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Pieces of the Jigsaw

Everlee October 9th, 2021

Hello there, I am Everlee, a teenager who is struggling with a couple of issues. I just want my thoughts to be somewhere and that's why I am starting this thread. I don't mind having comments on this thread as long as they are supportive. :)

There might be some triggers in my posts, so please be careful of not triggering yourself and read further at your own risk. Have a great one!

babydino69 March 15th, 2022


aww im so glad. Yes such a good song. Im okayy.

Everlee OP March 15th, 2022

@babydino69 Thank you! And glad to hear that you are okay. 🤍

babydino69 March 15th, 2022


Aww thank you!❤️

Everlee OP March 15th, 2022

@babydino69 You're welcome, hehe! c:

Everlee OP March 17th, 2022

Please ignore this, it could be highly triggering as it's a description of one my episodes and I wouldn't want to trigger you. I just need to let this out.

It was a normal day, a very normal day till something happened and I couldn't breath. I don't know what came to my mind and I decided to sit in the bathtub. I turned the tap on and the water was very cold. I started shivering as the tub filled and when the water stopped automatically, it wasn't cold anymore or probably I stopped feeling cold, I could only feel a strong force against me that kept me inside the tub but my clothes were all wet and my head and stomach were hurting very bad, the pain was intolerable so much that I wanted to get out of the bathtub but I didn't have any strength to do so. My eyes were heavy, I could barely open them, it was all blurry after some time and I passed out inside the tub. When I woke up, I could feel the pain in my whole body but this time I wanted to get out of the bathtub which was extremely hard. I tired to stand up but I couldn't but I still refused to sit inside the bathtub. I tried to roll outside but that failed. I tried to take my leg out of the tub and pushed my body outside and I was out of the tub. I felt like I was going to pass out again, the only thing I could hear was the voices inside my head. With all that was left in my tried to scream, a lot but those screams were quiet and my whole body was hurting even more now that I had forced myself out of the bathtub. My throat was dry, I started rubbing and banging my feet and hands on the floor and I tried to reach the door but I felt heavy. I felt like I was dying but for one last time, I gave a try, I almost reached the door but I was still lying on the floor and my body hurt, I banged the door as hard as I could and it worked, I heard my mom coming upstairs, I suddenly had this ray of unexpected hope and I tried hard to reach the door handle, thankfully, it's a sliding handle and I could slide open it a bit easily, at least that was the easiest part out of this whole episode. She saw me and she tried asking me things but I could barely process them, I passed out and when I woke up, I was lying on the bed and I could barely move my body.

Everlee OP March 17th, 2022


Everlee OP March 17th, 2022

My heart aches for you, I miss you so much, but I don't want you anywhere near me, I don't want to see you again, I don’t want to talk to you again because when you left, it hurt. It hurt because I was getting punished for something that had happened to you, and you had never thought about me, not once. I've been constantly wondering if I am not capable of knowing the truth and if I should be left hanging. I don't hate you, nor do I blame you for anything; I am the one who is responsible for being a horrible person. Everything that has happened is my fault and I hate myself so much already, you were not the one who caused it. Just please don't come back to me. I won't be able to handle any more heartbreaks, because I’m sure you'll leave yet again and I will be blaming myself, once again, for letting you hurt me. I don’t want to repeat those mistakes, not this time so please just don't come back, not even in my thoughts.

Everlee OP March 18th, 2022

Trigger warning

I'm not sure why I am suddenly remembering all of this, probably because I'm on my periods but all I know is, at this moment, I want to let this out.

This is a past incident. Our family was sitting together and enjoying the weekend till dad received a phone call from one of our relatives and we got to know that my cousin committed suicide. The vibes in my house changed and my brother and dad rushed to my uncle's home. When they came back home, our hearts broke into pieces hearing that the major reason behind him giving up on his life. While talking, my dad said "If I were at his (my uncle's place) and my child did this, I would never be able to forgive myself, I would just sit next to their grave all the time and grieve about how I couldn't be there for my child when they needed me the most." my mom was extremely sad as well, so was my brother and I didn't know how to react, I went inside my room and cried. I cried a lot that day because I knew, I finally knew how wrong I was thinking that my parents never cared. All this time, I thought they wouldn't care and would be happy if I left. They would be happy if this huge blob of disappointment left their lives.

