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in the wonders of my mind💗.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷

wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙

to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)


iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I was best friends with someone with really serious mental problems that planned to off me. 

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

they had a pocket knife and a spare too. they’ve gotten poison to school before. and they’d always say the freakiest things.

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

we were eleven :') not even eleven- ten. she was ten.

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

she went to therapy. except no she didn’t. her mom did to ask what medicine to get for her and she’d stand outside. it made me so mad..

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

then they’d get her medicine for sleeping problems…

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

she was caught in an english class holding out her knife and everyone surrounded her.

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I’ve seen people hold a knife up to my face and threaten me to death.

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

one time I told that girl I preferred working alone. nothing big and I said it really kindly. I just wasn’t feeling the best.

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

she pulled out her knife and said "you’re either here working with me *evil grin lmao* or….youre in ***"

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

yeah. knew it’d censor.

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I’ve seen rapists. 

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I used to live in a place where wherever you’d go- and being literal- wherever you’d go- there’d be a bunch of old guys smoking cigarettes at the side of the road- and they’d look you up and down and either whistle or do that thing where they’d drag their tongue on their teeth..some disgusting ***..

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I’ve lived in that place since I was four- and moved when I was eleven/twelve

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I moved to this place labeled as "one of the safest places in the world" online-

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I told one persun about the gun I found. the gun my dad owned. 

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

they said they don’t believe me. becos "why would a gun be in one of the safest places in the whole world"

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

mm yeah I wonder why. :')

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

maybe it was the safest before we moved.

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

the crime rates are honestly pretty low..

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I love how the most common crime in my country is rape 

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I love how 98% of women in my country had experienced SA and only 12% had reported it.

iloveyouxx OP March 25th


iloveyouxx OP March 25th

guys in my country are freaky..

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

someone thought I was a celebrity one time :P

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I genuinely thought they were kidding at first. but like they were being serious :') it was 2 guys- ended up fighting cos of me :P 

fighting over a signature and also cos one of them said they watched my show and loved it and they also said they were from the same place then the second guy pushed him and said no he didn’t and yeah :P 

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

my brother just pulled me out of there :') and those 2 guys stared at me till I was out of sight…

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I found a new depressing artist :0🖤

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

aw love her already. :P I like depressing things🖤

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I had to go. I just watched the last part of my favorite series :')

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

a new part of the series would get released everyday right at sunset

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I have too much going on in my mind rn:')

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th

*peeks and leaves a warm, gentle huggie wuggie for nadsey beanie* 🥺 (nadsey friend, me peeked and saw your reply in the corner, me will reply when me can 💜 so me brought my pass with me :P me hopes it okie to leave a warm huggie for you. me believes you deserve hugs 🥺) 

iloveyouxx OP March 25th



(take your time loveliestnibeanie💕yus good now you officially vv welcome to be in this forum anytime for any reason xD💓it’s vv okies💜*gives back a v much well deserved comfy huggiewuggie for the loveliest niibeannn*🥺💖)


LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


*huggles loveliestnadiabeanie and doesn’t let go* 🥺💜 

nadsies… does you ever have that feeling… you feel the need to huggie a cups friend vvv tight - like a real huggie, not just a virtual one? People are so freaking sweet sometimes it amazes me that people so sweet can exist. It amazes me someone as sweet as nadia friend exists 🥺😭 Usually, I just take my pillow friend and huggie it and imagine it’s my cups friend lol. (Yep, my pillow is my friend, it has a name too… just like my blankie and my other pillows.) 

