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Course 3: PL 102 - The Problem is the Path (Discussion 1)

GlenM August 26th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 3, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello LDP Team!

I am enjoying this program and I hope that you all are finding it helpful and meaningful! I'm excited about this next course. The problem is the path is the core insight that helps us evolve as individuals and as a community here on 7 Cups.

Here is an overview of this course:

Course Description: It is natural for us to want to avoid problems. Problems can cause worry, anxiety, and frustration. These are feelings that we often want to avoid. Problems, however, are the key to growth. When we face our problems directly we get smarter and grow stronger. A saying that captures this is: Progress = Pain + Reflection. This course helps you learn the value of problems by highlighting the difference between problems you might be concerned about and problems you can directly solve. Next, it walks you through the ancient practice of steering into problems directly in order to unlock their value and gifts. Finally, it helps you identify and measure progress so you can make continued gains in your personal and professional life.

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Bonus: Check out chapter 8 of the book 7 Cups for the Searching Soul (more in the next discussion) for a deeper dive into learning more about accepting what we cannot control.

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

(edited by @SoulfullyAButterfly on 29/1/2021 to update (1) to replace it with a working YouTube link)

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

smolecho September 2nd, 2020

Concerns: My financial situation, My job, My grades

Influences: Start budgeting and saving, work hard towards the promotion, study and get to school when I need to be there

Sandson September 4th, 2020


Would you mind telling me what you figured out about question 2?

smolecho September 7th, 2020

@Aleks2 what do you mean?

Sandson September 9th, 2020


"2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive? "

GlenM OP September 11th, 2020

@Aleks2 thank you for all the smart and thoughtful follow ups to help us all learn better!

positivePumpkin22 September 2nd, 2020


Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Three things in my circle of concern :

a. The health and future of my family members b. Financial stability c. Government policies and decisions

Three things in my circle of influence :

a. self satisfaction, contentment and happiness b. how i take care of my family c. my work.

One thing I can do to remind myself to focus on my circle of influence :

Tell myself "The work you do today are the seeds that determine your tommorows." and work with perseverance.

Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What stands out to me about this executive is the idea of becoming proactive, and focusing on the circle of influence rather than being reactive and focusing on the circle of concern. When we are reactive, we spend time and energy over things that are in the circle of concern, over which we have little or no influence over. This can drain us and make our circle of influence become smaller and smaller. By focusing on the circle of influence, where our efforts make a positive impact and also helps the circle of influence become bigger and bigger.

GlenM OP September 11th, 2020

@positivePumpkin22 what a great quote! "...the seeds of tomorrow!"

shiningDay80 September 24th, 2020


Finances seem to be a concern for a lot of us. I'm hopeful we can all get to where we want to be. Thanks for such a great insight heart

CheeryMango September 2nd, 2020


1. Identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern: My attitude towards others, my relationships, and my education goals

Circle of Influence: Who I surround myself with, my education and my family

Remind myself: that if it doesn't feed you, don't water it

2. Highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What stood out to me was him taking the initiative to ensure that everyone was treated fairly and felt like they were contributing to the growth of the company. He went out of his way to hear their concerns and worked with them to address them in an appropriate manner.

SofiaT2000 November 3rd, 2020

@CheeryMango That'strue! Manners are important and useful!

SynSavory September 3rd, 2020



1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of concern: immediate family, friends, self.

Circle of influence: scholarly writers, graduate school classmates, social networking for social change.

Reminders: Positive self-affirmation of worth.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Bonus: Check out chapter 8 of the book 7 Cups for the Searching Soul (more in the next discussion) for a deeper dive into learning more about accepting what we cannot control.

Alienating is not cool. To be proactive is to be inclusive of multiple scores of people. As the book noted in chapter 8, our brains are flexible to change. While we cannot change overarching circumstances, we can control how we respond to those situations over time.

shiningDay80 September 24th, 2020


"Positive self-affirmation of worth." I am always down for self-affirmations. They really do work! heart

VerseArt September 7th, 2020

1. Identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern: Personality, Personal Goals, Perspective

Circle of Influence: Role Models, Mentors, Family Conditioning

Reminder: Stay Motivated, Inclusive, and a nice person.

2. Highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?
One thing that stood out for me was that they were inclusive, nice, and kind to all. They were thinking about the collective effort and goals. It wasn't individualistic. It was proactive with everyone involved.

CompassionateDreamer8522 September 10th, 2020


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 issues

Circle of Influence - 1. Focus on being the best mom and co-parent I have, regardless of my ex's actions. 2. Watch my own personal health. 3. Hold up my boundaries in all arenas.

Keep looking at my personal circle of incluence print out!

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Hetook action. He kept his focus on his circle of influence. He exhibited empathy, made sure they all felt that they were treated fairly.

Bonus: Check out chapter 8 of the book 7 Cups for the Searching Soul (more in the next discussion) for a deeper dive into learning more about accepting what we cannot control.

Chapter 8 talks about stress and worry. Today, we are so inundated with instant fixes that we tend to worry about things we can't control - which is not helpful!

