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Course 3, Discussion 5: Diversity, Cultural Differences, and Second Language Learners

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

We are truly lucky to have a global community, rich in background and culture. In order to nurture our diverse community, we should each make a conscious effort to understand each other. The more we know, the more mindful we can be of one another's differences.

Please read this doc

✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

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1. Please complete course 3 quiz before moving to the next course.

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jadenrjc7 June 5th, 2023


I love this!

jadenrjc7 June 5th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

A diverse team always for a diverse range of ideas. This means that there's a mentor and listener for everyone on 7Cups!

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

By asking insightful questions and apologizing if a mistake was made.

SnowTabby June 9th, 2023

Advantages of a diverse team, for me, are:
It allows for different cultures, that influenced vastly different mindsets, to collaborate on ideas that could lead to something incredible rather than having a close minded group from the same town work on a project. Sometimes, it's useful to have no diversity if you want something close to home, though.
Diversity influences creativity and forcing yourself to adapt or compromise. It's a good learning opportunity.
Different skills or tips for a current skill from a different environment can reflect in one persons activities to help things go smoother or, again, just to learn.
In 7Cups specifically, it furthers consideration.

Respecting cultures on 7cups can be simply by being patient with those still learning English, like I would want someone to be patient with me if I were learning their first language. Respect can be shown through questions interested in cultures in a group setting or supportive/encouraging words to believe in themselves and their beliefs during one-on-one listening with members.

Mahad2804 July 12th, 2023

@SnowTabby that is such a well-crafted answer!

Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

TabbyCat97 June 10th, 2023

✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

-The different perspectives can drive innovation

-Helps us to help more people in different time zones and country :)

-You get to learn about different cultures and practice's

-The team can benefit from a broader array of skill sets, leading to increased creativity and productivityyy ♡

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can be respectful to different cultures by not using stereotypes that may be associated with different countries and cultures, by also being respectful of others beliefs and understanding that people think differently and that's okay, some events may need to be hosted by another person that is more comfortable hosting a particular event, or the idea may need to re thought, being understanding and mindful of different celebrations in different cultures, team members may need breaks at different times ~ being understanding of this is important, also being mindful of times zones too :) finding time that is right suitable for the majority of your team, or posting on forums - as different people on the team will have different time zones, and they may be far apart meaning some hosting times they may not be able to attend. Also understanding that English may be some members or listeners second language, and they also may still be learning it. It is important to be mindful of this and understand they may find some things difficult to understand - and accommodate to this by using simpler language, less slang and providing context - to help them :)

GermanZebraCupcake June 15th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

I love being on diverse teams because we all have various approaches to live and different value systems that are really special in their own ways. This leads to better quality teams sometimes, because a good diverse team will know how to navigate differences and prioritize creative ways to work together.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Just live and let live really. I think we have to be open to what others are experiencing and what they value, whether they have a different culture from birth like somebody's ethnic background or even just a different social (not-necessarily-ethnically-related) sub-culture that a person centers their life around. Everybody comes to 7 Cups to heal and find somebody who will listen - how can we be good Listeners if we don't let them talk to us from their heart without fear of being judged?

AnnaSilverberg June 18th, 2023


Please list some advantages of a diverse team:

There is a support available at all times
There are multiple languages available to get support in
People can get support all over the world, no matter the time zone
Our skillset increases because we get the option of learning of other cultures
We get the opportunity to connect and provide support to people all over the world


How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can be mindful of time zone differences and take that into count when working together.

We need to be mindful of stereotypes and to not let the effects of them cloud our minds.

It's so important to be able to be understanding that not everyone shares your beliefs,
that's even something that we can use in our team work, if one holiday is at a different time
than another, then we can spread our team so that the ones who are on the holiday
can have their time off to enjoy it and the ones who are free can choose to volunteer
their time here instead, to provide support to those who need it.

Languages! We're not all native English speakers, some of us are learning.
So being kind and mindful of those who are learning and being encouraging instead
of unsupportive to those who are doing their best, is way more effective.

CharlieDont37 July 7th, 2023


This response feels like the perfect distillation of both Diversity and Cultural Differences.

Well Put and Thank You!

CharlieDont37 July 7th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

I think it very important to have as much diversity and differing opinions just as a means to illicit differing approaches to problem solving/project tasks. I also like the fact that different experiences, areas of expertise, and approaches, when channeled cannot be anything but beneficial.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Realize and respect that there are Cultural norms that exist for a reason for that particular culture regardless if different than our particular 'one'. There should exist an ability to see the values of the 'different'.

