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@amiableBunny4016 space

amiableBunny4016 November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone,

Im gonna be posting here every week. So.. you may or may not have seen my poems across 7cups or my writing. Anyways, if you have not then thats okay.

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Bunny/Violet/Bun Bun. I am from the UK and I am 13 years old. So I came here to inspire, to love, to show kindness and to be respected. The biggest power on this planet is love and kindness. Humanity is in a state of disaster. Panic. Hatred. But hate never beats love. Because love has more power than hate.

I was bullied for over 6 years. I learnt alot across the years. I learnt to overcome. Learnt to love. Learnt to forgive. I am human. I am not a robot. I am not a stranger anymore. I am me. And if people wanna judge me for who I am then I say.... I forgive them. And I know that they can change.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Humanity is changing. The world is awakening. And more and more people are realising the reality. The reality of social media. The reality of trauma. The reality of life. This is who we are. And together we form as 1.

We live in a big world. Scary. Isn't it? But its to beautiful. Its so beautiful how the sun rises. How then stars glimmer every night. How the wind howls. Isn't it? and we dont realise how beautiful it really is until..... we think about it. Think deeply about it and you will find how beautiful it is.

If your feeling alone right now. just know that.....

Your strong. Even if you dont believe it.

Your worthy. Even if you dont believe it.

You can get through this.

I am here for you.

We are here for you.

Thanks for reading, This is me, Bunny and this is my world.

Take care,


mytwistedsoul December 30th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 💙💙 I'll probably make you giggle and cringe more as I make my way through. You're amazing Bunny. I know you probably don't see it - but you have some really beautiful thoughts 💙💙

amiableBunny4016 OP December 30th, 2023


Notice how positive and joyful I act at the start of this thread 😭 this was me attention seeking. I remember telling myself if I posted positive things people would like me. 13 year old me 😭😭😭

amiableBunny4016 OP January 20th, 2023

Since a very young age my dream was the become an inspirational speaker. I always had a passion for writing and speaking. My voice was too quiet in the huge world. No one heard my voice. So I am using this place to speak...... Speak from typing. Speak from using the digital world. No one believes us in the digital world. Some people just assume I "just say these things". Because the digital world is harsh. It's hard to trust me or anyone else here. I know you won't believe me when I say I care. Seems like my dream has already came true. I think I have already accomplished enough to inspire. Its just a matter of "keep going". Lets see what the future ahead brings us........


amiableBunny4016 OP January 21st, 2023

Dear Person reading this,

I am so proud of you for coming this far. Keep going! Lots more adventures are coming!


amiableBunny4016 OP January 21st, 2023

Heyaaaa, heyloooo,

How you doingggg? ee.. I love posting here ehehe. This is like my little comfort zone where no one is gonna judge me. *huggles if ok* Aaa... Soooo.... I have been doing quite alot of stuff lately. Thinking of leadership roles on 7cups but im scared of failure which is quite normal. Dealing with some leadership stuff at school because my campaigning never ends lolllll! And just getting on with life really. Having my ups and downs . Hehe.

I am a bit all over the place today. My mind wants to say a lot of things loll.

Soooo.... From being on 7cups for quite a while I have realised......

That everything I wrote was just a huge blob of writing. You see.... I have been quite obsessed over this sort of stuff... But how do I really write my magical stuff. Well, I am just gonna share a bit of my inspirational writing journey with you and how I write my poems and the amazing things I wrote here lolll. Okay, the reason I am doing this post today is not to act cool or anything> i just want you all to know what my process is like. *Tries to be nice to self* My other side is not being nice to me but I am gonna try to ignore that side. Hehehe. I am in a very happy mood today #moodswings #happycrying #buddiesfriendspeople hehe. I don't know what I'm saying to be honest. Just being the happy, weird self I have always been.

Usually I do first drafts elsewhere. But sometimes I just cut right to 7cups and start writing lol.

Anyways.... lets get to the main topic here. So how do I write so magically? lol. Well it actually takes quite a while to find something or a topic. So most of the inspirational stuff I write in this corner is mostly just words that come into my mind. When I actually first started writing this sort of thing, I actually did not do quite well. I was never actually quite good with words or vocabulary. But this was just a process of learning. you know....

