Ni's Little Solace
Not sure why I am creating this thread exactly, and I'm doing this so late at night as well :') I just felt... like I should do this haha. I do have a one line a day thread although I... don't think I have felt so free over there to write as much as I wished. So I thought maybe... I should just make another thread, a diary perhaps.. where I can really be myself.. and maybe post pictures and quotes, literary quotes maybe... and poems.. specifically haiku hehe. Also vents.. thoughts and maybe letters :')
Replies are welcome as well <3 although please remember to stay respectful and kind.
*sending lots of love and hugs because why not*
I’m starting to think idm being garbage
anyone here
whats wrong Ni lovely? 💛
mm not ni right nows
not ni? do you have a system?
talk in rooms?
So much more clear now. :‘)
@LoveMyMoonflowers clarity can definitely be helpful but sometimes I find that it also hurts
@LoveMyMoonflowers Just that sometimes I can see things so clearly sometimes that it's painful to see. Maybe it sounds weird but my thoughts are often jumbled and tangled and when they're clear - they're almost too clear. Painfully clear - ya know?
i get that 💙 :') it does get painful especially after we get used to the thoughts being all jumbled and mixed up :') when things get clear it just feels weird
@LoveMyMoonflowers It does feel weird! Like oh look a clear thought! OMG what do I do with it?! 😅 Often they're there and then poof - gone
I’m not sure if you’ll see this but I wanted to check up on you! <3
As hard as life can get, I’m really proud of you for making it to here 💛
You’re very sweet, funny and very much deserving of likability :DD
Good job Ni, you’re an amazing person, never forget that.
cookies and cakessss
awwe this is so sweet emmett. thank you friend 🌈 sending hugs if okay <3 and *noms cookies and cake* hehe 💙 emmett’s signature cookies and cake 😛💜
I’m just lurking hehe
ello friend 🌈 awwe i see you were doing the lurky lurk 👀 i lurk a lot in forums too :P heeeheee. 💙
yayyyyy twinsiessss
: >>>
wait what are the two dinos doing there? 😭😅
Rawr 🦖🦖🦖
@LoveMyMoonflowers Hey :) Feels like it's been a little while so I wanted to check in with you and see how you're doing. How are you Moon Pie?
hey soul <3 yeah it does feel like it’s been a little while doesn’t it? Hehe. i think cups has been a bit quiet too? idk. certainly not quiet in teenie land lately :')
i’m… idk. how are you is a difficult question to answer sometimes isn’t it? :') it can be confusing. :/ i’m idk… fine i guess. getting through each day. :') thanks for asking.
what about you soul? <3 i hope things are better in your world friend. <3
@LoveMyMoonflowers It is quiet around here. I've seen a few things with teenie town - I'm sorry it's so bad there right now. I hope it settles down for you all soon
Oh gosh yeah that is a tough question to answer lol. Like do you tell people the whole truth or just makes something up so they don't worry
I'm ok at the moment - alittle tired but that's normal for me Thank you for asking 💙
i hope it settles down too. :') it’s not like the mods aren’t doing anything though… they have to log on and deal with so much :') the commods are amazing and so patient but it just hurts to see people being so disrespectful to them… and all the conflict and having to be around all the conflict :') it’s triggering for a lot of people. oof.
yeah there’s that thing where you don’t want them to worry <3 it’s easier to say im fine or im ok than to explain all the crazy things happening irl and in our heads. :') hard to talk about stuff tbh.
i’m glad your ok right now <3 i hope you can get some rest. i hope your trying to be kind to you too <3 it can be hard but we can at least try… :’)
is it early over there? <3
thank you for checking in buddy <3 i appreciate it
@LoveMyMoonflowers You're welcome 💙 I'm only ever a tag away if you need someone to talk to ok?
thank you friend <3 *hugs if okay*
things in tcr and sr are just getting weirder and weirder.
and we have to wait 4 years to age up.
4 years. :')
i know. it sucks. i hate being on teens side. it used to be so much better when i was a newbie.
exactly bun :') idk for me i feel a bit better when teenie friends are around, it’s nice to see familiar people… but every time i enter a chat there is always some kind of conflict. and people head over to rainbow room for support or just to talk because it doesn’t feel safe in the other rooms anymore :/ it sucks.
yeah. i hear you ni. *sends comfort beams*. 💜 it can be so weirdly upsetting and confusing. sometimes you just walk into a weird situation and dont know wheather to bump in and be like "Hi!" or just to keep quiet. i think teenies need a bit of understanding, sometimes we misunderstand something and it becomes conflict. :') or sometimes there is a bit of a clash. we find it hard to move on. 💜 when i first joined cups, this was less. it used to be like 10 or more people in a chatroom and everyone would get along so nicely. sometimes there was less people but everyone was so supportive and lovely. no one was ignored 💜