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@amiableBunny4016 space

amiableBunny4016 November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone,

Im gonna be posting here every week. So.. you may or may not have seen my poems across 7cups or my writing. Anyways, if you have not then thats okay.

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Bunny/Violet/Bun Bun. I am from the UK and I am 13 years old. So I came here to inspire, to love, to show kindness and to be respected. The biggest power on this planet is love and kindness. Humanity is in a state of disaster. Panic. Hatred. But hate never beats love. Because love has more power than hate.

I was bullied for over 6 years. I learnt alot across the years. I learnt to overcome. Learnt to love. Learnt to forgive. I am human. I am not a robot. I am not a stranger anymore. I am me. And if people wanna judge me for who I am then I say.... I forgive them. And I know that they can change.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Humanity is changing. The world is awakening. And more and more people are realising the reality. The reality of social media. The reality of trauma. The reality of life. This is who we are. And together we form as 1.

We live in a big world. Scary. Isn't it? But its to beautiful. Its so beautiful how the sun rises. How then stars glimmer every night. How the wind howls. Isn't it? and we dont realise how beautiful it really is until..... we think about it. Think deeply about it and you will find how beautiful it is.

If your feeling alone right now. just know that.....

Your strong. Even if you dont believe it.

Your worthy. Even if you dont believe it.

You can get through this.

I am here for you.

We are here for you.

Thanks for reading, This is me, Bunny and this is my world.

Take care,


Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 17th, 2023


Nope, no such thing as failure here, you just found something pretty cool to unlearn/ learn and improve upon, which is a YAY thing because we are all work-in-progress at all times, continually trying to do our best, in making sense of this L thing... life?! Lol, yeah we trying, and it sure is more than enough! ❤

So the pretty cool thing to learn here is that, Bunny deserves to prioritize her needs and self care also, and do her best in caring for herself, perhaps the same way she cares for everyone else around her! ❤



Heartsandrosesandpaws March 18th, 2023


my iPad keyboard is acting up.

It takes a lot of bravery to to Amit that something is not right . Proud of you. Stay strong one day at a time. ❤️❤️ 🌈. Hugs. Blanket and pillow. 🍪 I heard that teens like thier cookies

amiableBunny4016 OP March 17th, 2023

Heya all,

Hope your all doing okay ❤️just a reminder you are allowed to use this space for venting your struggles ❤️we are here 4 u!!!! . Your beautiful ❤️

today is a bit sensitive and I'm very insecure but I know that's *okay* but yeah here we go.
Tw/body image
When I was 10 , I was scared of being ugly. Every time I tried to take a shower , the more insecure I felt about myself. At the age of 12, I started to stop eating. I barely ate anything. I'm 13 now... My insecurities still haunt me. But we learn to love our body ❤️because your body is *beautiful* and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. So here is a something for all of u.

As a kid.
You see princesses.
With beautiful hair.
With a perfect body.
With eyes that shine.
When you grow up...
You encounter social media.
Endlessly scrolling through..
"Perfect body"
And endless body and beauty standards.
You wanna wear makeup to feel beautiful.
You wanna stop eating.
Or you wanna start eating.
You wanna cover your marks and scars.
Societies beauty standards hit you.
When we are brave...
And when we love our body.
They make us feel weak.
"Your too fat"
"Your face is ugly. "
"You look like a skeleton"
"Do you even eat anything?"
It's like . They tell us the same thing over and over...
"Don't be to overconfident our you'll be judged "
My stretch marks.
Don't define me.
My scars ..
Are beautiful.
I am beautiful.
And I don't need to follow your standards...
To be your beautiful.
Because I'm my beautiful .
The way I wanna be.
And you look in a mirror...
The same...
But your not.
Your beautiful..
Your brave.
Your you.

amiableBunny4016 OP March 18th, 2023

The Rain

I could hear the rain from inside..

Staring out of my window.

At the sad , grumpy grey clouds.

