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Musings 6

Modal0154 June 10th, 2023

Following after

Less unwieldy a title than the last stream of diary entries. It has an origin, I might one day explain. I might do the Vocoroo links on here more often for which it'll mean all the more to me if they get feedback.

Still will be typing as typical on here as well.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

Acupuncture for sinuses I'll have to hold off on since the schedule of the particular acupuncturist is usually incompatible with my wage labour schedule expectations.


Recently "Head over heels" by Tears for fears has fascinated me, both lyrically and instrumentally. I'd be intrepid enough to say that if I was say directing some intimate scene (live action or animated for that matter) that might well go beyond a kiss, I'd opt for that song as background music. Have the synthwave aesthetic of late, tie in as well.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

Stopping a hobby: I can stop adding to the 'for sibling and partner' and 'for expectant nephew or niece' playlists.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2023

- :(Family fridge) >:| Hth in a household where their aren't allergies to it, do you let on an entire little basket of strawberries so often it nigh-all goes moldy !.

Such a waste.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

Tuesday I need to clean b/c of incoming anti-pest based maintenance for Wednesday.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

`_` I bring up to maintenance for assistance on mayhaps moving the fridge to apply the measures

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

I *can* bring up..

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

Since we're at the 2:45 a.m. range we've need to remind ourselves ('self-compassion') how falling into pornography had more to do with the restlessness of being up at this time and (on some implicit level) us seeking a near guarantee sleep inducer ('genitalia exhaustion') more so than h--r--s per se and more importantly just d--n don't linger that way after the currently mainstream YouTube video we're watching.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

Even without getting into the specificities of one's mental health issues mayhaps referring to yourself in plural can be cathartic in it's own way.


Slowly, slowly I'm inching towards time to know

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

Tbh I found the audiobook version Margaret Atwood's 'Cat's eye' tedious enough to give up on even though I know it's significant for basically being a 'just fictionalized enough' take on her prepubescent life in 1950's Toronto and I can definitely appreciate that.

I think that Netflix's 'La Primera Vez' ['The first time'] or 'Eva Lasting' as per it's Anglicized title could've been that if the protagonist of 70's Colombia had been half to 2/3 his in show age but instead I got the unappeal of teen drama vibes (albeit with a high production and seeming seriousness of direction and approach) with the first episode of a group of males furtively gawking over a pornography magazine in a setting of an all-boys high school which was finally opening up to the female presenting demographic.

'Benjamin' by Maria Cecilia Zuniga was a nice read for a take on an Hispanic teen intensely introverted enough that you might think that you can read them as somehow non-neurotypical. Goodness knows how the time period setting of that 2012 released book wasn't relevant to the story but it makes me curious to read stories delving on the intrapersonal lives of prepubescents across the globe from decades past.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023


Less cool is having a paratha bread, over toasted to a burn.

Modal0154 OP July 9th, 2023

If there were internationally variant versions of the show 'PEN15' that'd be amusingly efficacious at doing that !.

It's short-sighted an offense to say ~' you're chronically online !. Go outside and touch the grass !' when what winds up making many of us chronically online is the confinement of winter. I say this on a summer day when due to dashed expectations, I wound up staying mainly indoors -_-.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

I feel bad and actually worry for the women who are exposed down to underclothes or swimsuit levels of coverage but are posing in evidently wintery outdoors as if they're say skiers or such and not even in the warmth of an outdoors hot tub. The risk of getting sick that way.

When it comes to that sort of enticing imagery.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

Woke up without having to remorse on such a problem

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

More importantly look up online naturopathy possibility.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

The term "adult contemporary" is a music genre that primarily targets adult listeners and typically features a softer, melodic sound. It is characterized by its appeal to a mature audience, often focusing on themes of love, relationships, and personal reflection. While adult contemporary music can sometimes overlap with pop music, it generally has a more refined and sophisticated sound compared to mainstream pop. It often includes elements of various genres, such as pop, rock, jazz, and R&B, but with a more subdued and adult-oriented approach. (Response by ChatGPT to a question of definition, I asked)

Compare and contrast 'dad rock' with 'rock' (if that's still even much of a thing at this point :I) and adult contemporary might be that to pop. Me thinking that 'unplugged' and acoustic versions exemplify that better.

