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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #3) The Detriments of Gossip

Heather225 August 24th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Our next objective in this course is to master effective communication skills for healthy interpersonal and professional relationships.

Don't Gossip - Deepstash

Please watch this video
1. Why is gossiping bad?
2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!
3. Please reply to 3 of your peers  in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

MrS7v7n April 25th, 2022


I like the way you formed your responses, I enjoy your perspective Zarram.

ASilentBunny March 24th, 2022

Gossip can have a negative impact on both people! Gossip and rumours can totally destroy a person's career, self-confidence and affect their self-esteem too! No one wants rumours about themselves spreading among other people! Gossip can lead people to depression, low self-esteem, anxiety etc! 'I don't know the other person's perspective, so I prefer to not discuss what I think they were thinking or feeling in their absence.'

KBeauty12 March 31st, 2022


Yes, it can destroy someone's character, it really hurts even more when the person you confided in was the gossiper.

TheRusticMystic74 March 30th, 2022


1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is toxic, People who never speak negatively about anyone have not been spoken negatively about. Gossiping is poisonous, negative, bad, horrible, easy to do but hard to stop.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

To not gossip is like saying no to sugar, it takes practise discipline and strength and is very hard.and also i dont know enough about the person am trying to gossip about.

Dan76 April 10th, 2022

@incrediblelistener78 very bad, but yes, very hard to stop

KBeauty12 March 31st, 2022


Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is bad because it reflects negatively on the individual who is doing the gossiping. It’s not a nice feeling to walk in a room and others are steering at you and what I also noticed the person that you gossip too, usually runs back to the person who they were gossiping about making you look like the bad guy. There is a saying what goes around comes around. I avoid this, I am not saying I am perfect, no one is, but doing this reflects how the person heart is and if you must talk negatively towards an individual, I personally do not want to be around that person.

KBeauty12 March 31st, 2022


Continuation of the question

List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

I don’t know enough about the situation to comment on it

Dan76 April 10th, 2022

@KBeauty12 haha that was my statement too

Dan76 April 10th, 2022

1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is an easy way to make yourself feel good, but it comes at the expense of someone else. Someone who likely doesn't deserve that. It's negative energy that hurts people, and also ruins your own reputation, since people may now assume you gossip about them as well.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

"I don't know enough about this situation to comment on it." I like this one because it's one that I use often myself when looking to avoid gossiping.

MrS7v7n April 25th, 2022


Very well put Dan. I also find myself using that "get out of jail free card"

SparklingSeashells July 14th, 2022


Great you can relate to the statement!

Elise849 April 25th, 2022


1. Why is gossiping bad?

It's unfair, it erodes trust, and it makes you less likeable overall, which isn't useful because image is one of the things that are key to effective leadership.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

"studies show that when you gossip about someone the person you're saying it to subconsciously places you with the same negative trait"

MrS7v7n April 25th, 2022


Agreed! And my statement that I learned was also the same!

Very interesting right?

MrS7v7n April 25th, 2022


1. Why is gossiping bad?

The video puts it very well, but in summary, Gossip creates a negative relationship or group, and also as the "telephone game" Ends up being so far from the truth it's surprising. It bring down the vibes and positivity in the gossipers life, as well as feeding these negative thoughts also makes the gossiper a more negative person themselves.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

I did not know that gossip causes a subliminal thought in the person being gossiped at, about the person gossiping. That's very interesting .

MrS7v7n April 25th, 2022


I've got to say, I really enjoy the vibes and realizations here in the comment section after watching this video. I will share this video too, it's an amazing truth that most look over.

Train1 May 5th, 2022


It is definitely a very useful video. Normally when someone gossips about something, I try to mention some positives about them to get them to see the person in a better light. I feel a bit better when I do that.

Train1 May 5th, 2022


I thought that was interesting as well. It seems that gossiping is contagious.

AuroraBriarRose0 April 28th, 2022


1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is toxic and spreads negativity. It is also unfair to the person you are gossiping about as they are not there to defend themselves. It can also make you look bad and make the people around you not trust you.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

I like the statement, "I don't know enough about the topic to comment." I also like sticking up for the other person by saying something positive about them.

Train1 May 5th, 2022


The advice that they gave to avoid gossip is really good. I will have to try that out with people. I think it will be easy to use on new people. In general, I try to keep away from gossipers and try to minimize my gossiping.

Harsvin May 25th, 2022


Very valid points Aurora, thank you for sharing ❤

Train1 May 5th, 2022


1. Why is gossiping bad?
It is toxic and it will make people think negative about you. It will also make you paranoid, you will think that other people will do the same about you.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!
It will make you more likable. It is a hard habit to break but it will make a positive impact on your life. People will take a shine to you.