Blue sky covered by grey clouds..

Maybe when I do sit in the dark..

The clouds will cry with me.

Every drop...

Represents a tear out of my eye.

Represents my bleeding heart and soul.

Represents my lonlieness and my hardships.

Represents a dear soul..

I'm not a robot.

A dear soul who had feelings.

Who had a life..

That she owed.

A soul...

A beautiful young girl...

Who's dreams and hopes were ripped an damaged.

Seems like the rain does last a long time...

Pitter patter pitter patter.

As the rain gets heavier.

The sounds get louder.

And the voices get bigger inside my head.


amiableBunny4016 OP March 18th, 2023

It's been almost 4 months or more that this forum thread exists. It has taught me alot about myself. About the people around me. But you all made this life war worth fighting! I love you all thank you for everything.

@Daf8 @YourCaringConfidant @Jefferythebunny319 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Nomifordays @TabbyCat97

Heartsandrosesandpaws March 19th, 2023


I am so glad that this forum is helping u so much.

Nomifordays March 19th, 2023


aww honeybun ilysm too 💖

you've helped me and guided me when i needed the most. your words and poems and just you is so powerful and moving and inspiring. never give up writing ok? you're going good places with these poems. i care and appreciate you more than you'll ever know.

dont be too mean to yourself ok? give yourself love and kindness cause you deserve it :')

amiableBunny4016 OP March 19th, 2023


awwwwwwwwww Naomiii❤️❤️❤️ilysm buddy. your literally like ... my best friend in the chatrooms. i love the weird talk about space we had today in positvity corner 😭i literally laughed my eyes out. your so so so amazing and i love you so much. you make my day so much brighter! your wonderful to be friends with!

Also, take care of yourself okay? Your not worthless or ugly. your beautiful. I love you so much. You deserve so much more happiness than you think.❤️



YourCaringConfidant March 19th, 2023
amiableBunny4016 OP March 19th, 2023


There you go again Desiree. Your literally a master at graphics and lifting up others❤️❤️❤️I cannot thank you enough sometimes. You are AMAZING and WONDERFUL and literally...... I cannot find enough words to describe such a caring person. 😭 You are literally a part of me. You have taught me so much about myself, things I would have never known or learnt. Your literally a blessing to the world. My graphics arent even enough to describe you 😭


Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 20th, 2023


Aww it's been an honor being a part of your journey, Bunnyyyy, you're a lovely lovely being who has her struggles and braves through every single one of them all while staying kind, loving, appreciative and exactly as *yourself*. Always super proud of you and how far you've come; Always believe in you and how far you'll go. Loaf ya more, shining buddy! Can't wait to make more memories with youuu! *hugssss* ❤

Daf8 March 20th, 2023

❤️ So right now I'm a mess (came back to my city and everything is a disaster) buuuuuut I need to tell you that I love your poems and writing in general (it's a r t ), that I'm here for you, that you're more than enough just the way you are, that you're beautiful, that you're loved and that I'm proud of you ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP March 20th, 2023


My pms always open to you. Aww. Daf, im sorry it was disaster. hope everything gets better for you soon you beautiful human! aww❤️❤️you literally the sweetest. thank you Daf!!!

Daf8 March 20th, 2023

❤️ Thank you, truly. The same goes for you, okie? You always have my support ❤️

❤️ Thank you, same here! I hope things get better for you soon. You're a beautiful, sweet, unique, amorous, loving and outstanding person, so thank *you*. *Hugs* ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP March 20th, 2023


*huggles Daf*


Daf8 March 20th, 2023

❤️ *Huggles the magical, worthy and splendid Bunny* ❤️


amiableBunny4016 OP March 19th, 2023

If I was defined.... - Poem by @amiablebunny4016- This poem is dedicated to the people who once thought it was okay to use their words as a weapon against me.

If I was defined by


Then I would be a monster to everyone.

