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@amiableBunny4016 space

amiableBunny4016 November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone,

Im gonna be posting here every week. So.. you may or may not have seen my poems across 7cups or my writing. Anyways, if you have not then thats okay.

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Bunny/Violet/Bun Bun. I am from the UK and I am 13 years old. So I came here to inspire, to love, to show kindness and to be respected. The biggest power on this planet is love and kindness. Humanity is in a state of disaster. Panic. Hatred. But hate never beats love. Because love has more power than hate.

I was bullied for over 6 years. I learnt alot across the years. I learnt to overcome. Learnt to love. Learnt to forgive. I am human. I am not a robot. I am not a stranger anymore. I am me. And if people wanna judge me for who I am then I say.... I forgive them. And I know that they can change.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Humanity is changing. The world is awakening. And more and more people are realising the reality. The reality of social media. The reality of trauma. The reality of life. This is who we are. And together we form as 1.

We live in a big world. Scary. Isn't it? But its to beautiful. Its so beautiful how the sun rises. How then stars glimmer every night. How the wind howls. Isn't it? and we dont realise how beautiful it really is until..... we think about it. Think deeply about it and you will find how beautiful it is.

If your feeling alone right now. just know that.....

Your strong. Even if you dont believe it.

Your worthy. Even if you dont believe it.

You can get through this.

I am here for you.

We are here for you.

Thanks for reading, This is me, Bunny and this is my world.

Take care,


amiableBunny4016 OP February 23rd, 2023

Myself -poem by @amiablebunny4016 (me!)

Love myself for every time someone Hates me.

Hug myself when no one else will hug me

Talk to myself when no one will talk to me

Be myself when no one will accept me.

Treat myself when no one treats me with respect.

See myself when no one sees me.

Hear myself when no one hears me.

Walk alone myself.

When no one will walk with me.

Fight myself.

When no one stands with me in the battlefield of life.

Get back up myself..

When no one offers a helping hand.

Fall myself...

Get back up myself.

Cry myself.

When no one gives me tissues to wipe my tears away.

Encourage myself when everyone doubts me.

To be.

To see.

To hear.

To feel.

To be seen.

To be heard.

To have felt.

To fear the worse.

To try to be the best.

To love.

To hate.

To like.

To dislike.

To feel alone in this empty world.

I'm such a disgrace..

Yet everything I did ..

Was by myself.



amiableBunny4016 OP February 24th, 2023

heya lovelies❤️

Hope your all doing okay!!! what a tiring week hey? today's post is a bit of a mix. A bit of poetry and a bit of deep talk hehe.


Behind my back...... -Poem by me!

I looked forward.

But I didn't look behind me.

Because I trusted you.

Yet our trust was a tragedy.

I walked across the hard and rocky paths of life.

I got torn apart by people.

But no power on the planet beats kindness.

I kept looking forward.

Walking .



But one day.....

I felt something sharp.

Sharp behind of me.

Almost like something I heard cut into me...

I turned back.

And there you were.....

And the truth was blurred.

You hid everything from me.

But I did not know....

That I was stabbed from behind me.

That you had damaged me with your words.

You talked about me.

You said humiliating things about my reality.

It was just the harmful brutality.

Of my respect.

Of my honour.

Of my friendship.

And my ship sunk.

was my respect a joke to you?


Today, i was told that my own friends were "gosipping" or "hating" me. They targeted me in a class and they said very strange uncomfy things. this is why I wrote this poem. I could not react.... Because if i cried i would be judged. Instead, I laughed. But on the inside, i was holding back my tears. That someone would say such things. But its just the cruel world we live in. I cannot change my reality.

"sometimes you have to hide your inside to fit in on the outside" @amiablebunny4016


TabbyCat97 February 24th, 2023


Bunny you are amazing at poetry :0 sososososooo amazing! I’m so proud of you. This is so beautiful written and is an amazing piece of poetry. I’m so sorry, people can so cruel. Bunny deserves so much love and kindness. Sending hugs, keep being awesome lovely ❤️

Tab Tab

amiableBunny4016 OP February 25th, 2023


aww thank you. you so sweet. I love ya tabbwe. Your the best twinnie ever and the best grannie. hehe. That means awot to me. #icantsell #barbieinacreamhouse #sPaUgEtTi .