I am just glad I didn't give up on my life back when I had everything planned. If there's one reason why I'm here today, it's because I don't want my parents to blame themselves the rest of their lives for something that didn't happen because of them and also my best friend, that guy has saved my whole life, I wouldn't be here if he wasn't there for me. I at least gained a new perspective towards life because of him, he asked me to change things rather than ending them, though I still regret not doing it sometimes, who has a perfect life after all? But now I know I won't do it anymore. I am so grateful for him, I am so grateful that I found this angel stuck by my side when I really couldn't even think about anything else besides giving up.

I literally had so much going on in my mind yesterday that I couldn't stop crying, today feels like an alright day to suddenly remember the mistakes I made or I was about to make, cry on them, think about them, regret, laugh and do everything I can about them and then finally tomorrow (or maybe after some time), I will probably be up with some other random issues. I've said it before, whenever I post something good, like before some day, I said things were alright and the next posts were gosh- this is just Everlee, anything can happen to me, I can be happy and sad altogether, I can have this sudden boost of happiness and then can cry about everything the very next moment and vice versa and after two weeks you will see another post about good stuff that happened or how things are going well and again those issues, Idk if that's weird but that's just me.

I feel the absence of my cousin, I wish he stayed and got the support he needed but he was going through a lot, I hope he's happy where he is now and he is living in peace finally.

Everlee OP March 19th, 2022


Everlee OP March 19th, 2022

Thank you so much, @Angelx28 🤍🤍

Everlee OP March 19th, 2022

My gif didn't send :'(


Everlee OP March 19th, 2022

@Angelx28 You are amazing, Angel! ^o^

Everlee OP March 19th, 2022

@Angelx28 Aww, not more than you! 🤍c:

Everlee OP March 20th, 2022

@Angelx28 Thank you so much, yours is lovely too! c:

Everlee OP March 19th, 2022

"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong" - Murphy's law
"If you can fail in exam, you will fail in exam" - My best friend who was trying to encourage me but ended up saying the truth. 🙃


Everlee OP March 21st, 2022


Everlee OP March 22nd, 2022


Everlee OP March 22nd, 2022


Everlee OP March 23rd, 2022

Why was I even waiting for the results 😀

Everlee OP March 20th, 2022

I love her a lot but I have hated her too. For most of my childhood I have heard her talking about not returning back or giving up on her life. She was very short-tempered probably because she was always stressed after work after all travelling everyday for about 70 km could really affect anyone but I didn't understand it that much when I was a kid and it hurt when she took it out on me and my sibling. There were rarely some days when people didn't hear loud voices from our house but no matter the amount of anger I had for her, I never wanted to lose her. I was just a child, I couldn't think about anything else but cry at night imagining what would happen next. One day, while sitting on the dining table, I broke down in front of my family after she said she wouldn't return. She probably felt bad after seeing tears in my eyes while I still having my dinner but that didn't stop her from mentioning it again the very next day. Me and my sibling were always scared of her. We tried not to do any mistakes because one of us does the mistake and we both face the consequences. My dad was more patient. He tried to handle the situations in a calmer manner but when he lost his cool too, the house just felt like hell and I would just sit in the corner and cry, I was the youngest after all. I guess it's explainable why my sibling is this way now. But before like 5 years, she got her workplace changed, it was much closer to our new house. Her behavior changed drastically, I mean it. She stopped talking a lot about giving up and all of that so much yet she always got annoyed at extremely simple things but all the physical abuse stopped eventually. I think I understand her more now. I used to be extremely scared of her and I could never make an eye contact with her but I don't know how, it's the opposite now and I'm really happy that certain changes happened I don't know what they were but this was like a miracle. When I think about my childhood, the first thoughts are mostly about me crying at night and being yelled at for every mistake I made and all the family issues, I was always a sensitive person. She became more of a caring person after the change in workplace, I wish that happened before, it would have been better but no matter what, I really love her now. A lot of people say that we share a really good bond, that's true as of now but she gets annoyed easily at like anything and is very unpredictable and it's not always easy for me to not to take things lightly so I do feel extremely bad at times and remember all those past incidents but one thing is, no matter what, I don't hate her now though there might be times when I don't like her but I guess I understand her more now. It's easier to crack jokes and not to offend her now. I'm glad I got to see this version of her. It hurts when she still sometimes mention certain things but I am just sure to some extent that she won't do anything like that now.