*Remember, everyone is different. Do not critisize yourself for writing or how it goes. We do not all have the same style. Your style is unique just the way it is. This took me years.... to get used to. You can doo thiss!*

Usually, when I write inspirational things. I often start to think about tough points in my life. Or "turning points" that made me realise something. Let's take this example:

Let's say..... The time when I was hurt my lots of words people kept saying to me.

(Now we have to figure out a message or something to bring this topic into the post)

So lets say the message. would be...... "Be kind" or something like that. Or lets make a better society together by showing love and kindness together.

I think its good to bullet point a few ideas and messages you can spread about 1 small thing.

After that, its just a matter of putting it together. And writing the whole thing. This is when people tend to struggle. I understand that because thats exactly me. I struggle too. I think a good idea is to have a look at other people's writing and to get inspired by other people's work. I would defo use some quotes from famous people since these sort of things grab readers attention.

Lets have a look at an example post:

Sooo... a good idea is to start with an introduction just saying hi or to let them know how you feeling.


*next part is coming for this post . Long post is not allowing me hehe*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 21st, 2023


Aww if weird equates to being you, then be the best *you*, you can be! Bunny deserves to have some unfiltered space, and be happy self! Yay to shushing the not-so nice side of you, sometimes that side is not even ours ya know? It's what the world has told us about ourselves, as we start internalizing this voice, it grows, and continues to grow, slowly making it feel like it's ours or that it's us who feels this way about ourselves. Which isn't always true and doesn't have to be.

I'm super proud of you for taking the steering in your hand, bun bun, you get to decide where to drive and how, yes, the these voices and the rest of the world be a passenger, not the driver; that'll always be you!

And woohoo for sharing your wonderful tips, you're allowed to sound cool lol. ❤

Peeking for another post! :P


amiableBunny4016 OP January 21st, 2023


Aaaa Sun buddy, i missed you sooo much. I love your little replies you amazing human. THank you for making my day. Yayy. #Weirdpeopleclub. hehe. Thank you so much Sun. I really appreciate your support. Your posts are amazinggg too!

Eee... aaa.... *sends huggles if ok*


I used to love My little pony hehe.


amiableBunny4016 OP January 21st, 2023

Okay sometimes i start with a few positive quotes or I just get right into it. Use quotes that are related to the topic is a good idea. This is one of the images i used in that post.


After that we just start writing... Now the problem is some people write and delete write and delete. I do that too. Its just not good. No matter how long the post is, every word matters. And your writing is good just the way it is.

I am gonna use a piece of writing from a different post hehe.

Here are some examples of pieces of writing:



Some of these images arent quiet clear but you all have read most of my posts.

Here are some tips to get you started:

Start with small interesting quotes or use short snappy sharp sentences like "We humans are like glass.." or something interesting.

Explain your own experiences is a good idea but yeah of course you dont have to.

Write whatever comes in your head.... Dont worry about perfectionism. As long as its related to the topic.

Try to use sources from elsewhere. Like watching videos is really useful for me for new ideas.

And yeah. I dont have much to say really. Writing process takes time. and No one is perfect. Just try your best and thats what matters.

Anyways.. thanks for reading.

Have a good day/eve


amiableBunny4016 OP January 21st, 2023

And from time to time... you get these super sweet amazing people who make you feel loved after writing...





Thank you so much 7cups Community! I loveeee you all sooo sooo sooo much! Thank you for all your support! Smile!


JustMeUwU January 22nd, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 I feel honored to be part of the list :)

Hugs (if accepted, as always) :)


amiableBunny4016 OP January 22nd, 2023


aww Hey Just,

You have been really supportive and just amazing part of this community so thank you so much for everything! and of course, you deserve to be on my list hehe!

*hugs always accepted*


JustMeUwU January 22nd, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 no problem Bunny ;) thank you!

amiableBunny4016 OP January 22nd, 2023


Sorry for long intro hehe. Hope your all doing okay ❤️ If not then I'll be around here to talk in forums. Just trying to be the best person I can be yk. Soooo....... I dont even know what to write. Im just blabbering on about life. Im just gonna use this post to just chat yk.... catch up with y'all. This space is sort of not lighthearted at all. I realise I talk alot about heavy topics and of course thats ok but sometimes people just wanna relax and talk about something not so heavy. Hehe. ❤️❤️Hope you all are staying safe. So I have just been doing endless homework from school lolll. #mathsisfun.....And yeah, just having a happy Sunday! hehe.