CompassionateDreamer8522 September 10th, 2020

Whoops - forgot my Circle of Influence: My partner, my mentors, and my daughter.

Irena0225 September 11th, 2020

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things in my circle of concern:

1. The weather 2. The shortcoming of people all over the world 3. The lack of good sanitizing products for women

3 things in my circle of influence:

1. Lose weight 2. Get a better mark 3. Garbage classification

1 thing I can do to remind yourself to focus on my circle of influence:

1. Make a small step in my circle of influence every day, put this on a daily basis, so that remind myself of doing what I can do to make the world change.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What stands out to me is that this executive focused on his circle of influence, so that he made a change, and also brought positive changes for people around him.

He read the situation, he compensates for them instead of criticizing, he read the president's underlying concerns. He tried to buffer his people and make such weakness irrelevant, he'll work with the president straight.

herealways27 April 7th, 2021


Putting this on a daily basis is a great idea!

MistyMagic September 12th, 2020


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

My Circle of Concern - 1 Health for me and my family 2. My pets 3. Finances, work and time

Circle of Influence - 1 Extended Family 2. Local politics 3. Environmental issues

Remind Myself - That I can control some things but others I can not. I can work hard on what I can affect an stop worrying about other things that I cannot change. Use the Serenity Prayer more!

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What an interesting video! I had never thought os things like that. I know it happens as this is exactly what I try to do. The executive looked at the situation and believing in his role and the company he took steps to work to build up exactly what he wanted by proactively influencing his circle. This has to be done very carefully or the chief may actually look at it wrongly and think that the executive is after the top job! In this case it worked well as the executive filled in the gaps and due to their keenness and knowledge and talent they then increased the performance of the whole team. Great job!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

bookworm274 September 13th, 2020


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of concern: friends and family, school (grades), health.

Circle of influence: checking in on friends and family, revision, diet and exercise.

Remember: I cant control everything.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What stands out: they didnt rely on the circumstances to succeed in their job, they changed their attitude and response to help them succeed.

Proactive as opposed to reactive: took initiative, improvised, read the situation.

freshMint9376 September 13th, 2020

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of concern: people close to me, mental health issues in the world, health.

Circle of influence: checking in on those close to me, volunteering here at 7 Cups, eating well.

Reminder: Set up a schedule for daily tasks.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What stands out: He changed his behaviour to help him succeed.

Proactive as opposed to reactive: He took on an additional responsibility and made a plan.

hopedreamlove September 18th, 2020


Settimg up a schedule for daily tasks is a wonderful idea! Great response!

SofiaT2000 November 3rd, 2020

@freshMint9376 Nice answer, I liked how you categorized the second answer!

JaimieF September 13th, 2020

1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

In my circle of concern: people's wellbeing, equality, my financial stability

in my circle of influence: my budget, how i help or don't help those around me, what i choose to eat

to focus on my circle of influence, i can write down one step to have a positive influence every day in my planner

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

I admire that this executive took extra steps to create a more functional and productive team. I love how he gained so much respect and status among his coworkers. He was proactive in finding ways to strengthen each other, rather than just being reactive and being disappointed that his team wasn't what he wanted it to be.

Bonus: Check out chapter 8 of the book 7 Cups for the Searching Soul (more in the next discussion) for a deeper dive into learning more about accepting what we cannot control.

The book is a lovely read!

PeaceLoveandPaws September 14th, 2020


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Within my circle of concern is the environment at my place of employment, animal rights, and my familys health. Three things within my circle of influence is to maintain a positive attitude at my job and lift others up, work directly with my local animal rescue organizations, and be proactive regarding issues involving health as we prepare ourselves for losing our health insurance coverage. One thing I do to remind myself to focus on my own circle of influence is to ask myself what I can do, personally, to affect change.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What stands out to me is the way the executive learned to anticipate the needs of both the owner and his coworkers by actively listening and empathizing. Rather than get angry at the owners dictatorial style, he chose to work with the owner, and other employees, to create a positive work environment by playing to the strengths of each.

Bonus: Ive been working on mindfulness and gratitude in my own life for the past two years. It has done so much to increase my happiness and find contentment within myself. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of focusing on what good things we have going on in our lives.

LittleBirdie30 September 15th, 2020


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

My circle of concern includes my health, my family and friends and my career. My circle of influence includes other people and how they impact my mood, my past and money. 1 thing I try to remind myself to focus on is my relationships and how I impact them and make them better.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Being proactive is when results make a positive influence. When being proactive, he took initiative and focused on his own circle of influence. He worked hard and he compensated for the lack of president's work. He analyzed and acted on the analysis. His circle of influence expanded and he worked hard to get where he got to. It was his response that made the difference.

shiningSound31 September 16th, 2020


Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Three things in my circle of concern are: 1) Getting a good salary job; 2) low score in conscientiousness in the big 5 personality test, and 3) coronavirus and the health of my family and mine.

