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in the wonders of my mind💗.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷

wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙

to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)


iloveyouxx OP May 8th

no one misses having a freak around. I can’t even explain what my presence does. I can’t. 

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

5 minutes till math.

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

french test p rn-

mytwistedsoul May 8th

@iloveyouxx  good luck! 😊

iloveyouxx OP May 8th


💗 I didn’t end up doing it :P we have to do it next lesson becos we didn’t have time for everyone💜idk I guess I have more time- but everyone that did do it is so overdramatic :’) a girl said sumthing in Spanish in the speaking test-

mytwistedsoul May 8th

@iloveyouxx Omgosh - not to be mean but I had to chuckle at the thought of someone saying something in Spanish during a French test. Mainly because that would totally be something I'd end up doing 😜 

But wow you have to do it in front of everyone else?! 😅 Oh boy no pressure at all with that. 😳😅 I think it's pretty cool that you're learning French! 
iloveyouxx OP May 8th


nono xD teacher realized sum of us have *cough~stage anxiety~* TvT xD su she put a table outside- she put all of our names on this spinning thing on the board and whoever’s name would come up would go outside and answer 6 questions- 6th question was unknown tho. It probably sounds pretty simple :P but it was hard I guess- I mean I didn’t do it- it’s just that the marking scheme is really specific and it’s not like you can answer a way you’d normally answer a normal question :P yknow XD💖

thankyou!🐛🐛🐛🐛~💕my first ever school was a french school- su french was my second language :3 when I was young everyone always talked about how fast I picked things up- not physically ;-;- but languages- right now the languages I can talk full sentences in and understand well are six- english was my third language- I learnt when I was six because we left the french school right before year 1 and that’s where I learnt english :P

ikr😭she said "sí" insteada "oui" cos that’s how you’d say yes in spanish😭plus she was reading off her tablet which the teacher said if you’re reading the answers the maximum marks are 50%-

I got carried away- TvT I’m sorry-🩷

iloveyouxx OP May 8th


ouya but- french is like a side lesson :P💜what does that even mean-

i didnt choose to do French but in this school you have to pick and in this situation it’s my parents have to pick and by parents I mean my dad :P🤍barely anyone’s in french thu so it’s fine🩷

mytwistedsoul May 8th

@iloveyouxx That's really nice of her to do that! I think there's a lot more pressure when you have to talk in front of the class. All those eyes 👀 it can be something you're well versed in and just being in front of a group of people makes you trip and stumble over your words! That's me lol. I hate public speaking 😅

Whoa! 😲 you know six languages! Omgosh that is amazing! And wonderful. Yay you! 😊 That would open so many doors for opportunities I think! You could have a career just about anywhere I bet! I just think that is so cool! 

Ah! Lol si senora 😁 that would be mistake 😅 That on top of reading off her ipad must have really dropped her grade! 

Hey no worries ok? You're welcome to say as much or as little as you want or need to 💙

At least he picked a language that you already know. That would be helpful especially with so much else going on there and with fewer people it's probably less stressful for you
iloveyouxx OP May 8th


omigosh noo I genuinely suck so much when it comes to….*standing* *infront of people* *talking* *while they all stare and judge my every move*…-

I swear- my anxiety just- I get physical symptoms-

*deletes paragraph becos why am I literally so talkative today it’s like I can’t stop yapping-🐛🐛🐛💜*

I hate it too😭🩷the teacher is nice :3💕but everyone hates her.💙when they say stuff about her I just laugh at the laughs :P💜not at the joke- why’re sum people’s laughs so funny-

awe thankyuu!💓💓loll career :3🤍I fail life su I don’t think I’ll have a career🐢🐢✨thankyu💕💗sum of them I just. woke up. :P💜and thought- I should learn that :00🩷mostly for sign language- it was so random but I just woke up and was like :00 I should :0 learn sign language :00.💓

XD✨it went horrible for her but she didn’t care after xD💕this is our last french test this year- becos we’ve done reading writing listening and this is just the speaking and that’d be it :P💜but then we’d have all the PTs and NGRT tests for all the other subjects it’s eurgh😭💜


i mean yeah🤍but I used to be like fluent fluent in french :’) idk how- our french school was *really* extreme- I was barely in kindergarten TvT💜but now I just know things like.. car, eggs(why’d I start with these XD?), I’m quite (x), but I’m not very (x), I like (x), I don’t like (x), I wear (x), normally, often, every (x), I know (x), I don’t know (x), ….nvm there are too many random things to get to-

moms🩷I just have bad memories in that class but it is less stressful🩷

iloveyouxx OP May 8th


whys sum text smaller than the other😭

also…..;-;…mhms* not moms-


mytwistedsoul May 9th

@iloveyouxx The funny thing is everybody wants to tell you that other people really aren't paying that much attention to you. I don't believe that lol. I'm standing in front of everyone and I'm supposed to believe they're not paying attention to me 😅