Yeah so today is just one of those work days where I just work really. On and off 7cups. One of my tasks is usually posting here but of course my top priority is school and family and all that. I really do appreciate everyone's support in here! you all is amazing!

Hehe. I spent last night trying to figure out how to organise my life because damn I am so unorganized. Soo.... I think i gotta plan my days out and figure out how much time to spend on cups and just balance my life because i am a VERY messy person as always (:

Anyways... there isnt really much to talk about. Just getting on with life. Hehe. #happycryingclub

Hope you all have a good day/eve/night! Stay safeeee! I will be around if you all wanna chat in here! If not then I will be lurking in TCR/sr or just working! anyways... I might come back here later,

Take careeeeee. Love you all. *huggles if ok*


amiableBunny4016 OP January 22nd, 2023

Your worth is not defined,

Your worth is not defined by anyone else's words or actions, your worth is not defined by your body and how beautiful you think you are because you are beautiful. Your worth is not defined by society's standards. You are you and I am so proud of you for coming this far. You did it. My words sound empty at times, but you are truly valuable to the world. Your worth is not defined by anyone or anything. People will say things. People will try to take you down. But its only a matter of getting back up, and sometimes we just need someone to give us a helping hand so don't be scared to reach out. You are born for a reason . You are born to experience life. And hurting yourself is not the answer. I promise. You are worthy.


amiableBunny4016 OP January 22nd, 2023


amiableBunny4016 OP January 22nd, 2023

I am gonna absoloutely fail at this but here are some amazing people i wanna tag (i hope you all dont mind)

@Sunshiningandsoareyou @DarkerPlaces @NoneTheWiser @TabbyCat97 @Artalistens @VioletFeilds003



DarkerPlaces January 22nd, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 aw thx ur amazing too always rember that :)

amiableBunny4016 OP January 22nd, 2023


Your welcome Roman. Always here if you need that reminder. Thanks for being so kind and supportive in tcr/sr!

Hope you get better soon!


DarkerPlaces January 22nd, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 thx same to u thx for being awesum n always making me smile

amiableBunny4016 OP January 22nd, 2023

I just realised how much my space has grown...... 9 pages of my endless writing and messages. And of course you all. I couldn't have made it without you all. So thank you so much!


mytwistedsoul December 30th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 It's amazing how fast the pages add up isn't it? 😊

amiableBunny4016 OP December 30th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP January 23rd, 2023


amiableBunny4016 OP January 24th, 2023


How are you all doing?

Here is a question for today:

If you could tell me 1 thing you've always wanted to tell me, what would you tell me?


Daf8 January 24th, 2023

❤️ I wish I could give you a magical mirror that lets you see how magnificent you are ❤️

Daf8 January 24th, 2023

❤️ Day 24 of 2023 adoring Bunny and this thread: So, I had to make a pause because these days have been hectic, but I thought of you and your greatness every single day. About you being sorry, what the nom are you apologizing for?? Being a freaking blessing?? And about your self-hatred, you are tempting me to resend my meme/picture/whatever! Also, nobody thinks you are being an attention seeker but you: We only accuse you of wanting us to travel to your location so badly it hurts! You just asked what people would say to you: Do you know what I want to say? That your only flaw is being blind. You are so blind you don't notice how beautiful (in all ways) you are. You don't see how stunning, kind, sweet, adorable, caring, considerate, thoughtful, lovely, loving, smart, creative, inspiring, motivational, magnanimous, altruistic, selfless, talented, capable, humble, strong, interesting, resilient, brave, benevolent, bright, spectacular and outstanding you are. Your only freaking flaw is not knowing about all of your seemingly infinite virtues. ❤️

❤️ Also, if you want to be an inspirational speaker, you are definitely on the right path! You already inspire people worldwide ❤️

❤️ Anyway, thank you for being you ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP January 25th, 2023


Daf, make sure your taking care of yourself. I am sorry things have been hectic. Me and everyone is here if your struggling friend❤️ My friend, you did not have to write so much. I am going to repeat things you said to you back . You are stunning, kind, sweet, adorable, caring, considerate, thoughtful, lovely, loving, smart, creative, inspiring, motivational, magnanimous, altruistic, selfless, talented, capable, humble, strong, interesting, resilient, brave, benevolent, bright, spectacular and outstanding you are. You are amazing Daf, you deserve so much more than you think. You have put so much light into my life. I want to send the light back to you. Thank you so much for your sweet message friend. I really appreciate it. You didn't know how much I needed that❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for being *you*


