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in the wonders of my mindšŸ’—.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didnā€™t look like mešŸ§makes sense doesnā€™t itšŸ˜›since there can only be one *me*āœØone of a kind now arent IšŸ˜/sar. one out of 8118835999āœØšŸŒ·can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss youā€™re also one of a kindšŸ’– sorrysorry haha :PšŸ¤im just messing around xDšŸ’žalso itā€™s 2am- but shush no snitchingšŸ¤«Iā€™ll sleep in a whilešŸ˜when Iā€™m feeling a bit more sane :>šŸ˜›šŸ©·

wanted to have my own space.šŸ’œ for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.šŸ’™

to whoever'sĀ coming acrossĀ :'3šŸ’œplease dont lurk here.šŸ©· I know anyone can have access to this forumĀ :')šŸ’™but please be respectfulšŸ©·.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :PšŸ’› yā€™all get crazy nosy haha- itā€™s alright.šŸ’›nothing too interesting will be here anywayšŸ’›if you would like to come in and be supportive itā€™s completely okiešŸ’›but please donā€™t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limitšŸ’›because Iā€™d still like this to be just my space ^-^šŸ’›)


iloveyouxx OP September 11th

and if I feel like it Iā€™ll do my french thing tomorrow in the morning too. and hopefully my teachers gonna forget about it- except she wonā€™t itā€™s a speaking test and we have to stand in front of the class and get judged and then the teachers gonna say something judgy in front of everyone and now everyone knows you failed

iloveyouxx OP September 11th


iloveyouxx OP September 11th


iloveyouxx OP September 11th


7:15 byee :ā€™)

iloveyouxx OP September 11th

I couldā€™ve came on a lot earlier I just donā€™t feel like talking about today.Ā 

I had a full breakdown in history.Ā 

I just realized how much I donā€™t wanna talk about it thatā€™s it then I guessĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 12th


iloveyouxx OP September 12th

i didnā€™t wanna not post today but every part of my day was horrible and I donā€™t wanna talk about it so


iloveyouxx OP September 13th

friday. weā€™re 3 weeks in :ā€™) my friend is really really sick and hasnā€™t been to school this whole week except monday and when she missed 1 day before this week her attendance dropped to 85% and her mom would never let her be absent if it wasnā€™t that serious either way but it is. I left for bus again. Iā€™ve been taking off my lanyard the minute Iā€™d leave my lead class because my lead teacher is the only one that actually cares about that, they made it a thing now where itā€™s part of your uniform and you could get a standards card if a teacher sees you not wearing yours but from your lanyard teachers can tell if you go home by bus or your own transport and Iā€™ve been going when bus students were every day now.Ā 

um okay. enough not talking about the bad stuff.Ā 

so uh. my friend thatā€™s absent sheā€™s pretty much my only friend. I donā€™t actually have that many. everyoneā€™s in friend groups and a lot of people donā€™t like me and Iā€™ve been

stop crying stop crying stop crying stop stiefqdnosdfbajkyedbj

why am I crying :ā€™)Ā 

I actually cant.Ā 

Iā€™ve been really lonely lately. and in that history class I started crying because in maths the class before someone threw a paper plane to my head and as stupid as it sounds it actually hurt like thereā€™s no way that was paper, and then I turned around and it was someone I thought liked me (as a person we talked like once) and his friend and they were laughing so hard they couldnā€™t breathe they were laughing at meĀ 

