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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #8) When you don't get the role you want

Heather225 August 27th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello, students! Let's talk leadership!

Many of you have or will apply for certain roles that interest you! And some times we get it and some times we don't! It can be difficult to find out that we didn't get the role, but we can control how we react to it.

Here are some DOs and DON'Ts:

- DO talk to the leader of the role that you applied for and get some input on what you can/need to do in order to get the role next time! Be aware though most leaders of these roles are busy so give it some time!

- DON'T bring the issue into the support rooms. If you are upset, talking to a peer supporter about how you are feeling is ok!

- DO take some self-care, self-care is good for any occasion but its best to deal with those feelings of failure or disappointment outside of 7 cups, things like going on your member account can be so helpful to overcome some of these feelings

- DON'T think that you are obligated to stay on 7 cups right after finding out bad news, especially if you are in LSR/TL and you see other listeners who have gotten the role that you wanted! It can be hard to deal with and it can cause unneeded jealousy or hurt on your part! Not everyone is like this but if you think that this is a possibility that you can think this way staying away might be a great option!

- DON'T take it personally, everyone is ready at different times. It can be hard for us to realize this but just because someone got the role and they might have been here in less or the same amount of time doesn't mean that you personally are ready! Everyone grows and accomplishes things at different times!

- DO get a mentor, in general its a good idea to get a mentor but for things like your goals on 7 cups mentors can be great and helpful! They can give you feedback, do mock chats with you, and overall help you with your goals as I said before!

- DON'T think you have to apply for every role and every team out there! There is time you don't have to apply for everything! Its super easy to burnout that way, and that can lead to more "rejection" and hurt that none of us want!

*Never let not getting a role the first time discourage you! You will be told when you can apply again and use the feedback that you get to better yourself when you can/decide that you are ready to! practice makes perfect none for us are perfect and no one will ever be! Its a good thing to remember no matter your role as a listener your help is greatly appreciated and you are still helping so many people!*

Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Activity: Please reply to 3 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Dazzle28purvi December 8th, 2020


Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I shouldnt be upset or withdrawn and should see this positively; afterall, opportunities and disguised as challenges. I would like to know where i went wrong and how can i improve my performance. I would be thankful to the leader for informing me as it is also a difficult position to let someone know they do not fit. However, 7cups is all about growing and finding a role that fits best.

GlitteringNights December 22nd, 2020


I really like the idea that opportunities are disguised as challenges sometimes, that's a very nice idea! <3

lyricalAngel70 December 23rd, 2020


Loved your positive outlook.

Ines1229 December 9th, 2020


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond?

Understand that there are things you need to improve before getting the role and accepting the idea of getting better; focusing on self-care and figuring out ways in which you can get even better! And of course, never give up!

What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would thank them for informing me and I would ask for advice and feedback on what could I do to improve and get better, in order to ensure my own growth and development!

Containedchaos December 17th, 2020


I like that you would ask for feedback and ways to improve. Also, not giving up, that right now is not the time, but to work on improving and trying again :-)

herealways27 April 6th, 2021


I love that you point out self-care as well, it might really be disheartening to get rejected after pouring your heart and soul into the application. But having self-care at this time is really important and it allows for more growth and development in the future :)

Anexmos December 9th, 2020


1. If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond?

I will delay the feeling part for later, and make use of the short and useful time of the leader to collect all possible information and feedback from him so I can work on myself and improve for next time.

2. What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to apply for this role. I realize that there are some areas that I need to work in. I will gladly take your feedback into consideration and re-apply for the role when I have improved on the areas that need the necessary work and feel ready.

Containedchaos December 17th, 2020


I like your response to the leader, it is positive. :-)

She13 December 16th, 2020


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond?

I would kind of feel bad, will ask them where I went wrong & when I can apply next.

What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

- Thank you for taking the time out in informing me. I'll work on the feedback you have provided and apply for the role when available.

Containedchaos December 17th, 2020


I agree, I think I would feel hurt, nothing we can do about the feelings, but our reaction. I agree with responding positively to the leader instead of lashing out. :-)

Containedchaos December 17th, 2020


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond?