3 things in my circle of influence are: 1) Upskilling myself; 2) Observing the precautions related to coronavirus, eating healthy foods, exercising daily, drinking the appropriate amount of water and taking good night sleep; and 3) focusing on making myself disciplined and responsible toward my actions, promises and dreams.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

The executive focussed on his inner circle of influence. He was proactive and patient. He anticipate the need and concerns of his president. Instead of criticing, he focussed on empathising and complementing the strength of the president through his strength.

The executive was proactive because he used to anticipate the needs and concern of the president. While presenting information to the president, he used to provide his own analysis and recommendation based on that analysis.

Beaconx September 16th, 2020


1. Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

My Circle of Concern -
1 the global economy
2. What people think about my decisions and actions. 3. Family Members and colleagues

Circle of Influence - 1.Focus on building sustainable relationship and trust with the people in my circle of influence.
2. Constant self development to be able to enlarge my circle of influence through competence and interdependence.
3. Improving my Time management and people skills.

Remind Myself - That I can control some things but others I can not.. Stop expanding my circle of concern.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

He was proactive and focused on his circle of influence without clashing with the president authority. He made the president weakness Irrelevant .. recommendations .. his circle expanded and his strength seen as success which is great leadership skill.

Bonus: Check out chapter 8 of the book 7 Cups for the Searching Soul (more in the next discussion) for a deeper dive into learning more about accepting what we cannot control.

LOVE THE BOOK !!! - Chapter 8 talks about worrying and stressing and how it affects us and how to work on how we deal with things using Mindfulness is one of the methods. Taking care of ourself is so important and letting go of things that we cannot control and not stressing over things. Controlling things is not going happen only very few things. We are stressed out mentally and physically because of focusing on what we cannot control.
I really enjoyed the book, it's an eye opener. Kudos 😍

crystalclearnow September 17th, 2020

Identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

*The 3 things that are in my circle of concern - Family health, current world issues and friends.

3 things that are in my influence 1) Daily meditation. 2) Gratitude journal 3) Indulging in self-care.

1 thing I can remind myself to focus on my circle of influence- My positive energy will have a ripple effect, focus on what I can change and not on what I cannot.

*Highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Something that stands out about this executive is that he reads the room and can anticipate the needs of the president. Instead of focussing on the problem, he is focussing on the solution. His proactivity- He anticipates the weakness and prepares the solutions/reports in advance. By working on the strengths together, everyone is focussed towards the same outcome.

Zahraa000 February 28th, 2022

Good answer 😊

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 17th, 2020


1.Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of concern - health and well being of loved ones, education, my mental health

Circle of influence- taking care and spending more time with loved ones, knowing my limitations, creating a disciplined study plan and being regular, taking time for self care and time off for myself

Reminder- positive self affirmations, that I'm in control of how my day is and not allowing the situations /circumstances control me.

2. Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Woow!! I absolutely loved this video and it surely was enlightening. I loved the way the executive focused on complementing the strengths of the boss and compensating his drawbacks and hence creating a wonderful balance. The way he focused on growing his circle of influence instead of worrying about the concerns is proactive

hopedreamlove September 18th, 2020


I love how you wrote about using positive affirmations and reminding yourself about not allowing the situation to control you. Very well thought out response!

Zahraa000 February 28th, 2022

I like it

Petrichor2000 September 18th, 2020

identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Three things in the circle of my concern are :

1. I had trust issues, I still feel scared of getting hurt or betrayed or cheated on. But that isn't in my control.

2. I can't control the way people reacts or judges me.

3. I can't control and make decisions for others.

Three things in my circle of influence are :

1. I can focus on my giving my best in anything and trying to be better in any relationship.

2. I can fix my health and academics.

3. I can make better decisions for myself and lead by an example.

One thing that I can do to remind myself to stay in the circle of influence is to ask myself to leave things in the hands of God, give my best in everything without connecting to the results and remembering that if it isn't in my control. It doesn't deserve to bother me either.

watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

He was understanding and weighted everything before making any decision. He tried to focus on his influence and complete his work so that his boss would not feel worried or bad.

Zahraa000 February 28th, 2022

Good answer

BookChunky September 18th, 2020


Identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things in your circle of concern - My family - their wellbeing, My education and career and My friends , our environment.

3 things in your circle of influence - My physical and mental health, protecting the environment around me and take care of my family/spending more time with them.

1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence - Focus on things I can change and take care of rather then things outside my circle of concern.

Highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

He was very active in his work, he understood the strengths and weaknesses of the team and president and focused on solutions rather the problems. He focused and expanded his circle of influence rather than worrying about things that were not in his control.

hopedreamlove September 18th, 2020


I love how you highlighted how he focused on the solutions rather than the problem!

BookChunky September 19th, 2020


Thank you hope!

shiningSound31 September 19th, 2020


Good Work, Chunky heart

BookChunky September 25th, 2020


Thank you Sound!

Endure777 September 21st, 2020


Awesome! I love how one of your concerns if your family's wellbeing, that is an important concern for sure!