TabbyCat97 February 25th, 2023


Twinnie Grannie 😭 !! I loves it. Yes yes yessss!!!

*hugs* here for you my member twinnie ♡

#ICanSell #BarbieLifeInACreamHouse

amiableBunny4016 OP December 30th, 2023

What is this *** 😭😭😭😭😭typical teenage *** . Wtf is wrong with me 

amiableBunny4016 OP February 25th, 2023

Heya lovely people,

Hellooooo, how are you all? Me is missing so many of you. Oof.

These are tags to my lovely forum friends who have been amazing:

@Sunshiningandsoareyou (of course buddy, friends foreverrr!) @TabbyCat97 (the best grannie and sis in the world! I love how we spend hours on pms! lets reach 1 million!) @SelflessSpruce1515 (The bestie bestie you have always been, ily bestie) and of course @Fristo (thank you so much for being amazing and helping me out with peer appreciation workkkkK!)

** if you are not tagged it doesnt mean anything bad, i do these usually so we will all get a chance)

im crazy and Im proud to be crazy.


this post is all about the quotes competition:

On Tuesday i made a post about this (scroll up to find out more) and i can announce only 1 person participated with a beautiful quote. I will have the honour of putting them in my bio. hehe.

Put your hands together for @SelflessSpruce1515

"Life is a dark, mysterious vortex of the mind and the soul, but with love, serenity, and purpose in your heart, you will find your way towards the bright light that transcends all expectations."

~ selflessSpruce1515


Congratulations amazing Spruca!


IMPORTANT : Please submit quotes *next month* i am not doing this weekly and have changed my mind. Instead I will do it monthly. Thank you. I will make the forum post for that next month.



TabbyCat97 February 25th, 2023


Awwhh massive hugs bunwee ♡ This is so so lovely. I love your forum posts, they brighten my day twinnie. I'm always here for you - you're amazing.

And I love it I love it spruce! ❤️

Tab Tab

amiableBunny4016 OP February 25th, 2023


yes table grannie. ❤️tysm! that means awot to me! 😭i promise ill disturb you in pms alot /joking. your so fun to be with ❤️and your amazing toooooo!

I love ya! hehehehe!

Keep selling wrongly. /joking


amiableBunny4016 OP February 25th, 2023

if this forum didnt exist. If i didnt write the poems. If i didnt create all this. would you still care about me? or would you let go? be honest.

TabbyCat97 February 25th, 2023


Id still care the same bunny, you are amazing. Without the forum you are amazing. The forum is just an awesome thing you do which is great! But you, yourself is who we love bunwee ♡


mysteriousClover February 25th, 2023


bunny. you are such an amazing and kind person, no matter what you write, or what you post. i was still friends with you, even before i knew how well you could write. i took notice of how you welcomed everyone into rooms with joy and enthusiasm, no matter if you knew them or not. i have had the joy of becoming closer to you, with seeing you in rooms, and reading your incredible works of literature. bunny, i would never let you go. today, when i joined the room, and you were there, and saw me, then welcomed me so warmly, my heart jumped. it's been a long long time that someone has been at least slightly excited to see me, and it really made me feel good. bunny, you are such a nice person and you deserve so much.

be kind to yourself ok? ily bunny <3

Nomifordays February 25th, 2023


:o bun bun ofc i would still care about you! i love having you around so much. your poems doesnt dfine you but just a part of you that i also adore. I think ven without your poems and writing you are a great person. ilysm and never forget or doubt that.

hey try not to beat yourself up too bad eh? 💖

selflessSpruce1515 February 26th, 2023


Aww, Bunny 🥺 To be honest, I didn’t even discover this forum and your poems until recently, and I care about you so much, my dear bestie ❤️ Whenever you come into tcr, I smile instantly, and I’m always so excited to see you 🤗 You’re honestly such an important hooman bean to me, and even though these poems and this space is amazing, it doesn’t make up for your wonderful compassionate character ❤️ That’s what made me feel like you were my friendsie in the first place— I do not take the title of a bestie friendsie lightly, it’s a very special and rare title for me to give. So I appreciate you so much for just being you and for being here for me, and for everyone on cups 💖 *hugs for you* ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP February 25th, 2023

heya all,

hope your all doing okay. i just am using this post as a bit of a deep thinking space


