Ni's Little Solace
Not sure why I am creating this thread exactly, and I'm doing this so late at night as well :') I just felt... like I should do this haha. I do have a one line a day thread although I... don't think I have felt so free over there to write as much as I wished. So I thought maybe... I should just make another thread, a diary perhaps.. where I can really be myself.. and maybe post pictures and quotes, literary quotes maybe... and poems.. specifically haiku hehe. Also vents.. thoughts and maybe letters :')
Replies are welcome as well <3 although please remember to stay respectful and kind.
*sending lots of love and hugs because why not*
In November in 2009…. A real *** up kid was born.
*keeps hugging tighttttt* 💖
*lets go bc there ain’t any way anyone would really want to hug ni*
@LoveMyMoonflowers then we can look again and find a sun with open arms/ their bright sunny rays super up for a hug from Ni.
ni’s so *** up she’d darken even the sun.
:') the sun wouldn’t want that either.
You knowww, sometimes I actually wonder if the sun is tired to have to keep shining alllll the time, what if the sun doesn't wanna shine sometimes and the brightness is too much sometimes. :0 Sun could use a break too, mhmmm.
I think this is a win win. 🥰
I dunno about that sun in the sky but this sun defo is on a break from shining and doesn't mind holding tight onto their friend even if it gets dark, speciallyyy if it gets dark.
(And it's okay not feel okay in the head always, vv valid to be a little agitated when we are feeling overwhelmed. A little *** is understandable, when things feel too much within and around us. You're allowed your time to feel better than you currently are feeling, Niibuddy. Till then please know it's okay to feel your feelings and express in whatever ways work for you but remember to be gentle with yourself still. You deserve kindness even when you're struggling and hurting. Specially when you are struggling and hurting.)💙
@LoveMyMoonflowers Moon? What - why do you think that?
think what.
@LoveMyMoonflowers That no one would want to hug you. That you shouldn't have been born. That your existence is - ew. *Although I like Sun's words better* The world wouldn't be the same without you. Because you're in the world and because of that - you're here And because you're here and I'm here we got to meet each other and I think that is an awesome thing 💙
i think that….. i never thought why. It’s just a fact of life. ingrained into my brain and being.
….. :')
We did…. That thing again. Typed a whole damn paragraph….
And then. Delete it all.
Ugh i hate this. I hate me.
@LoveMyMoonflowers We all love you here for the you that you are 💙
am i anything at all….
@LoveMyMoonflowers Of course! You're many many things. Smart and kind and funny. You have a beautiful heart that so many of us see here and there's so many things about yourself that are just waiting to be discovered by you 💙
nope. None of those. Never have been.
@LoveMyMoonflowers You've fooled us all then? Because there's evidence of how wonderful you are all over the site. I've seen how you sit with your friends and offer encouragement and support. I've seen your silly side in the jokes you make. I see you 💙
@LoveMyMoonflowers Through the good and bad moments - we're here for you ok? 💙