I guess bad memories are just easier to remember but in the last few years the amount of love she has given has probably neutralized a lot of pain. I don't expect her to be all good and caring and stuff like that but I only don't want the past to repeat, I wouldn't want to go through it all again and she looks happier this way so I wouldn't want things to go back to how they were before.

Everlee OP March 22nd, 2022

I've changed every part of me
Until the puzzle pieces aren't me, at all
I look in the mirror, now I'm just a jigsaw

You take every part of me, all of the things you need
Then the rest you discard
I look in the mirror, now I'm just a jigsaw

-Jigsaw by Conan Gray

Everlee OP March 22nd, 2022


Everlee OP March 22nd, 2022

"The small place" the place where we met for the first time, I never thought that would become a painful memory to me, so painful that I can barely breath when someone even mentions it now, why does that hurt so much when that was once our favorite place. The name itself brings back so many memories, the songs, the dance, the people, the photographs, the games, everything, that hurts so much all of a sudden. Our reserved place, the fun we had there, never thought I would hate thinking about all of that but, sigh, it ended where it started. We painted the memories together and made promises, and we both don't know where that masterpiece is now. A broken friendship is after all a good reason for things to fall apart.

Everlee OP March 22nd, 2022

I feel so bad but I can't do much about it. I either lose some of my friends or I lose my career, I would rather like to focus on my career than thinking about what others think about me but something in me won't let me do that, I am trying to make a decision but I just don't know how to put it in words and the problem is that I need to do it really fast because my exams are near and I'm here making life decisions? Idk it sucks and I don't think with all of this going in my head, I would be able to concentrate well on studies. I just hope that I am able to say it and people understand my side of the situation without getting upset well Idk if they care anymore but I would never feel good after leaving someone like that and it would just randomly come in my mind when I'm studying and I won't be able to focus again so I think it's best that at least for my own sake, I convey it to the people. *fingers crossed* Good luck Eve, you got this!

Everlee OP March 23rd, 2022

I told them and even when it seemed like they don't care, I guess it's fine and I don't mind much about it, I'm just happy that I could tell them. I am so grateful for others, my loved ones, I finally know what to focus on, I am just happy that I was able to put it in front of them and yes of course, one of the problem was solved lol so I'm relieved and I guess I can finally concentratee yay! Good luck to mee!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 23rd, 2022

❤ @Everlee ❤

*breaks in and leaves lots of hugs, ice cream cake and pizzaaa* 🤗🍕(🍨+🎂)


Everlee OP March 23rd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Aw Sun, welcome in! Thank you for filling this thread with sunshine, I can already see so much light ahead! You hopping in here really means a lot to me! *hugss backk and shares ice cream cake and pizza with you!* Thank youu so much! 🤗🤗(🍨+🎂)🍕🍕🍕🍕


Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 23rd, 2022


Aww ofcourse, lovely, pleased to hop in here and be with your sweet and wonderful self, Eve. ❤

Yay *nom nom* 🥰

This is such a beautiful reminder, so so appreciated. 🤗

Everlee OP March 24th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Aw, words cannot explain how much that means to me, thank you so much!

