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@amiableBunny4016 space

amiableBunny4016 November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone,

Im gonna be posting here every week. So.. you may or may not have seen my poems across 7cups or my writing. Anyways, if you have not then thats okay.

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Bunny/Violet/Bun Bun. I am from the UK and I am 13 years old. So I came here to inspire, to love, to show kindness and to be respected. The biggest power on this planet is love and kindness. Humanity is in a state of disaster. Panic. Hatred. But hate never beats love. Because love has more power than hate.

I was bullied for over 6 years. I learnt alot across the years. I learnt to overcome. Learnt to love. Learnt to forgive. I am human. I am not a robot. I am not a stranger anymore. I am me. And if people wanna judge me for who I am then I say.... I forgive them. And I know that they can change.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Humanity is changing. The world is awakening. And more and more people are realising the reality. The reality of social media. The reality of trauma. The reality of life. This is who we are. And together we form as 1.

We live in a big world. Scary. Isn't it? But its to beautiful. Its so beautiful how the sun rises. How then stars glimmer every night. How the wind howls. Isn't it? and we dont realise how beautiful it really is until..... we think about it. Think deeply about it and you will find how beautiful it is.

If your feeling alone right now. just know that.....

Your strong. Even if you dont believe it.

Your worthy. Even if you dont believe it.

You can get through this.

I am here for you.

We are here for you.

Thanks for reading, This is me, Bunny and this is my world.

Take care,


Daf8 March 2nd, 2023

❤️ Day 61 of 2023 adoring Bunny and this thread: You surely can't sleep because there's too much awesomeness in you! So, I finally am able to be back to contemplate this thread full of art and I must say it's as splendid as always. You grow every single day but also somehow always manage to multiply your skills and wisdom like it's a piece of cake. I missed you and I missed a lot of "reports" on this thread, but never missed them in my mind and heart. And Bunny, I know some people and situations are agony, but please remember that what your brain tells you about you is a gigantic lie. You are astonishing, okay? Keep being you. *Hugs* ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP March 2nd, 2023


Omgggggg...... Daf........ its finally you! I was thinking about you just last night Daf because I was reading through my old posts. hehe. I missed you so so so so much! lol. hehe. its actually not easy to write out all this. But from day to day I learn new skills. hehe. And you are amazing okay? Love ya Daf. Stay awesomee!❤️


Daf8 March 5th, 2023

❤️ Yes, finally!!! Awww, you are so sweet! I missed you a lot too ❤️

❤️ It's okay, no pressure. I adore you and I'm proud of your growth ❤️

❤️ Thank you, but *you* are extraordinary and marvellous! Keep being you ❤️

TabbyCat97 March 2nd, 2023


Awhh noo Bunny ♡ sending sleepy beams !



amiableBunny4016 OP March 2nd, 2023


Hope you all are okay.


This is a vent post so trigger warning: abuse

Me and my mom had an arguement today. And it really made me realise how much words hurt. Told me that even dad is sick of me and doesn't love me. That the world is better without me. That my mental health was fake. Shouted at me. Its was I call mental abuse. Constantly hurting me. Telling me that if I didn't exist her tounge wouldn't hurt so much and her heart wouldn't best this loud. I wonder if she ever feels my pain. I wonder if the world loves me. I wonder if you will ever accept me. I wonder if anyone believes me.


TabbyCat97 March 3rd, 2023


Sending massive hugs bunny, I know it feels so awful when home is like this. These words they say aren't true I promise you, I know that's hard for you to believe buddy but we love you so much and you're so important. And your mental health struggles are real, they are valid. Sending big hugs from Tabbbwee ♡

Heartsandrosesandpaws March 3rd, 2023


I do hope one day you will find someone you cares and loves you for who you are.

