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my journal: various subjects, opinionating, CW at times

slowdecline48 June 24th, 2022

The title explains itself.

If you're interested in the ramblings of a middle-aged man with chronic conditions who, at times, sees things a little too clearly for his own good, then read on.

Sometimes I get political, but it won't be all the time.

I don't mind comments in general but if you're going to differ with what I write, that's fine--as long as you can explain your position clearly & reasonably. Rants, shouting & general incoherence will be ignored or flagged, depending on the situation. Try to remember that not everyone else in this world holds your beliefs.

Every so often I may post art or snapshots of projects I'm working on.

If you're still interested after reading all the above, great. (I do wonder at how much time you have on your hands, though)

mytwistedsoul September 26th

@slowdecline48 Omg yeah flood insurance is pretty expensive from what I've heard. Probably even more now considering the price of materials. Where I live I don't need it because if it floods up here - it's a flood of biblical proportions lol

The trees would be a bigger issue - especially with the winds. I lost two trees this summer because of storms. Of course they always seem to be where the lane is and they fall over it - of course 😬

Hey stay safe. You'll definitely be in my thoughts. Drop a line when you can just to let me know you're ok - please? 
slowdecline48 OP September 26th

@mytwistedsoul That's so Mr. Belvedere, thank you... But seriously, I'll probably log in here while Helene is passing through. Once you've prepared for a storm, you're cooped up inside with nothing to do. A Florida tradition is "hurricane parties"...probably they do it in all the gulf states. It consists of inviting friends over & watching the wind & rain through your windows while getting loaded. 🙄😏

mytwistedsoul September 26th

@slowdecline48 😂 I had to google that one

Guess if you've been there long enough you get used to it. Like up north with snow. No big deal lol
I've heard about hurricane parties. Hey if it passes the time why not? 
slowdecline48 OP September 25th

The storm has lowered barometric pressure everywhere, which is why I've been f***ed up all afternoon. Good thing I did the important stuff yesterday & early this morning.

A delightful piece of info from my weather app:


Am right on the edge of it, but I'm not worried. If water starts to rise on the pavement, that will be my downstairs neighbors' problem.

slowdecline48 OP September 26th
@jesusredeemedme2425 -
Saw this & thought of you.
jesusredeemedme2425 September 27th

Awww :)

You know what’s funny? It’s got rave reviews… but the pic is missing a TON of rhinestones XD

slowdecline48 OP September 28th

@jesusredeemedme2425 You could buy it & after the buckle is shipped to your place, add some...or maybe zircons. 😁

slowdecline48 OP September 28th

@jesusredeemedme2425 Are you the rhinestone cowgirl? 😃

jesusredeemedme2425 September 28th

Uhhhh i guess? Hehe. Idk what that means. I vaguely remember a reference to a rhinestone cowboy…

slowdecline48 OP September 28th

It was a song in the mid-70's.

slowdecline48 OP September 26th


Current status: lying on the pile of unwashed laundry in the hallway. Meniére's is flaring right now....I ain't doin' s**t.


slowdecline48 OP September 27th

At about 0400 hrs the electricity came back on.

(Helene knocked it out in the apartment anthill at 0045. No big deal but I was wondering if I'd have to leave the fridge closed until next evening, then haul out my grill & cook everything in the freezer)

Still intermittently windy outside, but the storm is Georgia's & Tennessee's problem now...not to mention SC. Hope they get through it all right.

In all the debates & discussions about religion since 9-11, more than once it has been said that everyone has to believe in something. Right now, I believe I'll have a glass of wine.

slowdecline48 OP September 28th

Me: "The stew is done! Not quite as flavorful as I'd hoped but a bit more seasoning should fix it... Those two bowlfuls hit the spot. Time to get some shut-eye."

My GI tract: Phuck no, you worthless sod...I'm gonna wake you up after midnight. We will blat out sulfur dioxide & methane until dawn, & you will sit on the john for at least a half-hour before the sun comes up.

slowdecline48 OP September 29th
Note to self: when making future batches of weekend stew (whether on the weekend or not), always put in plenty of vegetables. If beans make up the bulk of the stew with < 40% other ingredients to lighten it up, you will pay for such foolishness later no matter how it tastes during initial consumption.
slowdecline48 OP September 29th


slowdecline48 OP Monday

After reading posts from people here in CupsLand, & one by someone in the other community I'm a part of (it's not about mental illness), I wind up at an observation I've made more than once:

It's amazing how people stay religious, despite all the evidence that we live in a universe that is unconcerned about anything living in it.

....except it's not so amazing, when you remember that people do it out of need.

I kinda miss my own tradition. It would be nice to find a synagogue to go to, re-learn Hebrew & start studying the Torah...hang out with some of my people. But to do all that I first must believe in a god...the god of Abraham & Moses. I'd have to believe that this god exists, that he is omnipotent & omniscient, & that he cares about all of us. And I've always had trouble with that.

slowdecline48 OP Monday

I need to package up the stew & put it all in the freezer....maybe I should reheat it & add vegetables, if I can get some this Tuesday...