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

Jenna July 11th, 2023


I like what you said about realizing that other cultures exist outside of our own.

lovelyApple6441 August 17th, 2023

@CharlieDont37 I especially like what you said about cultural norms existing for a reason, and how it's not our place to argue or question them, but rather to be accepting. I think sometimes people are too quick to judge someone else's cultural standards as illogical without taking the time to think about why it exists.

Jenna July 11th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Different time zones can be covered when we have people from all over the world available.
People have different perspectives that can benefit the community.
Different skills from different people.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can be mindful of others' beliefs, educate ourselves against stereotypes and stigmas and don't aid in the stereotypes and fight against the stigmas.

DisLifeNot August 3rd, 2023

@Jenna Great answer! Thank you!

LOOPHOLE October 6th, 2023


Informative ... Thank you

Mahad2804 July 12th, 2023

✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

For me the two most important advantages of diversity in a team are the unique perspectives and values, and the diverse skill sets every member brings.

These can be so helpful to teams, especially wide-ranging teams such as Cups that are working on international scales and bringing support to people from all corners of the globe.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

I think by creating an environment where we don't challenge each other's beliefs and cultures, but rather compliment each others strengths and cover each other's weaknesses, we can truly be a diversity-respecting community.

MaggieListens00 July 15th, 2023

@Mahad2804 great thoughts !

MaggieListens00 July 15th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Having a diverse team allows an amalgamation of many different viewpoints. Each identity or community may perceive things differently so having representatives from many walks of life displays as many of these as possible. This can help progress teams as it offers alternate viewpoints from your own and may lead to new ideas when working together.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

You do not need to understand or agree with somebody to respect them. We all have unconscious biases but it is our responsibility to work on these to allow us to be accepting to all individuals. If something isn't understood, we can communicate and ask questions in order to rectify this!

Rivelino3 July 15th, 2023

✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

A diverse team helps bring a wider set of qualities and in turn be more accomodating to the needs of a diverse set of members that we intend to serve.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Through awareness of the differences and being accepting of them. We can be aware by communicating with people of different backgrounds, acceptance of such differences should come from a simple question to oneself "How would I want to be treated for my differences or How would I like to make sure others treated me well for my differences?"
RosaHere July 23rd, 2023

@Rivelino3 I like your answers and I agree with them! <3

Gilbird July 19th, 2023


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

- Advantages of regional diversity: 24/7 support, support in multiple languages, respect for many cultures, allows for a greater base of supporters so that it's easier for people to take self-care breaks and not hinder overall productivity

- Advantages of diversity in thought: supporters with strengths in different areas (to better serve members with different needs)

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

On 7 Cups, it is especially important to reserve judgment for a person and their behaviors, since it is almost impossible to know the full story behind their actions. 7 Cups is a safe space where new faces are welcome and everyone is allowed to share their story.

Additionally, it is important to be mindful of time zones, internet speed, and of different cultural practices. Thus, it is important to not be frustrated if a member/listener takes some time to reply.

RosaHere July 23rd, 2023

✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

A diverse team allows you to learn about various cultures and their lifestyles. People from different cultures have different skills, which allows a team to grow while learning from one another. Moreover, it enables you to meet more people.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

There are many ways to respect different cultures on 7 Cups. We should be respectful of one other's availability. If a team member has a festival or a celebration coming up, we should not assign them a task that will prevent them from celebrating. In addition, we should be considerate of their time zone and avoid scheduling meetings at inconvenient times.

DisLifeNot August 3rd, 2023

@FrenchToastClub Thank you for your post!

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Advantages of a diverse team:

  1. 1) Different viewpoints bring new ideas and creativity.
  2. 2) We can help people from other countries and cultures.
  3. 3) Team members in different time zones provide support 24/7.
  4. 4) Learning about diverse cultures adds to our skills.
  5. 5) More diverse skills lead to better creativity and productivity.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

In a team with different people from various cultures, it's essential to ignore stereotypes and treat everyone's beliefs with respect. Also, remember to consider different schedules, celebrations, and time zones to work well together as a team.

DisLifeNot August 3rd, 2023

@FrenchToastClub I also completed the course 3 quiz and did well! Thank you for this course, it was very informative!

lovelyApple6441 August 17th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Being able to reach and relate to a vast number of people on a deeper level, as well as promoting inclusivity across cultures, time zones, etc.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups by being nonjudgmental and not making assumptions, being willing to learn about a culture we're unfamiliar with, and being supportive and respectful of our differences!

LightsFromDark September 13th, 2023
@lovelyApple6441 I loved it
Artalistens August 17th, 2023

Please list some advantages to a diverse team?

there will be multiple different time zones so that we can offer support to members 24/7

multiple different languages are spoken in multiple different countries, and we are from all over the world so we can offer support in multiple different languages.