I can related to a family. Member being so means.

hugs if accepted

Daf8 March 5th, 2023

❤️ Day 64 of 2023 loving this thread and Bunny: I have to retype because I lost the entire post before being able to post it but Bunny is worth it so here I go! ❤️

❤️ Words, indeed, hurt, and you are smart and wise and realized it early on. I'm really sorry she said all those terrible things. I'd feel shattered, too. However, please remember not all words say the truth. The world is a much better place because you are in it. Your struggles are real, valid and important (just like your feelings!). The fact that you suffer this atrocious abuse is the living example of injustice. She seems to be a lot of words I cannot type without having a talk with the censor, but she is *not* telling the truth. In here, we all accept and love you for who you are. We believe you. I know it hurts (and we are here for you), but please remember you are outstanding, important, valid, wonderful, magnificent, accepted, appreciated, noticed and loved. Thank you for being you, Bunny ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP March 3rd, 2023

Someone once told me you have to be strong and courageous to live in the scary world.

but how to have courage when you have lost all your strength?

amiableBunny4016 OP March 3rd, 2023

Hey beautiful people,

When you shine your light in the darkness of life , you shine light amongst people, people you love, people you care about , people who we describe as our 'family" or our "friend", we even shine light on strangers. During the day the stars and the moon hang in the sky providing light. To guide us through the dark. And even tho their shine isn't as bright as the sun, small glimmers of hope shine in the sky. In the day the sun rises and a big ball of beautiful light shines amongst us. So even in the dark, life gets better. Even in the day, life will get better. You are your own spark. You have this beautiful flame inside of you. Embrace it love. You got this.



TabbyCat97 March 3rd, 2023


This is beautiful bunny ♡

You're incredible my wonderful friend

Massive hugs


SilverMistakes March 4th, 2023


That's a beautiful thought bunny!!❣️


"You are your own spark



I am pinning that in mind!🍀

amiableBunny4016 OP March 5th, 2023


Well *** . I got *** up didn't I? I can't even *** reply properly. My life really did get to me badly. Anyways, hope you all are doing well. I know i have been a bit inactive in this corner but yeah. Here is a poem. And even tho I am *** feel free to read it and cry in loneliness with me.


Protect me-Poem by @amiablebunny4016 (me!)- for my abusive parents

You said.....

You wouldn't let the world hurt me.

You would defend me.

You would be a shield to any harm.

And I believed you.

Because .....

I thought....

You cared.

That you loved me.

And I loved you.

That you heard me.

You were supposed to protect me.

You were supposed to nurture me.

Maybe my vision of the world was just......


And you let go of me.

And you turned on me.

And one day....

You showed me your true colours.

Since then....

I have lived.


Tried to hide my sorrows.

Stuck in the misery of life.

Hidden in the cries of my soul.

Thanks for everything.

You hurt me enough.

Now its time to let go.


Daf8 March 6th, 2023

❤️ Day 65 of 2024 adoring Bunny and this thread: I applaud another beautiful poem and your courage! However, don't worry. As I say, this isn't a chore, so please remember there's no pressure, okie? Also, it's really brave and resilient of you to let go of people who hurt you. It's a lot. About your struggles, never forger I am (and everybody here is) here for you. You have our support and love, mainly because you are special, remarkable, important, valid, lovable and loved. Thank you for being you, Bunny ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP March 6th, 2023

Hello all,

Hope everything is going well. Today is just a bit of a short post:


I always see the world as a chaotic, strange, noisy place. When you sit in a classroom and everyone starts talking and shouting. When you go to a shopping center and all you hear is chatting and noise. When you go out in the park and hear children screaming and shouting on the swings "mommy! Come and push me in the swings" or "I want to go to the slide". Every moment passes. We humans are social creatures. Sometimes you just want silence. To sit in a silent place. But even in silence. Our silence gets broken. And chaos returns.

And you wonder.. when will this chaos end? When will the chaos and the fighting of life end? We breathe on suffering and die on regrets. And someone always tries to hurt us. My parents were one of those people, so were my bullies and even my thoughts hurt me. Seems like it will always be what we wait to see. Who is the child? And who will ever be the adult? Who are we?


TabbyCat97 March 6th, 2023


Big hugs Bunny always here for you, we love you sooo much <3

Parents, bullies, even your own mind can hurt you. I know how all those feel... but there will always be people you'll meet later on who will love you <3 I love you Bunny! You're incredible and i love reading your posts here. Big Kitty Hugs my wonderful Bun Bun

Tabbweee <3

amiableBunny4016 OP March 6th, 2023


Oh tabbwe, your so so sweet. You reply to literally every post! I love you so much!!!!! Your amazing! Thank you for your kind message!!!!❤️❤️❤️


TabbyCat97 March 6th, 2023


Hugs tighttt ♡ lots of love bunweee. Of course, love your posts friend. Take care of yourself twinnieee