My response should not be of discouragement and I should read the reasons why and how I can improve and apply in the future. Feelings are feelings, and they come up so I think reaching out my listener to talk about my feelings and such would also be good.

What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I should thank the leader for considering me and providing me feedback on ways I can improve.

GlitteringNights December 22nd, 2020


Great response! I particularly liked that you acknowledged the fact that feelings just come sometimes and it's okay to feel them and talk about them, it's not something to be ashamed about. Wishing you all the best <3

December 22nd, 2020

1 I think step back for bit with self care and talking to ps about it. I think I would spend the rest of the day doing self like books , music , wali or films. When I am ready ask for feedback so could get role next time.

2 thanks take time took look at my form. Can I have some feedback on how I could do better next time so I can get the role? How long. Do I have to wait before I can try to apply again ?

GlitteringNights December 22nd, 2020


Sounds like a great way to approach the situation! And I really like the questions you've given as examples, they sound like great things to ask if one was to be in this situation <3

GlitteringNights December 22nd, 2020


You should respond with calmness as much as you're able and an understanding that this doesn't mean you aren't a good or intelligent or kind person, just that you might not be ready for the role at the moment. I would definitely be upset, but I hope that I would be able to thank the leader who informed me graciously and calmly ask what I could do better that would give me the skills necessary for roles like the one I had been rejected from.

lyricalAngel70 December 23rd, 2020


I would do the same, thanks a lot for sharing your response with us.

Wish you a great day & a great year ahead. heart

lyricalAngel70 December 23rd, 2020


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond?

I would be upset about it for sure but I would understand that I need to improve myself for that specific role & would move ahead with it. I wouldn't hold grudges over it as I feel that it is a petty thing to do that. We need not take these things personally because after all those leaders who reject us are only working towards the betterment of 7 Cups of Tea.

What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would like to thank them to inform me about the result of my application & would ask them for ways to improve my skills so that I could apply again in the future when I am ready. Also, I would ask them to inform me about it with all the possible related details.

Talking about my personal experience, unfortunately, has been highly exhausting. I applied for 4-5 leadership roles in the month of May or June (out of my interest in few of them & also because it was a requirement for LDP) & was looking forward to hearing about my application but I didn't hear back from any of them. If I am rejected no problem at all, I would start working on it to be eligible for that particular role but no reply at all about our application hurts.This also led to a burn-out for me as a result I took self-care break. My aim here is not to defame anyone but to appeal through this post that kindly get back to people who have applied - even if they are not suitable for that role. At least let them know about their application otherwise they might feel unheard & unimportant like how I felt. This is not the first time but this has happened with me in the past as well. I understand that people are busy but in this era when it is super easy to get back to someone through a text message that takes less than a second to get delivered, someone had to wait for 8 months to be heard? Isn't 8 months more than enough time for people to get back to someone?

Lastly, I would like to thank you for this post as I could raise my voice about something that has been bothering me. I am tired of contacting & writing people long messages about it with no solution. As I am unaware whom to contact any further & the post was so relatable, I had to bring this up here.

thelastiger December 23rd, 2020

Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Respond with patience and openness. Say thank you regardless of the outcome.

cuteOrange213 December 24th, 2020


Great answer! heart

cuteOrange213 December 24th, 2020



If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond?

I think I would be disappointed at the first glance at the results. But then I would realise that maybe I wasn't yet prepared for the role I applied for, and I would work hard to fit the role better in the future.

What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would definitely thank the leader for informing me. If there is no reason given, I would definitely ask the leader on why I wasn't fit for the role.


ouiCherie January 3rd, 2021


Disappointed at first glance is very natural. The first time hearing the result, everyone would feel the same I suppose smiley

I like the persistence and assertiveness in your answers heart

JoeyTribbbiani December 26th, 2020

If I was not given a role that I applied for, I would ask the leader for constructive feedback. I would thank them for helping me and I would ask them when I can apply again because I can always try again and I might get it next time!

sia1325 December 28th, 2020

If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I think I would be disappointed at first but I would ask the leader for the feedback to know where I went wrong and also thank them for taking their time out to review my application.

ouiCherie January 3rd, 2021


How I should respond:

Those badges and roles are not shining glittering objects in my eyes. I’m aware of what those entail: responsibilities/ accountability. So, when I apply, I put lots of consideration into my limitations. And The Community have their own considerations, criteria, and parameters. If I am deemed unfit for a role, then that’s just it. Look at the bright side.

