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Musings 6

Modal0154 June 10th, 2023

Following after

Less unwieldy a title than the last stream of diary entries. It has an origin, I might one day explain. I might do the Vocoroo links on here more often for which it'll mean all the more to me if they get feedback.

Still will be typing as typical on here as well.

Modal0154 OP June 26th, 2023

I appreciate the privacy freely given to me by leafy summer season tree branches over my windows.

Yesterday I saw a tent scenically almost out of sight and hidden among high golden yellow to beige range grass. I almost wanted to photograph it even if it was sorrowfully a homeless encampment.

Modal0154 OP June 26th, 2023

The leaves aiding me in a sense and =_= `_` my intent to seek out who the blazes the 'bizarre laugher' resident is when they might not be in the apartment above and below me but in the adjacent outdoors.

Modal0154 OP June 25th, 2023

An ownmost vlogging:

Modal0154 OP June 26th, 2023

....I want to remember when I booked my weeks off during 2021..since I want to know if I booked time off during early November as well..if I don't book it for early November I can see myself scheduling holistic health stuff during that time period in order to 'not be hit' as much by the unpleasant ambience change of cold and super reduced sunlight..

I'm leaning to use my remaining time off mainly for July or August

Modal0154 OP June 26th, 2023

For info on past vacation times, email hr

Modal0154 OP June 26th, 2023

Now comes the part, now on my mind is explaining to someone what never revisiting my parent's birth nation would mean to me.

Modal0154 OP June 27th, 2023

Reluctantly going to turn off my barely used Wii in the improper way since puzzlingly the console remote even it's battery's isn't working even if the sensor bar is present.

Modal0154 OP June 27th, 2023

Dollar store batteries help expectant..I don't want to bother my sibling solely for this.

Modal0154 OP June 27th, 2023

Before I forget, before I regret to wait to add more details to this: I'm deeply unfond of how lifting culture has almost always made itself look like the only gym culture.

Modal0154 OP June 28th, 2023

+ : Knowing how naturopathy can be done online

Modal0154 OP June 28th, 2023

- : an ample amount of pasta given to me by my sister going bad. Cream based sauces spoil differently from tomato based ones.

Modal0154 OP June 28th, 2023

+ : my brother earning a full driver’s license

Modal0154 OP June 29th, 2023

- : It's worth mentioning, right ?. Wildfire smoke air pollution warning in effect again since Tuesday around here.

Modal0154 OP June 29th, 2023

-: I went on 'crustless cheesecake' but disengaged promptly since there are not only more interesting things to watch but I get Friday off as well so that's encouraging. Still paranoid about the aftermath though ?.

Modal0154 OP June 29th, 2023

ibid I guess `_` -_-

Modal0154 OP June 30th, 2023

-: Having given a bused 'hmm' behind a pair of persons talking when one of them mentioned how they're husband gifted them a shirt with the 80's-90's TMNT since she ~'moves as slow as turtle'. Her late husband ._. .

Distinct air quality compromises continue.

Modal0154 OP June 30th, 2023

Minutes ago was marked by making of the first ever known 'loose change' in this apartment in that, I heard a coin fall but currently can't find it.

Modal0154 OP June 30th, 2023

I'm p.o.'d by how my parents bean soup isn't hearing up more promptly ?. Why am I'm p.o.'d by how my parents bean soup isn't hearing up more promptly ?. It's b/c the sooner it heats up, the sooner I can consume it and depart and spend less time in front of what 'clerically based gender diversity skepticism' videos one of my parents is currently watching.

Even if I'm cishetero myself they know I'm a sympathetizer and I don't want to risk staying arguing, irregardless of what outcone might come.

Pride month ends tomorrow on what's 'Canada day's here.

Modal0154 OP June 30th, 2023

Noise from the kitchen fan helped

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2023

Gj: leaving while my bus pass was still usable, my brother asking me if I still need console installation help... xD :D Getting it to work !

Plus xD Finding this music !

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2023

:D Bless 'Gritaera productions' !