I use the analogy of stars alot. That humans are like stars. That this star always shines no matter what. We are the star we have always been. And that spark, that fire inside of you..... all the things you hold in... all the pain you hold and the feelings you hide inside of you..... and even when you feel like the odd one out in a big society so scary and so chaotic. your not. because guess what? your 1 in 8 billion. You breathe. You live. Your heart is beating. we are the same speices. and even tho our thoughts and feelings are different that doesnt make you a bad person. That doesnt make you not wanted. it only makes you a person. a unique one. Do not let the darkness take over your mind. the darkness always comes. but remember. the sun comes up. the day always comes. But even when we think about it.. we still feel unloved.. we still feel useless... we still get these negative thoughts and feelings and often when i tell people about this star analogy they think they dont shine and they arent good enough. But nothing stops you from being unique. be different. its okay to be different. you dont have to be like everyone else. everyone else is already taken.

Sometimes we want to solve the worlds problems. but the worlds problems are never ending. society will never solve its own problems. But you can start with yourself. be the person you want to be.


who are we?

are we seen or heard?

are we someone or no one?

are we stars in the sky?

do we get to fly?

are we loved or are we hated?

are we something or nothing?

and even when the world turns upside down...

Do we still get to smile or laugh?

are we humans or are we not?

are we creatures or are we monsters?

some ideas just dont make sense in a world so big, so scary.

what are we?

what am I?

And if i wasnt here today.

What would you say?

Would that make a difference?

I promise love.

Dont come to my grave and mourn me.

Because you see...

When we are gone , we are gone.

tears dont make us come back.

nor do the stars that we look upon.

because in a world so big....

and the life that feels so long....

i wonder.

what are we?

and what would happend if the world was here without me.


amiableBunny4016 OP February 26th, 2023

😃so basically ...

Life update

=> breaking news <=

Life was going really well. Until I trip over. Because of some pencils on the ground. And my mom was like "you almost damaged the TV" (I was near the TV) and it was so funny that she didn't care if I was ok 😃 this is called the clumsy me. And I was giggling about it for no reason. And then my brother... he is learning about shapes and yes of course he calls a hexagon a 6ogan. So like me and him had a joke around shapes 😃Small things and moments are enjoyable in life. Even in an abusive home , I have really found my brother as my companion. Whilst 7cups is my family. Enjoy the small moments in life. They are beautiful.


selflessSpruce1515 February 26th, 2023


Thus is such a beautiful message, bestie ❤️ Always seek the small joys in life, because even when things aren’t going so well, these little memories give a sense of hope and excitement in this life 🤗 Keep embracing them, my dear 💖

amiableBunny4016 OP February 26th, 2023

Hello all,

Hope your all doing okay. If not then I am sending hugs and cookies your way (if okay). ❤️ I love the support in this thread recently! thank you so much everyone!


So when I started writing I often used to get alot of critisism. Often things like "You write such depressing stuff. just stop it" or "can you not write anything good?". I would like to beat myself up for it. It almost became an addiction. I used to overthink what people said. But in this post I will show you the beauty and magic of how my posts can change someone's life.

Day by day, and time by time, the world is changing. Humanity is developing. In fact, in a large population we are so small compared to the world. Close your eyes and imagine the world. Imagine the world today. Where have we got to? And..... where has humanity come to? Have we improved for the better? Or have we got worse? How we see the world can be affected by your trauma. By your thoughts. By things that have happened. Every mind is different. i cannot ask you to see the world through my eyes because if I really did ask you.... To see the world through my eyes. You would probably think differently of what I think. It wouldn't be accurate. If God or mother nature counted all of my mistakes and sins the number would be innumerable. But thats what humans do right? We make mistakes.

amiableBunny4016 OP February 26th, 2023

We all do. Not 1 person in this world is perfect, this fact cannot be denied. We are miniature. We are small. The universe goes too far. There is no "end" to space. Way to far for us to know about far planets and stars or if there is anything if we see so far. Almost 93 billion light years away. Our galaxy is so small compared to the universe. Our cities and towns and villages are so small. So our thoughts and mind is probably powerful, but we are still small.

