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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

iloveyouxx April 16th


uae public schools are canceled tomorrow too :P I couldn’t picture the lightning/hale- I have a vid but my brother and I were talking xD our whole place is like- we’re drowning lol :') someone was yelling awhile ago but I hope everyone’s safe :P hope you’re okie too <3

unassumingEyes OP April 16th

@iloveyouxx also the link wont open for me-cause of my amazing net/sar

unassumingEyes OP April 16th

@iloveyouxx also the link wont open for me-cause of my amazing net/sar

unassumingEyes OP April 16th


Left off in a slightly concerning note. Everything oki over there? 

I used the words "escalating tensions" to avoid outright stating whats been going on- but- um- summary is Iran attacked Israel and us nd israel threatened iran and everyones worried bout world war 3- and middle eastern countries are at risk if things get any worse- so thats what i meant 🩷

Yeah situation in Oman is...sad 😞

I watch international news 🩷 alot 🩷 very painful thing to do- heh- but 1. Middle east countries like kwt, qatar, oman etc are very rarely mentioned in news and 

2. If they are mentioned in the international news- its probably not a good thing-

This is smth ive noticed 😞 these countries are usually mentioned in tragedy/when in danger 😞 no wonder noone knows anything about them. 

I came on cups several times but i didnt get the tag smg i just opened the corner and bam nadia posted 5 hours ago-

iloveyouxx April 16th


lolllll no XD it’s so loud and- psychotic? "the worlds falling apart" ;-; trees are so close to falling right at us so that’s scary lol :D we got an email- this whole week schools canceled in the UAE- I’m missing swimming :D but-there are police sirens thatve been going on for a while now and I’m still scared someone got hurt :P I can’t believe someone was yelling there :’) out there- it’s so scary but I’m fine honestly. my dads laptop and phones(yes plural he has like 8 :P)got wet somehow so he’s kinda-. and also some cables but they’re safe. got sum online work to get to and its not v calm but it’s okie long as you’re indoors :P💗

…summarized😭what why does this keep getting worse😭thankyou for explaining🩷it helps since I- didn’t know about any of that :’P🩷

It really is >: TW it said at least 17 deaths and now it went up :’) really hope they’ll be okay😞🩷

ou I haven’t in like a long time- it’s mostly in formal arabic which I suck at and i dunno how to work this tv heh :P 

that’s so sad D: I don’t even watch tv at all anymore and kinda know it’s true :’) CW everyone in this school still goes around asking "Israel or pakistan"? so I was forced to know what was going on at that time TvT then there’s just talk about things like this  everywhere and even on the start page of google too >:

xD it’s alrighhttt- if you’re on the forum while someone posts it might not notify yu :0 tyt💜

unassumingEyes OP April 17th


I did take my time apparently- 13 hours- 

atleast no school but that sounds really scary hope yalls okay

Lots of hugs for you ❤️ hope *everyone* is okay

*aggresively pulls every1 indoors*

I watch tons of international news. Also u may not get sm of my eng words cause like- ive been reading my whole life akhskhs and my sisters vocabulary is also like 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 so ive picked up on these type of words xD

keeping them in my thoughts ❤️

yeahhh back in kwt we had either formal arabic news, formal arabic cartoons (didnt understand a thingg) and english…. nursery rhymes- not the common ones either xD i know them by heart now it was the only thing i understood shskjd

tiny little correction, u wrote pakistan where i think u meant “israel or palestine” yes? I wldnt hv said anything- but ppl cld get confused-

i demand notifications/lh 

iloveyouxx April 17th


XD it’s okayyyyy🩷

2 trees did end up falling near almost right infront of our building and police sirens started again for a really long time :P lots of news about it now but I think we’re fine <3

xD nooo cos like I used to have the highest reading level in my year group and now I could read like 10 pages while being zoned out😭


omg the arabic cartoonnsss☠️I never understood the voices :’) o I knew such creepy nursery rhymes- we were forced to take one in drama- the one about lizzy borden- TW if you’re gonna search it up but I wouldn’t :P

☠️☠️omigoddd-☠️nono you’re right my brains so dead right now- and guess what I’m studying😭the irony😭40 math questions due in like 15 ish hours and 3 other subjects w homework due in like a day- :D

really tyttttt- that other convo has been going on for like days :P I’ll reply to yur other thing in a minute I just needa go back to studying a lil then I’ll be back🩷

unassumingEyes OP April 17th


Oof i hope there was no damage?

Its like that xD

I wont search it xD cuz im a big coward xD best decription of the arabic cartoons: ☠️

Im studying too xD exam is english whish is easy but grammerrr and theres like 3 books xD i did one and a half o.0 and the exams tmrrw o.0 its 6.30- im ded xD hopefully itll be okay tho biggest worry is objectives cause thats full of grammer (gl with workk)

Its been 2 hours- i mean tyt but was that u studying "for a bit" 😭

My 4yr old and 2yr old cousins are over but i cnt hv fun cause studies nd my stomach and head hurt 😃😃🩷

iloveyouxx April 17th


nu there wasn’t🩷but a couple hours ago there were news about TW erm people dying in my city cos of the flash floods :')🩷..