Iā€™m gonna sit on the floor.Ā 

yeah then his friend started making this face at me and doing this dance but yeah he was basically just being annoyingĀ 

and now that guy cause one of thems in my lead class keeps staring at me or talking about me he talks about me so much and now the other guys in the class probably donā€™t like me cause heā€™s friends with all the guys in the class and when heā€™s there theyā€™re all staring at me so whatever anywhoĀ 

my friends made it really really clear and obvious that she doesnā€™t care about me at all and if she got a new friend sheā€™d leave me because the only thing Iā€™m good for is so that she doesnā€™t look like she doesnā€™t have any friendsĀ 

this took me a long time to write because I started crying halfway through but Iā€™m gonna start going downstairs now

part 2 if I feel like it/jĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 13th
I was too tired for part 2.Ā 
but okay so last year something happened and I genuinely went home and bawled my eyes out to the point where idek what to say I fell asleep and woke up crying because I thought it was school again but it was night not morning and I already fully changed but yeah anywho
and the same things happening now and one of the girls involved hates me so much and Iā€™m so nice to her and she sits next to me in science this year and I swear she hates me so much like my existence grosses her out. she asks me for everything we could need and every question or answer and Iā€™m so nice to her tho Iā€™m always like sure or of course and I help her throughout the entire lesson and even if Iā€™m tired Iā€™m still really nice to herĀ 
but she genuinely just hates me. she looks at me so disgusted all the time or if I say I donā€™t know the answer to one of the questions she gets so mad and she sighs and goes, whatever itā€™s fine.., and if sheā€™s telling me to look up a question for her and Iā€™m like sure and Iā€™m like oh wait whatā€™s that word sheā€™d get so mad about it and like omg (thatā€™s the word) just look it up. the first time she did that I was so confused because whyā€™re you talking to me like that I wanted to ask her like whatā€™s wrong but also donā€™t *** talk to me like that are you okay Iā€™m just trying to help and Iā€™ve been so nice to herĀ 
she never says thankyou she just says okay in an angry tone which is fine you donā€™t have to say thankyou I always thought she was just in a bad mood for a long timeĀ 
and sheā€™s always the one that talks to me in every lesson and then looks at me like Iā€™m some piece of *** she found in her room whyā€™re you talking to me just stop talking to meĀ 
um yeah and sheā€™s the one thatā€™s always talking to her friends about me and they even go up to me like excuse me whatā€™s your name and when I say my name sheā€™d smile so much and theyā€™re all always staring at meĀ 
iloveyouxx OP September 13th

in music today I started crying too because I was talking to a teacher and then that same guy and his friend took what I was working on while I wasnā€™t looking and then I turned around and it wasnā€™t there and I looked at them first and they had it and they were just looking right at meĀ 

I swear if they asked I wouldā€™ve just given it to them I swear I would have. and then I went to get a xylophone thing from in front of our class and I walked in carefully and when I put it on my table it fell to the side and it was so loud and all the letter things fell out and I looked stupid and this one kid was just staring at me theyā€™re in my Islamic class and they were literally squinting at me and like fidgeting with something like whatā€™re you thinking about but now Iā€™m just embarrassed

but after that with a while I started trying to fix it and the teacher got everyone quiet and started talking about idk I wasnā€™t listening and thatā€™s when I started crying because. I felt so lonely. like Iā€™ve been sitting on my own on the edge of some table that whole week and now I was too, everyone was just grabbing chairs from my table and moving with their friends and I was so alone. and the guys whole group of friends was staring at me and I started telling myself that I thought I could convince myself that I could be happy and I *** wasnā€™t and next years senior and senior we switch lead classes again either way and no one likes me from any lead class and Iā€™ll never *** fit in because Iā€™m too *** neurodivergent and depressed and ugly and different and I hate myself I hope I get by a *** bus so I could float down or whatever comes after death and attend my imaginary funeral I actually hate myself so much I wanna s.hoot myself but at the same time I wanna make it to 20 but at the same time I wanna skip all the years before that and sort of just get a summary of it in a movie or something just to see if I actually do end up sent back to my countryĀ on the streetsĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 13th

lol crisis resources

iloveyouxx OP September 13th

im fine please stop xD

im not fine but itā€™s pointlessĀ 


iloveyouxx OP September 13th

I had to leave from the bus thing again today. I looked around and there were no cars but right when I started walking one just spawned behind me and it started beeping but I didnā€™t feel like running (not in a sewerslider way I was just tired) so I kept walking forward and I made it to the sidewalk as fast as I could which was pretty slowĀ 