I would be inhumane.

if I was defined by

"You are not good enough"

Then I would be a terrible human being.

I would be everyone's nightmare.

If I was defined by...

Your words.

I would no longer stay.

I would have said goodbye.

I wouldn't know what to say.

If I was defined by hate.

Then I would hate you too.....

But I don't

Because the world hates me, I am not a fool.

If I was defined by stupid.

Then what does stupid mean?

If I was defined by useless.

I wouldn't have a use.

But I have a use.

I was used.

I was manipulated.

You used me.

So maybe I am quiet useful.

If I was defined by all the negative words in the world.

The number of words would be too significant.

Even the whole dictionary could have defined me.

If I was defined by your actions....

Your actions broke me apart.

and There I was all alone.....

To fend for myself.

Those days are never forgotten....

And here I am again.

Spinning in the same cycle of life.

Fighting the same problems over and over.

Just know....

I am not defined by you.

Because you defined yourself.

So thank you.

Thank you for giving me strength.

Thank you for letting me know.....

That I was ugly, stupid, annoying....

Thank you for ripping me apart.....

Now I know.....

That my broken pieces....

Were just as beautiful.

Just as shiny.

Just as broken...

As my fixed ones.

And If you ever try to define me.....

With your words.

Or your actions.

I will tear myself apart.

So no need to tear me apart lovely.

I have damaged myself for you.

Goodbye. Lovely friend.

I'll see you very soon.


TabbyCat97 March 20th, 2023


Sending hugs bunny, you're amazing at writing, amazing at poems too. This is so sad anyone could say this to bunny. You're totally amazing lovely ♡

Sending hugs

Tab tab

amiableBunny4016 OP March 19th, 2023

"Grow up quickly time told me. " -@amiablebunny4016

amiableBunny4016 OP March 22nd, 2023

"Sticks and stones can break our bones but words can break out heart "

During my time on 7cups I have recalled this quote quiet alot and I thought it's important to bring this up again.

Sometimes the world will throw sticks and stones at us whilst they watch us get hurt. Our wounds and scars slowly appear. And the true reality of the world shows itself.

If your going to use your words to be unkind then don't use them. It's as simple as that.

Words hurt. But if you use words for good.. you can change the world.

Actions speak more than words. Words speak more than actions. What I have learnt over the past few years is that actions lead to words and sometimes words lead to actions.

A few weeks ago, I met a girl at my school. One day she dropped something accidentally (one of her belongings). I found the courage to pick it up and I ran after her as she had gone. I looked for her all over school and when I found her I returned her belongings.. she looked at me and smiled. The words she said changed me. "Thank you for returning this". Not only her words, but her smile brought joy to my heart. Since then, I only learnt... Find joy in small acts of kindness. My actions lead to her kind words. Her kindness and smile brought my happiness. Actions and words speak the same language.

Anyways, hope you liked this post


amiableBunny4016 OP March 25th, 2023


tw; suicide

Once again, i dont know if this forum will poof. but yes, i tried to do it again. i tried to escape with su1cide. so.... yes. im fine now. just suffering.

amiableBunny4016 OP March 26th, 2023


Here we go again 💜with another post


I let the darkness of the world lay a finger on me. And.. maybe the darkness of the world cast a shadow above my head. Sometimes when a person can be so weak the world will throw sticks and stones at that person. And our dear world already turned upside down watches us from above. The world watches and waits. Will humanity ever change.. and if my words truly meant anything.. were my words meant to be??

Sometimes I question myself. Do people truly like what they read from me or are they nice because they have to be?

Maybe I might be sitting in the darkest days just know I love you. Thank you for everything.


amiableBunny4016 OP March 27th, 2023

🍪Want a cookie? Here 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪


Your beautiful.❤️


Well done for coming this far❤️

Also ..

Thank you for being you ❤️

Never forget how amazing you can be.