Daf8 January 26th, 2023

❤️ I'll try, thank you for caring ❤️

❤️ Yes, but people like you make it better ❤️

❤️ Thank you for the support, Bunny. Same here, okay? I'm always here for you ❤️

❤️ You are worth it, so... ❤️

❤️ Awww, thank you so much! But *you* are all of the things I (we) said *and* singular, keen, stellar, amorous, coruscant, cute, agile, lambent, luminous, sharp, impressive, incredible, marvellous, magnificent, awesome, supreme, opulent, clever, hardworking, excellent, intelligent, radiant, beautiful, brilliant, nurturing, stupendous and virtuous. Thank you, but *you* are a gemstone and you deserve all the good things of the world. And thank you, but *you* are the light ❤️

❤️ Thank *you* for deserving all the sweetness and kindness in the Universe. I appreciate *you*, and I'm glad you got that needed *honesty*. Thank you, but thank *you* for being exactly *you* ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP January 25th, 2023

Hey all,

Hope your all doing okay beautiful people. And a reminder to take care of yourselves and to keep going!

Below is something i wrote that I wanted to share. This does not reflect as much on how I feel, but also how the world feels.


Many people these days have fears. Fear of the world. Fear of facing anyone. Fear of many things. Fear of a person. Fear stops us from doing many things. Sometimes fear is instilled inside of us from other people or sometimes its instilled by the pressure of the world. When someone instills fear inside of us....The fear burns out heart. The key is to find courage. Courage and hope to taking one step at a time.

I wake up everyday feeling like the world is just a huge mess. I dont think I am any less. We are all equally involved in the mess and the disaster. I wake up in tears everyday. I dont know what to say. I am going to turn 14 in May. Everyone keeps saying the same things over and over again. I dont know when all this will stop. When? Everyone tells me to move on... and forget the words and phrases people said. But I cant because I just want to go back to bed. Im too scared and afraid. I cant let go of my tears. And you know what kills me the most? my fears. I don't know where to go or run. This is no fun. I am only 13. And im scared of being alone. And you know what? Life is not fair. And no one cares. What I have always wanted to be. I have never been. What everyone sees is not the real me. I just want to be free. I am just blind in this endless world. I can't see the light. I just have to keep going on in this stupid fight. My sorrows... my cries.. my fears, my tears.... It lingers in the air.... And no one sees it.

Maybe one day, someone sees what happens behind someone's tears. Tears are my strength. They represent my fears. My struggles. Me. It doesnt represent weakness.

When you feel sad and broken, try to switch on the lights and find light in the darkness.


Daf8 January 26th, 2023

❤️ Day 26 of 2023 adoring all these flabbergasting writings by the flabbergasting and extraordinary Bunny ❤️

❤️ Thank you for the needed reminder! I wouldn't be surprised if you turned out to be an old person (like, 173 years or something like that) that has seen everything and decided to share the wisdom ❤️

❤️ If you are a mess, it's because life is unfair to you. And, like you said, your tears are both your pain and your strength. Your scars are a big part of you and, even though they hurt, it's your story. [Also, I demand to know your birthday!] ❤️

❤️ Your feelings are valid, and "moving on" and forgetting the painful things they said is not always possible. Instead, I encourage you to focus on your healing and wellbeing (because your health matters) without ignoring all the bad that isn't possible to ignore. And, of course, we all are always here for you ❤️

❤️ I think I'm speaking for all of us when I say we care about you (the real you) and that you will eventually get your freedom and conquer your fears to focus on your dreams. But, while you are blind and scared, we'll see your pain, sit with you in the dark and support you. Your tears and fears are a sign of strength and not weakness, and we'll accompany you regardless of how tough the journey is. You are the light and, since we can't thank you enough for that, we'll be here for you regardless of how luminous life is ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP January 26th, 2023


How are you so sweet Daf? Well, thank you for that. I needed that today because guess what? I fell down in the freezing cold today and injured my foot which should recover but damn it hurts. ❤️

😜No need to thank me, I am always here for you. I think I should be the one thanking you for being the most magical, kindest person ever! ❤️ I have no wisdom lol. I seriously deny that. ❤️