and then the car stopped in front of me for a while and I was like- oh wait- theyā€™re waiting for me to pass- but I felt bad so I started walking down the sidewalk so they could think Iā€™m going there and go and they didĀ 

and then I had to go back when they were gone and I was so tired that I just took my bag off and started dragging it on the floor till I made it to my apartment my bags so heavy I take everything in my bag every day because I donā€™t trust myself not to forget somethingĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 13th
there were also 2 security people right there but I just told myself if they asked Iā€™d mumble something and put an effort to run-/j no but actually I was thinking of saying I had detention or something idk but they didnā€™t even look at meĀ 
iloveyouxx OP September 13th

I was supposed to either give my french teacher my book with the thing we were supposed to do or send her the presentation so I could present it next lessonĀ 

and I did both just that morning right before frenchĀ 

but I still didnā€™t do any. she was collecting books but I just pretended to continue writing and then she continued with everyone else and she was supposed to come back and take mine but I already put it in my bag and I was trying to look as natural as possibleĀ 

I have everything done itā€™s just. the pages before. sheā€™s gonna write that sheā€™s disappointed or something idk. I wanna rip the pages out and give her the book next lesson and pretend I forgot. I do everything Iā€™m supposed to but what if she says Iā€™m acceptable or something cause sometimes in the middle of class I might just shut off and skip a task to doodle (on another page) and Iā€™m supposed to be better than that cause I was so good in year 7 and she still thinks I am and I keep disappointing her she doesnā€™t say that but Iā€™m trying but every time I learn something i forget everything else and now I canā€™t explain how horrible I am at french and last year french was so bad I didnā€™t learn anything my teacher hated everyone idk Iā€™m supposed to be better tho. idk.

iloveyouxx OP September 13th

and moral ed presentation I think I managed to get out of? i was doing it with the absent person and I was just existing at the back of the class and if she asked me Iā€™d explain that absent person has the presentation on her device and sheā€™s not here. and my teacher read through the people that did it and got anyone that didnā€™t do it to send it to her and sheā€™d go through them and make you present and obviously I didnā€™t send anything. and we got to the end of the class.Ā 

but at some point she was looking around and I- think? counting. and she definitely- definitely looked at me and wrote my name down so she probably knows I didnā€™t presentĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 13th

and now I have an english presentation and the teacher asked me who I was working with and I was obviously working alone but I asked if it was okay if when absent person comes back we work together so that she doesnā€™t have to come back to a presentation she needs to do alone and I donā€™t have to do it alone and Iā€™d just finish it off and give her her lines so that itā€™s easier for her.Ā 

and now she wrote my name and her name as one of the groups so now Iā€™m definitely presenting and I know she wouldnā€™t forget about it or let me not do it and she said itā€™s one of the days next week that weā€™re presentingĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 13th

Iā€™m so *** tiredddĀ 

why is it friday it doesnā€™t feel like a friday.Ā 

my friends online but doesnā€™t wanna talk to me Ā 

I donā€™t feel like talking to anyone so itā€™s fineĀ 

my brothers out with his friends today

idk where my dad went

ive been overeating to the point where it hurts like Iā€™ve been throwing food in my mouth and crying so hard because I want to stop and I canā€™t and now I feel idk not good. actually hold on lemme go count the calories-Ā 

Iā€™ve been crying a lot but Iā€™ll get numb again soonĀ 

nvm someone through the box container thingĀ 

nvm wait Iā€™m figuring it outĀ 

747 omg

im so stupid I keep wanting to lose weight and then eating my head offĀ 

I want to go back to the worst part of my anorexia but at that time I had a um- state of mind. that I really really really canā€™t go back to. I was uneducated and immature and dumb and my weight was all I thought about and I canā€™t think and feel the way I did back then anymore so itā€™s hardĀ 

