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Course 1, Discussion 5: 7 Cups Culture

Hope December 5th, 2022

Hello Leadership Crew!

I hope you have been benefitting from this course. This is the last discussion of our course 1.

We take culture seriously on 7 Cups because it is the heart of how we operate. A wise person once said: You teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are. We can have all of the best training content we want, but if our culture is not strong, then we will not be successful in growing a thriving, compassionate, community that will make a global impact.

Every organization has a culture whether by design or by default. When culture (including values and mission are not called out or made explicit, the organization defaults to an implicit or unstated culture. The unnamed culture is not always great for the end users or the community. An example of a common and implicit cultural rule or norm is that the person that makes the most money or the organization is the most important. People that work in this organization then, naturally, because it is the culture, start organizing themselves around ways to make more and more money. The ones at the top of the hierarchy are the ones that make the most money. 7 Cups cares less about money and more about compassion. We call out compassion and celebrate compassionate people because that is central to the work we do.


View picture source here

Please read our guide here to deeply understand our culture. We have made it explicit because we believe it is important to help us all be accountable to what we stand for and believe in. As leaders on 7 Cups, you will be models that emulate our culture and values.

✒️To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

❗❗After posting, please...

1. Take the course exam here to complete course 1.

2. Take the leadership oath here.

3. Fill out the End of Trial form to complete your 2-week trial (Please check your email for End of Trial date.)

4. Proceed to Course 2!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

bestBraveheart57 October 9th, 2023


Failure, accountability, and trust are great importance. 

bestBraveheart57 October 9th, 2023


Collaborate; In it to win itBoth me and 7 Cups have a gas tank.

8grim8 October 16th, 2023

Prioritising myself and my mental health as a form of self-care, to ensure that I can do things at the best of my abilities.

Having enough
accountability; to be a responsible person here. Managing my time, and completing these courses, is something that I will try to do my best on.

Appreciating my work that I put into being here, and sharing my wisdom with the rest of the world. As well as, appreciating others, listeners and members alike, as we all play a big role here.(:

Shannon1996 October 31st, 2023

@8grim8 These are amazing reminders. You've got this!

Shannon1996 October 31st, 2023


✒️To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you. 

1) Expect failure. As a perfectionist, this is something I really need to remember, and to remind myself that failure is okay and is how we continue to learn.

2) Take care of yourself. Often, I put everybody else first and forget that I need to look after myself too. I aim to practice a form of self-care every day. I can't pour from an empty cup.

3) Self-efficacy/mastery. This is important for me as I want to grow my practice and become more confident in my abilities.

ChillingRain November 6th, 2023

@Shannon1996 great points! I encourage you to embrace the journey of personal and professional growth outlined in the guide. Stay focused, be resilient, and support one another along the way! 🖤

ChillingRain November 6th, 2023


The Importance of Trust: Building trust is crucial not only in professional settings but also in personal relationships. In my life, trust is vital as it fosters meaningful connections and enables me to work cohesively with others.

Focus on Problem-Solving: Addressing significant problems head-on promotes personal growth and organizational progress. Problems are opportunities for learning and innovation. Embracing challenges helps me develop resilience and find creative solutions, enhancing my problem-solving skills in various aspects of life.

Balance of Expectations and Warmth: Striking a balance between high expectations and warmth cultivates a nurturing environment where individuals are motivated to excel. High expectations drive me to constantly improve, while warmth provides the emotional support necessary for growth. 
crypticwhisperss1 December 12th, 2023


Hello! I believe that these are very important aspects, and I am glad that you have brought them to notice. It is an amazing opportunity to be able to learn about your morals and help us as a whole on the journey of self-development. Your points are highly impressive, and I wish you the best of luck while you're navigating any challenges. We are proud of you. Keep it up! 😁💪🏻💖

~ Xaverie 

WeEarth November 6th, 2023


  • Importance of Trust
  • Clear expectations
  • Positive impact
NewYorker11 January 7th


well said and well spoken for, excellent points taken from the guide!

ABrightBlueHeart November 12th, 2023


✒️To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

Caring for people with fewer financial resources

Access to mental health resources as well as awareness is a major challenge around the world, and 7Cups listeners can serve as the perfect peer support to help bridge the gap, address the stigma around mental health issues, and encourage people to actively seek out the professional guidance they need.

Expect Failure

The focus that our society as a whole places on success often takes the spotlight completely off failures. We tend to not talk about them or share them with people, and just, in general, be ashamed of them, instead of learning from all that they have to teach us and accepting the fact that anyone who's trying to do anything at all fails at least once in their life.