Strenth, tears, pain... They all sound the same. Life was always unfair to me. I just dont want anyone else to suffer the *** I went through. My only goal is to inspire others. But also spread the kindness and you have clearly demonstrated kindness and your amazingness. You are fabamazingly awesome!(fabuloous+amazing)! I lost words for your Daf❤️

I have no words for healing. I cant describe that in words. I'm still in a process. I might post about that in the future!❤️❤️😭

Yes, yes Daf. We will get through this together even if it means sacrafising all my kind words and throwing them at you. Because mate, your so kind and magical and just..... fabulous! (The compliment contest will always continue between the both of us) ❤️ ❤️

I hope your taking care of yourself friend. I have been a teeny tiny bit worried about you. Hope things are going ok! Like I always say, I dont need thanks because words can hurt, but words can also heal. It is my pleasure to become a light to you all! (Even when I am a bit of darkness at times❤️😜Joking!)

I dont have enough words for you Daf. I am sitting in a dark place. But I promise to shine my light on you all! (For as long as I live!) ❤️*sends love and so much happiness and huggles/cookies*

Anyways.. Thank you so so so so so so so so much for your beautiful post Daf!
Im gonna hug you so tight online (of course if its okay).
You deserve appreciation!


amiableBunny4016 OP January 26th, 2023


Sorry I completely forgot to add, My birthday is on the 7th May hehe.


Daf8 January 26th, 2023

❤️ Thank you for the information 😈 ❤️

Daf8 January 26th, 2023

❤️ I'm only honest, Bunny. Thank *you* ❤️

❤️ Oh s- are you okay? I can only imagine how much it hurts ❤️

❤️ We are injured pals! In here it's summer and I did put on the freaking sunscreen but still got my shoulders (specially one) painfully burnt, but it was a couple of days ago.

❤️ Thank you, I'm here for you too. Awww, thank you, but that's you! You are extremely magical, kind, loving, selfless, magnanimous, extraordinary, wise (yes you are wise don't deny something so obvious) and brilliant ❤️

❤️I completely understand, and you do inspire and help others (and of course you have my support). You spread all the kindness ever and I'm immensely proud of you. *Your* kindness, amazingness, consideration, support, moral values, benevolence and love are evidence of how fabamazingly awesome, astonishing and impressive *you* are, and no words can describe how outstanding you are ❤️

❤️ That's okay! I'm here for you during the process (and everything), and I'll patiently wait for your writing about it! ❤️

❤️ You don't need to do that! I can throw my sincere words at you: you are kind, magical, fabulous, fantastic, smart, unique, pulchritudinous, exceptional, stellar, wondrous and a treasure (yep, I won't surrender!) ❤️

❤️ Thank you, I'll try. And thank you for caring, but don't worry! I might be less active at times because life is messing with me, but I always come back ❤️

❤️ I'm okay, just stressed because a lot is going on, don't worry about me ❤️

❤️ You deserve gratitude, so... And I agree, words can heal. And, of course, you always are the light in the dark, even when everything sucks ❤️

❤️ I never have enough words to attempt to express your greatness, Bunny. I'll sit with you in the dark while your light doesn't feel like a light. You are the light, so don't overwhelm yourself, okay? And thank *you* for your beautiful and radiant self! *Sends happiness, support, cookies, comfort food, love and hugs* ❤️

❤️ Of course it is! You don't have to ask. And *you* deserve all the appreciation and love of the world. ¨Hugs very tightly* ❤️
amiableBunny4016 OP January 27th, 2023


Hi there Daf,

I am so very sorry for the late reply, school got busy and so I had a bit of a delay❤️❤️

Daf, just a reminder, I know life keeps taking us down and there is alot of stress in the world. I can completely understand. But you got this! okay? And when it feels all overwhelming you know where I am . We are all here for you. Its okay to struggle❤️❤️

No, I am fine, its not that bad. I hope you get better soon! Sun burns are so painful!