But think. If you could change the world. What would you change? The world is a piece of artwork. Its beautiful. The world is changing. Its unimaginable the things that could happen to us. In order to change humanity, we cannot stay silent. Because silence leads to nothing but more silence. And of course, in your mind you probably think "Well, you're a 13-year-old girl, living in an abusive home, getting bullied, alone and you are thinking to change the world" . Well, thats what most people think of me. People laugh when I say I want to change the world. Even tho that seems impossible. But when things are impossible, we can always make them possible.

So I used writing. I used writing to change me. When I found my way of writing about the world, of course, people criticised it. You all probably laugh at me too. But you know what? I want you to keep these next few lines in your head and the next time you read my writing I want you to think about this:

If the world laughs at me, If the world criticizes me, If the world gives me unimaginable pain, if the world makes me the slave to their actions, If people. If anyone. Tries to destroy me. I will get back up in a blink of an eye. I may not show much resilience. I may not be strong. I may not have the power to change much. But I want the world to be a better place when I leave. Better than when I came to this world. So if you laugh or if you hate, your wasting your time. I may only be a 13 year old girl to you. But the youngest of people can do unimaginable actions.

My writing is only the beginning. Who knows what this could end up at the end? The words we say have a huge affect on the actions we do.

“You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even but a millimeter the way people look at reality, then you can change it.” James Baldwin



selflessSpruce1515 February 26th, 2023


This is so beautiful, Bunny 💖 Yessss, keep coming back up, keep moving forward, do whatever you can to change the world. Even if people think otherwise, your words are so powerful to many on here, and they can make such a difference. Never change that spirit, and keep on fighting, my dear 🤗❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP February 27th, 2023


How is spruca so kind to bunny 🥺🥺🥺🥺thank you so much spruca for everything. You really do put a smile on my face! ❤️

*Cries happy tears*


TabbyCat97 February 28th, 2023


Bunnyyy! This made me cry such happy tears. Im ao unbelievable proud of you. You are so amazing, you are so so so amazing. Your writing is fabulous, and you have got this Bunny. You can achieve this, I truly believe in you. You'll change the world Bunny, you are an inspiration to so many. Never fail to make my day 1000X better either. Thank you, you're out of this world kind and sweet and loving

Take care of yourself my wonderful friend,


amiableBunny4016 OP December 30th, 2023


My girl wrote alot of ***. I wrote alot of ***. 😭

amiableBunny4016 OP February 26th, 2023

There is a part 2 to this

amiableBunny4016 OP February 27th, 2023

Hi all,

Hold your all doing ok❤️

Today is a bit of story time from me (if I'm honest I don't even know if I have told you all this story before) and then tommorow I will do poetry cos it's kinda late rn.


When I was 11 (baring in mind I'm 13 now) school almost felt normal. Nothing much. There and here I was bullied but you know school was chilled and relaxed.

But one day my eyes of the world has changed. The danger of 1 single story. A short story changed my whole perspective of the world. it only took 1 girl to meet me and it changed my life


I was sitting at lunch alone of course. I didn't have friends. I was just sitting on my own with the food I had been given. I watched children go by as everyone chatted and some people were shouting. It was always like that at lunch time. A girl, very nervous who was younger than me stood there. Asked me "can I sit with you?". I said "of course you can, you didn't need to ask". She stared at her food for a while and I decided to start a conversation. I asked her "you ok?" And she told me..."the boys in your year group keep chasing me and calling me names. They do it nearly everyday. Calling me fat and ugly". She then began to talk about her struggles at home with her mom pregnant. I looked at her and just listened and supported her. Tried to tell her it was ok to reach for help. We even became good friends. Every time she caught sight of me she would come over and hug me with a huge smile. Yet being there for her felt like the world to her. I left that school. No idea what's happend to her now. But my footsteps and my kindness has left marks. Be kind. Starting a conversation can change someones life.