How can we be respectful regarding different cultures?

we can have different discussions about different things such as holidays in different countries or games and activities relating to what’s going on. For example, we could have different games or activities related to Ramadan for those who celebrate.

pandanfe September 2nd, 2023

@Artalistens I agree and best of luck with your LDP <3

pandanfe September 2nd, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
Get to explore variety of perspectives
Increase the flow of creativity
One learns to accept differences

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
Respecting the differences
Transcend stereotypes

LightsFromDark September 13th, 2023

@טוסט צרפתי Advantages of a global community: - More people can be reached. - You can learn about new cultures. -Multiple points of view. -Different time zones - 24/7 support can be provided. We can respect the cultures by Rise above the stereotypes, that we respect the other culture, consider the time clock of the other 13

warmheartedCamp3360 September 25th, 2023


Some advantages of diverse community are

  • Different perspectives and opinion to approach a situation
  • Reach and help more diverse people of different timezones, culture etc
  • Opportunity to learn about different cultures around the world
  • Wider skill sets which fuels innovation, creativity and progress.
We can be respectful of different cultures in 7 cups by being open minded with a non-judgmental attitude. Treat everyone with warmth and kindness irrespective of the stereotypes.
LoveMyMoonflowers September 26th, 2023


I enjoyed reading your response :3 good job! 🧁💛

LoveMyMoonflowers September 26th, 2023

✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

  • The different perspectives drive innovation 💛
  • Different people cover different time zones 💛 which can help us support more people who live in different time zones! :3 This means you can reach out and receive support, no matter your time zone 💛
  • You get to learn about different cultures and practices—this adds to your set of skills :3
  • The team has a wider range of skill sets available :3 this can fuel creativity 🌈 and productivity 💛

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can (and should) be respectful of different cultures here at 7cups by being mindful of others’ time zones 💛 We can be mindful of various stereotypes and realise that stereotypes aren’t always right 💛 we shouldn’t judge people based on stereotypes. We should also respect everyone’s beliefs 💛 and know that it’s completely okay for people to think differently :3

warmheartedCamp3360 September 27th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers 🌙🌷💖

LOOPHOLE October 6th, 2023


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Ans:- The more diverse a team is the chances of solving a problem gets higher. A team would be able to cater to a variety of people with different backgrounds. No one would feel alone but rather will feel more  appreciated and accepted


 How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Ans :- I would ask permission before touching a sensitive topic about their culture or religion. 

bestBraveheart57 October 13th, 2023


Hi, Loop. It's wonderful act to be aware of sensitive topic and ask permission beforehand. We listener often go with the flow that sometimes could be risky when we rush to question one and another to keep the conversation.

bestBraveheart57 October 13th, 2023


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Creativity while addressing issue on teams. Different timezone help 7 Cups to serve member on broader daytime.

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Not judge the tone or accent that sounds unusual for non-native. Honour other cultural celebrations and give them break on those days.

Grace3012 October 29th, 2023


Awsome! Keep going!

Grace3012 October 29th, 2023


✒️ Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

The different perspectives can drive innovation, you get to learn about different cultures and practices which adds to your set of skills, covers different time zones & there is a wider skill range available. 

✒️ How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We should rise above stereotypes, be respectful of individual beliefs , be mindful of schedules and availability , and consider time zones

ChillingRain November 10th, 2023

@Grace3012 Heck yeah! You're on fire! 

ChillingRain November 10th, 2023


✒️ Advantages of a Diverse Team:

  1. Innovation: Diverse teams bring together a variety of perspectives, fostering creativity and driving innovation. Different backgrounds and experiences contribute to a wider range of ideas.

  2. Global Reach: A diverse team allows 7 Cups to connect with and support people worldwide, transcending cultural and geographic boundaries. This broadens the platform's impact and relevance.

  3. Time Zone Coverage: With team members from different time zones, 7 Cups can provide support around the clock, ensuring continuous assistance to users in various regions.

  4. Cultural Learning: Team members gain exposure to different cultures and practices, enhancing their cultural competency. This exposure adds valuable skills to the team and promotes understanding.

  5. Varied Skill Sets: Diversity brings a range of skills to the team, contributing to increased creativity and productivity. Each team member's unique strengths can be harnessed to address different challenges effectively.

✒️ Respecting Different Cultures on 7 Cups:

  1. Rise above Stereotypes: Avoid relying on stereotypes associated with specific countries or cultures. Understand that individuals within a culture are diverse and may not conform to generalizations.

  2. Respect Individual Beliefs: Acknowledge and respect that individuals may hold different beliefs due to cultural differences. When conflicts arise, work together to find common ground or delegate tasks to those comfortable with specific cultural aspects.