Have fun and be fulfilled

Because what else is there to life, really?

CaringSub December 1st, 2023


These are wonderful, thoughtful words! I don't think I could have said it better!

Athenalu November 26th, 2023


To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

*Caring for people with fewer financial resources, as someone who had little access to mental health services due my income I find it important to support and ensure that help is there for anyone who needs it .

*We invest in you, the emphasis on doing work that is fulfilling is one of my core values and it is important that anyone I work with / for also embodies this .

*Collaborate, I always take others views/ opinions into account because quite often i feel as though we can get stuck in an echo chamber of the same ideas and in order to progress we need to challenge ourselves on what we know

Kristynsmama November 28th, 2023


i love these too.  Especially the one about 7 cups caring for people with limited resources.  I forgot to put that on my response.  🙈

Kristynsmama November 28th, 2023


✒️To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you. 

1. expect failure:  this was important to me because I expect perfection from myself.  Reading that failure is to be expected gave me permission to not be perfect.

2.  Try hard:  this tags on to expect failure for me.  As long as I’m trying my best then it IS good enough.

3. Collaborate: I believe that collaboration is probably one of the most important values of 7 cups because it allows me to problem solve with my peers.

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

replying now:

❗❗After posting, please...

1. Take the course exam here to complete course 1.  Done

2. Take the leadership oath here.  Done

3. Fill out the End of Trial form to complete your 2-week trial (Please check your email for End of Trial date.). Not complete because I’m still waiting on my end of trial date in my email.  I’m ahead of schedule!  Yay!

Soul576 November 30th, 2023


You're doing such a good job here, and perfection cannot be expected constantly. I'm really happy that you're here with us!!

Soul576 November 30th, 2023


✒️To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

1. Collaborate - We are a team and teamwork is important for the community to thrive

2. It's ok to fail - Everyone fails at some point, and that's ok, we just get another chance to try to get it right.

3. My work matters - It can be easy to feel like I'm not making a difference, but I know that it does. I am helping, despite how I may feel.

CaringSub December 1st, 2023


Three things that resonate with me, from the guide are :  (Values) Believe in Equality, Grit, and (Mission) being kind, compassionate & accepting.

  1. Believe in Equality - this one resonates very deeply with me being LGBTQ2S+, and having lived through inequality earlier in my life.
  2. Grit - it defines as "pushing past barriers". This resonates with me that, although I am older, I am a life long learner, willing to learn.
  3. Being kind, compassionate & accepting - This resonates with me because, we are  human. We all have different paths that, at the very least, to be respected through kindness, compassion, and acceptance.

Rosey16 December 4th, 2023


great job 

i like the ones you picked 

Rosey16 December 4th, 2023


To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

We Expect Failure- in life there is always failure but it is apart of life it is something everyone expects Turn failure into a new opportunity to learn and become better.

Accountability- Being accountable creates a sense of trust and reliability, both with your team and with yourself.

Take Care of Yourself- it is important to take care of yourself because you life depends on it. like when peaple put them self last and put others first it always hurts them in the end self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy.

Comfortablesmile December 4th, 2023


I like your response 

quietlistener2023 January 1st

@Rosey16 some nice insights you mentioned there.  Thank you for sharing and all the best

Comfortablesmile December 4th, 2023

Work Matters: i'm glad that my efforts are being recognized here on 7 cups

Trust:  thank you 7 cups for trusting us unconditionally. It means a lot

Failure is okay:  is good to know that we all are not perfect and our mistakes are accepted.

Comfortablesmile December 4th, 2023

Work Matters: I'm glad that my efforts in 7 cups are being recognized.

Trust: thank you 7 cups for trusting us unconditionally.

Expect failure: is good to know that none of us is above mistake and our mistakes are accepted.

Lunaire00 December 10th, 2023


Those are extremely important points, I am glad you mentioned them! 💜

Lunaire00 December 10th, 2023

✒️To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

  1. "Your Work Matters
Lunaire00 December 10th, 2023


Oops, I hit enter to post before I could answer. 

✒️To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

  1. "Your work matters." - I believe that this is something so very easy to forget when you are a listener. All of us lead extremely busy lives and taking out those few precious moments to support someone else could just make or break the person. 
  2. "We Expect Failure." - Another point that is so very easy to lose track of for many of us. I am a perfectionist and take failures very hard, however, I have learnt that mistakes and failures are ways in which I learn to improve and do better, and this is how I have excelled in some of my roles. 
  3. "Take Care of Yourself." - Self Care is all the rage, as it should be. Your health and well-being matter, even more so than anyone else's. You come first for yourself, always. Taking time of 7Cups to take care of yourself is the most important thing I always stress to listeners. 