It’s like 4 lines long hehe- but back then every time lizzie borden came out little kids would be kinda skipping rope and they’d surround her and like sing it☠️TW theennn she ended up losing it cos everyone thought she- …- and she did end up being sent to an assylum :D I swear idk why we take this stuff😭

I swear like fr☠️

ou I already took an english exam- omg that’s a lot TvT *cheering for yuuu*🎉💖🎉

eurghhhhh eyessss😭omg you’re the last person to speak you study for like 24 hourss☠️😭😭/lh I finished the 40 math questions and i needa study for the history test- and do this performing arts project- and finish this french lesson thing in my book and study for our new english topic this term(we’re taking about poetry this whole term and sir sent like links I’m so excited :0) I finished this Islamic paper and I needa do sum stuff for arabic but I’m not actually gonna do it cos like TvT thennn I guess I just needa study a lil and I’m done :DD you’re lucky I checked cups lmao this is such a horrible day T^T💜

awwe I’m so sorry :') is there any way you can go to the hospital earlier💕? anywho back to drowning in work :D💙I’ll tell you if I make it out alive :>>>>💜

unassumingEyes OP April 18th


*hopes you made it out of work alive* 

me seeing the tw death rate like nooooooooooo 😔😔

i can not go to hospital because mom is saying to ✨wait✨ so we are waiting besides dad is very busy nd cnt take me unless its an emergency (this is not an emergency :p) 

i survived the english exam👍🏻👍🏻 

i know that rhyme djkjchdjkdfnjkcsnksc i forgot but i know it- i didnt know the story behind it tho o.0 watch me just: crsnjdrnckndcrknfdckjndd xD

iloveyouxx April 18th


*no- I died by studying like hours ago but issokay my ghost wore gloves ;-; :D*

i knowww :’) the oman tw deaths keep getting higher every time I check nd that persun that died here in my city there’s news about him everywhere omg :’)💔

wait😭I hope you’re patient lmao :’)/lh💜

yyaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy I’m sure you’ll get amazing grades!!!🎉✨💖🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉I knew you could do it :3 I dunno why I’m so happy for yu sheueljs-💗🎉

sgqisbuw yu doooo?? :000 XD it feels weird typing it so.. imma copy paste the first line then make it teenie :3



Lizzie Borden took an axe/

that’s the first part sheihgsuuhthiueyt :D you remember XD?

im still studying till now ;-; no breaks all day till now XD *slowly becoming eyes*😭✨🤭/lh🩷but actually tho shhswiwsdj ;-; anywho back to studying yayayayayyaya :D just gonna check notifications and reply to sum of them then I have to go back :P I’ll be back soon💖

unassumingEyes OP April 16th

OK i didnt delete that poem on purpose this time i swear i dont know how it got deleted--

*frustrated noises* skdjkfjdjd 

iloveyouxx April 17th


shsjsgsuwb I’m sorryy I wish I coulda seen it I’m sure it was as amazing as the word *✨essence✨* 😭💕

unassumingEyes OP April 17th

Woke up nd already in a bad mood xD like what- i dont even hv a reason im just like nope

ok one reason is exams but u know 

iloveyouxx April 17th


nah that’s me every morning xD mornings are the worst especially monday mornings like bleh no-

exams would be a huge reason for a bad mood for me :0 sumtimes I feel like yu get alotta exams frend :P we just have end of midterms and end of terms and if we have anything other than that it doesn’t count much as a grade yk :0 mostly just practice but I’m not sure🩷

unassumingEyes OP April 17th

My stomach is ✨cramping✨ real bad rn ✨✨ and my head ✨hurts✨ 

normally id be worried bout studies but the next exam (tmrrw) is english and im good at that ✨ just need to revise somethings which i will…as soon as possible

And it is not possible rn xD

iloveyouxx April 17th


*still beleiving in yuuu* *woooohoooo go eyeeessss pass that tesstttt*🎉🎉🎉🎉📣📣📣💖💖💖💖/lh but we can just try out best thu and that’s okie🩷

unassumingEyes OP April 17th

I did a thing last night. It was not a very smart thing to do 😅

iloveyouxx April 17th


are you okayyy friend :')💗💗yus I’m gonna study lmao I’m just procrastinating for like a minute 😭

iloveyouxx April 17th


okayyyy lovelyyy I’m *actually* gon go study now T^T💙its like the last 11 weeks of this school year and I’m lucky we got a week off- I needa make it end decently so TvT💜take carrreee💕💕I’ll be back <3 and yuh I might take like hours😭I’ll tryyy and if yu see me online 🥖 me- ttyll💖