Am tired tonight

slowdecline48 OP Monday

I'm so glad I do not live in Los Angeles.

slowdecline48 OP Tuesday

Today was mostly 💩y. My head was flaring so I didn't get much it's almost 10 at night. My ears are still ringing & the head pain is there but I can focus a little bit...if I feel better soon, I'll do laundry.

Also - I added the two cans of veggies to the stew. Packaged up most of it & now it's in the freezer, where it will become five ice blocks with a plastic outer layer. Let's hope the plant parts lighten up the stuff.

In a few days I will be another year older. Which sucks, TBH.

slowdecline48 OP Tuesday

It's weird when you're in one of the chat rooms here, & it just halts for no reason. Not a technical glitch as far as I's like everyone in the room just suddenly runs out of steam. Have seen it more than once. Does everyone just get tired or what?...

Had some stew tonight...maybe my lower tract will handle it okay, now that the corn, okra, etc. have lightened it a bit. I hope.

slowdecline48 OP Tuesday

As a result of sleeplessness due to chronic illness, & boredom, I found this:

Brenda Put Your Bra On

slowdecline48 OP Tuesday
You know it's bad when at a certain time of day, you can guzzle an energy drink or have a cup of coffee...& then go to sleep in < a half-hour.
mytwistedsoul 2 days ago

@slowdecline48 😳 Omg! 🤣🤣 I think that might be one of the best country songs I've heard in a while! 🤣

slowdecline48 OP Wednesday

The spot price of gold is fidgeting around $2,656/oz this morning...

slowdecline48 OP Wednesday

...while the S&P & NASDAQ indices bounced back up from approx. 5,762 & 17,760 respectively. We'll see what happens. As usual, the smart thing to do is watch & wait.

slowdecline48 OP Wednesday


Two tasks to do today--both of 'em important--& right now I'm back in bed because I'm having a flareup. Head suddenly felt heavier...& my lower back hurts a bit, too.

Only hope is to somehow recover enough before the day is over. It isn't all that likely now because I'm stressed out over the prospect of not getting anything done today.... I hope my prescription doesn't get sent back.

The things I would do to have a robot body built & my brain removed from the useless carcass it's stuck in, & transferred into the new one...yeah. Turn me into a cyborg. I could easily live out the rest of my days without this crippled bag of bones & 2nd-rate organs.

slowdecline48 OP Wednesday

So I finally managed to leave my rented crackerbox & pick up my new pills.

They were prescribed to me to alleviate what I thought & was told was Meniére's disease, & more recently was informed it might be something else. The medicine is supposed to cut down on the head pain, vertigo, & flare-ups has this cautionary label:


Are you getting this?


mytwistedsoul 2 days ago

@slowdecline48 Counterproductive comes to mind 😬 

slowdecline48 OP 3 days ago

Out of boredom & sleeplessness, I started cruising around CupsLand... Found a question & decided to answer it, rather thoroughly. You can read it here.

Let the flames begin.

slowdecline48 OP 3 days ago
  1. A local Thai restaurant was doing badly...finally it came under new management last year. There was improvement in the decor, the schedule & most importantly, the food. It looked like the place was on the rise. I didn't go for at least two months...then I checked it on G00gle Maps yesterday. At least two bad reviews & now it's "temporarily closed". And I had hopes for the place.
  2. A bar & grill in town shut down about mid-year (2024). I was glad at the time because the place had been going downhill for a while before that.
  3. About two months ago, I discovered that one of the grade schools I went to in my hometown closed its doors in June, 2020. Rising costs & declining enrollment made it impossible for the school to keep going.

Nothing lasts forever.

The earth keeps turning & orbiting mindlessly.

slowdecline48 OP 2 days ago
slowdecline48 OP 1 day ago

@VictoriaLove7 (& anyone else interested) -

A few weeks ago I said I would post a snapshot of my pasta sauce, Vicki...remember that? The following is not from a fresh batch because I haven't made one yet. This is from the remnant of what I took out of the freezer last month:


As you can see, I use plenty of vegetables when I make it. No meat, for versatility. It was on top of some whole-wheat spaghetti at the time...unusual, since I prefer linguine. Flat noodles hold the sauce better.

VictoriaLove7 23 hours ago


Thank you for taking a picture of the pasta sauce you made, Slow! 🍝\(^-^)/🍝

It looks so yummm! (っ˘ڡ˘🍝ς) looking at the picture makes me hungry (๑•؂•̀๑)🍝

slowdecline48 OP 11 hours ago
slowdecline48 OP 7 hours ago

As of today, I am 49.

It rained all day...sometimes it poured. How apropos.

slowdecline48 OP 6 hours ago
I hate getting old.
iloveyouxx 2 hours ago


i want to say happy birthday but I know you might not want to get reminded of your age so 

(happy birthdayy…💖🎉)

I’m pretty young and I don’t like getting old either and I’m kind of scared to, just think of it as the last year of your fabulous 40s😎like the final season of a great show🤍I know you’ve gained so much wisdom and experience and that just means you’ve got some great stories to share. plus, you can always say you’re still in your 40s until next year!/j happy birthday slow🤍