Our wounds and scars always lead to our most beautiful parts

BlueRivercares March 28th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 you are amazing too *shares chocolate and cookies* with cozy *hugs* :)

Emerbliss March 28th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016, these are so soothing words. Thank you. Also

Thank you for being you bunny. All of us want you here - in whatever form you can be, we want you . we love you .Thank you.

Heartsandrosesandpaws March 28th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP March 28th, 2023

hello all,

Hope everyone is okay❤️I am sorry, I haven't been able to write. Sooo as a little favour back for you all . Here we gooooo........

________ __ ____________________________ __ ______________________________ __ _____________

Everyday, I woke up with this deep dread and overwhelming feeling. The weight of the darkness and fear of the world had weighed inside of me, it was like lifting I was carrying a big, heavy bag on my back. And this weight would consume my thoughts and my feelings. Drown me in the darkness of my surroundings. And I tried to fight it back but it was a shadow following me. Every step I take, I found myself in the deep darkness of this shadow. This thought. And there I was, fighting for myself. Even though I had already left everyone's hearts. I woke up in the darkness, slept with darkness, let the darkness swallow me. This darkness will follow me to my grave. And there I was. Waiting for the sun to rise once more.... And if it will. Waiting for my nightmares to become dreams. For me to become the person I always wanted to be. Some people used to tell me, "You can't focus on every problem, you will never be able to save the world". But in a world where we can walk, sing, create... and even survive, there is always a way to save the world. His story. Her story. Their story. Our story. We are our characters of our book. We are the hero to our story. Not every hero becomes a hero without fighting. Life will fight us. Its just a matter of fighting back. Seeing , waiting.... what life will bring next....


amiableBunny4016 OP March 29th, 2023


YourCaringConfidant March 30th, 2023
@amiableBunny4016 And with all that you said and all that I read... Bunny has a long, beautiful life before her! You are the author and illustrator of your story. Make your story a great one. Don't just spew words, say words, write words.... in stead, truly believe your words! You are soooo bright and mature for your age. Wise for your age. I wish nothing bur happiness for you. I wish you a long, happy, beautiful, successful life. You will be somebody great in life... Correction-- you are already somebody great. Hugs Bunny! 🤗 🐰
amiableBunny4016 OP March 30th, 2023

I can't do this anymore. I'm done. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Please.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 30th, 2023


*sitting with you right here and hugging you tight*❤

Let's take it one breath at a time, okie?❤


amiableBunny4016 OP March 30th, 2023


its all just a huge mess Sun. its all just a mess. I've ruined my whole life. Ruined too many lives. That no one has any idea of. I'm sorry. I just.... can't. Im done with crying so much.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 30th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 aw it's okie to cry. *still hugging* ❤

amiableBunny4016 OP March 30th, 2023

This poem is dedicated to my young brother who I wish I could protect

I'm sorry little brother

I'm sorry.

I love you little brother.

You were the answer to my questions.

The smile to my joy.

The tears to my sadness

Your sister wasn't powerful.

Or brave.

Your sister wasnt the big sister we always imagined..

It wasn't the sister the world imagined.

But your sister loves you.

I love you.

And I know ..

In a home when we had already left everyone's hearts...

Where we were left to fight for ourselves.

Our peace and serenity vanished.

But I am here with you little brother.

You can take my love.

I know to the world..

We seem helpless..

Just like normal brothers and sisters...

But to me ...

We are like best friends.

And I promise...

I won't let anything in the world hurt you.

Even if it means my life.

I love you little brother.

You were the motivation for my existence.

I love you.

I want to hold on to you tight.

Hug and you be with you.

Hold you close to my heart

Just where we belong.

Our heart is our home.

It's where kindness and love can come from.

Our real home is not a home .

It's just a house.

With no family.

But me and you.

Little brother ....

You may not understand your sister when your only 10.

But I will get us out of here.

Don't fear

We conquer the world together.

No one can seperate us ever.

I love you little brother.

Never forget..

