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my journal: various subjects, opinionating, CW at times

slowdecline48 June 24th, 2022

The title explains itself.

If you're interested in the ramblings of a middle-aged man with chronic conditions who, at times, sees things a little too clearly for his own good, then read on.

Sometimes I get political, but it won't be all the time.

I don't mind comments in general but if you're going to differ with what I write, that's fine--as long as you can explain your position clearly & reasonably. Rants, shouting & general incoherence will be ignored or flagged, depending on the situation. Try to remember that not everyone else in this world holds your beliefs.

Every so often I may post art or snapshots of projects I'm working on.

If you're still interested after reading all the above, great. (I do wonder at how much time you have on your hands, though)

slowdecline48 OP August 28th

@mytwistedsoul Can't say I'm surprised! Rats are the most intelligent rodent species going. I had a few pet rats when I was a teenager. Never tickled any of 'em but I did teach my favorite one how to escape from the bathtub by climbing up a long rack leaning against the tub's wall.

mytwistedsoul August 28th

@slowdecline48 This is so cool! I never pictured you for having pet rats 😊 Oh man they are unbelievably smart for such small animals! Lol! So cool you taught the one to escape the bathtub 😁 and once they learn something they never forget it. It just a shame they don't live very long 😕

slowdecline48 OP August 28th

I hear ya. People have been breeding fancy rats for colors for a while now...why don't breeders go for health & lifespan? Those seem like priorities to me.

mytwistedsoul August 28th

@slowdecline48 Yes! Exactly! I don't care what color they are but it would be nice to have them around longer

iloveyouxx August 28th


yours are more interesting xD

mytwistedsoul August 28th

@iloveyouxx It was pretty interesting to read about the guinea pigs in Switzerland. You can have just one! 😊 And they make dog owners take a class and have classes for humane fishing. That is pretty awesome 

slowdecline48 OP August 28th

This is the first I've ever heard of a specific limit on how many guinea pigs someone can own. 😆 ....reminds me of the old law about not keeping a horse in the attic.

iloveyouxx August 28th


isn’t it you can’t have only one guinea pig :0 

there was a law like that☠️xD? that’s so random, I was just reading about a bunch of unusual pet laws xD

slowdecline48 OP August 29th

Yes, I stand corrected! So in the land of blondes, gourmet chocolate & Edelweiss, you must own two guinea pigs not just one. I can see should probably apply to pet rats, too. They're also social animals. Just make sure they're both the same gender...otherwise, your two pets will not stay as just two. (Dunno about guinea pigs, but rats can mate in under four seconds. I learned that firsthand)

@Tinywhisper11 - you might be interested in the above.

mytwistedsoul August 29th

@slowdecline48 It's easier to get a horse up stairs than it is down them. Fun Fact 😁

slowdecline48 OP August 28th


I agree with him.

slowdecline48 OP August 29th
No single company should have that kind of influence on an entire stock index, let alone an entire market.
slowdecline48 OP August 29th


Worked on something for much of the afternoon only for it to not be wholly satisfactory. (Made copies from a library book. Some of the copies didn't turn out well. FedexKinko's doesn't maintain their f***ing xerox machines enough) Then I had a burrito, posted here & eventually got back home...& am still awake. Though I shouldn't be. But I'm most creative at night. Tonight I had to push pens & swing a brush.

Like I said, it's 💩.

The song I was going by until just over two weeks ago, you know already if you've been keeping up with this here journal. I will return to the theme & will still move forward with my land project--now that I have the property, I must do it. No choice now....but, if we're being totally honest. Ever since I turned 30 the real song of my life is...

Nasty Habits

The only difference is mine usually don't include drugs or regular drinking. And never cards. But I've got bad habits just the same.
slowdecline48 OP August 31st

This afternoon I hauled out the old steel workhorse, cleaned & lubed the chain, pumped the tires, the rode to Publix to get my prescriptions. The prices are ungodly's phucking ridiculous. Didn't buy groceries...

...but I did ride there & back. After getting home & situated I checked the time: 9:25 p.m. I did it all in less time than I thought. I didn't hurry back to my apartment, either. On top of that, I finally have some cheese. Three different kinds, too. 😁 Omelettes & scrambles will taste good for the next couple weeks.

mytwistedsoul August 31st

@slowdecline48 cheese makes just about everything better doesn't it? But holy *** going to the grocery store is freaking depressing 

slowdecline48 OP August 31st

You got that right... Publix is kinda expensive, too. It's not as bad as Whole Foods (organic stuff is a price gouge in most cases) but it's not the best choice for budget-minded consumers, either.

slowdecline48 OP September 1st

So Wednesday & Thursday I worked on the cane project--almost done now--& Friday I rode to Publix & back, in somewhat less time than expected. Probably because I hauled a.s.s when I rode from my apartment to the green overpriced supermarket.

Saturday, I paid for my insanity.

By this Sunday morning, I've dealt with the bill itself but still have interest to pay down. If you're older &/or do physical work often, you'll know exactly what I mean.

slowdecline48 OP September 1st
(forgot to mention that on the first two days I also lifted heavy things & moved them around. Also had to go up & down the steps, since this anthill does not have elevators)
slowdecline48 OP September 2nd

Thank you, @VictoriaLove7 ...for the upvotes.

