. Being proactive is really important.

loveagape April 17th, 2021

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

A: circle of concern are withdrals, judging, criticizing, dont' seek to understand, not consistent. Loyal to absent. Circle of influence has responsibility, patient, live the law to the hardest. I think I will strive the goal to live healthy life insteand of concern, influence is better than focusing on myself.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


Striving to be healthy is a great goal.

loveagape April 17th, 2021

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

A: the executive have plans that are good, and he complicated a team, he has postive influence and really cared about related results. So, he got what he wanted, instead of doing nothing about it. He inspires people, and that is what I want for my life too.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


Yes. I am glad thst you see determination, courage and optimism. Those things help you make achievements.

Readylistener April 17th, 2021

3 things in my circle of concern- world peace, the pandemic, poverty and circle of influence- my mental health, education, my family. I can remind myself by realising certain things are just out of my control.

Something that stood out to me about this executive was his desire to create a better work environment and the unique method he chose to do so. Rather than criticising weaknesses, he compensated for them. He was proactive as he focussed on his circle of influence and worked with his strengths to align himself to the company’s needs.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


I am glad to see that you want world peace and abundance for yourself and for others. I l Iike it that you focus on the strengths and building yourself up and others up as well.

thisisirene April 18th, 2021


My circle of concern involves my family and friends, my life goals and my progress in life.

My circle of influence involves me reaching my goals, me caring for others and me supporting other people.

I could remind myself that I'm doing really well and i could also expand the circle of concern


He really knew what he was doing, his actions spoke for themselves and he had a real focus on his circle of influence,

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


I'm glad that you care about yourself and others and that you look at expansion in a good way. It's great to have good focus as well.

marvelloustree1111 April 19th, 2021


1. Three things in my circle of concern are worrying about achieving my goals, if my family will be happy with me and if I will hurt others by my conduct.

Three things in my circle of influence are that I can study more to be able to achieve my dreams,I can spend time with family and I can start meditating and continue it to free myself from excessive worrying and live in the spectacular now.

To remind myself, I will set up a schedule and whenever I am worrying due to my circle of concern, I will remind myself that these things aren't under my control and that's okay. Taking action is always under my control.

2. The executive stands out to me in the sense that instead of spending his time worrying about everything, he really put it to work and achieve his vision. He focused on his circle of influence throughout, took the right action, and made his own place in his workplace.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


I'm glad to see that you have dreams and that you really care about having self-control and mindfulness.

marvelloustree1111 May 23rd, 2021


Thanks a lot 🥰

peacefulIris56 May 23rd, 2021

@marvelloustree1111 You're welcome!!!

giggleZebra2708 April 22nd, 2021


Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things in my circle of concern would be my family, friends and eradication of world poverty . These are issues that I am concerned about but don't really have a say in it or could make a big impact on them. 3 things in my circle of influence would be my health, my take on relationships and my future. These are areas that I can do something about or have a direct influence/ control over it.

There are many things that remain uncontrolled or unfulfilled and it’s not on one’s radar to beat themselves to change it. I'll remind myself to make my circle of concern smaller and focus on moments that I can change.

Watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

I believe it's the way he dealt with the situation that was unfolding at the moment, he took a close note at the president weakness and dealt with the situation with empathy and conscientiousness and focused on the inner circle and events that he could control for and this led to him being able to successfully bring up the efficiency of the team.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


I'm glad that you realize that there are things that are in your control and things that are not in your control and that you can tell the difference I see that you are a caring person as well and you realize to be around supportive people and to be supportive of yourself.

pamharley003 April 24th, 2021


circle of concern:

1. good health for me and my boyfriend and furbaby.

2. our business being successfulk

3. close family and friends

Circle of Influence:

1. focusing on my self esteem

2. keep using self care.

3. staying out of drama and negative people.

Remind myself:

to accept who I have become and learn to use mindfulness each day


The man was focusing on his cricle of influnce accepting to find a solution

7 cups book:

I read it always when I need to work on an area in life.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


You have a great focus

SweetDreamer69 April 24th, 2021

1. 3 things in my circle of concern - health of me and my loved ones, career and my studies. 3 things in my circle of influence - meeting my career goals, ensuring that my loved ones are healthy and safe, and reaching the milestones that I've set. 2. I think it's his actions that made him proactive. He was proactive because his didn't react to situations and instead the situations react to him. He was hard working, efficient and clever. That's what makes him stand different.