Modal0154 OP July 2nd, 2023

+ : finished working on playlists

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2023

I have reservations and a struggle to not yield to antipathy to communities and cultures which are very 'boys club-by' tactlessly and overtly. Read that as you may, I've the freedom to refuse to elaborate at the moment.

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2023
A thought which otherwise could've been weighed down with layered density which I'm d--n well capable of dishing out as per my writing ability has been said 'directly'.
Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2023

I somewhat begrudge how an accuracy of descriptions mainly has to come from those who've had s--ty experiences and rag on it and/or make it into comedy ('urban dictionary' and 'cracked' for ex.).

Reddit is the more nuanced 'middle ground' of this imo for all it's daunting immensity and variety.

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2023

The aftermath of pornography use hasn't been too much of a comparable hang up.

On a related note is how I want to give a Reddit user an award for a helpful comment but can't seem to find the posting in which they put their comment any longer.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2023

Ibid on the first part. Ibid for the application of a longer 6-23 entry.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2023

You might say that this time green tea was the chaser instead of chamomile, with one part of the thought process being that if I were even more rushed I'd be buying one of the green tea based drinks from 'Booster juice'.

When time isn't enough for tea processes like boiling water and waiting it to cool down enough, 'my trick' is to consume the tea via smoothie even if it only makes for more of a placebo effect.

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2023

- : Is remarking on when the air quality warnings aren't a thing going to be the thing I'll need to watch for now ?

Not liking having to wait for my shaving machine to charge up for me to complete that blasted chore


Wondering what characters I'd like to see or could see singing this in an AI way:

Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2023


Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2023
Modal0154 OP July 1st, 2023

'u' Imaging this as among the first few things, my nephew or niece will hear :

Modal0154 OP July 2nd, 2023

My hands are more for pressing and typing not holding and gripping.

My chagrin for my lousy grip strength =_= .

Modal0154 OP July 2nd, 2023

Definitely worth looking up public parks with public Wifi . I know of three.

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2023

Jonathan Davis has an interesting voice I'd like to emulate in karaoke but goodness knows I'm not up to doing a one for one coverage of his lyrics "^_^ *. Like with Usher it's a case of an interesting voice I think I'd like to take cues from even if I'm not up to vocalizing the songwriting they've usually done.

* I'd feel less reluctant with a cleaned version of this song:

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2023

I can either dare to repeat songs I've already done or seek ones uncovered by me with a questionable regarding for whether I'd want attention or testing my vocalizing in different ways.

When it comes to the latter, I'd be down to try to Jamiroquai's 'Virtual insanity' and Lenny Kravitz's older stuff or -u- i.e. what he might've done for an 'MTV unplugged' event (my main go to strategy).

Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2023

I'm confident of being at a point where I tried enough songs that I could make a priority listing of those I'd prefer to practice on or use consistently and those which I feel less so about

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

A part of me wondering if Damon Albarn will be accepting of AI given how fans are fond of Gorillaz lore and multimedia which will make it a prime target for AI takes imo. Also `_` '_' if I have give an honest opinion on, is +75% of the time Jamie Hewlett's input even though anything music related will d--n well have to pass through Albarn.

I'm waiting for someone to make an AI Albarn cover Gorilla Zoe's 'Echo' song and someone say that it goes with what happened in the group's lore -- I remember hearing how for Phase 7/the recent Cracker island stuff there was something about Paula Cracker (who might still be alive and relevant ?) doing inciting some of that ritualistic cult shenanigans out of some kind of vindictiveness ?, `_` though I'm not too sure it'd be in 2D's character to be salty enough to perform Gorilla Zoe's 'Echo' song as from what I understand it was Murdoch who somewhat made her cheat on Stuart (2D).


Sure, you might say that the above blurb is reflective of how 'terminally online' I am but do understand how I can still output like that even with hobbies like exercising. For me personally it was my past investment in the non-secular which was among one of the most persistently clingy sources for being online (reading up on stuff and such) and that before I got involved with Reddit during the lockdowns.

Modal0154 OP July 4th, 2023

We'll see if my take pans out if Albarn is indeed going to make Blur more active again.


Modal0154 OP July 3rd, 2023

Might have to cancel/postpone counselling appointment to a later date if I'd mean to try get naturopathic input online or such before then.