*This is a real story. From my own experience. Please don't be insensitive and assume I made this up. People do go through this. It's not a joke**

Kindness can change the world.

Don't let anyone pull you down, your not what people say, you are what you want to be.


EnigmaticCat24 February 28th, 2023


I really appreciate your kindness bunny ❤. I learnt lot from you about life. There is a quote " An intelligent person will open your mind, a beautiful person will open your eyes and a loving kind person will open your heart " . Thanks for everything you do for making better world! I think kindness is your weapon use it to fight your battle. Best of luck with your journey!

TabbyCat97 February 28th, 2023


Oh Bunny, you have the biggest heart. You're so so so amazing to have dome this. At only 11 too? Bless you. You made that young girls world a better place ♡ what an incredible, inspirational and loving person you are friend ♡

amiableBunny4016 OP February 28th, 2023

@TabbyCat97 @Tobedoctor

aww thanks doctor. your message means alot more than you think it does! i love that quote! your too sweet. thank you for being awesome! hehe. I am so glad you all are enjoying my posts! You are a m a z i n g.

Tabbweeeeee.. my t w i n n i e. lol. i was .... not able to sleep. so why not lol. hehe. tysm! this means alot to me tabby! tabbwe is so sweet and kind and caring! ily tabby! hehe! please make sure you taking care of yourself. hehe. yayy!


TabbyCat97 February 28th, 2023


Awhh loves you Bunnh! Sending Hugs

Heartsandrosesandpaws March 1st, 2023


some times you can just learn a important life lesson by stuff like that. I was. On opposite side of it but I often wonder what happen to group who tried to be my first friends when I was younger

amiableBunny4016 OP February 28th, 2023


lol. oof. hope your all good ! i know its hard to be okie and make it sound like everything is okay.. but here is a reminder:

its okay not to be okay


I have nothing to say really. To be honest, people have been so supportive on my forums. At the start it just felt like a silent crowd and my voice is just never existent. But yes, I was wrong. Thank you all so so so so much for being awesome and contributing to my forums! You all dont know how much that means to me........ hehe.

tagging some amazing friends:

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou (i really hope i didnt miss out on the is like i always did with tagging you) @TabbyCat97 @Tobedoctor @Selflessspruce1515 @YourCaringConfidant

and of course if you no comfy with me tagging you pls let me know lol.


And yet again just know: that storms pass. the sun rises. the day comes. Nightmares dont last forever. The pain your feeling right now.... The feelings your feeling....... They are a small part of your life. One day the brightest days will come. You will see.


yeah dont ask i have nothing to write about today. I need some poetry /writing ideas from you all.



TabbyCat97 February 28th, 2023


Thank you so much for the tag Bunny, I love this post. I love your words - they are truly inspirational. Made me smile. Keep being your wonderful self friend ♡

Tab tan

TabbyCat97 February 28th, 2023


Tab tab not tan ahha

amiableBunny4016 OP February 28th, 2023


the spelling curse has still surrounded us! lol! tysm tabby! i love ya!


TabbyCat97 February 28th, 2023


Haha honestly 😆 it's on forums now hehe. Atleast you have a piece of my bad spelling now in your forum post 😛.

Lovess you! Sending hugs

Tab Tan? Haha

YourCaringConfidant February 28th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 You are sooo amazingly sweet. I can't even express how much you made me smile today. Thank you for that. ♡ Always know that you matter and are special to us. You have a team of people who care about you and a team of people that you bring so much joy into their lives! Hugs! ♡

amiableBunny4016 OP February 28th, 2023


amiableBunny4016 OP February 28th, 2023

I... Love.. you... - poem by @amiablebunny4016


Someone once told me they loved me...

I said.

I love you too.

Because I trusted them.

Because I had known them.

Because they loved me.

And then a day came...

Where someone told me...

They hated me.

I lost all my peace and serenity.

I fear.

I fear that one day the world...

The world will hate me..

And turn on me...

And maybe ...

There is no love.

Maybe I was loved.

But no longer loved.


TabbyCat97 March 1st, 2023


Amazing poem as always wonderful bunny ♡


amiableBunny4016 OP March 1st, 2023

the lack of sleep I have😂😭