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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #10) Diversity, Cultural Differences, and Second Language Learners

Heather225 August 27th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

We are truly lucky to have a global community, rich in background and culture. In order to nurture our diverse community, we should each make a conscious effort to understand each other. The more we know, the more mindful we can be of one another's differences.

Please read this insightful doc written for us by @Hope.

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Activity: Please reply to 3 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Ethan June 4th, 2021

@richuyulin Great answers! I agree!

June 4th, 2021

Thank you!

peacefulIris56 June 6th, 2021

@richuyulin Those are all great points..

Ethan June 4th, 2021

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
One advantage of a diverse team is that it allows us to reach more people as we are able to properly support a more diverse target group. This is because we are able to learn from our other team members. Another advantage of having a diverse team is that it means a wider range of time zones can be covered, meaning more people who live in different time zones will be able to receive support. Other advantages include a wider range of perspectives, leading to different problem-solving ideas, as well as learning about and experiencing other cultures, leading to an increased personal skill set.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
We should always show respect to everybody, and respect everyone’s individual beliefs. People may have contradicting beliefs and ideas, but that is okay. We should also consider the time zones of different people. It is easy to think that everything can work in your own time zone, but people in your team can be from all different time zones, and have very different schedules. To be inclusive of everyone, recurring meetings and events could be held at different days/times each week so that everybody has the opportunity to attend. The most important thing to remember is that we should listen to stereotypes, which are often false and do not apply to everybody.

helpfuldipper June 10th, 2021

@IcedEthan couldn't agree with you more !

helpfuldipper June 10th, 2021
Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

I personally believe that diverse teams is just opportunity to learn. More diverse the people, more different approaches to problem solving. I think we can all learn from each other that way.

You can see a lot of companies trying to get diverse teams. Sometimes new people can bring in a new perspective and that could foster growth within an organisation.

Apart from that I really liked the multi language one. Because sometimes we can express our problems better in a certain language. And so it helps that we have a whole team with varied cultures.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

>Be Mindful of the cultures
>Have open heart
>Learn from their culture
Brinaa101 June 22nd, 2021

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
Having a diverse team is overall effective and allows for different people to voice their opinions on what they think works best for certain situations. It's important to provide support for all types of diverse people to make 7 Cups a supportive community that anyone can turn to, to get help and be their best self.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
We can be more respectful by being kind to everyone, and learning their story. We have to be mindful of the timezones and work out a time schedule that fits for both people.

FlourishingDimensions June 22nd, 2021

@Brinaa101 Kindness it the key! And the way heartyes

AndyLV June 28th, 2021



Thank you so much for sharing! I agree with you that being respectful to one another is very very helpful.

ResilientLucky June 29th, 2021

Definitely, allowing different people to voice their opinions can bring great results and innovation.

BecauseImBatman22 July 2nd, 2021

Thank you for your answer, I agree with your point stating that we should respect and learn another's culture. That sounds very supportive and inclusive.

FlourishingDimensions June 22nd, 2021

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
Having a diverse team allows the benefit of different perspectives.
It can also help us reach and therefore help, more people.
It also gives us the opportunity and added benefit to learn about different cultures.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
We can make sure we are mindful of the different beliefs and celebrations as we come together to discuss and delegate plans, making sure to respect who is comfortable with what. Also, keep an open mind and understanding and accept differences, coming to mutual agreements where needed.

AndyLV June 28th, 2021


Thank you so much for your ideas to make the community more inclusive! :)

ResilientLucky June 29th, 2021

Understanding differences and coming to a mutual agreement is important.

AndyLV June 28th, 2021


1 - Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
2 - How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

1- Diverse teams are wonderful because you get to learn a lot from different cultures and it helps you develop great interpersonal skills. Overall being part of 7 Cups with such a diverse community where everybody is equal no matter who they are or where they come from.

2- To be respectful I think it would be good to educate ourselves about different cultures. It is always great to have some knowledge that could benefit the community. As someone who is a native of Cuba, I think that is always okay to ask any questions that you might have, that way you could avoid uncomfortable situations.

ResilientLucky June 29th, 2021

I totally agree that educating ourselves about different culture is important.

BecauseImBatman22 July 2nd, 2021

I loved how you said that you should ask any questions related to one's culture to avoid being uncomfortable. That sounds very positive and nice to me.

