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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP July 10th

genuinely trying not to lose my mind right now. 

nobody’s there-

justmeeva OP July 10th


so i kinda said to myself that if anyone wanted to uh unalive me right now they’re free to

and my brain and imagination took it seriously.

mytwistedsoul July 10th

@justmeeva sorry.   have you tried sitting in a corner? I know it probably sounds weird but your back is up against the wall that way. It feels alittle more secure 

justmeeva OP July 10th


it doesn’t sound weird dw, we love corners <3. right now, since i have to move around a bit to do some things here and there, i can’t. soon, though 

mytwistedsoul July 10th

@justmeeva I wondered if you knew about corners. It helps. Does it bother you during the day or just at night? 

justmeeva OP July 10th


it seems like those things happen rather at nights, which makes sense, i guess. the darkness, lack of activities and distractions and all.

mytwistedsoul July 10th

@justmeeva You're right. I can be totally fine all day and then come night the fear starts. There's less to keep us occupied with :/

justmeeva OP July 10th


exactly. but it’s okay right now though, your online nightlight trick might’ve worked, anyway it’s not so bad right now <33 thank you again <3

mytwistedsoul July 10th

@justmeeva That's great! I'm so glad it helped! Even just a little bit can help make a difference. You're very welcome! 💙

justmeeva OP July 11th

i slept like 4 and a half hours yesterday and like 11 hours today- we don’t talk about my sleep schedule. 

LoveMyMoonflowers July 11th


relatable. 💜 *sends a hug if okie*

justmeeva OP July 11th


gladly accepts hug and sends some back 💗

LoveMyMoonflowers July 11th


thank you for the hugs 💙

mytwistedsoul July 11th

@justmeeva I'm just happy you got more than a couple hours of sleep

justmeeva OP July 11th

i’m not excited for my birthday anymore. i don’t look forward to it. it’s like it was with christmas this year. it’s just like any other day. besides, what’s there to celebrate? being alive? hah. lol. 

justmeeva OP July 11th


justmeeva OP July 11th

i’ve been clean about 45 days. it sounds kind of a lot but doesn’t feel like it. 

justmeeva OP July 11th

but um.. i think i’m gonna let myself relapse before i uh.. doonespecificthing.

justmeeva OP July 11th

not yet tho. sometime after my birthday. after my birthday, nothing will matter anymore. 

justmeeva OP July 11th

i should probably start writing that letter. 

justmeeva OP July 11th

because last time i seriously thought about doing it, i left the letter for too late and i wouldn’t have gotten to finish it in time. 

mytwistedsoul July 11th

@justmeeva Is this the type of letter that I think it might be? You don't have to answer of course. Maybe it's just me that my mind always jumps to that one "specific"  thing 

justmeeva OP July 12th



mytwistedsoul July 12th

@justmeeva I - well - tbh I have been racking my brain trying to figure out how to reply to this. On one hand I understand because sometimes the pain and hurt is just too much to bear. But on the other hand I'd like to plead with you to change your mind. Is there anything that would make things better for you? 

justmeeva OP July 12th


mm, not really tbh. it’s been on my mind for a long long time now. but it’s not your fault, or anyone from cups, or anyone at all, i think. maybe mine, and life’s.  

also nfta, even i don’t know what i’d reply. :’) <3

mytwistedsoul July 12th

@justmeeva Please feel free to tell me to mind my own business ok? I don't mean to pry and I don't want to trigger you or anything. From a lot of what I've read here and there. With the fear and the nightmares and bad memories - you have trauma yeah? You've never told anyone? I don't know what you went through - I don't need to. But I'm so sorry that those things happened to you and I'm so sorry that you're dealing with the aftermath 💙 

justmeeva OP July 12th


honestly, i don’t even know at this point. i wouldn’t call anything i’ve gone through trauma, it seems like over exaggerating. i’ve gone through loss, loss-loss and just having people gone from my life, but calling it trauma seems invalid to me. like it’s nothing big or traumatic enough to count as trauma. there’s nothing specific, i guess. as much or little as i’ve researched or read about ptsd, i seem to have a lot of similarities in the coping and avoiding and triggering and everything, but i won’t self diagnose obviously. i don’t know. i’m really confused myself. 

but yeah, i’ve kind of made up my mind i guess. but i don’t want you to worry or think about it. no need to add any stress or worry to your life <3 and, thank you for being here <3 /gen

mytwistedsoul July 12th

@justmeeva Loss can be traumatic though. If it was sudden or unexpected. Even if the person was sick for a while and you knew the outcome. The loss of a pet or even a job can be traumatic. The definition of trauma is "the lasting emotional response that results from living through a distressing event". Some people just handle things differently. They cope better - probably because they have supportive family and friends they can talk to. Guess I just wanted you to know that 💙

You're welcome and Thank You for talking with me about this 

justmeeva OP July 12th

i *** hate nightmares. 

justmeeva OP July 12th

my vision is blurry. 

justmeeva OP July 12th

i don’t think i’m gonna sleep anymore.

justmeeva OP July 12th

it’s 5am 

justmeeva OP July 12th

gonna go find distractions. getting nightmares out of your head is always torture.

justmeeva OP July 12th

well, guess running on 3h of sleep isn’t so bad. 

justmeeva OP July 12th

mom said that i should have a couple of hours a day free from screens. her explanation was that you have to have time to just be, because that’s when you’re connected to yourself. i get the idea, but you see, mom, when i’m repeatedly thinking about my own death, trying to avoid remembering certain painful memories and in a loud endless war with my mind, then taking away the distractions is really not the solution. because then i’ll go for different distractions and methods and that’s really not better. trust me. 

justmeeva OP July 12th

i made my lip bleed. again. i always pick on them until they do. 

justmeeva OP July 12th

but it’s a better alternative than some others, i guess. so it’s no big deal at all. 

justmeeva OP July 12th

too tired. 

justmeeva OP July 12th

guilt here guilt there guilt *** everywhere.

justmeeva OP July 12th

btw, if anyone here feels like i haven’t been around lately or reached out, then yeah it’s true. it’s not intentional, i’m just tired. exhausted, even. it takes too much effort to even do something as simple as reaching out and asking about someone’s day. thinking of replies has become hard. i’m sorry. i do think about it constantly, believe me. and i do feel guilty and bad about it. what a friend. but i try. i try to try, at least. i still have you all in my mind all the time. but i might keep to myself for a little. i’m open to talking, i just won’t be the starter of it, probably. 

(also, a little note, when i upvote a post, it doesn’t mean i agree to it always. like when it’s some negative comment about someone’s self, then my upvote will mean that i saw it and saw them, not that i necessarily agree. felt like i had to clarify that, just in case. idk.) 
