Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #11) Avoiding Burnout
7 Cups is founded on a community of passionate volunteers who lovingly dedicate their time to providing support.
You may face what is called burnout during your journey. You may have already faced this in your real life. Burnout is very real and must be recognized. You can't help fuel someone else when your tank is empty, after all!
To address and learn about burnout, we have created a slidedeck on how to avoid burnout.
Activity: Please read it through and in the replies, tell us what you learned, and what you will do to stay healthy and avoid burnout!
Then, please reply to 3 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!
After completing the course quiz, please proceed to this post!
This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.
Activity: Please read it through and in the replies, tell us what you learned, and what you will do to stay healthy and avoid burnout!
This sentence stuck out to me -
Look for a pattern in your symptoms- are they related to specific situations or tasks? Can you reduce or eliminate those stressors?
This is a simple thing to do by listing roles and tasks and then working through what you really enjoy, but also don't forget the 'why you are here'! Keeping site of that is sometimes very hard to do. I love listening and try my best to find enough time for my members but sometimes time is not available.
Listening - One Step At A Time!
I love the "Why you are here" point, I agree with that! I also love how you talked about listing roles and tasks and working through what you enjoy.
Yes! It's really important to remember why you're doing something
The core values of 7cups stand for supporting others , giving our best , constant development at personal and community level and at the same time to have fun. All this is possble only we are in good frame of mind-calm, refreshed, encouraged, grateful. Burnout does the complete opposite . So its extremely important to take care of self andd avoid burnout .With those in leadership roles, it gets all the more important as they have additional responsinbilties, for some 7cups can be addictive . Having a clear understanding of our intentions to be here helps .
For me self care at 7cups include,
i always log in on 7cups after a small meditation , divide my time between different roles, take a day off when i feel , set boundaries with listening . And i dont stretch my session very long. Like they say better to have small frequent meals than to eat a lot at a single meal :)
@blissart It's awesome that you meditate whenever you spend time on 7 cups! I am reluctant to meditate, but I know it's so beneficial!
@blissart I like how you talk about the core values of 7 Cups! Good job!
Wow, being on here for long hours is really drained, maybe I'll start following your routine too.
@blissart oh wow bliss, i am loving your posts on here, i cant agree more with what you said and i also appreciate the mention of meals here :p
I agree to all of your points, Bliss.
I have learnt that self care is important and it is vital to take breaks when you feel yourself starting to burn out.
I have also learnt some signs of burn out such as irritability, pessimism and a dread of logging on to 7 Cups. Its imprtance to have a balance in our lives. Although its great that were on this site to help people we need to make sure that we focus on our wellbeing because otherwise we cant help others. Its okay to say no if you feel like you cant manage anymore.
If I find myself burnt out and want to take a self care break its important to let people such as community leaders know especially if it means Ill be taking some time away from my roles.
Self-care is important but yes letting the higher ups know that we need a break and won't be available (and back soon or when ever) can ease the communication gaps.
You bring up the good point that if we are burnt out we can't help others. It's so true. You can't pour from an empty cup.
I learned that the first step here as in every other case is generally "Denial". We all start by saying "I can do this". Since childhood, we were told, "You can do this", so we do it. We start feeling tired, exhausted but we don't stop. We deny that we need to take some time out. So, I learned that before starting anything else, you have to get over the denial phase and "Accept" that you need to take a break. Once, you have done that you know the drill.
1. Stop feeling guilty about taking the time out.
2. Convince yourself that this is what you need. This is in your best interest.
3. Start by reducing the time if you can't stop doing everything at once. Take baby steps at first. Reduce the workload.
4. Now, that you are ready, take a full break for as long as you need without guilt.
5. Enjoy, have fun!
Those are good points *makes note of them*
Yeah, getting past the denial phase can be difficult, but once you do, you can really start to focus and yourself and get better!
Awesome thoughts!
I love what you have posted here, so glad I took the time to scroll down and find it.
I hope you're doing well.
Something I hadn't really thought about that the slides brought into focus for me is the connection between burnout and performance.
- If I'm burned out, then not only am I suffering, but I might not be fulfilling my roles as well as I could be.