*Sends 50000000000000000000000 vvv big huggies for Nadia friend* 💜

iloveyouxx OP March 25th


awwwe nu I do have that feeling🩷it amazes me how someone as sweet as nibeann exists🥺💜

I remember being a newbie- you were one of the first people I talked to <3 I remember you having that kind of outline of a kittie pfp :3 and you said I could call you moon/flowers but that some people call you ni💕you were always so sweet frend💓idk how I still do- but I remember every bit of that convo :PP🤍I was a weird newbie xD💙but you were always so kind and supportive💜

awwwee whys that so cute🌈💖I’d totally name things in my room if they didn’t scare me at night loll T^T🤍I have a penguin stuffie kinda thing and it stares at me all like👁️👄👁️

I turn it the other way but like😭

what’s their names hehe :3🛌💗/nfta

*sends 121452627289918384764435262728191091827265343434353646655654121213324242443535466474858595905 vvvvvv big huggies for nifren*💜😛

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


Omg. That’s so cute lol. somehow i don’t remember this conversation, i remember i probably told you something like that, yep because that’s pretty much what i tell everyone when they ask what my name is/ what I’d like to be called 😅 it’s so sweet of you to remember that entire conversation though. 🥺💜 And any kindness you received then, any kindness you receive now, buddy, I promise you deserve it. <3 

Awwe I don’t think you were weird at all. You were so sweet, always, such a kind presence in the rooms and in the forums. <3 even when your having a hard time yourself… at home, at school, in your life… 😞 When life is being horribly mean to you and things are hard, you never fail to make your friends smile and feel so warm. 💜 Your the best *you.* 💜 I don’t think your weird…. That is, unless weird means something absolutely amazing and beautiful. <3 one of our friends said weird is elite, remember? :P /lh 

Awwe. Dw friend your not alone i see things in the dark too :') all the time, every night… which is why I always create a little space with my duvet. I hideyy under my duvet with something to fiddle with 😅 and imagine there’s some monster peering down at me from outside my little tent 😭😭 I genuinely can’t help it it just happens 😭😭 

good thing you can turn around the penguin. I have a little emoji plushie thing. It’s this face 😉 but some of the winky eye is messed up and it looks w e i r d but not like nice-weird. It kinda freaks me out. 

Awwe they’re weird names lol 😭 Cloudash is one of them 🤪 and my blankies name is Moon, in my native language 😮💜 

iloveyouxx OP March 25th


nuh uhh T^T I was v weird TvT🤍and a weird presence too😭omg do you remember when I’d keep putting “: )” since without space it’d turn to emoji😭I could’ve went (: but no😭also when I said when someone asked what I wanted to be when I was older- I said- uh😭yk TvT I was such a negative and annoying presence to be around T^T🤍I literally told someone my school life was harder TvT and I vented a bunch of times T^T like dud I’m sorry but literally no one cares T^T/to me.🤍I had some really bad experiences thu :P reallyreally bad..🤍you know I still remember that thing where I said I had trauma and you and a couple of others started saying everyone has trauma :') it’s nothing big but I guess it just idk.🤍 made me realize it didn’t really matter. *i* didn’t really matter :')🤍also one time I said I was having a reallyreally hard day and someone said everyone has hard days- another time someone in rainbow room sent a.."inappropriate" photo :P he said it was a doggie pic- I opened it and flashbacked and panicked- everyone started telling him it wasn’t cos of him and it wasn’t his fault tho he was literally fine :')🤍I ended up at the hospital till the next day :3🤍and I for sure lost count of all the guys that tried to be inappropriate on here towards me :')🤍

that was unnecessary :D💜but I feel like I just had to go through a decent amount of stuff to stop being that persun I was :'3💙

ee D: that sounds freaky D: I have a panda plushie hehe :3🐼🩷it’s actually really cutu- if I can I’ll show you a photo at some point :0💜

cloudash xD☁️✨I loves that😛ooo :0🩷moon🖤I don’t think these are weird at alls frend :o💜

sorry for replying late- my grandma needed help🩷is it just me or like aren’t old people so cute🥺💜yeah it’s just me :')💙but like they’re not baby-cute or kittie-cute. they’re more- innocent and clueless and soso sweeetttt and kindhearted and loving and innocent again lol🥺and that makes them cute to me💜at least the ones I knuw💕💕

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

I liked that series. when I watched it everything else around me would just…leave my mind.

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

for just 40minutes to an hour I’d forget it all- everything.

iloveyouxx OP March 25th

mm someone get this audio outta my head :')