MelodyoftheOcean May 19th, 2022


It is definitely toxic Train, excellent answer! 💚

Harsvin May 25th, 2022


Amazing answer, train. Thanks for sharing it with us ❤

May 27th, 2022


keep up the good work.

FrenchMarbles May 8th, 2022

@Heather2251. Why is gossiping bad?

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!
3. Please reply to 3 of your peers  in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

I do have to say as someone who is Deaf, please don’t rely on Youtube videos to demonstrate, I prefer reading than watching a video. I doubt this’ll get seen by you but yeah!

Gossiping is bad because it places the other person to put you in that similar mindset that you’re not a nice person. Losing the trust because they wonder if you also talk about them in a negative manner.

I don’t know enough the situation enough to comment on it.

GoldenNest2727 May 10th, 2022

1. Why is gossiping bad?
It's mean. It's only meant to make someone else look bad while making yourself look good, which is really just silly. It also often backfires.
2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!
I like the bit about not knowing the other person's perspective, so not wishing to comment on what I believe they were thinking or feeling in their absence. That's a good one.

MelodyoftheOcean May 19th, 2022


I really liked your answer! Looking at their perspective is such an important point! 💙

May 27th, 2022


I really like your point of view on this topic

Glencia89 June 8th, 2022


I totally agree with you. It's kind of the reason why not to make judgments about others easily--we simply don't know all the fact. Great response : )

Glue June 28th, 2022


The fact that it often backfires is a good point. People don't realize that gossiping can not only create a toxic environment (as many have already mentioned), but can also just make you look terribly unfriendly and unapproachable. It can hurt so many people, especially if the person you're gossiping about is a friend.

MelodyoftheOcean May 19th, 2022


Thank you for the Post Heather, honestly, it made me realize that people still do that. I didn't think about it because I usually just don't engage once the gossip talk starts, or I try to find people who don't gossip in the first place. But let's answer your questions!

1. Why is gossiping bad?

I am not quite sure how this is even a question. Gossiping can hurt so many people, because once it starts, it always gets out at some point.
People who have experienced that will definitely know what I mean.
So gossiping does not only make a person engaging in it less likeable, it also hurts the person the gossip is about. I don't see any positive parts in this, and that's why I think it should be avoided.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

Changing the topic can be a really nice way. This way we don't judge the people gossiping for their actions, create a safe environment and don't start discussions on people who are not attending.
Topics can include travelling, hobbies that we have in common, or anything else that is lighthearted and interests and includes all people.

All of this can be used in and out of the Cupsland, sadly gossiping happens in a lot of places.

Thank you for reading through my words, I really hope you were able to understand my point of view on the topic! 💜

Harsvin May 25th, 2022


Well said, Melody. Love your points. Thank you for sharing ❤

May 27th, 2022


good job with this even so you were not sure at the start you did your best. Good job

gentleFox20 June 3rd, 2022


I feel very similarly to you Mel, I don't engage in gossip and it has made me miss out on some of those bonding experiences before but it's just not a nice thing to do. It hurts everyone. Thanks again for a wonderful post!

Harsvin May 25th, 2022


1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is bad because speaking negatively about someone behind their back would leave you and people around you in a negative state. Person who is listening to the gossip would subconsciously create a bad image of the gossiper, so they wouldn't trust them and would wonder if they are also being gossiped on. It's generally poisonous cause the intent of it is to make someone look bad (who aren't there to defend themselves) and make yourself look good by sharing a piece of information about them.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

- By changing the topic or let the gossiper know you are not having any of that.

Examples of statements to get away from gossiping (I don't know enough about the situation to comment on it, I don't know the other person 's perspective so I prefer not to discuss what they were thinking or feeling in their absense)

- Point our good qualities about the person who's being gossiped about and stick up for that person in their absence

- Change the subject to a more positive topic for example traveling, health, exercising, visiting family at a social gathering or being involved in any interesting or exciting events.

gentleFox20 June 3rd, 2022


I agree with you Harsvin, gossiping leaves everyone in a negative state, which is not the vibe we want to be cultivating here at cups!

May 27th, 2022

1 gossiping makes other people look bad, can be really hurtful and make other think you are doing it too to them.

2 I think I would either change the subject or sayi do not know much about what is going on so I can weigh in about it.

gentleFox20 June 3rd, 2022


Yeah I think changing the subject is a powerful but perhaps less confrontational way to stop gossip :)

Glencia89 June 8th, 2022


Changing the subject could be an effective way too since it could stop the gossip from its origin. Your comment is really inspiring :)

gentleFox20 June 3rd, 2022


1. Gossiping is bad because it makes everyone feel awful. You feel more negative after partaking in it because you know it's not very nice, the person you're gossiping too now doesn't trust you and feels bad and the person you gossiped about will feel betrayed and hurt when they find out.

2. I really like the idea of saying something postive about the person being discussed, it allows everyone to know that you like this person and they shouldn't say anything bad about them in front of you.