Daf8 March 7th, 2023

❤️ Day 66 of 2023 adoring Bunny and this thread: Another profound and wonderful post by a gemstone! Yes, sometimes we need silence to heal (for example, mentally). I hope you get the chance to enjoy a calming environment to heal and observe how magnificent you are. I hope you get the chance to listen to yourself instead of the external chaos. In the meantime, please remember that healing is possible, that we notice you, that you are valued and appreciated, that you are remarkable, that you have my (and everybody in here's) support and that you are loved. Thank you for being you, Bunny ❤️

JustMeUwU March 7th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 helloooo, I’m back after a long time (again) :) just wanted to say hi and appreciate your post which is as inspiring as ever :) <3



Daf8 March 8th, 2023

❤️ Day 67 of 2023 loving Bunny and this thread: I just wanted to remind you that I'm so, *so* proud of you: you are a true blessing to the world and you make everything brighter. You turn pain into inspiration, tears into smiles and fear into comfort, and nobody is remotely able to thank you enough for that. I know you have it way tougher than the average person, but please remember you will get through it, that we'll be here for you every step of the way, that you are irreplaceable, that you are important, that you are magnificent, that you are appreciated and that you are loved. Thank you for being you ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP March 8th, 2023

Hi Lovelies,

Have not been able to come back to my posts due to my mom being ill and my family going crazy about small things lmao. Anyways, love you all, so proud of you all. And yeah.... This is just a quick post replying to a few people whom i owe one too and some quick updates about this forum!❤️


Message for @Daf8

Hey there Daf,

apologies for being so slow. weee....... Daf is so sweet. omgg. I am so touched by your beautiful , heart warming , amazing messages Daf . Your just so so so kind. Me love the quote you made:

"You turn pain into inspiration, tears into smiles and fear into comfort, and nobody is remotely able to thank you enough for that. I know you have it way tougher than the average person"

Daf, I cannot appreciate you enough. Literally. Your like the most clearest person ever. You are so so so so so so wonderful and fantastico! Your messages automatically put a smile on my face. We get through this together! I have missed our pms so much Daf. I get your wonderful messages on forums but I really really miss you and care about you! Daf.... I really do not know how to reply to so much. Because i am speechless on the number of posts and compliments you give me buddy. Thank you for your kindness and love. You don't know how much it really means to me! You are so so so so so sweet Daf. I cannot put into words to describe you enough. I love ya. take care of yourself love. take your time. ❤️



Yoooo, tabby twinnie grannie, we must reach a million in pms 😂I literally read through our messages so much lmao. You always check in on me your so sweet, I cannot tell you how grateful I am for you. You literally reply to every post I do now a days (in here). You are so wonderful and kind . Sweet tabbwe and the chocate garden and the bunny and the family is growing. hehe. (notice to anyone peeking into this mesage: chocate is not a typo it is the original word /jk me and tabby created) I love how we just act like little kids. tabby thank you so much for everything you do for me and 7cups! your so so sweet and wonderful and I honestly love you to bits. Your so so so wonderful. Lets gooooooo! (p.s . want sPaUgEtTi?) #Ican'tsell #grannietabbwe #7cupsisters #bunchieeesmoothiee ^^Yes , I will come back to our pms and disturb you alot (politely). I really miss our jokes and typos ❤️



So glad to see you back!! I missed youuu! hehe! Welcome back lovely!❤️


I cannot thank this community enough for everything you have all done!

Here are some people I just love so so so so much and i just want a big hug :

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou (i know i always tag you lovely, but your literally the bestest buddy in the whole wide world!) @YourCaringConfidant (obviously! ❤️you know why your being tagged! Your amazinggggg and so sweetiest of the sweet of the chocolates of the sweets) @Daf8 (Your literally a gem one of the best people I ever met) @TabbyCat97 (my twinnie grandma and sister and my family. I love you so much, you know why your being tagged) @Fluffysheep8 (your the best fluffy! thank you for being the sweetest friend ever! I am so proud of you)

If you are not tagged, do not get offended lovelies. I love all of you. hehe_^_^_


I do not know what else to say lmao. I will figure out the next post somehow. something inspirational should come soon lovelies!