Also of course, you deserve it! 🤍

*Sending love and hugs*🤗🤍

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 24th, 2022

@Everlee awww🤗❤️ what cake did you nom alone lol, sooooo very sweeeeet! 🥰 *More love and more hugs back*


Everlee OP March 24th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🤍🤍 Aw you are the sweetest but I promise I ate only one piece xD and here, I saveeeddd some for youu though! Thank you *hugs hugs hugs and all my love!*


( I really want a cake now hehee, that's more than tempting! d: )

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 26th, 2022


Awww hahaha 😆 soooo knew it :P

But aww you saved some for me too 🥺 *happily noms cake* yay! 🥰 Moreeee hugs and loveeee to lovely Eveee!❤️

(Goodness lol, sameee xD that looks way too tempting 🥺)

Everlee OP March 27th, 2022


Of course I did, how could I eat it all alone when we planned to run a whole bakery? :p I hope you like the cake good (saying as if I baked it xD) Aw thank you for all the hugss and loveeee! *Sends infinite supply of love and hugs and to sweetest Sunshinee" 🤗🤍☀

(I know right and that's an ice cream cake, we have this in our bakery ;) )

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 27th, 2022


Oh goodness, I dunno, what's sweeter lol, you or the cake 😭💖💖💖😭


Haha I know lol, does Eve know how to bake for real though? 😃

(Andd this one has to be our bestseller 🥺)

Everlee OP March 28th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Neither lolll, it's youuu, the sweetest! ^v^

And, where did you get that gif from? It's so awesome pawsome! :p


And yess I do know how to bake (I still need to check out the recipe every time though :p) but I'm not the best at cleaning the kitchen after all of that xD How about you? c:

(Of coursee, it is already :p)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 28th, 2022


Haha xD _1648480106.image.png

Aw I know right, i found it on (apparently I can only use the gifs from this site for some reason lol, others do not work- just hoping the awesome gifs never ever finish on giphy 🤡)

I'm loving all these adorable spongebob gifs too 🥺❤


Oooh woah that's amazing to know, I automatically start admiring people who bake more lolll xD checking out the recipe is alright Haha, the measurements can be funny to remember sometimes :P

I can only bake cakes thus far haha, vv simple and basic ones 🙈

Andddd right right, nobody enjoys cleaning the mess lmao😭 xD (unless someone reading this does, hit me up lol 😛)

(Wooohoooo 🥰)

Everlee OP March 29th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *puts mirror in the middle* yes yes definitely you! d:

That site is sooo good, I am glad that at least something works for you and aw I hope they never run out of gifs, may their supply never ends andd also I hope you can access other sites soon too! (':

That one isss soooo adorableee ^v^


And that's quite interesting xD I am actually the same because I only know how to bake cakes and my mom helps me every time so I can't even say that I can bake a whole cake without anyone standing with me and giving me all the instructions from behind xD

Simple and basic cakes are still cakes hehe :p and no matter what kind of cake it is, as long as it makes you happy, work's done! ;D

Exactly, the mess created is way moree 😭

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 30th, 2022

@Everlee omigoshh whatta sweetiee 🥺 *turns mirror on your side*--- mirrror meet the bestest hooman! ❤️

Aw haha thanks lol, i hope their gifs supply never ends too *-*

I love thatttt --- all cakes are cakes and so long they make us happy--- darn yes, Wise Eveee! 🤗

Aw lol, that's okayyyy, we all learn hehe--- I'm sure soon you'll be a great Baker on your own--- keep going okieee, one cake at a time! ❤️

Everlee OP March 31st, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Aw Sun how are you so sweet 🥺 mirror knows who the bestest hooman is alredy changing the side ain't gonna help :p (it's youu! only youu!)

Oh God I didn't realize that was wise loll ^-^

Andd thank youu lol I hope the same for you! And sure one cake at a time, I like that! :p

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 3rd, 2022


Awww *feeling stuck in love puddle* lol---- no complaints though :P


How's Eve doing today?