Just like job hunting, we get it when everything is aligned. There are still many ways to give back to the community, try again if I feel like it and have better prepared or apply for other roles or even as simple as doing active listening to members without a single role. That’s already helping the community and I kinda miss that lol

What would I say to the leader who has informed me:

First, definitely a big thanks. Knowing when I can stop waiting is a relief. So even a No is a relief or a "If you don't hear from us in 2 weeks time, means you may try to apply again" is good enough.

Next, I will surely ask at which point/s I fail. If the particular leader doesn't have the information, I’ll ask who to contact regarding that or I’ll ask my mentors. Luckily, I got myself 2 quite resourceful ones as mentors.

- (❁´◡`❁) -

MyNameIsNicole January 3rd, 2021


Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

The first time I applied for the forum suporter role, I didn't get it. I took constructive feedback from the lovely leader, cried a bit then worked hard on improving. I got the role :)

kdsyahirah January 3rd, 2021


That's brave of you to ask feedback from the person who had informed you. I'm sure you're a really hardworking person. Moreover, I'm glad you finally got the position you're looking for wink

MyNameIsNicole January 3rd, 2021


Aww thank you. And yes I did💖

MyNameIsNicole January 6th, 2021


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I belive that you should respond with an open-mind and be polite. This person is here to help you grow by pointing out your flaws.You should ask on why you did not get the role and how you can improve. Remember to be polite. You may feel disappointed, and that's okay because you are human. But keep a calm mind and be appreciative, take some time to reflect on what you could have done differently and why. Also motivate yourself, you'll get it next time if you put your mind to it!

mxmes January 16th, 2021


You have such a positive vibe, even though someone might not get a role they can learn from that and reapply once you have improved some things.

mxmes January 16th, 2021


In all honesty, I would be okay, because I enjoy all the things that I do and have now. To me it's not just about roles, it's about being here, giving support, and helping the community, and of course for some things you have to have a specific role. You can always apply again in due time, it actually makes me happy to receive feedback from a role that I might need to work on before getting. I would tell the leader that I am thankful and I will work towards improving myself and my skills. I'd connect with my mentor and set some goals and work towards achieving them and learn some things. We have so many great leaders and we look up to them, so thank you all~!

beautifulSeal9714 January 17th, 2021


- I would talk to the leader and try to get a feedback and see where I need to improve upon and try again next time.

- I would thank them for the feedback and if possible ask for help in the area of weakness or atleast a path, or if they are not available get a mentor for the same. Also would let them know, that I would improve and try again.

IceCream4IceCream January 28th, 2021


That's the way to go! I'm sure you'd get the role if you tried again if you took such a positive approach.

January 21st, 2021


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond?

I would feel disappointed in myself but, I will look forward to doing better to improving myself, and becoming suitable for the role. If required, I might also reach out to a Peer Supporter and take some time off from the site; self-care break.

What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would first thank them for updating me next, I would ask them how I can improve myself and become suitable for the role.

BellatheHappyHelper January 26th, 2021

fantastic post, keep up the great work!

AdylynS March 20th, 2021

Good Job!

I love the colors!

optimisticDay8079 March 21st, 2021

great answer!

UnicornsCottonCandy April 7th, 2021

Thank you for the great post, I really agree that it's nice to thank the mentors who have supported us throughout the LDP no matter what the results are.

Crystaldancer September 3rd, 2021

it's a good answer, thanks for being very understanding, it's a beautiful virtue <3

jersey123456 October 22nd, 2021

Amazing answer !

BellatheHappyHelper January 26th, 2021

If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would ask the leader what i can/need to do to get the role the next time and then I would ask my mentor for feedback and then take a self-care break.