ResilientLucky June 29th, 2021

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

  1. It broadens the world view and mindset.
  2. We learn from different perspectives and that promotes innovation.
  3. We gain knowledge about different cultures and traditions across the world.
  4. It fuels creativity and productivity.
  5. It can help cover different time zones here on 7cups and reach more people across the globe.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
  1. Realize that stereotypes are outdated and rise above them.
  2. Respecting individual beliefs and knowing that others can have a different perspective.
  3. Respecting other person’s schedule and culture.
  4. Keep options for different times while setting meetings as people might be in different time zones.
  5. Be mindful of second language learners and use simple language.
BecauseImBatman22 July 2nd, 2021

I agree with all the points you've stated, especially with point number 4 on your second answer :)

sereneButton43 August 2nd, 2021

@ResilientLucky well written!

BecauseImBatman22 July 2nd, 2021
Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

1) Wider range of perspectives drive and increase innovation.
2) Enables us to help people all around the world.
3) Enables us to support people 24/7.
4) Learning about different cultures enhances your skills.
5) More skills boost creativity and productivity.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
I think open-mindedness, acceptance and rational-thinking are key to respecting different cultures. Accepting that everybody have their own beliefs enables us to be professional and respectful to one another. Rising above stereotypes, being respectful towards individual beliefs, being mindful of one's schedule and availability, and being considerate of one's time zones shows that you respect diversity and culture, here on 7cups.
wonderfulRainbow817 July 15th, 2021

Hey @BecauseImBatman22! You are the first one I've seen to mention open-mindness and I love that answer! If we aren't open to the fact that others have different beliefs then the relationship of the community will suffer. Being an international platform each and every day we are going to experience someone with a different belief or perspective and it is important we embrace that!

sereneButton43 August 2nd, 2021

open-mindedness and acceptance are indeed important

July 10th, 2021

Advantages of a diversed team:
- We get to know about different cultures and heritage.
- Different perspectives
- Increase in productivity and creativity

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
- Be respectful of individuals beliefs
- By not being stereotypical

milkoreos July 17th, 2021

@Hope2103 well said hope

ComradeRuhi August 30th, 2021

I agree with the points that you made Hope! Being respectful and not being stereotypical are two important things in respecting diversity at 7 cups. Wish you the best for your future success here!

Prachi9876 September 10th, 2021


caringHope1976 September 16th, 2021



TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 20th, 2021


Definitely I great recap! I like what you emphasized in your reply!

September 25th, 2021


These are such great advantages to having a diverse team! Working with a diverse team can be difficult at times, but it is such a great learning opportunity, and increases overall productivity and creativity! These advantages can definitely be applied to the 7 Cups community, and you summarized that really well! Great work!
lyricalSea85 November 20th, 2021

Love how you've made it so consice and easy to understand!

DancingHeart4982 December 18th, 2021

Excellently written. Thanks for this awesome answer!

Cazzy8752 July 11th, 2021
Please list some advantages of a diverse team?
Having diversity in the workplace is extremely valuable because we all come from different backgrounds, walks of life and have different experiences from life.
For the workplace bringing together, all these different people from various backgrounds will have different views, perspectives, and ideas. All of these are valuable contributions to the company; they will bring strength to teams and to the company when diversity is integrated.
How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7Cups?
We are all accountable for following the 7Cups philosophy and training, so our behaviors should show this in all we do so we can model it for others and new members.
As others have mentioned being respectful of others' beliefs and don't judge. We have different lives lived and experiences, yet we are all the same on the inside human who deserves care, love, and respect.
sereneButton43 August 2nd, 2021

@Cazzy8752 that's true, diversity brings strength to the team!

ComradeRuhi August 30th, 2021

Very well said. We are all human, even if we all come from different places. Every one of us deserve respect, love, and care. I know you'll make a fantastic leader!

caringHope1976 September 16th, 2021


Well said.

September 25th, 2021


You are absolutely right! There are so many advantages to having a diverse team, including increased productivity and strength! By caring and respecting those who are different from us, we can definitely build a strong relationship with ourselves and with others! What a great perspective!

lyricalSea85 November 20th, 2021


I second that too. Diversity brings strength to a team on unimaginable levels! I really admire your insights for this community!

wonderfulRainbow817 July 15th, 2021


Advantages: As a community it allows us to learn about different cultures/practices that can be useful to know when talking to people. For example, people I speak with from Pittsburgh, PA (USA) use the word “yinzer”. At first I was confused but I quickly found that it is how they speak. It allowed me to gain insight into a different cultural thing and apply that to when I spoke with them. Diversity provides different views/perspectives on things and leads to creative ideas, solutions, and innovations.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
I think it is important to remember the golden rule: treating others how we’d want to be treated. Most people would agree that we’d want to be treated with respect for who we are and where we come from. Just like us others want the same. Sometimes this is done by addressing someone by a certain title, not using certain language, or not speaking about certain religions, etc.

milkoreos July 17th, 2021

@wonderfulRainbow817 oo, keep up the good work