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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP June 4th

The note thing wldnt work i just remembered sis once wrote mom a text to explain how she felt and mom just made fun of her and whenever sis got upset after that mom wld be like "oh no am i gonna get a text now" jokingly so yeah it wldnt work

unassumingEyes OP June 4th

The note thing wldnt work i just remembered sis once wrote mom a text to explain how she felt and mom just made fun of her and whenever sis got upset after that mom wld be like "oh no am i gonna get a text now" jokingly so yeah it wldnt work

unassumingEyes OP June 4th

Ong so i sent her 2texts explaining the whole damn misunderstanding and she said that i shld hv apologized even if i didnt get why she was mad which i personallly disagree with cause then id be apolgizing 24/7 but anyways i said shed been mad at me the whole week so i was upset by that and she was like so u want me to apologize! And im like thats not what i said- and she said thats the only reason i cn think of for y u didnt apologize so i said (this is getting ridiculous lol) the following literally copypasted msgs: 

 why i didnt apologize this time bcz 1. I didnt see what i did wrong and 2. U kept being angry all week

And im not waiting for an apology i literally just didnt see what i did wrong and i was upset that u seemed mad at me for no reason that i understood

And she responded with "Ok" 

??? What does that even mean 

unassumingEyes OP June 4th

I didnt say anything bout the day i was silent im already on thin ice lol 

unassumingEyes OP June 4th

Srsly what does ok mean i swear shes as bad at communicating as my friends were 4 years ago- 

unassumingEyes OP June 4th

Hopefully ok means "lets forget the whole stupid thing happened and move on with our lives" 

unassumingEyes OP June 4th

Im hungry :p

All the emotions just drained away nd now im floating lol :p 

unassumingEyes OP June 4th

*dumps writing*

Tw blood and...thorns? And lies. Lies are smth to warn bout, probably. Oh and sins. Angels...screams. uhhh thats it ***- 

Holding back my reasons

Keep away the truth

Lying every season

Call me blunt or rude

Every sin in my

Black little book

Is every single lie

I let fry and cook 

Every single time

Ive broken a silent vow

Is a broken cry

So get me out, now

You say i sleep with my mouth wide

Open- I dont need to hide

Watch you misinterpret every silent scream 

Breaking apart from the seams

Throw a bandage on my hurt

Make red roses out of dirt 

Where do you think the red is from? 

From the blood those thorns have drawn 

Watch me shake, dont say a word

Better to misplace the hurt

Hold your pity, hope and lie

Back down with a resigned sigh

And every sin in my

Black little book written by

Angels- is every single lie

And every single sigh

Hold your sympathy

Hold your love for me

Im holding onto these broken peices

So let go of those worried faces 

It is what it is and ill keep it as it is 

Cause this is the best life ever gives

And im raging and yelling but you dont hear my voice

Because at the end of the day lies are the best choice

unassumingEyes OP June 4th

*dumps writing*

Tw blood and...thorns? And lies. Lies are smth to warn bout, probably. Oh and sins. Angels...screams. uhhh thats it ***- 

Holding back my reasons

Keep away the truth

Lying every season

Call me blunt or rude

Every sin in my

Black little book

Is every single lie

I let fry and cook 

Every single time

Ive broken a silent vow

Is a broken cry

So get me out, now

You say i sleep with my mouth wide

Open- I dont need to hide

Watch you misinterpret every silent scream 

Breaking apart from the seams

Throw a bandage on my hurt

Make red roses out of dirt 

Where do you think the red is from? 

From the blood those thorns have drawn 

Watch me shake, dont say a word

Better to misplace the hurt

Hold your pity, hope and lie

Back down with a resigned sigh

And every sin in my

Black little book written by

Angels- is every single lie

And every single sigh

Hold your sympathy

Hold your love for me

Im holding onto these broken peices

So let go of those worried faces 

It is what it is and ill keep it as it is 

Cause this is the best life ever gives

And im raging and yelling but you dont hear my voice

Because at the end of the day lies are the best choice

unassumingEyes OP June 4th

@unassumingEyes why did it post twice tho

unassumingEyes OP June 5th

Got hit by a wave of self hate- ouch- xD 

ok but feelings of uselessness : ✅

undeserving of all good: ✅

ungrateful: ✅

unassumingEyes OP June 5th

Why is everything posting twice today 💀

unassumingEyes OP June 5th

Tw why do i keep tasting blood in my mouth i checked like 10times to see if theres any gum bleeding but there isnt whats up with taste buds today xD 

unassumingEyes OP June 5th

Tw why do i keep tasting blood in my mouth i checked like 10times to see if theres any gum bleeding but there isnt whats up with taste buds today xD 

unassumingEyes OP June 5th


unassumingEyes OP June 5th

Holy shi- 

is my grandmother watching me or am i watching her???