How much we did to fight for each other.

I will keep fighting for you.

And I'm sure when you grow up...

We will fight for each other.

And love each other.

Just like brothers and sisters are meant to be.

I'll teach you the way of the world.

And you teach me your way.

And your sister...

She is a conqueror of the world

She is your protector.

She will never let you down.

I will never.

And we will teach the world who we really are.

We will rise afar.

We will build a world together...

We never imagined.


Together .

The 2 of us.

I love you little brother.

Bunny 🐇

amiableBunny4016 OP March 30th, 2023

I don't get my life or my situation get in the way of love. My love cannot be destroyed. For someone that is a part of me.❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP March 31st, 2023


amiableBunny4016 OP April 1st, 2023


Do it - Poem by @amiablebunny4016



One day you said..

That whatever happens..

You would protect me.

That apperantly you loved me.

But then you did the same thing you didn't want.

Do it...

Do it please.

Scream at me mom.

Tell me to die. Dad just say it.

Strangle me.

Beat me up.

Light a lighter and try burn me.

Call me names.

Swear at me.

Just do it.

Do it again.

One more time..


And then..

Make me stand in front of that stupid mirror.

And make me say everything again.

Make me say I'm worthless

But next time when you make me stand there...

Look into the mirror.

And look into your reflection.

Look at yourself.

Are you proud of yourself?

For all this.

Look at me...

I'm a child.

I have love.

I have love for you

I need you.

Your the only people I need right now.

But you can't be there.

And it's just not fair

Seems like it will always be...

The way you wanted it to be.

And nothing is up to me.



mytwistedsoul January 2nd

@amiableBunny4016 😞 💙

amiableBunny4016 OP April 1st, 2023


amiableBunny4016 OP April 1st, 2023

Stories by @amiablebunny4016

"We were born to tell stories that were never meant to be told"

Our story is our shadow, following us everywhere we go.

Our people, friends, family are our heart, our thoughts are what society taught us to be the best.

Our faith, is what we believe in, what we rely on, what we scream and bang our heads on most of our lives. Ask for the pain to stop. For everything to end.

Our life is what we breathe and fight for, to breathe is to live, but to really live is to breathe gracefully in joy and happiness. To twist our souls and hearts to consume kindness and love and to devour and defeat hatred.

The cloth that blinds our eyes into hatred and doubt. Doubt and hatred can be so dangerous, it can lead to blame.And so we fight each other for the things we need or want.

Our love becomes hates. Our hate becomes love. And slowly... slowly we cant find love for ourselves because we are devoured by self-hate. Because often hating others takes us to the wrong direction of self hate.

Our actions are our sins, and our actions can be what we put effort into being. Doing. Doing what we were meant to do. Not what everyone else told us to do.

Yet we follow. Follow the beauty standards, follow the standards that were set. By people. By people who thought beauty had limits.

That beauty had to be a different faith than ugly?

But what was ugly?

and what was beautiful?

what were we?

There is also an quote that said:

"No one is born ugly. The problem is we are born in a judgemental society".

Let me tell you something that shall stay with you forever.

We are neither ugly or beautiful.

We are who we shall be and who we were born to be.

I was scrolling and I found a quote that I so hugely admire.

It stated "Do you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?" .

Of course we don't.

Because the minute we are born..

We are told whats right and whats wrong.

What not, and what we shall do.

What to be and what not to be.

Who are we?

And so we hide from the world, hide from the world up and above, hide from the world under the ground, hide from the world left and right.

And fear instantly hits so hard.

And it hurts so bad.

Hurts too bad.

Beauty wasn't the only problem in the world.

But I grew up......

Being told to only care about the problems that were in my control.

To care about myself.

Because everyone leaves us.

But now that I care so much.

I can't let go.


tagging some beautiful people who have been here with me:

@YourCaringConfidant @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Jefferythebunny319 @shinequeen001 @TabbyCat97