Sign language is a good one to know because you never know you might meet someone who needs someone to translate something for them. I can see that as a bonus. I actually know a little Spanish. Well I can tell the story of the little red hen anyway 😂 and count. I know the cuss words and can ask for a beer or lemonade and the bathroom 😁 😂 

Oh man you have a lot of tests. 😬 I'm bad at tests. Well I was pretty bad at school all the way around lol
😁 I love autocorrect and the random words it throws out but sometimes I'm really glad I double check before I post 😅 

I'm sorry you have bad memories of that class. Things like that seem to stick with us and sometimes taint things for us later 😕

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

too much happened today.

iloveyouxx OP May 8th


iloveyouxx OP May 8th

omigod- TW* sorry.-



iloveyouxx OP May 8th

I wanna say sorry again but would that be annoying-?-

none of my names are there. it’s so unclear fsr but my friends mentioned there and i swear I’m bringing that to head of year-

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

It’s the same girl that got threatened to death.

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

I feel so bad for her-

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

every time I talk to her we have to whisper. every time we wanna go to break we can’t sit down because she’s always scared they’re following her 

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

one of them is the girl that called me uneducated. the one that got a 4- cheating with chatgpt☠️I got a 9+. -

she doesn’t even hurt me. I don’t have a codename for her because I literally don’t know how to make one she’s so indescribable.

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

"I hate fat people. they just don’t know limits"

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

"…? why do you care if he’s gonna commit suic.ide…??"

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

"I swear I can mind read- I watched a youtube tutorial"

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

honestly I don’t care about anyone’s beliefs. I don’t believe them I don’t judge them I don’t think about them I literally just don’t care. I don’t care what you believe in- it doesn’t matter to me. 

but her mind reading was staring at me for a couple of seconds- then screaming and saying I have a crush on this guy I forgot existed-.

she said it "only works when there’re strong emotions like love" 

oh yeah. and then she said "don’t worryyy (my name-) it’s only gonna be between you and me(*she winked here which what-*) and the friends I’m gonna tell(*winks again-*)"

iloveyouxx OP May 8th

I’m so scared.

iloveyouxx OP May 9th


mytwistedsoul May 9th

@iloveyouxx Don't you sleep much? 

iloveyouxx OP May 9th


lolll- nu I don’t. at all :>🤍it’s 7am now and I’m leaving for school soon but why?💜

mytwistedsoul May 9th

@iloveyouxx Is there a reason you don't? If it's ok to ask of course. There's no pressure to answer :)

iloveyouxx OP May 9th


at school-

mm yus I mean.. life’s way too much to just- sleep :')🤍I’m not just gonna close my eyes and be all calm or anything and I just can’t.🤍also every time I do sleep I get horrible nightmares or I sleep too much- too much being 4hours (or less-🤍)since I would’ve already slept late-

we have to work on this project brb :P💜ttyl friend🩷

mytwistedsoul May 9th

@iloveyouxx Nightmares are hard 😞 I'm sorry you have to deal with those. I hope you can one day work through them and can get better sleep. 

How did your project go? 
iloveyouxx OP May 9th



It’s actually a presentation :00 friend do yu knuw how in sum schools they do that SLC presentation thing about I dunno reached targets next year’s targets this year’s achievements and all that :P we’re starting to work on that :0 I looked at mine last year and omge I was so cute and silly and dumb and cringey and smart and nerdy and cute😭😭😭🥺can I show yu xD just screenshots- idk where the confidence came from-

mytwistedsoul May 9th

@iloveyouxx SLC stands for student led conferences/ committee? I've heard of them but have never been part of one. It must have been strange to see yourself so confident. Did something happen that caused you to lose that? Or has anxiety just been getting worse as time went on?

Of course you're welcome to share screenshots, you're welcome to share whatever you're comfortable with!
iloveyouxx OP May 9th

shadows in-

iloveyouxx OP May 9th

idk why I’m so mad.

iloveyouxx OP May 9th

I can’t breathe-

iloveyouxx OP May 9th

why were they clapping what- :’)

it was embarrassing but sweet-

iloveyouxx OP May 9th

I definitely failed tho-

iloveyouxx OP May 9th

last 10minutes are free🐛🐛🐛🐛

I actually don’t suck rn. I just can’t say anything negative cos then I’d start crying again-