SweetDreamer69 April 30th, 2021

I think I've learnt that I can't control the things that happen in my life. But the way I react to those situations is definitely under my control

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


It's wonderful that you look at achieving milestones through care, focused, proactive and focused work. I am glad that you value uniqueness and diligence. These are all important things to have.

Cristen April 25th, 2021

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.
My circle of concern includes (1) the health and overall well being of my family, (2) other people’s actions and responses towards me and (3) my future happiness and stability.

My circle of influence includes (1) my physical & mental health routines i.e. exercise and self care, (2) my responses to negativity, conflict or drama and (3) my personal growth i.e. educating myself.

The 1 thing I can do to remind myself to focus on my circle of influence, is to take it day by day. It’s okay if you don’t feel like it some days but always remember to pick yourself back up the next day, and it doesn’t have to be a lot because a little bit everyday can go a long way.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive?
The thing that stood out to me about the executive was how he was able to make use of his set of skills to complement the president’s, making them a strong complementary team.

What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?
The executive was emphatic and understanding of the president’s weaknesses and concerns and worked towards a solution, which in turn made up for the president’s shortcomings i.e. being proactive, rather than focusing on the problem and simply complaining about the president’s weaknesses i.e. being reactive.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


You have a good focus that leads you on a good track. I like that you look at wellness and coming up with solutions.

cuteeeezombieeee April 26th, 2021

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things in my circle of concern: How others treat me, past mistakes and world events.

3 things in my circle of influence: The friends I choose to have, asking for help and how I respond to challenges.

Reminder: I can accept the fact that there are certain things I can control and certain things I can’t. By doing so, I can focus on my circle of influence.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

One thing that stood out as proactive is that the executive focused on his circle of influence. He tries to understand the needs of others and work towards a solution. Whereas focusing on the problem might produce a different outcome. He wants everyone to focus on their strengths in a way that it compensates for weaknesses and leads to everyone efficiently working towards a solution.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


I'm glad to see that you look at things from a solution oriented approach and that you make sure that you are treated right.

confidentpanda April 27th, 2021

Circle of concern: My health and nutrition, my family and friends, school

Circle of influence: cook for myself, check in on others, stay organized

I can remind myself by staying positive through the day and focusing on myself.

The executive showed exceptional leadership skills. He was also proactive because he looked for a solution.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


I'm glad to see you focusing on yourself and things like excellent leadership skills.

blindHeart12 April 28th, 2021


Three things circle of concern:

1.I want to start something of my own but not able to do from long time, as worry about if I might fail.

2. Not able to take much role worrying I might not able to handle so much or might felt stressful.

3. As I had been aware of my behaviour of being reactive so in other thing I switch from reactive to proactive by self talk.

Circle of influence

1. My personal growth

2. My career

3. My reaction to situation

Usually when I feel I am over stress or worried either I talk to friend or write in paper about my thought. Surely it make me realise I am in circle of concern or thinking more and taking action and planning much.

So, accepting that we might be a reactive person and we have to keep practicing being proactive.

Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?
Executive in the video who was overshadow about dictator leader.

Instead of critising he focus on reading the situation, look out his strength and weakness and work on it. Involved other in by having meeting with them, taking their ideas and view.

So use of teamwork, creativity he made his boss impressed.

Made his presentation strong.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021


I'm happy to see that you are working on your personal growth and career and that you consistently practice being proactive. The more yiuv practice it, the easier it gets. I'm glad that you recognize that teamwork is important.

blindHeart12 May 22nd, 2021


Thnk you for ur kind and appreciation peace .

FawkesCare12 May 9th, 2021

Hello friends :)

Part 1

1. 3 things in the circle of concern

Career, Studies, Mental health of people in general

2. 3 things in the circle of influence

Upskilling myself, consistent efforts in terms of revision and attending classes regularly, practice active listening both on 7 Cups and outside of it

3. 1 thing to remind yourself to focus on the circle of influence

“God grant me the serenity; To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference” (From the serenity prayer)

Part 2

1. Highlight what stands to you about this executive

What stands out to me about this executive is that they didn’t allow for immediate personal reactions such as anger, disappointment and frustration with the president, to take control. Instead, the executive acted calmly with empathy and made the best out of the situation. Exceptional self-control and display of leadership on the executive’s part.

2. What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

The actions, taken towards finding a solution rather than focusing on the problem. It would have been easy and natural even, to get overwhelmed in the negativity, yet, the executive chose to understand what the President’s strength and weaknesses were. The executive then cultivated an environment that served not only him but also his peers, in a more enriching manner.