❤️Same comments go back to you. I actually dont have enough words for you because there is so much I could say to describe you. You is just too special❤️

The amount of happiness and love you spread here, fills my heart with joy and smiles! You deserve love and care! Please take care of yourself and I do worry about you. I always will. Take your time. Don't worry about me now. You gotta take care of yourself. We can get through this! You is *super Daf!* *cheers you on*❤️

❤️I will never surrender. The compliment contest continues. Daf, you are incredibly valuable. Bless you. You should be so proud of yourself, not only for spreading smiles and your beautiful kindness, but for just being you and being the beautiful you...that you have always been. You have so much kindness and compassion in your heart and thats why I appreciate you so much. I think you have gone above and beyond :) you have helped me so so much and now its my turn to help you Daf. Your not alone :) Thank you for being a valuable, compassionate, beautiful, amazing, wonderful, fantastic, altrustic, smart, unique! I've lost words for you. *Just imagine all the positive words in the world*❤️


Life will bring you down. Life will mess with us. But I will hold your hand and I will hug you tight and be with you. No power in the world can defeat you. And even if they try to. they will go through me first. I will cry with you in the hard times and laugh with you in the happy times. Its okay not to be okay. Your a valuable power in the planet. You are precious. *hugs you* ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️


Daf8 January 28th, 2023

❤️ Hi! This isn't late at all. Besides, don't worry about replies ❤️

❤️ Thank you for the support, lovely Bunny. Same goes for you, I'm always here for you, it's okay to not be okay and you got this ❤️

❤️ I'm glad you are okay! But please still take care, okay? And thank you! The sun burn doesn't hurt now, but I encountered a line of rocks that did hurt me (without getting graphic it looks like I tried to pet a small lion and failed haha) but I'm okay, it hurts and that's annoying but I won't be defeated by a bunch of rocks ❤️

❤️ Said the great Bunny! You are more special than what words can describe! There is no way to properly express your magnificence ❤️

❤️ You make 7 Cups (and the Universe) a better place. You spread love, produce happiness and improve our lives. You fill everybody's heart with hope, because knowing you is knowing there's light. You deserve all the love, care, support, hugs and happiness ever. Thank you, but really, don't worry! Take care of yourself while I curse out whatever dares to hurt you. I'll always care about you, so please focus on your wellbeing. We'll get through whatever life throws at us, but never forget you are *you*. And I'd say *super Bunny* but "Bunny" already implies the words super, magnificent, wonderful, loving, extraordinary, special, stellar and more, so it's redundant because Bunny = all the good. *Cheers you on and hugs you* ❤️

❤️ Bunny, thank you, but *you* are extremely valuable, incredible, impressive, kind, beautiful, sweet, caring, considerate, compassionate, passionate, opulent, lovely, lovable, valid, validating, understanding, wondrous, empathetic, bright, amicable, smart, intelligent, clever, creative, unique, unequalled, marvellous, amazing, wonderful, altruistic, benevolent, magnanimous, fabulous, amorous, astounding, blossoming, nurturing, stunning, spectacular, exceptional and unrepeatable. Bless *you*, your pride should be bigger than the Milky Way not only because of the smiles and love you spread, but because *you* are *you*. Your heart is purer than the most transparent waters, and I can only appreciate your gigantic benevolence. When radiance was distributed, you went above and beyond and just took all of it. I only told you the facts, but you help me by existing. I'm always here for you, so thank *you* for everything. There are no words to describe you, so just get a positive dictionary and change the title to "My (Bunny's) qualities". ❤️

❤️ Thank you for the support, Bunny. Same goes for you, okay? I'll always hold your hand, cry with you during your painful times, laugh with you during your good times, defend you, reassure you, remind you how magical and precious and valuable and impressive and irreplaceable you are, hug you tightly and be here for you. *Hugs* ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP January 28th, 2023


I think this competition can go on forever but I am not giving up! I wish I could be better with my words on how much I appreciate you mate. You got good vocab haha! lol!❤️❤️

I am always here to support whether its a listener or a member. *huggles you if its ok*❤️

You know how the Sun rises every day? How the night does not last forever? I've come to depend on that. And I will take care of myself as much as I need to be here for you all. ❤️

Oh no, please stay safe and take care of yourself buddy. Take it easy. ❤️❤️

Hey, uh, its ok. I'm fine Daf. I'm here with you. And you dont have to support me because you have put enough light in my life. Now its my turn. And if it takes me to write a whole essay. I will list 10000 things about you that I love. ❤️❤️If your gonna worry about my welbeing, then don't. Because there is a whole world out there for me to explore. The hurt. The pain. Im learning to forgive myself. You just worry about yourself buddy.

I am so proud of you Daf, you have been just one of those beautiful people. Your heart is filled with this kindness i cant describe. The way you listen and calm someone down with your beautiful words. I just can't do enough to express it.

