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Musings 6

Modal0154 June 10th, 2023

Following after

Less unwieldy a title than the last stream of diary entries. It has an origin, I might one day explain. I might do the Vocoroo links on here more often for which it'll mean all the more to me if they get feedback.

Still will be typing as typical on here as well.

Modal0154 OP July 11th, 2023

I might not be much into fiction, since I kind of understand how the way the irl mind often works is in a narrative way so in a way that suffice. I might not be much into drama (mediocre improv class experience comes to mind "^_^) since I've realized for much longer how so much of the behaviour I have to pull off on a mundane basis, how I 'present myself' and 'give presentation' is already a performance and unappealingly tedious one at that, so to add a layer of more broadly recognized performance, with it's own nuances for expression and performance often in the interest of a narrative and to master that learning curve is not much appealing to me*.

* unless we're talking (pun not intended) solely in terms of the voice, AI aside

Sure the narrative is a rather unstimulating one of going through the motions of mastering the 'barely not underemployed' job and job tasks I do even before getting into tedious schlock like whether I'll learn to or how much driving I can do or pain of sublimating the desire for something akin to intimacy..but it's useful for me at the least.

Modal0154 OP July 11th, 2023

Whence I arrive to work on the morrow it'll more or less to the minute of the anniversary whence I moved into my current apartment. Was the whole undertaking comparable to the effort for a military campaign or operation ?.

Sans the expectant destruction and bloodshed of course.

Modal0154 OP July 11th, 2023

It's late, I might regret not attaching this remark to relevant past entry about how physical ed. ought to be about learning embodiment instead of competition via athletics...a big reason why the latter method is so unsustainable and toxic is b/c of the realities of how 'prize money' (not only funding, sponsorships etc) works for sports

Modal0154 OP July 12th, 2023

As cool as the Elton John parts were on 'The Pink Phantom' song, I personally would love to hear am Isaac Hayes AI voice cover those parts.

Considering the popularity of South park, I can see an Isaac Hayes AI catching on in particular.

Modal0154 OP July 12th, 2023

If Cracked's Michael Swain was ripped and did an Australian accent he'd basically have been Josh Lawson's take on Kano in the 2021 Mortal Kombat movie.

Modal0154 OP July 12th, 2023

Ire a un ducha pronto.

Comi un pastel en un jarring y shoes siento inseguro por haber comido Esa comida chatara tan tarde. Por preoccupacion de tinnitus todavia affectandome no piense que ire a karaoke otra vez hasta la proxima semana desfortunadamente.

Hueves ire a un cosa en un estudio de yoga.

Modal0154 OP July 13th, 2023

Segura enter aqui que ver satiros y parodias intelligente que burla ambos de la obsession con la nostalgia y los que son complacente en diciendo que el pasado con sus prejucios y faltas fue mejor en el interes de ensenarnos un allevacion del temor de enviejeciendo et al.


Modal0154 OP July 13th, 2023

Later today I’m going to a yoga studio specifically for a class on ‘the Wim Hof’ breathing method which will entail ice baths, etc. do you instructor is apparently one of the few people in Canada who has ‘level two certification’ in teaching the Wim Hof method (don’t know if it means they meet the fellow in person though :|) . She also is someone we have a medical background who has made addiction and a prescription programs required regarding CBT use and has been on a podcast regarding marijuana use.

Hoping this isn’t going to s—k,hoping this isn’t going to be disappointing, hoping this won’t be dismally ‘hippy-dippy’ (remember the failed Buddhist meditation retreat in Toronto, I tell myself -_-). When I know that the modus operandi of most people is via apathy and/or minimal effort (even with the d—n prosaic and pitiful motivation which is a wage),don’t be so effing surprised that I am so inclined to do these so called self-fulfilling prophecies of pessimism.