unassumingEyes OP April 18th

@iloveyouxx too tired for long responses rn but gl with studies (take breaks! Dont be like me!) Hugs if oki 🩷

iloveyouxx April 19th


dont or…donut🍩😏/j/j/j

suanhakananajaj sorry xD eyes eyes eyes eyes I finished the english project and handed it in in time!! :DD🎉✨🩷hehe I’m always late but woohooo :3🎉✨I just got another long hard math assignment and I’m done :P off to chatgpttttt~✨😈/lh 

unassumingEyes OP April 20th


donut 🍩

kdkzhzbmkjbdkd congrats 🎉🎉 nadia rocking that english assignment ✨✨

me watching u chatGPT: fair xD good luck ❤️

iloveyouxx April 20th


🍩 :3xD



eyes this math is so hardd 😭 I don’t even know how to chatgpt this 😭 and everyone’s talking in the school app like no one understands anything- TvT so I’m on cups for a while kinda bored and in a rush cos this is due in 2 days or smth TvT💜*sobs* ahebsuakakajja😭🩷

iloveyouxx April 20th
o and whoops still haven’t drank any water xD🫠🚰
unassumingEyes OP April 21st

@iloveyouxx can i see the math? (If ur still stuck) 

(Go drink water sndjjd smh)

iloveyouxx April 19th


forgot💜hugs are okie💖


unassumingEyes OP April 20th

@iloveyouxx *hugs*

unassumingEyes OP April 18th

Two more “item removed”s

unassumingEyes OP April 18th

The fact of the matter is i have a pretty good idea i think on why bad people are bad people. I mean—- obv- i get mean urges too. Like alot, now.  

iloveyouxx April 19th


i think it’s honestly different for different people🩷some even use it as a coping way kinda :P some because it’s all they’ve ever known etc :P I don’t think it’s bad that you get mean urges?? actually don’t listen to me I almost never know what I’m saying ;-;🤍(I don’t get them now really but I used to.💜 I think- a lot of things used to trigger them and I used to be like that I’m pretty sure- like them? honestly- my experience :P I was just really lonely and hated on people for no reason to make myself feel better- T^T so I guess it was a coping mechanism? just not a good one.💙)do you know why you get them now💜? /nfta

unassumingEyes OP April 20th

@iloveyouxx i get what you mean 🤍 its like randomly i just dislike everyone :/ 

i have ✨nooo✨ idea why i get them :p maybe if i knew why i cld stop it but i dont know ✨✨

iloveyouxx April 20th


awwe I used to like fight w my mind cos of it :P like I didn’t hate anyone that didn’t deserve to be hated yk- but I was never the type to hate either way I guess😭then I felt bad- :P💜I wish I could help but I dunno why yu get them at all either >:💙maybe..granny body gives yu mood swings :P? cos like sum days I’d wake up in the worst mood and I’d hate everything and everyone xD idkkkkk🩷

unassumingEyes OP April 21st


Idk its kinda different like randomly thru the day my brains just like "imagine if u were to ruin smones day" and im like "no-" and then brain keeps repeating it- 


Hating is hard (when im ~sane~)

unassumingEyes OP April 18th

M awful 👍🏻 

I dont feel like me nowadays- i feel like it for a lil bit while talking to irl frnds or bout random stuff on here smtimes but its not the same. Its like im stuck in my head more often. I feel like...

I dont know. Like cups was a bad idea- but i cnt leave my cups frnds either now. Idk

unassumingEyes OP April 18th

Mean urges

iloveyouxx April 19th


*(1day later I’m sorry😭) sits w eyes buddy*💖

unassumingEyes OP April 18th

Dnsbdjhs ok ok so member frnd here doesnt respond well to too open affection so i avoid it with them but newbie is not at all avoiding nd im watchin like "theyll get frustrated but how do i tell newbie to stop being nice" sjxhdj

unassumingEyes OP April 18th

Im gonna try a listener again today. :0 feel really nervous listeners hvnt gone well. But this ones bio seems good. They seem less robotic- like an actual real person xD. And they mentioned they dont like islamophobes so- win? xD lets see

iloveyouxx April 19th


:00000 omigodddd are they real :0/lh I’m actually curious who that is cos like xD💜

eyesfrend yk what I discovered :P yu prolly already know but you know that noni thing? and yk the fact they’re a literal like bot right? so…🤓I discovered that when a listener and member are yk pm’ing and all that- a member could say smth- and for every chat listeners have this like button- next to where you type basically- when they click on it- noni comes in and depending on what the member said they like generate a reply (but really fast obv) and listeners just click on it :0 and you could do that for a whole convo :0 the thing is listener noni isn’t any different than our noni- so? yu knew that didn’t yu xD i think it like makes so much sense tho no :0💙?