Daf8 March 9th, 2023

❤️ Day 68 of 2023 adoring Bunny and this thread: ❤️

❤️ I'm sorry things are like that at home. I hope you are okay. And don't worry about posts, we all are here for you and we'll wait for you, okie? Also, I'm immensely proud of you ❤️

❤️ Nothing to be sorry for! Thank you, but *you* are tremendously sweet, beautiful, loving, kind, heartwarming, amorous, amazing and extraordinary, generous and impressive. And haha, thank you! I appreciate *you* more than you know. You are considerate, marvellous, fantástica (fun fact about Spanish for curious people: your male friend is "fantástico", your female friend is "fantástica" and the gender neutral option commonly uses the "e", but that also is a whole debate), smile-provoking, strong, brave and unequalled. Thank you for being such a gem and blessing. I miss and care about you (and you have a lot of PMs waiting for you haha) and I'm extremely thankful for your kindness, sweetness, support and love. I can't describe how much of a treasure you are or how much you mean to me, but I can send you all my love, ask you to take care of yourself and hug you! *Hugs* ❤️

❤️Thank you for being *you*. *Big hugs* ❤️

Heartsandrosesandpaws March 8th, 2023


I hope things settle down for you soon.

Cookies 🍪

amiableBunny4016 OP March 9th, 2023

What do you want ? - poem By me!

What do you want?

Do you want me to be like every other child?

Do you want me to have the top grades in the school?

Do you want me to have a great body , and in your eyes I was stupid or ugly?

Do you want my love or your hate? Or do you want your kindness and my love?

Do you want to call me names?

Do you want to beat me up for the smallest things in life?

Do you want that my mistakes and sins never get forgiven?

I'm a child.

Do you want me to grow up hating myself?

Do you want me to fear the world?

Do you want my heart to bleed and to hurt so bad?

Or do you want better?

Do you want my happiness and joy?

What do you want me to be?

Because if I follow your standards...

Then maybe I'll be perfect.

What do you want me to look like?

What do you want me to do?

What do you want to do with me.

Perfectionism has become a belief.

A lie.

A cruel lie that ripped me open and threw me into a dark pit.

Do you want me to be me?

Do you love me for me?

What happend to the world that was the right way up?

Or do I have to live in the world turned upside down?

If I'm beautiful then you tell me I'm ugly.

If I'm strong you tell me I'm weak.

If I try you tell me I'm not trying.

Maybe I could climb the biggest mountains.

Walk the biggest paths.

Follow the glimmering stars

Run in the field of hope.

Maybe I could conquer the world.

But I can't let you tell me who to be.

After all ..

What did you want from me?


Daf8 March 10th, 2023

❤️ Day 69 of 2023 adoring Bunny and this thread: Another profound and beautiful piece! I don't know what nonsense that person wants, but I want you to be you, to be safe, to be healthy and, eventually, to be happy. You deserve all the love, safety, health, peace, respect, support and happiness of the world. Please, be you: you're irreplaceable, unique and way more than enough. We love you, Bunny ❤️

Heartsandrosesandpaws March 11th, 2023


keep up doing these poems a talent there

Daf8 March 11th, 2023

❤️ Day 70 of 2023 adoring Bunny and this thread: ❤️

❤️ Today, I noticed a person who did nothing wrong hating themselves because they think they are bad at what they do. I had the opportunity to examine this person's allegedly bad work, but it was quite the opposite of "bad". I saw something glorious and thoughtfully done that clearly took a considerable amount of time and a tremendous amount of effort. I observed beauty as a result of dedication, care, sensitivity, selflessness and love. Summarizing, I contemplated an incredible creation by a very obviously incredible person. ❤️

❤️ It reminded me of you, Bunny. Do you know why? You surely do! I noticed you were being mean about your own posts for the PAP. Again. So, this post (in which you very obviously are the person I'm talking about, except I used neutral pronouns for a brief suspense) is a "My friend, you are an outstanding person that only receives praises for your outstanding work. I think it's time to recognize both you and your work are outstanding" call. ❤️

❤️ Thank you for reading my slightly long version of "S t o p , you're amazing". Have a day as stupendous as you! ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP March 11th, 2023


*gives cookies to all*

amiableBunny4016 OP March 11th, 2023

If I could- Poem

If I could stop the world from shaking,

Not so many deaths would happend.

If I could stop a heart from breaking.

Not so many people would be heartbroken.

If I could give you love and hope.