I failed my math test I forgot to talk about that.Ā 


iloveyouxx OP September 13th

Showing results forĀ friendĀ meaning
Search instead forĀ friend meanjng

iloveyouxx OP September 13th

1. :Ā a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another.

iloveyouxx OP September 13th
I genuinely did search that earlier tho I just saw the tab open now I forgot about it. cause Iā€™ve been calling people that asked me for a pencil my friendsĀ 
iloveyouxx OP September 13th


iloveyouxx OP September 13th

I feel nauseous

im just dehydrated/jĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 13th

I went to drink water. and it was so disgusting I almost wanted to spit it outĀ 

and now Iā€™m eating more. itā€™s fine because. Iā€™ll feel better in the morning probablyĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 13th
















9:48pmĀ Ā 
























































whyā€™d that actually help distract me for a while

i genuinely feel so horrible tho I wanna skip to the next dayĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 13th

tomorrow isnā€™t gonna get betterĀ 

I hear someone brb

iloveyouxx OP September 13th

no one came I just got sick- I already was sick I just feel


mytwistedsoul September 14th

@iloveyouxx I hope you're feeling better now šŸ’™

iloveyouxx OP September 14th


aw thank you šŸ’™ I wrote a long post about last night and this morning and Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m gonna post it but Iā€™m not exactly better- xD Iā€™ll just be off for the rest of the weekend probably šŸ’™

unassumingEyes September 14th


Hope you feel better soon šŸ©·

iloveyouxx OP September 14th


šŸ©·thank you šŸ’• I missed you, howā€™re you?/nfatšŸ’—

iloveyouxx OP September 14th

i forgot we talked yesterday but still xD nfta* šŸ©·

unassumingEyes September 15th

@iloveyouxx missed you too šŸ©· i woke up to chaos today. Chaos just finished and i m exhausted and have to study. Isnt that lovely šŸ« Ā 

Howre you? Feeling any better?

iloveyouxx OP September 15th


aw. wish we could catch a breakĀ :') was your mom yelling again? that was upfront but you wanna talk about itšŸ’—

I wish I could say stop studying so much but this years so hard and now I need to study so muchšŸ˜­itā€™s still hard to care tho but then for you itā€™s your parents and expectationsĀ you definitely study more than me. I really hope the year passes fast for both of us (if you want it to because I really want it to TvT) šŸ©·

I donā€™t know but I showered today for the first time in-ā€¦a while. itā€™s not a depression thing I donā€™t even know why I havenā€™t in so long but at least I did today? and Iā€™m still sick and not doing so great in my head xD and nightmares are still really bad and schools tomorrow andillstoplolwhyamistilltalking thankyou for asking tho šŸ’•

can I put a louis photo here to lighten theā€¦atmosphere xD ;-;šŸ’œ



@iloveyouxx we love louisĀ šŸ’–

Tw it wasnt my mom exactly it was a whole situation where grandmother had an eye operation and she was staying at our house after and there were some complications yesterday and we didnt have our driver so we had to call my uncle from the other side of the city and he came and brought medicine and we waited to see if the medicine would work but it wasnt working so he took her to his home so that if there an emergency at night he cld drive her to the hospital and then mom had a migraine from the worry and yelled at us-

Sorry just ignore the rant-

I want the year to be over so bad omg and next year too can i just skip-

I get the nightmares like idk if my dreams are really nightmares its just dreams of me messing up so bad and i wake up so mad at myself xD


Hope u feel better soon! (second time i said it but i gotta say it till it works xD)

iloveyouxx OP September 14th

my friend the absent for a week one went to the hospital and got diagnosed with something serious and sheā€™s been put on a strict isolation to prevent it from spreading until she gets better and sheā€™s not gonna be in school at all any time soon

im so worried and scared and sad Iā€™m not even upset that sheā€™s not coming now Iā€™m just gonna look so targetable because of how um- friendless and weird and lonely Iā€™m gonna look all the time.Ā 

but Iā€™m genuinely so sad it was so random that one day she came before she was absent for a week she was just a little sick and her throat hurt bad but idkĀ 