- And in the reverse direction, if I start feeling like I'm not doing my roles as well as I usually am, that can be a sign of burnout.
A few things I'm doing to try to avoid burnout:
- Avoiding applying for roles or taking on tasks that I know I'm probably not going to have the time/energy to be able to handle, even if they look helpful/interesting or like they are in urgent need of people.
- Be accepting/supportive when other people are on self-care breaks! So that when it's my turn I won't feel like my own judgmentality is turned against me.
- I've put a message in my listener bio saying what days/times I tend to be available and letting people know that I'll try to respond to PMs within 24 hours (for me that feels reasonable) just so it's understood that I might not always reply immediately to things and it's not me ignoring or disregarding messages. This allows me to schedule regular blocks of time where I'm on break from 7 Cups and avoid feeling like I'm "on call" or expected to suddenly interrupt what I'm doing in my personal life.
- I've set up some organizational systems (e.g. spreadsheets, notes, to-do lists, calendar reminders) for myself so that I feel like everything I need to know/do is written down somewhere and I'm free to forget absolutely everything when I'm not doing 7 Cups things. E.g. I have a spreadsheet for tracking anyone who contacts me for mentoring; screenshot with private info redacted:
That's very thought full. I like the idea of mentioning the availability on the profile and maintaining a spread sheet
I really like your organisation system, is a good reminder and makes remembering stress-free.
great points *brings out her notebook takes notes*
such and insightful post<3 I love how to brought to light the connection between burnout and performance. have a wonderful time!
Excellently written. Very thoughtful and detailed. Thanks for this awesome answer!
We often don't realize when we feel burnout. Often relate it to our moodiness or having a bad day.
We should take care of our-self. I can't emphasize more on self-care
It can be hard to determine when burn-out is there, I'm glad we have checklists for it. :)
Activity: Please read it through and in the replies, tell us what you learned, and what you will do to stay healthy and avoid burnout!
Then, please reply to 3 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!
I have learned a greater deal about the various signs of burnout, including cynicism and fatigue and that there are ways to combat it, such as through self-care. To stay healthy, I will pace myself and spend more time reflecting.
@SynSavory Reflecting is a great idea! I highly recommend giving journalling a try.
Oh, I already do that hehe.
@SynSavory that's great to know.🤗🤗
@SynSavory - Reflecting is a good way to do things better.
I too do the same self care or self reflecting when required.
@Heather225 I learned about the physical signs of burn-out. I guess I'd never really noticed that before. I also really enjoyed the airplane analogy. I definitely have been working on placing boundaries on my conversations here to avoid burnout!
@CompassionateDreamer8522 Good for you for working on your boundaries! I'm still calibrating mine as well. <3
i agree, keep up the amazing work!
@BellatheHappyHelper Thank you! You as well!
it's awesome that you are establishing boundaries for your chats!
Even i was also like the airplane analog. The tips you gave to avoid burn out is good.
Activity: Please read it through and in the replies, tell us what you learned, and what you will do to stay healthy and avoid burnout!
This information was a good review of burnout. I basically already knew the information because of dealing with burnout already. I am still recovering from burnout and working to avoid it by monitoring my wellbeing closely, journalling daily, and taking time for myself regularly.
@JaimieF Hope you soon get recovered! Feel better!
@JaimieF hope you gets well asap. Hugs🤗🤗
I learned that as a human being, we all have to go through a time like this, not only on 7 Cups. It is so important that we do self-care, and notice the symptoms on time so that a break would be wonderful and it makes us continue. Suffering from burnout will be very painful, and you'll lose your why of coming to 7 Cups, you'll finally forget it, that makes fewer lives saved.
What I will do is to make sure that I am ok each time I listen to people. When I first become a listener, I was so curious and nearly feel the symptom of burnout because I feel so low for the whole day. After that, I realized everything should be balanced, as I take care of myself, not overwhelm myself, more work can be done, and this is much more valuable.
@Irena0225 I like your answer and the day you realised you were getting burned out. I am glad you fixed it.
It's great that you were able to overcome this!