All the same goes to you. Everything you have said goes back to you my friend. You dont know how much your words mean to me. I gotta admit, I am not a "super bunny"! I think you are Super very precious, beautiful, amazing, kind, blessed Daf. Your family is so lucky to have such a beautiful person!❤️

❤️❤️❤️Aww. Daf. You got so many words for me. I am gonna copy some words and come up with some words too for you (My vocab isnt huge) aluable, incredible, impressive, kind, beautiful, sweet, caring, considerate, compassionate, passionate, opulent, lovely, lovable, valid, validating, understanding, wondrous, empathetic, bright, amicable, smart, intelligent, clever, creative, unique, unequalled, marvellous, amazing, wonderful, altruistic, benevolent, magnanimous, fabulous, amorous, astounding, blossoming, nurturing, stunning, spectacular, exceptional, brilliant, beautiful, reliable, affectionate, compassionate, friendly, bright ..... I think I need to get a dictionary for you mate. And maybe we gotta make some words up for you because you are just a m a z i n g. ❤️❤️❤️

*hugs you* Daf, whatever takes you down in life, something will always take you back up. Just like the Sun rises and sets. Just like the moon comes and goes. Just keep going! I know you can do this. ❤️❤️


Well, hope you have an awesome day/eve!


Daf8 January 29th, 2023

❤️ Your words are wonderful! Thank you, that's because I was describing someone I appreciate ❤️

❤️ Thank you for your altruism and support, Bunny. Same here, okay? *Hugs* ❤️

❤️ Please take care and focus on your wellbeing first, okie? ❤️

❤️ Don't worry, it's a bother but I won't lose to a rock gang haha. And thank you, same goes for you ❤️

❤️ Thank you, Bunny, I'm here for you. Haha, you are the light and I love to support you so... ❤️

❤️ I appreciate you immensely, but you owe me no essays. I care about you, so yes, I worry about your health, safety and wellbeing so if you want to help me make sure you are hydrating, getting your nutrients and safe! I'm glad you are learning to forgive yourself, but still, please focus on being as healthy as possible ❤️

❤️ Thank you! However, I'm enormously proud of you, beautiful Bunny. Your heart is extremely pure, kind, sweet and loving, and you are so supportive, calming and uplifting that no word makes justice to you ❤️

❤️ Thank you, meaningful and deserving Bunny. You *are* the Super Bunny, though. You are precious, beautiful, brilliant, opulent, amazing, amiable *wink*, kind, clever, a blessing and a treasure. And awwwww, thank you! Your family doesn't know how lucky they are. They got the major prize! ❤️

❤️ Of course! Haha, don't worry, you're more than fine. You are reliable, remarkable, affectionate, affable, friendly, flabbergasting, generous, coruscant, virtuous, numinous, magnificent, laureate, keen, hardworking, humble, glorious, dazzling, splendid, astonishing, pulchritudinous, outstanding, irreplaceable, unique, thoughtful, talented, smart, intelligent, wise, radiant, excellent and simply wondrous. And no dictionary can properly express your greatness! And thank you, but that's for you because you are *you*, and that's the biggest compliment. ❤️

❤️ [Thank you for the lovely GIF! And I hope you have a day as wonderful as you] ❤️

❤️ Thank you, and same goes for you, okay? You'll always rise again. Keep going, okay? You got this, and I'm here for you all the way. *Hugs* ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP January 26th, 2023

❤️Hello all❤️

Hope your all doing okay!

This writing is inspired by a teacher who is very close to me at school. I thank this teacher from the bottom of my heart even tho she is not reading this. Thank you for being there in the darkness. When light couldn't be seen.

tw: lonliness


When we feel abandoned, unloved or alone. We are blind. We don't truly see how many people are behind us because we are sitting in the darkness. People are there for us. We are not alone. We just don't see the people there for us.

I was always blinded by the darkness. I had sat in the darkness for half of my life. Many people didn't believe most of the stories I told and the things that had happened to my felt. For most of my life, I sat in the darkness but never really looked behind me at how many people loved and cared about me. ❤️ How many people truly loved me.. But I still.. I was just blinded by the hate and the darkness. The world is a dark place..... But when I came here I found that ..... People care. People love. There is love and kindness when we find it. We just have to keep digging. Humanity is not made to hate. But together to love. Someone has always got your back and loves you. I promise.


Daf8 January 26th, 2023
❤️ As always, your content is excellent and we always are and will be here for you, dear blind Bunny ❤️