I donā€™t even feel like anything anymore. those days she wasnā€™t there were so horrible for me not just her not being there but everyone thought they could do anything to me not because if she was there she would defend me but because itā€™s just easier to pick on the lonely kidsĀ 

what if she dies. hold on let me look up the probability. Ā 

so for our age apparently itā€™s more unlikely and younger people are- safer- or like have a better chance of getting better early.Ā 

Iā€™m not calm at all I just donā€™t know what to doĀ 

Iā€™m gonna make her something for the next time I see her. also the diagnosis isnā€™t like something bad to talk about I just feel wrong you know talking about my friends diagnosis even if no one here knows who Iā€™m talking about Iā€™m not even gonna tell my lead teacher if she asks or anyone elseĀ 

I canā€™t even rest anymore my heart rate went up in a minute I didnā€™t even know I cared that much I genuinely didnā€™tĀ 

I havenā€™t even replied yetĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 15th

whyy do I always hate people until they *** die or something and then I realize oh *** I didnā€™t actually hate themĀ 

or I just distance myself from people so much to the point where itā€™s like we never knew each other and then I just lose everyone

but itā€™s never like me making everyone leave and then crying about everyone leaving but something always happens and itā€™s confusingĀ 

in my dream my mom tried to kill me.

iloveyouxx OP September 15th

I thought kll would censor. ?


iloveyouxx OP September 15th

Tw stabbing killing iidk-

I donā€™t know. I donā€™t know what it had to do with anything and why and what it could mean

it was a longggg dream

Ā I actually remember a lot. ish.Ā 

so. she lived far in this big dark ish place

she wanted to kill me cause idk.Ā 

she had a bunch of daughters she was training (to kill meāœØ)

one of her daughters was youngest and was supposed to pretend to be my friend and stuff

and I didnā€™t trust her

and then she took me to this place and then she felt bad and told me they were in there ready and it was all part of their plan

so we ran out and I still didnā€™t trust her

and then we went to her house

and then her mom (my mom-?) came home and the daughter told her she had a friend over and then she was like oh aw bsjbejs

and then she saw me and obviously thought I looked like me (she doesnā€™t know what I look like now irl but yk)Ā 

and I said my name was Nadia (itā€™s notāœØ) I make a lot of my accounts and stuff with the name Nadia

and I was 9 years old and then I think the moms dad came and he saw me and he was like oh she looks so much like- me-

its a really long dream but yk main bitsĀ 

so a lot later I think we were playing a game and idk what happened my real voice slipped out I think and my hair tie fell out and then her mom realized it was me and I saw her holding a knife and I was just acting stupid then she tried to stab me and idk what I did but she fell on the floor with the knife under her pointing upwards so she stabbed herself then I was running out and trying to escape and all her daughters were there and idk what happened afterĀ 


iloveyouxx OP September 15th

I washed my hair today. I felt gross so I asked my dad if I could wash my hair and he looked at me so annoyed and he was like okay Iā€™ll do it for you just wait and I was like bro never mind then cause what do you mean but later he was like youre gonna wash your hair and I was like yeah I want to and he was like okay go so. I washed my hair :> and then I spent a long time waiting for it to dry cause Iā€™m scared Iā€™ll somehow mess everything up using a blowdryer and then I spent a long time trying to straighten it and I straighten my hair almost everyday but today was the day to cry about having ugly natural hair and I was frying my hair so much that my lungs hurt and I put the ac so cold but it was still so hot and the air was like toxicĀ 

my hairs not completely fried tho. I used a heat protectant :> a natural heat protectant, argon oil apparently cause I just found a big bottle of it in front of my mirror so my hair feels betterĀ 

Iā€™m gonna continue soon Iā€™m just resting-