Hip-hop has a (non-pun, maturity ?) issue if it still tries to hard to pretend it's on par with 90's stuff b/c it's basically genre producers and fans admitting their age as reflected by them being parents.

and if someone were to say that 'adult contemporary' is pop music with like 'polish,shine and overproduced sounds' than I can see where they're coming from


Delving into the meaning of 'adult contemporary' music for a next time.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

Lest I forget, R&B and soul music and how it's defined being present in hip-hop and not only pop and rock.

Modal0154 OP July 5th, 2023
Malapropisms and puns, alliterations and rhymes and the fusion between them. The silence between them is still music. World established so far imbalanced.
Modal0154 OP July 10th, 2023

What the brutal sweeping of music production via AI voice covers is leaving remaining is the question of what holds up lyrically and in terms of songwriting.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

+'s: that I'm able to write, that there isn't a workplace uniform or dresscode but I'm aware of what 'corporate casual' is.

"^_^ Feeling a bit undressed as of the moment.

Modal0154 OP July 5th, 2023

One of those 'reflects possible tension and ripple effects regarding the causes of being an uncle start getting you in the coming months' the Slipknot song 'Before I forget' some wacky alt-timeline where even if we achieved solarpunk post-scarcity et al, in having to learn to accept what hypothetical kids I have as autonomous individuals with utter freedom as how undergoings and undertakings would sculpt their personalities, value systems, attitude etc, et al..I could see myself being on a spectrum of being like, having the reluctant and weary quasi-fatalism and befuddled steadfast care of Bob Belcher and 'at worst'(?) Atreus's dad era Kratos -- =u= Ah, that cringe/remorse of my past self hits me

Modal0154 OP July 5th, 2023

A sorrowful video of a puma induced fatality to a house cat which I saw weeks ago, makes me think of how when it comes to 'the big cats' I can only imagine how wearisome it'd be in certain parts of Africa and India to be in a situation where some kind of animal control has to be contacted b/c of a leopard hidden say in the trees of an urban area. >_< The idea of a creature so amply sized among the trees gives me the willies.

'_' `_` I keep coming across stuff having to do with dire leopard and human overlap in India but I think to myself jaguars in Latin American cities..deforestation presence in too dissimilar from what's done in say India and hence not as much worry 'give or take' Brazil ?.

Modal0154 OP July 5th, 2023

That I might 'think straight' , more clearly if I actually slept in a healthy pattern might well mean that for a 'better reason' I wouldn't be here.

Modal0154 OP July 9th, 2023

*sigh* Last Thursday my higher-ups sent out a msg about how they'll have a schedule draft for the rest of the year set down by the end of this week.. `_` '_' and I don't know whether that'll effect me being able to schedule my remaining days off. I at least had November 6th specifically in mind to be off on.

Modal0154 OP July 5th, 2023

I worry about arriving at the ‘right moment’ to karaoke ‘Bright eyes’ by Simon & Garfunkel in the interest of it maybe relieving me of the past memory of someone.

Modal0154 OP July 6th, 2023

Hecho ;)

Modal0154 OP July 6th, 2023

-'s: this moment

Modal0154 OP July 6th, 2023

Online naturopathy pursuit

Make appointment w/phone provider b/c I'm really not too trusting of how they charge for data

`_` Both those tasks are the kind of tediousness but 'small important step' calibre stuff which feels like it entails hours of stuff beforehand that's actually fun and/or encouraging to do before you do tedious chores like that in what scant non-wage labouring time you have where you also actually feel functional

Pest control like reps arrive in the late morning.

Modal0154 OP July 8th, 2023

I at least set out a message for a possible naturopathy appointment.

The slog of a support centre call to my cell data provider can wait on this weekend..going to see how not disappointing this platform is in a search for a listener =-= .