VictoriaLove7 September 2nd


The you for sharing your journal, Slow! (。╹▿╹。)

slowdecline48 OP September 3rd

@VictoriaLove7 Anytime...feel free to follow. I still don't know what anyone here sees in this journal that's so interesting. If you're the kind of person who reads op-ed columns then yeah, you'll like it here. 😆

slowdecline48 OP September 2nd


- John Rubino

slowdecline48 OP September 3rd

If I believed in a god, I'd have to conclude that one of the ways he punishes people is by making them stay up all night with the runs. 💩💦

(Also if I believed in such a god, I would never worship him. He wouldn't deserve my respect, let alone veneration)

slowdecline48 OP September 3rd

S***....this week (& probably the next) will be greeaaaat.

No wonder I'm in a flareup & had to lie down.
slowdecline48 OP September 4th

I tried to become a morning person...really I did. Seemed like I had a chance during the parcel search, finding one & the closing of the deal. But with the weather as it is now, well...

(I went to bed early & was awakened by the wind blowing my seat-bucket off the patio. Couldn't get it because the rain was starting. I said "phukit", poured myself the usual glass of water, then had oatmeal & coffee & got to work on processing a few art pieces for my online gallery (in a communal platform))

Guess I'll always be 85+% nocturnal. That's just me. will make all the work on the land that much more difficult. You can't keep the neighbors up at night no matter where you are.

Now I must sleep...


slowdecline48 OP September 4th
The loud thunder for over three hours this morning didn't help, either. Mother Nature is a b***h.
mytwistedsoul September 4th

@slowdecline48  Boy that would freak people out if they saw that on the highway 😅 

Sorry the weather's been so lousy for you and a flare up on top of it. I hope you feel better soon

slowdecline48 OP September 5th

@mytwistedsoul 😂 Yeah. This platform has some interesting GIF options.

mytwistedsoul September 5th

@slowdecline48 😂 Some of them are pretty interesting! I forget what I had typed into the search but the results I got were not at all what I was expecting!  👀

slowdecline48 OP September 5th

Some random verse.

slowdecline48 OP September 5th

When I composed* the above verse, I was quite sleep-deprived.

Yesterday afternoon I rode to the library to return that DIY book I photocopied pgs from--in pouring rain. Does that sound dumb? Well I had no choice. When did I leave my place?...I don't recall. The sky was still light, if you call gray & overcast "light". 😒

Went to the Dairy Queen nearby to get something to eat & wait for the storm to pass. The 🌧️ lightened up a bit but was still steady...then turned into a downpour right after the onset of night. All I could think was "Jeezus on f***ing toast, man"...*smh* Good thing I know the tied-plastic-bag-over-the-seat trick.

Finally it let up maybe an hour before the DQ was to close...still raining as I rode home, but slowly. (The rain was slow & I was too, until I ran outta patience at around the last quarter-mile)

Now there's slight pain in the front of my shoulders, my neck is bleh & of course my butt feels tender. But I don't mind. Standard cyclist soreness. Pain is fine as long as it's a result of some kind of achievement. If I can keep this up regularly, callouses will grow over my "sit bones"...that would be great. To paraphrase Don Corleone: women & children can afford to be soft. Men cannot.

*if that's a suitable word for how I came up with it... A less polite but more honest term might be "pulled out of my dazed a.s.s".

mytwistedsoul September 5th

@slowdecline48 I was just thinking about you lol. Wondering how you were feeling and if the rain had stopped. How are things going at your property - aside from the bad weather and the flare-ups? No pressure to answer though lol

slowdecline48 OP September 5th

I appreciate the thoughts, Twisty. As for the rest...

...wish I had a boat. Even an aluminum 12-footer with an outboard would do.

Another few days of this nonsense & all the streets will be underwater.

mytwistedsoul September 6th

@slowdecline48 Oh man that sucks! Seems like the weather likes to work against us when we have plans doesn't it? Hopefully it stops soon. I know you're kind of working on a timeline especially with your apartment 😕 

slowdecline48 OP September 5th

I'd like to get out to the land next week, but at that distance transportation is currently an issue. Will probably rent a U-haul pickup or something.

slowdecline48 OP September 7th

So I left the Arts & Crafts forum weeks ago. No regrets. Tonight something else occurred to me, now that my head isn't hurting as much...

Should I shut down the hobby journal & leave that forum?

I hardly ever post anything in there anymore...rarely go to the forum itself anymore. As soon as the Arts & Crafts forum was put up, it stole the Hobby Zone's thunder. And these days most of my creative work gets posted elsewhere in any case. (No, I will not post a link to it. I keep my life compartmented. It's better for peace of mind)

If I ever post any more art in CupsLand, it seems like this journal would be the best place for it. My stuff in the HZ forum doesn't get much attention now.

What do you think?

VictoriaLove7 September 7th


I think it would be great to keep the one in hobby zone too,  and write here to express anything in your mind. I remember someone awesome said that our mind is not a notepad, so write down anything that make us feel restless or any thought we have

slowdecline48 OP September 8th

@VictoriaLove7 Thank you for your input.

slowdecline48 OP September 9th

After staying awake for most of Saturday night into Sunday morning, I slept...woke up briefly, twice. Finally I wake up & need to drain the bladder, much of my head pain was gone, I'm awake...& now it's just after 9:45 in the evening.


This kind of nonsense won't do once I'm on my land. For at least the first year--most likely, two--daylight will be the only light source I have most of the time.

How do I join the day people? I have to, now...out of necessity.

mytwistedsoul September 10th

@slowdecline48 Tbh it's hard. Especially when there are days when health issues are acting up. Cause who can plan for those?  

You could get some headlamps. They have rechargeable ones and you could get a small generator and a solar power bank. I have a few power banks that are just enough to charge a flashlight or my phone. They do have bigger ones. A generator is nice to have anyway just in case plus it would power any tools or charge the batteries of cordless ones. They have some pretty powerful shop lights that would give you light to work by with a generator too