Then maybe hatred and dislike would disappear.

If I could give the homeless a home.

Then maybe no one would be on the streets....

If I could wipe every sad tear.

Then maybe you would smile.

If I could hug you and tell you I love you.

Then maybe you would feel comfort.

If I could make save the world from disaster....

from pain......

from all the same....

from hurt.

from everything.

maybe i would be at peace.


Daf8 March 12th, 2023

❤️ Day 71 of 2023 loving Bunny and this thread: Another touching piece! We sadly don't have the power to save the world (yet!), but you, my dear friend, have the intention and the heart. You are altruistic, generous, magnanimous, kind, caring, considerate, empathetic, thoughtful, understanding, loving, lovely, sweet, supportive, amorous and a gigantic masterpiece of benevolence, and that's not common. People like you are the people that make a difference. And, by the way, your enormous golden and pure heart makes a tremendous difference every single day. So, thank you. Keep being you ❤️

GloriaD March 12th, 2023


I love this poem amiableBunny ... so touching, so relatable 🌻

Heartsandrosesandpaws March 12th, 2023

Very good and touching poem

amiableBunny4016 OP March 14th, 2023

Toxic Trust

Toxic Friendship.

Toxic Trust.

Toxic words.

You used to ask me whats wrong.

And when I answered and told you .

You laughed.

Laughed at my struggles.

Laughed at my pain.

Laughed at me.

Maybe I have gone insane.

Maybe i was just dreaming or hallucinating.

I tried to ignore it.

The fire had just been lit.

And then one day......

Someone hurt me.

Picked on me.

And you watched.

And smiled.

School seemed wild.

And then.....

You said you were being nice.

Because your repuatation was more important than my friendship.

Sometimes I noticed the weird looks you would give me.

As if i was a monster.....

As if I was inhumane.

And today.....

Look at me.

Look at you.


you called me ugly.


you said that I was annoying.

So from the very first day...

we were not friends.

It was just a toxic friendship.

My joy and pride got taken away.

You had no respect for me.

Seems like it will always be the toxic friendship we wait to see.


Heartsandrosesandpaws March 15th, 2023


i can totally relate to that one. I had 2 like that in my time.

amiableBunny4016 OP March 16th, 2023

I'm totally not okay

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 17th, 2023


It takes so much strength in acknowledging and admitting not being okay. I'm so so proud of you. ❤

*hugs bunny* Here with you okieee! ❤

amiableBunny4016 OP March 17th, 2023


Sunnnnnnnnn I can never find time for myself these days. I'm overwhelmed with school and cups 😃 and the amount of responsibility I'm taking for my family is too big. Idk how to take care of myself plus trying to post and check on teenies

*Hugs if okay*❤️❤️💜❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 17th, 2023


Aww you are a super hooman in my eyes, but even super hoomans cannot do it all, at the same time, more than okay to feel overwhelmed and unsettled because of too much happening at once.

At times like these, brain somehow goes in an autopilot mode and there's not enough sense of things happening, let aside any thing we feel personally. Soooo a big yay to you for finding this moment to collect how you're feeling, it's so important recognizing the emotions and stressors, to be able to work on it~ again, did I tell you I'm so proud of you! ❤

It's so sweet for bunny to post in forums and do check ins with teenies, truly a caring act, even with the lesser-filled cup of her own. As well as take care of her family, look after her mom and be the most amazing bunny there can be!

But but, sometimes we need to switch to energy saving mode and prioritize more with that "limited"/ human capacity.

Goes without saying, Bunny should always come first in the list of priorities for Bunny, now we know it's easier said than done, to simply step away and self care~ if only it were that easy-peasy! :P

Again, no worries, little steps do matter and we can always try to care for ourselves in whatever ways possible~ even if it's a 5 minute break for self, it counts and Bunny deserves it. ❤

How's Bunny's super duper well deserved and greatly needed break from cups going? The posts and check ins can always wait okiee, your wellbeing is more important always! ❤

Hugs are always okay! *keeps hugging* 🤗

amiableBunny4016 OP March 17th, 2023



Sun 😃❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I totally failed at taking a break it seems like I'm just overworking myself 🤪and ... I'm totally not taking care of myself but I'll make sure to read what you said over and over to make sense of myself 😃😃😃😃😃

*Sending love and hugs*