Lillom December 11th, 2023


👌 Well articulated, and definitely do agree with the "self-care rage" in a post-lockdown period of society. Some of the pre-exisiting issues have certainly exacerbated due to recent global events. 

Lillom December 11th, 2023


More so a refresher of what I'm learning on another course, but great on capitalising on what is continually important for me:

1. Reversion response to failure vs growth mindset and embracement of failure = important to success

2. Evaluation of what is important vs what is urgent. Prioritising our tasks to sync with our long-term marginal gains and goals. 

3. Taking care of our social, psychological and physical needs for health.  

Lillom December 11th, 2023


These are all important to me because they constitute aspects which I am currently weak on, or provide a lot of benefit for me in achieving my long-term SMARTER goals I have. 

I've reworded a few concepts in the guide and integrated them with my pre-exisiting knowledge of these concepts in my answer. 

crypticwhisperss1 December 12th, 2023


✒️To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you!

1) Accountability: I firmly believe that accountability is a key component of success. It allows me to take ownership of my actions, decisions, and commitments as a listener. Being accountable means that I demonstrate reliability and integrity, which allows me to build trust and credibility with myself and others on this platform. It also helps me to stay motivated and focused on my goals, ensuring that I follow through my responsibilities. Additionally, it provides me with the opportunity to apply my knowledge of time management after taking its course. To summarize, this skill empowers me to take control of my life and achieve the results that I desire. 

2) Expecting failure: Although it is important that I set high expectations of myself, it is also crucial that I expect failure because it frees me from the fear of making mistakes or encountering setbacks. It helps me recognize that failure is a natural part of growth and learning. By setting expectations of failure, I adopt a growth mindset that embraces challenges and views them as opportunities for improvement. It allows me to step out of my comfort zone, take risks, and explore new opportunities without worrying about my perfectionist tendencies. It helps me bounce back stronger, learn valuable lessons, and ultimately achieve greater success. 

3) Trust: I believe this to be the foundation of my connections with others on this platform. It enables me to create a supportive network for both members and listeners. It fosters open communication, collaboration, and cooperation. When trust exists, I can reply on others and be relied upon, which helps to establish a sense of security and mutual respect. This trait can enhance the convenience of members while they are discussing their personal problems with me. It also gives me a sense of responsibility and makes me more confident in my skills. 

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

Done! ✨🌸

I am happy to say that I have completed all the tasks of Course 1. I have also taken the leadership oath and submitted the course exam. Thank you for all these thought-provoking questions, Hope! I truly enjoyed adding creativity to my answers. 😁💖

ReganL December 15th, 2023


Those are all great! Congrats on completing the first course! 

~ Regan

ReganL December 15th, 2023


✒️To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

1) We expect you to fail. Failing is something I've been taught not to do, however after reading this you can get more out of failing then faking it everyday. 

2)Skin in thee game. If you don't put your time/money into what you are doing then you probably don't have your skin in the game. 

3) You have a gas tank and 7 cups has a gas take. This reminders me that we are all still human no matter who or what we are. We all have our own limits and it is important to be aware of those too. 

~ Regan

safetysource12 December 24th, 2023

That's great, @ReganL ! Congrats and all the best

AwarmHEART December 17th, 2023

@Hope To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

- expect the failure,in order to succeed in life, only failure can enhnace and we can learn it from them

-Try Hard

-Learn and Grow

calmstrawberry0608 January 1st


These are great!! You're doing amazing :)

safetysource12 December 24th, 2023

Hi @Hope

The 3 most important things I learned from the guide is trust, friendliness and conscientiousness and accountability. These three are my highlights because they each require a certain level of vulnerability and courage to get through. It has always been difficult for me to practice these three and this site has helped grow and improve.

calmstrawberry0608 January 1st

1. Expecting Failure - Failing with focus and engagement is okay because no one is perfect and it is a way for me to grow

2. Equality - Everyone is valuable and as listeners, we need to treat everyone the same way

3. We have gas tanks - Behaviors can fill up or drain tanks, meaning that we need to be positive while watching out for negative behaviors

heathermarie95 August 27th


i agree with you. failure is okay to think about because like you said, nobody is perfect. great response! 

quietlistener2023 January 1st

I learned that we can expect amount of failures but can learn and grow from them, this is achieved through hard work and also through collaboration and support of others@Hope