she threw out the food dkhjdkuhkdhikdud sldhihdkudnthat was not supposed to be thrown mom i spicking sis up and she threw out the food- i was in the room i didnt realize dkhdkuhdkn help that was not supposed to be thrown 

rip food💀

rip me when mom finds out the food was thrown 💀

unassumingEyes OP June 5th

@unassumingEyes im just here like kdjohfkjdohdiicuoiidoiucoiud lihdl she didnt-


unassumingEyes OP June 6th

You guyyyyys 😮😮

Ok so the other day I was hving an awful time nd I was really really lonely so I tried to connect to a listener but I guess it was rushed? Cause I did get a listener...5hours later xD 

I majorly calmed down by then and didn't need an immediate listener but this person was also 

* so nice * 

And I didnt want to stop talking to her dgdjdv xD 

And we're still talking skdhjdgdhdv

Shes nice? Like actually nice 

And she says she knows u nadia (if u see this <3 im not gonna tag rn lol) 



:0 thats- :0 that’s me- :00.💖

okay well xD 1 xD💕the time you requested a listener I was asleep d:😭alot of listeners were online tho and you were waiting the longest so I don’t really know why no one else took your request😞💕>: smh. why do they have to be picky :')🩷

omg😭💕why’re you so kind😭and sweet d: I’m so nice😭?💖💖

omgomg…*du.du.du. flex pose 1*


*du.du.du. flex pose 2*


*du.du.du. flex po- okay I’ll stop xD💖*

you’re so nice to talk to honestly💕💗

eyes🩷you’re actually so nice tho :')🩷I’m still looking for a listener. it’s actually harder than I thought :')💕there used to be so many good listeners tho💖and then there’s *me* and you’re making me go all


oh and btw💗nadia. I mean. we’re basically just hoping she comes back. and she’s okay💗

unassumingEyes OP June 10th

@cathugsandharmony that is u xD

The catttssss 

Good listeners are few and amazing listeners are u xD that makes no sense :p 

cathugsandharmony June 10th


its meeeeeeeeee :000💖💖💓

that made a ton of sense and it was so sweet🩷🩷

hehe look at this cat burrito stoopid lil kitties hehe. <333 :3🐾🐾💓💓I’m sorry if you didn’t feel like talking right now. I’m really tired too💕so I understand🩷nothing is gonna force you to reply faster or longer. you can just be as calm as this turtle sipping apple juice :3


hehe. It’s honestly kinda scary upclose xDD💖okay we’ll stick to this one



unassumingEyes OP June 10th

@cathugsandharmony aw the turtle xD

Cat burrito is a mood fr

(Why is autocorrect changing cat to CT) 

unassumingEyes OP June 6th

✨wait a minute✨

✨is that a good thought i spy?✨

unassumingEyes OP June 6th




*exists too* 

unassumingEyes OP June 6th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *is in awe by your wonderful existence*



somehow the moment i saw that tag i knew you would say that 😅 that’s a sweet, vv *eyes* thing to say 💜💜 *hugs if okay* 

unassumingEyes OP June 6th

@LoveMyMoonflowers hehe *hugs*



*tight hugs* 

unassumingEyes OP June 6th

@LoveMyMoonflowers 💙💙

unassumingEyes OP June 6th

Im ✨lonely✨



Loneliness hurts :( I’m sorry Eyes friend… 🩷

unassumingEyes OP June 6th

@LoveMyMoonflowers issok 💖 im still gonna scream in the void if sis doesnt come home soon tho. Im so bored and lonely i need ppl lol 



If only you could interact with some (nice) people irl :( :') 🤔 


but we here on cups are here too 🩷🩷

unassumingEyes OP June 6th

@LoveMyMoonflowers honestlyy i wish :( im kind of to the extrovert side (not extremely but i like people and get lonely without ppl real quick) but i have n o o n e xD at this point i feel like banging on the neighbors door and saying hi im bored wanna talk but thats- probably not safe xD



its okie friend 💜 Tbh i think no matter how introverted someone is… as humans, eventually, we want to connect with other people, to have some connection. And we may feel lonely. :( And yeah banging on the neighbours door like that and talking to them probably isn’t safe 😅 :') 

unassumingEyes OP June 6th

@LoveMyMoonflowers hehe 😅 issok sis came home so i cn breaaaathe xD 



okay friend 💜💜 lol 😅

unassumingEyes OP June 6th

*zooms through the void* 

srsly tho ive been sitting in silence minus the fan noises for 3 hours and im bored and lonely :/