Modal0154 OP July 10th, 2023

The kiosk of new provider on my mind is conveniently barely several paces across from the kiosk of my current provider but >_< ._. f--k !, I'm not looking forward to interacting w/the reps. b/c it's f--g Jackson Square and the jaded cs which 'comes with the turf' of the unappealing locale et al.


`_` '_' Am I really so fortunate as to nigh-always avoided laundry room drama with my timing of when I do laundry or is it truly that most ppl here don't actively do laundry all that often or that since the employment situation is so variable that a fair amount don't opt for doing it until mid-day ?. 45 minutes on the washing machine and drying machines which can go for 1 hr 45 minutes if you so let them is a fair chunk for which otherwise outside chores can be undertaken. So it still puzzles me deeply.

Modal0154 OP July 10th, 2023

=_= I admit the first part was influenced by reading recent Google reviews.

Modal0154 OP July 10th, 2023

They open at 11

Modal0154 OP July 10th, 2023

On the verge of verifying..

Modal0154 OP July 10th, 2023

They were nice. T'was fine.

Modal0154 OP July 6th, 2023

Imo Oasis's 'Live forever' covered by an Elvis AI would be cool

Modal0154 OP July 8th, 2023

There is a value to karaoke. This can be said even if we're at a point now where even the most vocally unprofessional among us can have an AI made wherein we'll sing whatsoever.

Modal0154 OP July 9th, 2023

Still waiting for my dad's friend to pop by to pick up the things in the garage which only I can open.

-_- Partly today's reason for having spent it indoor at my parent's .

Modal0154 OP July 9th, 2023

Now herein is a part wherein it'd be key to look up data on say whether nightshift work became much more prevalent after the 80's or after the 90's. I'm sure a fair amount of us by now know of say 'blue collar' tradesppl born btw the 40's-70's who've had the heaviness of their work impact their physicality more conspicuously impact them more than other on the basis of how often they took 'the preventative measure' of exerting themselves, 'working out' in a more recreational light during their off-hours..

Feel free to correct me but methinks that most mentions of ppl who consistently were awake from near midnight to near dawn in the past might more likely come from celebrities and/or ppl with more 'indulgent' lifestyles than those who had menial nightshift jobs.

I say that since I'd think that such ppl are more likely to bring it up as 'wild' and memorable (enough) stuff might've happened for them during those hours with much more likelihood than say someone who was a factory labourer or cleaning " ". Those celebs might well've been wealthy enough to avert certain elements of senescence from hitting them hard, superficially or beyond. With those other ppl..not so much.

I feel that a lot of us post-1990 arrivals are due to have senescence at the least impact us like those non-celeb pre-90's might shift workers in terms of our appearances and health as senescence gets to us, even with the variable leeway consistent exercise habits make for us. It's not only that we might do nightshift work but our screen use and media consumption habits that make us all the more susceptible. I'll agree with a memory of a line from a video I watched which I regret not to be able to link: in a sense phone, computer, internet, screen based use overall is the addiction that our contemporary world nigh-obligates us to have.

Even I'm afraid in a sense of what practically unavoidable senescence in terms of not only my appearance but functioning anatomically and physiologically ( ._. grief, the overlap of stress, hormonal activity, heart functioning being key to me >_< ), I'm due for as the seeming 'liberation' of ostensible retirement looms. How many will still be braggarts about how aging didn't impact that while underscoring how wealthy they were b/c they 'networked' or succeeded through those d--n labour market based adult popularity contests during the mid 00's-the initial lockdown era epoch..

._. >_< and I still dread screen based radiation.

Modal0154 OP July 9th, 2023

Looking for a new cell phone provider is never fun

Modal0154 OP July 9th, 2023

=_= Finding time to make time to make a playlist for sporadic slogs like that is tedious on it's own.

Modal0154 OP July 10th, 2023

Were 'wokeness' to achieve in a near future and we fully express the previously swept under the rug experiences of the marginalized, minorities with our emancipatory like expressions etc, the next trend in media imo will be highlightings of how the environment played a heavily taken for granted role in the past along with highlightings of how it was screwed over and the few who confronted for it.